€200,000 Cannabis Seized, Three Men Arrested - Dublin and Meath Searches 22nd February 20...
Gardaí attached to the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau (GNDOCB) and Special Crime Task Force (SCTF) assisted by personnel assigned to the DMR participated in an intelligence led opera...
€70,000 Cannabis Seized and Arrest, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, 20th Feb 2021
€70,000 Cannabis Seized and Arrest, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, 20th Feb 2021
€31,000 worth of Drugs Seized and two Arrests in Dublin 20th February 2021
The operation was carried out by members of the Kevin Street Serious Crime Unit, Divisional Drug Unit, Task force and local units from Kilmainham with assistance from the Dog unit.
€250k worth of Cannabis Plants Seized and one Man Arrested Co Monaghan 20th February 20th...
Gardaí have seized Cannabis Plants worth in excess of €250k following a search operation in Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, on Saturday 20th February 2021.
€70,000 Cannabis Seized and Arrest, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, 20th Feb 2021
Gardaí have seized €70,000 of Cannabis following a search operation in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, on Saturday 20th February 2021.
€80,000 Cannabis Seized - Man and Woman Arrested - Ballina, Co. Mayo - 19th February 2021
€80,000 Cannabis Seized - Man and Woman Arrested - Ballina, Co. Mayo - 19th February 2021
€90,000 Cannabis Seized and One Man Arrested - Dundalk, Co. Louth - 18th February 2021
Gardaí have seized an estimated €90,000 worth of cannabis and arrested a man following a search in Dundalk.
€12 Million Cocaine Seized - GNDOCB and Revenue Joint Operation - Ringaskiddy Port, Count...
Approximately 172kgs of suspected Cocaine, with an estimated street value of €12.04 million, was seized in Ringaskiddy Port in County Cork
Use of Force Statistics 2021
€29,800 Cannabis Herb Seized and Three Men Arrested - Roscrea, Co.Tipperary 13th February...
Gardaí have seized an estimated €29,800 in Cannabis Herb, €3,000 in Cocaine and arrested three men, following searches at two residences in the Roscrea area of Co. Tipperary.