The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Human Resources
The office of Human Resources and People Development (HR & PD) is responsible for the recruitment, training, development and the management of Garda members and Garda staff.
The Directorate is responsible for most of the administrative and transactional HR functions for all Garda members and Garda staff. Among the HR functions administered in Athlumney House are pay & pensions; sick leave and other leave schemes; records, data protection and file management; and administration and statistics.
For related Human Resources related Freedom of Information decisions click here and to see all Freedom of information decisions click here.
Related Human Resource PQs
2023 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
If Minister set out the establishment number and the current number in the Garda Reserve force; plans to recruit additional members during 2023 | 18/01/23 | 1017 |
Number assigned to security details at Courthouse at Mulgrave Street, Limerick | 18/01/23 | 63689 |
Number of each category of public order training courses that were held in 2022; the number of Gardaí per course; the duration of each course | 01/02/23 | 4983 |
To discuss crime prevention resources for the Mahon area of Cork city. | 01/02/23 | 6483 |
To discuss crime prevention resources for the Blackrock area of Cork city | 16/02/23 | 6484 |
If all members of the Garda armed support units are fully trained in emergency lifesaving first aid | 14/02/23 | 6671 |
Number of full-time civilian cyber security experts working in the GNCCB from 2020 to date in 2023 | 14/02/23 | 6967 |
Additional measures that will be implemented by agencies under the Department to tackling the scourge of illegal drugs throughout the country | 16/02/23 | 7546 |
Number assigned to the drugs and community policing units in the Ballymun sub-district for the past five years up to the latest date possible | 16/02/23 | 7675 |
Number assigned to the drugs and community policing units in the Finglas sub-district for the past five years up to the latest date possible | 16/02/23 | 7676 |
Number in the Cavan/Monaghan drug unit; plans to increase funding to enable an increase in the staffing level of drug units | 16/02/23 | 7678 |
Number that are expected to retire or resign in 2023 and if the numbers of Gardaí to be recruited will exceed those retiring and resigning | 16/02/23 | 7514 |
Number assigned to the Bandon, Bantry and Clonakilty districts | 16/02/23 | 7512 |
Current strength of the Garda Reserve; number of male and female; Government policy with respect to recruitment to the Garda Reserve | 16/02/23 | 7679 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional roads policing unit as of 15 February 2023 | 21/02/23 | 8736 |
Number by rank, attached to each divisional drugs unit as of 14 February 2023 | 21/02/23 | 8344 |
Number of persons that applied for 2020, 2021, and 2022; failed fitness test; the number who failed the medical test, the interview, and the vetting process | 28/02/23 | 9480 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional public service vehicle inspectors as of 20 February 2023 | 28/02/23 | 9586 |
Number by rank in each Garda station in the Dublin south west regional division as of 1 February 2023 | 28/02/23 | 9829 |
Number who have resigned from An Garda Síochána, by county, between 2022 year end and February 2023 | 28/02/23 | 9782 |
Number currently out on sick leave due to work-related issues in County Kildare | 08/03/23 | 11891 |
what measures have been taken to ensure that members who speak Irish are located in the Gaeltacht areas as laid down in the law | 21/03/23 | 13139 |
Number of domestic violence liaison officers attached to each division as of 10 March 2023 and 30 June 2021 | 21/03/23 | 13342 |
Report on the implementation of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017 by An Garda Síochána | 21/03/23 | 13493 |
Number of Garda Reserves hired each year in County Meath since 2018 | 21/03/23 | 13846 |
If any Garda went overseas for specialist training course for which that training is not available within the State in 2022 and to-date in 2023 | 22/03/23 | 14221 |
Number of full-time voice recognition specialists employed in 2021, 2022 and to date in 2023 | 28/03/23 | 14993 |
Number who have resigned from An Garda Síochána, by county and per month in February 2023 | 21/03/23 | 13959 |
Number who have resigned from An Garda Síochána, per month in 2022, by county and rank | 21/03/23 | 13958 |
Further to PQ 518 of 7 March 2023, if he has received the necessary information from the Garda authorities to have this answered | 28/03/23 | 15483 |
Number of trainee Gardaí that began training from 2016 to 2022; number that completed training powers in the same years | 29/03/23 | 15547 |
Number that have retired before full service was completed, by rank and year, from 2020 to 23 March 2023 | 29/03/23 | 15546 |
Number of unfilled posts in the Kilkenny/Carlow division including rank | 18/04/23 | 16682 |
Number of who were redeployed or retired from the Clare division during 2021 and 2022; number assigned to the Clare Division | 18/04/23 | 17275 |
Section 15 Social Welfare and Pensions Act 2014 which allows for Gardaí to be seconded as social welfare inspectors | 18/04/23 | 17427 |
Number by rank attached to the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau as of 20 March 2023 | 18/04/23 | 16680 |
Number who took early retirement in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17767 |
Number who have taken stress leave in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17770 |
Number who have left the force in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17768 |
Number who have been assaulted while on duty in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17769 |
Action he is taking to increase the number in the Cavan/Monaghan Division, currently at 380 which is 26 less than in 2016 | 18/04/23 | 18120 |
How many applications were received for the trainee competition 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17995 |
Discuss crime prevention resources for the Blackrock area of Cork city. | 18/04/23 | 18012 |
Number across the Dublin area from 2011 to date, broken down by region; the number of Garda stations across the Dublin area from 2011 to date | 18/04/23 | 18010 |
Attention has been drawn to the fact that there has been a 345% increase in those leaving since 2016 | 18/04/23 | 17712 |
Plans to establish a dedicated public transport section of An Garda Síochána | 18/04/23 | 18115 |
Number of ongoing investigations into bullying within the Gardaí. | 18/04/23 | 17771 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional crime scenes unit as of 12 April 2023, | 18/04/23 | 18219 |
Number of forensic accountants in Criminal Assets Bureau and Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau for 2022 and to-date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 18217 |
Number who have been assaulted while on active duty for past ten years, and up to 30 November 2022. | 18/04/23 | 18053 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
Below are the statistics relating to use of force for to date 2024:
Use of Force Report January 2024
Use of Force Report February 2024
Use of Force Report March 2024
Use of Force Report April 2024
Use of Force Report May 2024
Use of Force Report June 2024
Use of Force Report July 2024
*Please note that due to changes to the Garda Divisional Model and amalgamation of divisions - this required updates on the PULSE counting system. This work is currently being processed by Garda IT in association with STO. As a result of this on-going work, it is not possible to publish the specific individual Divisional breakdown of statistics. It must be noted that National Figures are not affected and are correct.
Data Quality Update on Fraud S19 Referrals 29012025.pdf (size 422.1 KB)
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics – December 2024 Update
AGS has created an initial set of data quality metrics which will be published monthly.
These metrics together with our PULSE data quality framework are intended to inform users of Crime statistics about the quality of the underlying PULSE data. It should be noted that the Central Statistics Office (CSO) produce and disseminate official statistics on recorded crimes.
This publication of quality metrics is another important milestone in the implementation of our data quality strategy.
There are thirteen metrics being published at this stage. These figures are operational and subject to change.
- Data Quality Incident Creation.
The incident creation process, as outlined in the Crime Recording Document, published here, summarises the process for the recording of Crime Incidents. The organisational goal is for the Garda Information Services Centre (GISC) to create > 95% of Crime Incidents. The below metrics outline the % and numbers of Crime Incidents created at GISC versus locally at Garda stations by Garda Members. Note this figure includes the update to the CAD skeleton Incident. The Crime Counting Rules are not applied to these figures.
- Crime Incident Reclassification.
