Úsáidtear fianáin ar an suíomh gréasáin seo chun d'eispéireas brabhsála a fheabhsú agus chun eolas a bhailiú faoin úsáid a bhaineann tú as an suíomh seo chun an tseirbhís atá á soláthar againn a fheabhsú. Mura nglactar le fianáin ní oibreoidh gnéithe áirithe den suíomh, cosúil le físeán. Tabhair cuairt ar leathanach ár bPolasaí Fianáin más mian leat tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoin úsáid a bhainimid as fianáin.


  • Drug Seizure in Limerick - 22/11/08


    Gardai from the Divisional Drug Unit in Limerick have conducted a number of searches yesterday afternoon and evening (21.11.08)

  • Drug & Firearm Seizure - Baltinglass - 22/11/08.


    Gardai from the Baltinglass district assisted by the Garda National Drug Unit and other national units have this evening.

  • Drug and ammunition seizure in Dublin - 21/11/2008 & update of court appearance


    Gardai from the Garda National Drugs Unit assisted by local units in DMR North Central Division.

  • Crimecall


    About Crimecall

  • Drug Seizure in Cork - 19/11/08


    Following an ongoing operation by the Cork City Divisional Drugs Unit, a house was searched.

  • Drug seizure at Dublin Airport.


    Following an operation by the Santry Drugs Unit and the Revenue's Customs Service supported by the Garda National Drugs.

  • Seizure of drugs & animals in Mount Seskin, Tallaght - 1279/08


    Yesterday afternoon at approximately 3.30pm Gardaí at Tallaght responded to a call for assistance from the D.S.P.C.A.

  • Drugs Seizure in Mulhuddart, Dublin on the 14/11/08.


    Following an on-going operation by the Blanchardstown Drug Unit , Gardai carried out a search of a house and a vehicle.

  • The Garda Dog Unit


    Background to the Dog Unit