Drugs seizure and arrests Dublin on the 30/12/16
Gardaí Seize Drugs €83,000 in Dublin
Four arrested after €300k drugs seizure in Meath and Louth on the 20/12/16
Gardaí have seized drugs with an estimated street value of €300k during an operation led by the Drugs & Organised Crime Bureau targeting serious criminal activity in counties Meath and Louth.
Drug Seizure and arrests in Dublin on the 19/12/16
Gardaí have arrested three men and seized a quantity of heroin in an operation at a house in Dublin yesterday evening, the 19th December 2016.
Drug Seizure and court appearance in Cork City on the 15/12/16.
As part of an on going investigation into the sale and supply of controlled substances in Cork City, Gardaí from the Divisional Drug Unit, Cork City searched two houses in the Cork City area on the 1...
Joint Operation - An Garda Siochana & Revenue's Customs Service on the 16/12/16.
On Friday the 16th December 2016 an Intelligence led Joint Operation was conducted in County Cavan involving the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau and Revenue’s Customs Service.
Drug Seizure and arrest in Balbriggan, Dublin on the 9/12/16
During the course of the operation, one man (aged 60 years) was arrested for Drug Trafficking Offences and detained at Swords Garda Station, under the provisions of Section 2 of the Criminal Justice ...
Court Appearance - Drugs seizure and arrests in Dublin on the 30/11/16
Gardaí have charged three men in connection with the drug seizure (estimate street value of €1.1m.) that occurred during an operation in West Dublin on Wednesday 30th November, 2016.
Drugs seizure and arrests in Dublin on the 30/11/16
Gardaí have seized drugs with an estimated street value of €1.1m and arrested four males during an operation in west Dublin on 30th November 2016.
Freedom of Information (FOI) Decision Logs - 2017
Finance - General Decision Logs - 2017