The reclassification process, as outlined in the Crime Recording Document, published here, outlines the process for the recording of the reclassification of crime and non-crime incidents. The organisational goal is for the Garda Information Services Centre (GISC) to reclassify all incidents. Note this figure includes crime incidents reclassified and non-crime incidents reclassified to crime incidents. The Crime Counting Rules are not applied to these figures.
3. Cases on PULSE
Incidents are grouped together on PULSE, ‘cased’, to facilitate application of the Crime Counting Rules. Further information on the Crime Counting Rules can be found in the Crime Recording Document, published here. Incidents may also be cased for operational reasons. The metrics below show the number of cases created at the Garda Information Services Centre (GISC) versus locally at Garda stations by Garda Members. These figures are operational and subject to change.
Data Quality Assurance Checks on Crime Counting Rules
In 2018, GISC implemented a data quality check on sexual offences and fraud incidents to ensure the correct application of the Crime Counting Rules.
In the autumn of 2022, an enhanced process was put in place extending data quality checks on the application of the Crime Counting Rules to all crime categories. All cases created on PULSE from 1st July 2022 to 30th September 2024 have been reviewed to ensure the correct application of the Crime Counting Rules. GISC will review all cases created since July 2022 on a quarterly basis to ensure correct application of the Crime Counting Rules.
4. Victim-Offender Relationship – Data Quality Coherency Check.
In July 2021, An Garda Síochána introduced a mechanism to record the relationship between the Victim and the Offender. Since then, GISC has implemented a data quality coherency check on the recording of the relationship to improve the recording of the domestic abuse motive attached to PULSE incidents. This data coherency check was modified in June 2024. It now involves a review of all incidents in which the relationship between the victim and the offender has been recorded as falling into one of five categories (current intimate partner/spouse, former intimate partner/spouse, family member: parent/child, family member: sibling, or family member: other family member) but a domestic abuse motive has not been recorded. The domestic abuse motive is then added to incidents in instances where it is required.
Incidents reported in June and December 2024 have been reviewed.
5. Reported Date Later Than Created Date – Data Quality Coherency Check.
GISC has implemented a data quality coherency check on the date fields on PULSE crime incidents.
Graph 5 presents the number of incidents in which the recorded Reported Date was later than the Created Date.
6. Discharging a Firearm PULSE incidents – Data Quality Coherency Check.
Section 8 of the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act 1990 provides for an offence of reckless discharge of a firearm. This crime is recorded as a ‘(Firearms) Discharging a Firearm’ incident on PULSE. GISC has implemented a data coherency check of ‘(Firearms) Discharging a Firearm’ PULSE incidents. This data check centers on a review of the incident classification.
Low volumes of incidents recorded under this incident type means that for operational reasons it is not possible to publish detailed data relating to this coherency check at this time.
‘(Firearms) Discharging a Firearm’ PULSE incidents created from June 2023 to October 2024 have now been reviewed. Incidents will be reviewed on a monthly basis going forward.
7. Weapons/Instruments Used MO – Data Quality Coherency Check.
GISC has implemented a data coherency check of PULSE incidents in which the Modus Operandi (MO) data field on PULSE was not updated in line with recording guidelines to include an MO of ‘Weapons/Instruments Used’. As part of this data coherency check, incidents are either updated to include the MO or they are placed on Reviewed/Clarification on PULSE[1] requesting the addition of the MO to the incident[2]. In some instances, no action is required (e.g. in cases where data recording issues have already been addressed). Incidents will be reviewed on a monthly basis going forward. These figures are operational and subject to change.
[1] In cases where certain elements of a PULSE incident need to be clarified, GISC reviewers can place an incident on ‘Reviewed/Clarification’ on PULSE. This requires the Garda member to contact GISC to resolve the issue. Further information on how a crime is recorded is available in the ‘Guide to How Crime is Recorded and Counted by An Garda Síochána’, which is available at the following link: Crime Reporting Document (
[2] A proportion of these incidents will already have been placed on Reviewed/Clarification as part of data quality reviews of incidents.
8. Injured Party – Data Quality Coherency Check.
In some crime incidents, details of the injured party (a person) must be added to the PULSE incident (e.g. a murder incident). For other crimes, e.g. some public order offences, the injured party is recorded as the public at large on PULSE. GISC has implemented a data coherency check of PULSE crime incidents[1] in which an injured party was not recorded in line with recording guidelines. As part of this data coherency check, incidents are either updated to include ‘IP Public at Large’ or they are placed on Reviewed/Clarification[2] on PULSE requesting the Garda member to add the details of the injured party to the incident.In some instances, no action is required (e.g. incidents have already been updated). PULSE incidents created from June 2023 to October 2024 have now been reviewed. Incidents will be reviewed on a monthly basis going forward. These figures are operational and subject to change.
[1] Automated FCPS incidents transferred to PULSE not included.
[2] A proportion of these incidents will already have been placed on Reviewed/Clarification as part of data quality reviews of PULSE incidents.
9. Assault Minor PULSE Incidents – Data Quality Coherency Check
GISC has implemented a data coherency check of Assault Minor incidents searching for keywords in PULSE Narratives that might indicate that incidents have been misclassified as Assault Minor incidents. As part of this data coherency check, incidents are either reclassified to another incident type or they are placed on Reviewed/Clarification[1] on PULSE requesting additional information to confirm the selected classification. In most instances, no action is required (e.g. incidents deemed to have been classified correctly). PULSE incidents created from July 2023 to October 2024 have now been reviewed. Incidents will be reviewed on a monthly basis going forward. These figures are operational and subject to change.
[1] A proportion of these incidents will already have been placed on Reviewed/Clarification as part of data quality reviews of incidents.
10. Theft PULSE Incidents Coinciding with Assault PULSE Incidents – Data Quality Coherency Check.
GISC has implemented a data coherency check of Assault incidents which have taken place at approximately the same time and in the same District as a Theft incident to identify cases where it may be necessary to record a Robbery incident. As part of this data coherency check, incidents are reviewed and placed on Reviewed/Clarification on PULSE in situations where further information is needed to clarify data recording requirements. PULSE incidents created from July 2023 to October 2024 have now been reviewed. Incidents will be reviewed on a monthly basis going forward. These figures are operational and subject to change.
11. Sudden Death PULSE Incidents – Data Quality Coherency Check.
GISC has implemented a data coherency check of Sudden Death PULSE incidents (non-crime incidents) searching for keywords potentially indicating that an incident may need to be reclassified to a crime category. PULSE incidents created from January 2023 to October 2024 have now been reviewed.
For operational reasons, it is not possible to publish detailed data relating to this coherency check at this time.
12. Traffic Collision FATAL PULSE Incidents – Data Quality Coherency Check.
GISC has implemented a data coherency check of Traffic Collision FATAL PULSE Incidents (non-crime incidents) searching for keywords potentially indicating that a separate additional incident (a crime incident) may need to be created.
PULSE incidents created from January 2023 to October 2024 have now been reviewed. Incidents will be reviewed on a monthly basis going forward. Low volumes of incidents recorded under this incident type means that for operational reasons it is not possible to publish detailed data relating to this coherency check at this time.
13. Use of Force – Data Quality Coherency Check
GISC has implemented a data coherency check of PULSE incidents searching for keywords in PULSE Narratives potentially indicating that the use of force by Garda members may need to be recorded in specific data fields in these incidents. As part of this data coherency check, some incidents are placed on Reviewed/Clarification[1] on PULSE to clarify whether there is a need to create a use of force record. PULSE incidents created from September 2023 to October 2024 have now been reviewed. Incidents will be reviewed on a monthly basis going forward. These figures are operational and subject to change.
[1] A proportion of these incidents will already have been placed on Reviewed/Clarification as part of data quality reviews of PULSE incidents.
