Preliminary Roadside Drug Testing - 12th April 2017
An Garda Síochána, Medical Bureau for Road Safety (MBRS) and Road Safety Authority (RSA) launch new measures for testing motorists for drugs at the roadside.
Drugs Seizure and Arrest Co Meath 11th April 2017
Gardaí have seized 15kgs of Cannabis and arrested a man during a joint operation with Revenue Customs Service in Dunboyne, Co Meath.
Cannabis Herb €500,000 seized in Kildare 5th April 2017
Gardaí from the Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau seize cannabis herb with an estimated value of €500,000 analysis.
Cannabis Seizure and arrest in Portarlington, Laois on the 19/6/17
Gardaí have arrested a man following the discovery of cannabis herb with an approximate street value of €80,000 in Co. Laois.
Arrest and Seizure of heroin €500,000 Dublin 12 6th February 2017
At 7pm Gardaí from Sundrive Road and Crumlin carried out search on a house in the Crumlin area
Drug Seizure in Tallaght on 3rd February 2017 - Man arrested
Gardaí from the Divisional Organised Crime Bureau and the Special Crime Task Force have seized Cannabis Resin and Cocaine street value €80,000.
Mullingar-Cannabis herb seized value €25,000-One man charged
County Westmeath Gardaí have seized cannabis herb with an estimated value of €25,000, pending analysis.
Drugs Seizure in Kilcullen, Kildare on the 13/6/17
Gardaí in the Naas District have seized an estimated €500,000 worth of cannabis plants and €20,000 of cocaine (pending analysis).
Three men arrested - heroin & cannabis worth €4m & 2 firearms seized on the 17/7/17
Monday 17th July 2017 a search operation took place in the Ballyfermot Parade area of Dublin 10.
Cannabis herb seized and arrest by Gardaí & Revenue Customs Service on the 12/6/17
As part of ongoing intelligence led investigations involving An Garda Síochána and Revenue Customs Service an operation was carried out in North County Dublin on the 12/6/2017.