Administration of Online Hate Crime Reporting System Including Statistics
An Garda Síochána and Limerick City and County Council Task Force
An Garda Síochána and Limerick City and County Council establish Joint Task Force to support and assist the community in the St Mary's Park area of Limerick city.
One Man Arrested - Drug Seizure €100,000 Cannabis Herb Co Kildare 9th October 2021 – Oper...
Gardaí from Naas have arrested one man following the seizure of cannabis herb worth €100,000 in Co Kildare earlier this month.
Operation Teorainn to Target Driver Behaviour for Remainder of 2021
On Friday, 15th October 2021 An Garda Síochána announced details of a new national road safety enforcement operation that will target driver behaviour for the remainder of 2021.
Major Garda Mobilisation in 2020 to Protect the Vulnerable and Ensure Compliance with Cov...
Major Garda Mobilisation in 2020 to Protect the Vulnerable and Ensure Compliance with Covid-19 Public Health Measures - Garda Annual Report 2020
One Man Arrested - €35,000 Cocaine Seized and Two Air Guns - Co.Clare - 16th October 2021
One Man Arrested - €35,000 Cocaine Seized and Two Air Guns - Co.Clare - 16th October 2021
One Man Arrested and €114,000 Cannabis Herb Seized, Navan, Co.Meath - 8th October 2021
One Man Arrested and €114,000 Cannabis Herb Seized, Navan, Co.Meath - 8th October 2021
Speech B Drew Harris At The Criminal Assets Bureau 25th Anniversary Friday, 15th October ...
Criminal Assets Bureau – Marking 25 Years (14/10/21)
Establishment, Growth and Successes of the Criminal Assets Bureau over 25 years
€310,000 MDMA Seized - Man Arrested - Dublin 1 - Monday 11/10/21
Gardaí have arrested a man in his 70s and seized €310,000 worth of MDMA in Dublin 1