You can find the reports for 2022 by clicking on the images below:
AGS Review of the Quality of Pulse Crime Data for Q3 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Review of the Quality of Pulse Crime Data for Q2 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of January 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of February 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of March 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of April 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of May 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of June 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of July 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of August 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of September 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Review of the Quality of PULSE Crime Data for 2022
AGS Review of process for ensuring Data Quality on Garda PULSE system
AGS Response to CSO ICQ October 2023
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of October 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of November 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of December 2023 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of January 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of February 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of March 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to end of April 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to end of May 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to end of June 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to end of July 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of August 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of November 2024 PDF is available here
AGS Crime Incident Data Quality Metrics to the end of December 2024 PDF is available here
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Finance and Services
Finance Statistics - Budgets and Spending including overtime
Finance & Services has the responsibility for the financial management of the Garda Vote as well as providing strategic and operational support and advice at all levels in An Garda Síochána. It provides Garda management with financial information to assist with decision making and the delivery of improved services and value for money throughout the organisation.
Garda Fleet Management manages a fleet of approximately 3,000 vehicles distributed throughout Garda Divisions and specialist units.
Prompt Payment and Purchase Orders
An Garda Síochána Purchase orders for goods and services of more than €20k and Prompt Payment Reports are available.
Senior Management Expenses are processed and paid in line with Department of Public Expenditure & Reform Provisions & Guidelines and in compliance with the Expenses Regulations and Procedures governing An Garda Síochána as well as being subject to Internal and External audits.
For Finance relation Freedom of Information decisions click here and to see all Freedom of information decisions click here
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Human Resources
The office of Human Resources and People Development (HR & PD) is responsible for the recruitment, training, development and the management of Garda members and Garda staff.
The Directorate is responsible for most of the administrative and transactional HR functions for all Garda members and Garda staff. Among the HR functions administered in Athlumney House are pay & pensions; sick leave and other leave schemes; records, data protection and file management; and administration and statistics.
For related Human Resources related Freedom of Information decisions click here and to see all Freedom of information decisions click here.
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Finance and Services
Finance Statistics - Budgets and Spending including overtime
Finance & Services has the responsibility for the financial management of the Garda Vote as well as providing strategic and operational support and advice at all levels in An Garda Síochána. It provides Garda management with financial information to assist with decision making and the delivery of improved services and value for money throughout the organisation.
Garda Fleet Management manages a fleet of approximately 3,000 vehicles distributed throughout Garda Divisions and specialist units.
Prompt Payment and Purchase Orders
An Garda Síochána Purchase orders for goods and services of more than €20k and Prompt Payment Reports are available.
Senior Management Expenses are processed and paid in line with Department of Public Expenditure & Reform Provisions & Guidelines and in compliance with the Expenses Regulations and Procedures governing An Garda Síochána as well as being subject to Internal and External audits.
For Finance relation Freedom of Information decisions click here and to see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Finance PQs
2023 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
If funding will be provided for the replacement of the two dive trucks within Garda water unit | 18/01/23 | 1214 |
Number of marked motorcycles attached to Roads Policing units in 2021 and 2022; number of motorcycles withdrawn from unit | 18/01/23 | 1213 |
Number of new unmarked cars and vans allocated to National immigration bureau in 2022; number of cars and vans withdrawn from GNIB | 18/01/23 | 1217 |
Number of new vehicles allocated to Technical Bureau in 2022; number of vehicles withdrawn from the Technical Bureau during the same period | 01/02/23 | 4982 |
Number of cars and motorcycles attached to Sligo-Leitrim roads policing unit as of 30 June 2021 and 10 January 2023 | 08/02/23 | 5731 |
Estimated cost of providing four new crime prevention officers per annum, including all associated costs | 08/02/23 | 5842 |
Confirm where the monetary returns related to fines for driving and parking fines issued are returned to; how this money is accounted for | 16/02/23 | 4212 |
Number of stables by location that are available for use by mounted units that are located outside of the Dublin region | 14/02/23 | 6969 |
Number of new roads policing vans added to and withdrawn from the fleet in the years of 2022 and to date in 2023 | 14/02/23 | 6966 |
Plans for further investment into CCTV systems to aid and assist An Garda Síochána conduct policing in urban areas across the country | 16/02/23 | 7736 |
Number of Garda cars that are currently allocated per station in the L and K districts | 21/02/23 | 8638 |
Provide a schedule of NGOs that he and bodies under the aegis of his Department suspended funding and or grant aid to due to their failure to file accounts | 21/02/23 | 8658 |
Number of vehicles were either equipped as standard, or retrofitted with operational dash cam technology, by year, between 2019 and 2022 | 28/02/23 | 9783 |
If a new contract for the provision of new roads policing unit vehicles will be put out to tender before Easter | 28/02/23 | 10176 |
If the tender for the contract for the replacement of aircrafts and helicopters for the Garda air support unit has been completed | 28/02/23 | 10178 |
Awards made both with and without a tender process to management consultancy firms (details supplied) | 28/02/23 | 10117 |
Number of new Garda cars and vans that were allocated to the Cavan-Monaghan division in 2022 and to date in 2023 | 07/03/23 | 10937 |
If funding has been secured in 2023 to replace the patrol boat and rigid inflatable boats within the Garda water unit | 07/03/23 | 10939 |
Number of drones owned by An Garda Síochána; and if there are plans to increase this number | 07/03/23 | 11229 |
When the current contract for the provision of garda public order unit equipment and uniform is due to expire | 08/03/23 | 11704 |
If funding has been secured in 2023 to increase the number of horses in the garda mounted unit | 08/03/23 | 11703 |
Further to PQ 461 on 24/1/23, if he has received the necessary information from the Garda authorities to have this question answered | 28/03/23 | 14992 |
Number of times Gardaí gas hired external jewellery valuers to carry out works on behalf of the force in 2021, 2022 and to date in 2023 | 28/03/23 | 14994 |
Up-to-date position regarding the provision of Garda services (details supplied); | 30/03/23 | 15974 |
Minister for Public Expenditure the cost savings from 2011 to abolish the entitlement of former Taoisigh to the use of State cars and drivers | 28/03/23 | 15142 |
Closing date for accepting tender offers for the provision of new helicopters and aircrafts for the Garda air support unit | 18/04/23 | 16931 |
Update on the development of the New Garda station planned for D13/D17. | 18/04/23 | 18112 |
Number of new marked vans in the fleet in 2022 and to 2023, the number of marked vans withdrawn from the fleet during the same period | 18/04/23 | 18049 |
If a new contract for the provision of extra Garda armed support unit vehicles will be put out to tender before the end of Quarter 2, 2023 | 18/04/23 | 18214 |
Amount spent on purchasing new weaponry for armed Garda personnel in the years of 2021, 2022 and to-date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 18216 |
Number and percentage of the fleet within the Wicklow Garda division that are aged between 0-1, 2-4, 5-9 and over 9 years old | 18/04/23 | 18213 |
If funding has been provided in 2023 to purchase additional larger horsebox trucks for the Garda mounted unit | 18/04/23 | 18211 |
Details of each time his Department enlisted the services of consultants in 2022; the purpose and value of each contract | 20/04/23 | 18727 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Human Resources
The office of Human Resources and People Development (HR & PD) is responsible for the recruitment, training, development and the management of Garda members and Garda staff.
The Directorate is responsible for most of the administrative and transactional HR functions for all Garda members and Garda staff. Among the HR functions administered in Athlumney House are pay & pensions; sick leave and other leave schemes; records, data protection and file management; and administration and statistics.
For related Human Resources related Freedom of Information decisions click here and to see all Freedom of information decisions click here.
Related Human Resource PQs
2023 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
If Minister set out the establishment number and the current number in the Garda Reserve force; plans to recruit additional members during 2023 | 18/01/23 | 1017 |
Number assigned to security details at Courthouse at Mulgrave Street, Limerick | 18/01/23 | 63689 |
Number of each category of public order training courses that were held in 2022; the number of Gardaí per course; the duration of each course | 01/02/23 | 4983 |
To discuss crime prevention resources for the Mahon area of Cork city. | 01/02/23 | 6483 |
To discuss crime prevention resources for the Blackrock area of Cork city | 16/02/23 | 6484 |
If all members of the Garda armed support units are fully trained in emergency lifesaving first aid | 14/02/23 | 6671 |
Number of full-time civilian cyber security experts working in the GNCCB from 2020 to date in 2023 | 14/02/23 | 6967 |
Additional measures that will be implemented by agencies under the Department to tackling the scourge of illegal drugs throughout the country | 16/02/23 | 7546 |
Number assigned to the drugs and community policing units in the Ballymun sub-district for the past five years up to the latest date possible | 16/02/23 | 7675 |
Number assigned to the drugs and community policing units in the Finglas sub-district for the past five years up to the latest date possible | 16/02/23 | 7676 |
Number in the Cavan/Monaghan drug unit; plans to increase funding to enable an increase in the staffing level of drug units | 16/02/23 | 7678 |
Number that are expected to retire or resign in 2023 and if the numbers of Gardaí to be recruited will exceed those retiring and resigning | 16/02/23 | 7514 |
Number assigned to the Bandon, Bantry and Clonakilty districts | 16/02/23 | 7512 |
Current strength of the Garda Reserve; number of male and female; Government policy with respect to recruitment to the Garda Reserve | 16/02/23 | 7679 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional roads policing unit as of 15 February 2023 | 21/02/23 | 8736 |
Number by rank, attached to each divisional drugs unit as of 14 February 2023 | 21/02/23 | 8344 |
Number of persons that applied for 2020, 2021, and 2022; failed fitness test; the number who failed the medical test, the interview, and the vetting process | 28/02/23 | 9480 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional public service vehicle inspectors as of 20 February 2023 | 28/02/23 | 9586 |
Number by rank in each Garda station in the Dublin south west regional division as of 1 February 2023 | 28/02/23 | 9829 |
Number who have resigned from An Garda Síochána, by county, between 2022 year end and February 2023 | 28/02/23 | 9782 |
Number currently out on sick leave due to work-related issues in County Kildare | 08/03/23 | 11891 |
what measures have been taken to ensure that members who speak Irish are located in the Gaeltacht areas as laid down in the law | 21/03/23 | 13139 |
Number of domestic violence liaison officers attached to each division as of 10 March 2023 and 30 June 2021 | 21/03/23 | 13342 |
Report on the implementation of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017 by An Garda Síochána | 21/03/23 | 13493 |
Number of Garda Reserves hired each year in County Meath since 2018 | 21/03/23 | 13846 |
If any Garda went overseas for specialist training course for which that training is not available within the State in 2022 and to-date in 2023 | 22/03/23 | 14221 |
Number of full-time voice recognition specialists employed in 2021, 2022 and to date in 2023 | 28/03/23 | 14993 |
Number who have resigned from An Garda Síochána, by county and per month in February 2023 | 21/03/23 | 13959 |
Number who have resigned from An Garda Síochána, per month in 2022, by county and rank | 21/03/23 | 13958 |
Further to PQ 518 of 7 March 2023, if he has received the necessary information from the Garda authorities to have this answered | 28/03/23 | 15483 |
Number of trainee Gardaí that began training from 2016 to 2022; number that completed training powers in the same years | 29/03/23 | 15547 |
Number that have retired before full service was completed, by rank and year, from 2020 to 23 March 2023 | 29/03/23 | 15546 |
Number of unfilled posts in the Kilkenny/Carlow division including rank | 18/04/23 | 16682 |
Number of who were redeployed or retired from the Clare division during 2021 and 2022; number assigned to the Clare Division | 18/04/23 | 17275 |
Section 15 Social Welfare and Pensions Act 2014 which allows for Gardaí to be seconded as social welfare inspectors | 18/04/23 | 17427 |
Number by rank attached to the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau as of 20 March 2023 | 18/04/23 | 16680 |
Number who took early retirement in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17767 |
Number who have taken stress leave in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17770 |
Number who have left the force in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17768 |
Number who have been assaulted while on duty in each of the past five years and to date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17769 |
Action he is taking to increase the number in the Cavan/Monaghan Division, currently at 380 which is 26 less than in 2016 | 18/04/23 | 18120 |
How many applications were received for the trainee competition 2023 | 18/04/23 | 17995 |
Discuss crime prevention resources for the Blackrock area of Cork city. | 18/04/23 | 18012 |
Number across the Dublin area from 2011 to date, broken down by region; the number of Garda stations across the Dublin area from 2011 to date | 18/04/23 | 18010 |
Attention has been drawn to the fact that there has been a 345% increase in those leaving since 2016 | 18/04/23 | 17712 |
Plans to establish a dedicated public transport section of An Garda Síochána | 18/04/23 | 18115 |
Number of ongoing investigations into bullying within the Gardaí. | 18/04/23 | 17771 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional crime scenes unit as of 12 April 2023, | 18/04/23 | 18219 |
Number of forensic accountants in Criminal Assets Bureau and Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau for 2022 and to-date in 2023 | 18/04/23 | 18217 |
Number who have been assaulted while on active duty for past ten years, and up to 30 November 2022. | 18/04/23 | 18053 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Roads Policing
- Fatalities
- Drink and dangerous driving
- Fixed charge notices, including Seatbelts, Mobile phones and speeding
Roads Policing statistics are compiled by the Garda Síochána Analysis Service (GSAS) on a monthly basis. They are provisional, operational and subject to change. Enforcement statistics and data are released for the benefit of the general public, to raise awareness and to highlight Garda activity across the country.
For Roads Policing related Freedom of Information decisions and to see all Freedom of information decisions click here.
Related Roads Policing PQs
2023 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
If an audit has been carried out on the locations in which speed vans operate; breakdown of the fines issued as a result of the vans; Go Safe Speed Vans | 18/01/23 | 1496 |
Number of marked motorcycles attached to roads policing units in 2021 and 2022; and the number of motorcycles withdrawn from unit | 18/01/23 | 1213 |
Further to PQ. 244 of 18/1/23, number of fixed charge notices issued in respect of persons cycling without reasonable consideration from 2021 to-date in 2023 | 26/01/23 | 3816 |
Number of vehicles seized by Garda authorities in the J district for having no insurance in 2022 and to date in 2023 | 01/02/23 | 4984 |
Number of road traffic collisions in from 2019 to 2022 in each district in Waterford; the number that resulted in a fatality or serious injury | 01/02/23 | 4985 |
Where the monetary returns related to fines for driving and parking fines issued by An Garda Síochána are returned to; how this money is accounted for | 16/02/23 | 4212 |
Low levels of fines issued at local level in Wicklow and a national level for driving infringements in contrary to Government policy on cycling and pedestrian safety; | 16/02/23 | 4550 |
Number of persons arrested and charged with dangerous driving within the Tipperary Garda division from 2021, 2022 and to date in 2023 | 14/02/23 | 6670 |
Number of new roads policing vans added to the fleet / withdrawn in the years of 2022 and to date in 2023; | 14/02/23 | 6966 |
If consideration has been given to tackle the upsurge in car robberies and subsequent anti-social behaviour across the city and in particular imported cars; | 16/02/23 | 7421 |
Position regarding the online portal to enable citizens to report road traffic offences to assist Gardaí with enforcement to improve road safety | 16/02/23 | 7684 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional public service vehicle inspectors as of 20 February 2023. | 28/02/23 | 9586 |
Percentage adequately trained to engage in high-speed pursuit of vehicles in each Garda district within the DMR | 28/02/23 | 9756 |
Number and percentage of roads policing vehicles that are currently fitted with automatic number plate recognition systems | 28/02/23 | 9759 |
If a new contract for the provision of new Garda roads policing unit vehicles will be put out to tender before Easter. | 28/02/23 | 10176 |
Number of vehicles seized for having no insurance within Kildare division in 2022 and to-date in 2023 | 21/03/23 | 14040 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
Below are the statistics relating to use of force for to date 2023:
Use of Force Report January 2023
Use of Force Report February 2023
Use of Force Report March 2023
Use of Force Report April 2023
Use of Force Report May 2023
Use of Force Report June 2023
Use of Force Report July 2023
Use of Force Report August 2023
Use of Force Report September 2023 (*minus Divisional Data)
Use of Force Report October 2023 (*minus Divisional Data)
Use of Force Report November 2023
Use of Force Report December 2023
*Please note that due to changes to the Garda Divisional Model and amalgamation of divisions - this required updates on the PULSE counting system. This work is currently being processed by Garda IT in association with STO. As a result of this on-going work, it is not possible to publish the specific individual Divisional breakdown of statistics. It must be noted that National Figures are not affected and are correct.
Hate Crime Online Reporting Statistics 2023
This report is based on provisional data, in respect of reports received through the online reporting system from 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023 and is correct as of 18th April 2024. As it is under constant review / investigation at local level, it is subject to change.
(PDFs of the images can be found further down the page).
Hate Crime and Hate Related Incidents 2023 Infographic.pdf (size 645.1 KB)
Hate Crime and Hate Related Incidents Overview Table 2023.pdf (size 568.6 KB)
Hate Crime and Hate Related Incidents reported in 2022
2022 Hate Crime Infographic.pdf (size 301 KB)
Hate Related Incidents - 2022 Overview Table.pdf (size 590.8 KB)
Hate Crime and Hate Related Incidents reported in 2021
Information contained in the reports below is based upon operational data from PULSE; it is correct as of 7th July 2022 and may be liable to change.
2021 Hate Crime Infographic.pdf (size 315.2 KB)
Hate Related Incidents - 2021 Overview Table PDF.pdf (size 591.2 KB)
This report is based on provisional data and is correct as of 30th September 2021. However, as it is under constant review / investigation at local level, it is subject to change.
Number of actionable reports received | 73 |
Number of individual reports received | 146 |
Total including duplicates | 157 |
Hate Related Reports Received - 24 | |
Hate Crimes | 11 |
Hate Incidents | 13 |
Total on PULSE | 18 |
Further information required from Injured Party / PULSE Incident to be created |
6 |
Non-Hate Related Reports Received - 49 | |
Crimes / Incidents* | 37 |
Other ** | 12 |
TOTAL | 73 |
Status of Actionable Reports Received | |
Closed | 13 |
Open | 60 |
TOTAL | 73 |
Non-Actionable and Duplicate Reports - 84 | ||
Non-Actionable | 73 | |
Duplicates | 11 | |
TOTAL | 84 | |
Total of Actionable and Non-Actionable Reports | 157 | |
From 21st July 2021 | Hate Crimes | Hate Incidents | Non-Hate Crimes / Incidents | Other | Non-Actionable / Duplicate | Total | Closed | Open | Total |
Received to Date | 11 | 13 | 37 | 12 | 84 | 157 | 144 | 13 | 157 |
September 2021 | 4 | 6 | 13 | 4 | 4 | 31 | 23 | 8 | 31 |
Breakdown of 49 Non-Hate Related Reports | |
* Examples of Crime / Incident Types | ** Examples of Other |
• Assault
• Intelligence Total 12 |
All Online Hate Crime Reports received go initially to the Garda National Diversity and Integration Unit (GNDIU), where they are examined and actioned. PULSE Incidents are created where appropriate and reports are forwarded for investigation depending on the type of report (outlined at 1-3 below).
- Hate Related
- Non-Hate Related
- Non-Actionable
- Hate Crime - PULSE Incident created by GNDIU and forwarded to local district for investigation.
- Hate Incident - PULSE Incident created by GNDIU and forwarded to local district for information and appropriate action.
- Crime
Report forwarded to local district for investigation
- Hate Crime leaflet provided via email to person making the online report (see below*)
2. Other (e.g. online disputes, conspiracy theories etc.)
Person making the report (Complainant) is contacted by GNDIU and provided with relevant / appropriate information
(Advice with links to relevant information e.g. list of local Garda Diversity Officers, Garda station directory, Hate Crime leaflet, GSOC website etc.)
The following non-actionable reports are deemed closed by GNDIU:
a. Incomplete reports - insufficient information provided to record
(Every effort is made to advance incomplete reports by GNDIU however in some cases this proves impossible due to the lack of detail provided.)
b. Inappropriate reports - offensive / nuisance content
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Finance and Services
Finance Statistics - Budgets and Spending including overtime
Finance & Services has the responsibility for the financial management of the Garda Vote as well as providing strategic and operational support and advice at all levels in An Garda Síochána. It provides Garda management with financial information to assist with decision making and the delivery of improved services and value for money throughout the organisation.
Garda Fleet Management manages a fleet of approximately 3,000 vehicles distributed throughout Garda Divisions and specialist units.
Prompt Payment and Purchase Orders
An Garda Síochána Purchase orders for goods and services of more than €20k and Prompt Payment Reports are available.
Senior Management Expenses are processed and paid in line with Department of Public Expenditure & Reform Provisions & Guidelines and in compliance with the Expenses Regulations and Procedures governing An Garda Síochána as well as being subject to Internal and External audits.
Related Finance FOIs
Brief Description Of Request |
Decision |
FOI Number |
Total costs associated with members of the Garda Síochána who issued fines to people who did not wear face masks. Specifically in the DMR (for public transport purposes where the location on the fine was within the DMR) |
Part grant | |
Total amount of overtime Gardai were paid in 2020 and 2021, and the top 10 amounts paid out in overtime to individual officers in each of these years, with the rank of the officer who received the payments. |
Part grant | |
Overall amount received in overtime payments for 2021; top 20 amounts. Total pay those Garda made during 2021 in overtime/basic pay/allowance and other payments. The rank of the Gardai concerned and the division |
Part grant | |
Salaries paid to the following positions: commissioner, deputy commissioner and assistant commissioner, with the number of people filling each position |
Grant | |
The amount of monies spent on sport and leisure facilities in the College. |
Part grant | |
How much was paid by the University of Limerick to AGS for carrying out campus patrols in 2021. |
Part grant | |
Overall amount received by Gardai in retirement lump sum payments in 2021 and other pension queries |
Part grant | |
Replacing ICT software queries |
Part grant | |
Amount AGS charged for policing sports fixtures which was held in November 2021 |
Grant | |
The annual total spent on firearms by the gardai in each year since 2011; and if possible a breakdown of what weapons were purchased |
Part grant | |
How much was spent across all Garda divisions from January 1 to December 31 2020 on take away food for persons held in custody |
Part grant | |
Breakdown on the €360,501 spent on the Cyber Crime Unit between 1/9/21 and 31/9/21 |
Grant | FOI-000050-2022 |
Queries on vehicles |
Part grant | FOI-000055-2022 |
Amount of money spent on ICT each year from 2014 to 2020 |
part grant | FOI-000066-2022 |
Top 12 most language interpreters that have been used to assist with suspects or victims of crime who have very little or English from 2021 to-date 2022 |
Granted | FOI-000184-2022 |
Amount of money spent between 1/1/16 to 26/5/22, on ICT, including hardware, which have facial recognition technology (FRT) and/or biometric identification capabilities; Names of companies which sold this technology |
Part granted | FOI-000215-2022 |
Records - Information on all Garda fines/fixed charge notices paid between 1/6/21 - 27/6/22 for Clontarf, to include a breakdown by offence type - ie speeding, etc |
Grant | FOI-000237-2022 |
Number of in which adequate and functioning electronic recording equipment that has not been provided with and installed for the purpose of recording interviews, amount spent on training |
Part grant | FOI-000242-2022 |
Cost of the ten most expensive events policed in 2021 and to date 2022, both in terms of the non-public duty services provided by Gardai and paid for by the host organisations, |
Grant | |
Please provide us with all data relating to tenders and payments made in respect of vehicle towing and recovery in Louth, Meath and Monaghan. |
Part grant | |
Details of FCNs issued for alleged speeding offences at designated Risk Zone on Coolock Lane, East of the Coolock Lane Interchange, from 2013 to 2022 |
Part grant | |
Records containing details of all expenses, allowances and other costs paid in respect of the Garda band from 2020 - 2022 to date; to include the purpose of the payments and the number of recipients |
Grant | |
Amount of compensation issued to serving members in both districts for personal injury awards and personal injury costs under the Garda Compensation Act in both districts during the same period. |
Part grant | |
The amount that An Garda Siochana have charged for Policing the following events; Please include the date AGS issued the costs for these events and date AGS received the amount requested for Policing the event |
Part grant | |
Information on the fleet of cars in use for officeholders, including the Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Ministers etc: |
Part grant | |
Records of all non-public duties carried out by gardaí in Donegal in the past 18 months. Date of each event, reason gardaí were asked and how much received on each occasion for providing these services. |
Grant | |
Under the FOI Act, I am requesting details of the amount paid to An Garda Síochána, as well as to individual Gardaí, for performing non-public duty service at League of Ireland games since 2018. I am seeking a breakdown of the amount paid to Gardaí by stadium as well as the 10 highest bills in that time. |
Part Grant | |
1)Pay scales for all ranks including sergeants and inspectors for the years 2014 to date; |
Part Grant | |
Breakdown on the spend on tyres for all garda vehicles from 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 to date. |
Part Grant | |
Records of money paid in 2021 and first 6 months this year for media training and PR services, number to receive media training. Records of the number of PR firms who applied for the tender in 2021 |
Grant | |
Road traffic enforcement fines for Clovers Lane in Killarney, Kerry - monthly monetary amount issued between 1/1/20 - 18/10/22 |
Grant | |
Amount spent on hiring out vehicle recovery services in each DMR Division from 2020 to-date 2022. Name of company and when contract will expire. |
Grant | |
I am seeking the monthly monetary amount of all Fixed Charge Notices issued on R830 Kill Lane, Dublin from 1/8/22 to 31/10/22. |
Grant | |
Money collected from stated 179,882 Speeding Fines notices between 1/1/21 - 31/12/21. |
Part grant | |
Copy of the credit card statements for all cards held by personnel, units, or offices at Garda HQ for the period 1 Jan 2021 to date of receipt of the request. |
Part grant |
FOI-000426-2022 |
Total amount of overtime Gardai were paid in 2021 and 2022, top 10 amounts paid out in overtime to and rank of the officer. |
Part grant | |
Under AIE Regulations, records relating to the use of petrol in state cars for the Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Minister for Justice and Minister for Foreign Affairs during 2021 |
Granted | AIE-004-2022 |
Inspection and service reports, provided by pest control companies in respect of services supplied for July 2021 to date for Garda HQ Phoenix Park and Harcourt Square and total amount paid and contractors for goods and services supplied Record Schedule Estate Management; Finance Records; Harcourt Sq Records |
Part grant | AIE-005-2022 |
Under the AIE Regulations, I am seeking information on the fleet of cars in use for officeholders, including the Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Ministers etc: |
Part Grant | AIE-0006-2022 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Finance PQs
2022 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Number of new marked and unmarked cars allocated to Tipperary division and the number of cars withdrawn in 2020 and to-date in 2021; | 19/01/22 | 62968 |
Number of new marked vehicles allocated to Technical Bureau and the number of vehicles withdrawn in 2020 and 2021, in tabular form; | 19/01/22 | 1903 |
Number of whole-time and part-time chaplains An Garda Síochána; amount expended on chaplaincy services in each of the past ten years to date. | 19/01/22 | 1239 |
If recent contract for the provision of medium-sized vans was put out to tender; and if so, when these new vans will come into the fleet. | 19/01/22 | 1906 |
Arrangements that have been made or are planned to install charging points for electric vehicles in Irish Prison Service sites, courthouses and Garda stations | 03/02/22 | 5661 |
Details, location and number of charging points for electric vehicles situated at each prison, courthouse and Garda station nationally | 03/02/22 | 5663 |
Number of electric vehicles that are in each of the fleets of the Irish Prison Service, An Garda Síochána and the Courts Services as a proportion of the total fleet; | 03/02/22 | 5664 |
Amount that has been spent on all Covid-19-related consultancy contracts in 2020, 2021 and to date in 2022 | 08/02/22 | 6042 |
If a new contract has been put out to tender recently for the provision of additional unmarked Garda cars | 08/02/22 | 6210 |
If funding is being provided in 2022 for the purchase of additional Garda command control vehicles | 08/02/22 | 6209 |
Name of the contractor that won the contract to provide the new uniforms; value of the contract; and the number of applicant bidders in the competition | 15/02/22 | 7870 |
If a new contract will be put out shortly for additional large sized Public Order Unit vans and last time that new Public Order Unit vans came into the fleet | 15/02/22 | 8243 |
Number of new Roads Policing vehicles that came into the fleet and number of Roads Policing vehicles that were withdrawn in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 15/02/22 | 8244 |
Progress to date in reopening Bawnboy station, Cavan; the timeline for the opening of the station | 15/02/22 | 7990 |
Justice if she will confirm an opening day for the extension to Longford Garda station | 16/02/22 | 8666 |
Total expenses paid to retired members, who received payment having appeared at the Disclosures Tribunal, reason some claims were not paid and number of persons not paid | 16/02/22 | 8547 |
If a tendering competition was carried out for the design and supply of the new operational uniform; if so, the details of the successful tenderer | 22/02/22 | 9195 |
Actions taken in relation to reports that a significant supplier of product made a tax settlement with the Revenue Commissioners; | 24/02/22 | 10546 |
Number of horsebox vehicles purchased for the Mounted unit, number withdrawn in 2020 & 2021; and if funding for purchase of horseboxes in 2022. | 22/02/22 | 10067 |
Vehicles that are assigned to the Regional Support Unit in the Cavan/Monaghan division | 08/03/22 | 12607 |
Number of new Roads Policing Unit vehicles that came into and were withdrawn the Nenagh district fleet in 2021 and to date in 2022; | 09/03/22 | 13219 |
Number of new cars and vans allocated in 2021 and to date in 2022; the number of Garda cars and vans withdrawn from each Garda District of Dublin | 22/03/22 | 14543 |
Number of electric/hybrid vehicles in Ministerial vehicles; provide make and model of vehicles by the year registration of vehicles’ | 28/04/22 | 21611 |
Any purchased services from or otherwise sought to use technology developed and or sold by a company (details supplied); | 27/04/22 | 21330 |
Number and percentage of fleet in Waterford that are aged less than 1 year old, between 1 to 3, 3 to 6, 6 to 10 and over 10 years of age as of 22/4/22 | 04/05/22 | 21898 |
Number of new cars and vans allocated to the Dog Unit in 2021 and to date 2022, number of vehicles withdrawn from this unit during same period | 04/05/22 | 21890 |
If funding has been made available to replace any of the helicopters or aircraft within the Garda Air Support Unit during 2022 | 04/05/22 | 21897 |
Number of new prison transport vehicles that came into the fleet from 2020 to date 2022; and the number of those withdrawn | 10/05/22 | 22966 |
Number of unmarked vans attached to the Garda collision forensic investigation unit as of 1/5/21 and 1/5/22 | 10/05/22 | 23115 |
Number of stables by location available to the mounted unit excluding the stables currently in the Phoenix Park | 10/05/22 | 23112 |
Age of the trucks attached to the water unit; and if there are plans to replace any of the trucks in 2022 | 10/05/22 | 23114 |
Details of contracts awarded in 2022 by her Department or bodies under her aegis outside procurement process to assist the arrival of Ukrainian refugees; | 10/05/22 | 23199 |
Number of interview rooms in each station within DMR as of 9/5/22 and if any of those are reserved for suspects, victims or witnesses aged under 18. | 17/05/22 | 24405 |
Priorities for new station constructions in 2022 and 2023; have new stations been identified to the OPW and any other bodies | 24/05/22 | 25835 |
Plans to provide additional resources to tackle all forms of domestic violence | 24/05/22 | 25993 |
The way the Minister is resourcing An Garda Síochána to tackle violence against women | 24/05/22 | 25988 |
If funding has been provided to purchase additional vehicles for Armed Support Units in Q3/22, number withdrawn from the fleet in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 24/05/22 | 26156 |
Number of 800cc and 1200cc motorcycles that are in the fleet as of 17/5/22 | 24/05/22 | 26153 |
Number of public order unit vans attached to the Cavan/Monaghan division as of 31/12/20 and 16/5/22 | 24/05/22 | 26167 |
If funding will be provided for the purchase of high-powered jet skis for the Garda water unit | 31/05/22 | 28081 |
Estimated cost of increasing the number of sworn Gardaí from 14,396 to 15,900 between 26/5/22 and December 2023 | 31/05/22 | 28082 |
If Adamstown is being considered for a new station by management; the criteria and the way that potential sites and locations are identified | 21/06/22 | 32063 |
Number of new unmarked vans which came into the fleet in 2021 and to date in 2022; number of unmarked vans withdrawn from the fleet during same period | 21/06/22 | 32347 |
If funding will be provided for the purchase of additional Public order unit vans later in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32340 |
Number of new marked and unmarked roads policing unit vehicles that came into the fleet in 2022; the number of RPU vehicles withdrawn to-date in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32342 |
When the 2022-2026 An Garda Síochána Capital Building Programme will be published | 28/06/22 | 33796 |
Estimated cost of training an additional 1,000 Gardaí in the competency-based driver level 2 course per annum | 28/06/22 | 34048 |
Estimated cost of updating the entire An Garda Síochána ICT structures, including all hardware and software. | 28/06/22 | 34053 |
Estimated cost of providing an additional two members of An Garda Síochána to Garda divisional protective services units per annum | 28/06/22 | 34049 |
If bodies under aegis of Department have engaged the services of 2 organisations at any point from 1/1/20 to date and costs associated | 12/07/22 | 37287 |
Further to PQ 599 of 17/5/22, if she has received the necessary information from the Garda authorities to answer same | 12/07/22 | 37371 |
Number of companies that applied public order equipment contract but were unsuccessful at last process; when next tender process will be put out tender. | 12/07/22 | 37369 |
If cost of the additional Garda presence at Dublin Airport on 4/6/22 to supervise security queues has been reimbursed to the Exchequer | 13/07/22 | 38154 |
Number of unmarked Garda motorcycles in the fleet as of 31/12/20 and 8/7/22 | 14/07/22 | 39256 |
To provide details on the make-up of a crisis intervention team by funding and staff | 26/07/22 | 39807 |
Further to PQ 1201 19/1/21, status update of pilot project; current and capital cost involved in establishment of the pilot crisis intervention team in Limerick | 26/07/22 | 39805 |
Extent to which car replacement funding is sufficient to meet requirements; if extra funding is required or has been sought in this regard | 08/09/22 | 42374 |
Number of unmarked and marked cars added to the fleet in 2022; the number of vehicles withdrawn from the fleet to date in 2022 | 08/09/22 | 43571 |
Age and percentage of the fleet within Wexford that are aged less than 1 year, between 1-3 years, between 4-6 years, between 7-10 years and over 10 years | 08/09/22 | 43572 |
Estimated cost to the Exchequer of adding an additional 100 and 1000 members of An Garda Síochána to the force in 2023 | 08/09/22 | 43956 |
Provide breakdown of all new stations built or existing stations refurbished since the formation of the Government in each division | 08/09/22 | 44089 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Human Resources
The office of Human Resources and People Development (HR & PD) is responsible for the recruitment, training, development and the management of Garda members and Garda staff.
The Directorate is responsible for most of the administrative and transactional HR functions for all Garda members and Garda staff. Among the HR functions administered in Athlumney House are pay & pensions; sick leave and other leave schemes; records, data protection and file management; and administration and statistics.
Related Human Resources FOIs
2022 Requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Number on suspension for 2021, and for the corresponding date in the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. |
Grant | FOI-000002-2022 |
Top 15 monetary sanctions imposed and number suspended in breach of Garda discipline in 2021, number dismissed from the force on 2021 and the reason in each case and the corresponding figures for 2020. |
Part grant | FOI-000006-2022 |
The number of Gardaí attached to the Naas Road Policing Unit as of 1/1/22. Broken down by ranks. |
Granted | FOI-000007-2022 |
Number of attacks on gardai in 2019, 2020 and 2021, with a breakdown by garda division |
Granted | FOI-0011-2022 |
Number of Gardai by rank that retired from the force in the years of 2019, 2020 and 2021 |
Granted | Decision Letter FOI-000025-2022 |
Number of members who have resigned, as opposed to retired, from 1/1/17 to 10/122. |
Granted | FOI-000026-2022 |
Part Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000062-2022 .pdf |
Amount of money spent on ICT from 2014 to 2020. For Pearse Street and Store Street Garda Stations - hardware but excluding mobile phones, laptops, desktops and peripheral devices provided to the employees, that has been procured between 1 January and |
Part Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000066-2022 pdf |
Current number of officers in the gardai by rank, birthplace/nationality is Northern Ireland, served with the PSNI for 2017 and 2012. |
Part grant | FOI-000087-2022 |
The number of full time Garda civilian staff by grade working in each Garda station within the Dublin Region as of 18 February 2022 in tabular form |
Grant | FOI-000091-2022 |
All records relating to members who worked beyond the age of 60, over the past 3 years, include the rank and reasons for them working beyond 60. |
Grant | FOI-000093-2022 |
What is the total number serving members as of 15/03/2022? Breakdown of voluntary resignations in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. What were the total number of Recruits |
Part grant | FOI-000122-2022 |
Total number of personnel funded at each rank as set out in the table below on all third level courses for the academic year 2021/2022. |
Grant | FOI-000135-2022.pdf |
Number of personnel funded at each rank as set out in the table below on all third level courses for the academic year 2021/2022 |
Grant | FOI-000135-2022 |
Number of Gardaí who are currently the subject of disciplinary proceedings in the State. |
Part grant | FOI-000138-2022 |
Injury on duty in the Cork Division in 2021 |
Grant | FOI-000139-2022 |
Number recorded as taking sickness absence because of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Occupational or Work related stress |
Part grant | FOI-000177-2022 |
Number of persons currently in training at Garda Training College to become fully sworn Gardai, next 3 dates where graduates will pass out |
Grant | FOI-000205-2022 |
Number of Gardaí who attended each level of public order training and each level of car/van and motorcycle training courses that were held |
Grant | FOI-000213-2022 |
Numbers in the Mayo Division on 1/6/22 with a breakdown of members in Mayo’s five districts - Ballina, Castlebar, Westport, Swinford and Belmullet |
Grant | FOI-000224-2022 |
How many members are currently on suspension in the Roscommon /Longford and Sligo /Leitrim divisions |
Part grant | FOI-000271-2022 |
Record of number of days lost to illness by both Garda Members and Garda staff in both 2020 and 2021 in categories |
Grant | FOI-000278-2022 |
How many Gardaí have and are stationed in each district in Longford and Granard between end of June 2019 to July 21 2022 and how many gardai are currently at the time of the FOI request out on sick leave? |
Part grant | FOI-000279-2022 |
How many gardai have retired from both districts (Longford & Granard) during the period June 2019 to July 21st Inclusive |
Grant | FOI-000280-2022 |
How many officers in the Gardai have registered to be recognised non-binary since the Gender Recognition act 2015 for 2015-2022 |
Grant | FOI-000288-2022 |
How many new gardaí were assigned to Longford and Granard garda districts between June 2019 and July 21 2022 |
Grant | FOI-000289-2022 |
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, I would like to request: |
Grant | FOI-000292-2022 |
number of gardai who are currently suspended from duty, along with: the length of time they have been suspended |
Grant | FOI-000294-2022 |
How many Gardaí from Longford and Granard stations have been transferred to other districts between 6/19 and start of 8/22, how many retired and how many new Gardaí have been added to both during the same period? |
Part Grant | FOI-000302-2022 |
The number of Gardai by rank that left the force eg retired, dismissed etc in the years 2021 and to-date in 2022 and number of Gardai by rank that have applied to retire from the force on age between 31/8/22 and 31/12/22 |
Grant | FOI-000320-2022 |
Number of identification cards reported lost and replaced. |
Part grant | FOI-000343-2022 |
statistics around recruitment and subsequent resignation by student and probationary gardaí in the years from 2018 up to and including 2022. |
Grant | FOI-000369-2022 |
Records relating to “retention and recruitment” within An Garda Siochana, from June 1 to date |
Grant | |
How many Gardaí from Donegal Division resigned in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to date? |
Grant | |
The number of female probationary Garda who have become pregnant, each year since 2014 and several other queries |
Part grant | |
How many detectives are in Longford and Granard Stations, how many gardaí in each district (28/11/22) how many are out on sick/stress related leave? |
Grant | |
Number of Gardaí and staff awarded the 1916-2016 Rising Centenary Medal; and |
Grant | |
How much money has been spent on training to specifically deal with sex workers, how many have been specifically trained to deal with sex workers / victims of sexual violence? |
Part Grant | |
Total number of attacks on gardai in 2020, 2021 and 2022, with a breakdown by garda division, and by the injuries that were suffered. |
Part grant |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Human Resource PQs
2022 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Number of whole-time and part-time chaplains in An Garda Síochána; amount expended on chaplaincy services in each of the past 10 years to date. | 19/01/22 | 1239 |
rReport on the work undertaken on the reconfiguration of the Child Protection Units; impact this reconfiguration has had on the number of cases being investigated each year | 19/01/22 | 63278 |
If a new recruitment campaign for the Garda Band will happen in quarter 1 of 2022 | 19/01/22 | 62967 |
Number of female members serving by Garda district in 2019, 2020 and 2021 | 19/01/22 | 63332 |
Number of Gardaí in the Ballymun and Finglas Drugs and Community Policing Units from 2011 to 2021 | 25/01/22 | 3145 |
Procedures and mechanism for persons with policing experience and qualifications gained in another jurisdiction, that is, another policing service or in Northern Ireland that can enable them to transfer into An Garda Síochána at officer level and detective level | 25/01/22 | 3362 |
Plans to develop and or introduce gender focused sexual education in the training phase for new recruits and trainee prison officers | 25/01/22 | 3734 |
Number of projected recruits, actual recruits, newly attested trainees and retirements in An Garda Síochána from 2019 to 2021 | 03/02/22 | 5705 |
Number of Scott service medals awarded to members of An Garda Síochána in each of the years 2016 to 2021 | 08/02/22 | 5880 |
Number of vacancies across the DMR by division and rank from chief superintendent to sergeant in each of the years 2016 to 2021 | 08/02/22 | 6016 |
Provide a schedule of the new Garda recruits deployed for their first module of work experience by district and by station in Kildare, Meath, Wicklow and Dublin from 2019 to 2021 and to date in 2022 | 08/02/22 | 6504 |
Number by rank attached to the Band as of 7 February 2022 | 15/02/22 | 7634 |
Steps taken to address the rise in assaults against frontline workers | 17/02/22 | 7769 |
Number of stations operational in the Cavan, Monaghan Garda division in 2021 | 15/02/22 | 8564 |
Timeline for when the Reserve will re-open for recruitment of new volunteer members | 15/02/22 | 8795 |
Number who were on restricted duty June 2021 and number of officers assigned to Longford at that time | 15/02/22 | 8667 |
Plans to increase numbers in Cork given the recent attacks on women in the city and county | 15/02/22 | 8725 |
Plans for Garda recruitment in 2022 | 15/02/22 | 8723 |
Number of Gardaí in County Carlow | 15/02/22 | 8558 |
Number of women who have been promoted in each of the past 5 years to date; the number of women who have entered in the same period | 15/02/22 | 9025 |
If a crime can be reported through its disability access officer; if not, the reason therefor | 22/02/22 | 9909 |
Number of Community Gardaí assigned to the Cork west division by station | 23/02/22 | 10496 |
When the next batch of applicants will be accepted to Templemore College | 01/03/22 | 10852 |
Number by rank assigned to each Divisional scenes of crime unit as of 30/6/20 and 21/2/22 | 01/03/22 | 11243 |
Number of Gardaí that successful completed HGV course in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 01/03/22 | 11242 |
Raank and file of the positions that remain unfilled in Louth | 08/03/22 | 12455 |
Number of Garda stations, Gardaí, civilian personnel and other Garda resources by county in each year since 2017 | 09/03/22 | 13285 |
Number of Reserves that are suspended; duration of suspension including year it commenced; maximum duration that a reserve can be suspended for; | 10/03/22 | 13577 |
Number of Gardaí who attended a human trafficking training course in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 22/03/22 | 14544 |
Number of additional Gardaí that have been trained as divisional asset profilers in 2021 and to-date in 2022 | 23/03/22 | 15223 |
Number of Gardaí, number of vacancies and the number considered a full cohort in Cork by station | 24/03/22 | 15538 |
Number of Gardaí that graduated from Templemore five years ago and one year ago that are still employed by An Garda Síochána. | 24/03/22 | 15537 |
If exit interviews are conducted with Gardaí; and if the reasoning for members leaving will be published | 24/03/22 | 15646 |
If Department are directly engaged in the training of apprentices; if so, number of apprentices involved; specialities in which they are being trained | 26/04/22 | 19588 |
Number of persons employed with a rate of pay below the living wage of €12.30; role that persons occupy within her Department or relevant body; | 26/04/22 | 19633 |
Percentage of Gardaí who are involved in roads policing | 04/05/22 | 22031 |
Number of external experts consultants on retainer or engaged by National Cyber Crime Unit and the CAB; number of cases that units secured a conviction in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 04/05/22 | 21894 |
Number of public order training courses held for Gardaí within the DMR north division in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 04/05/22 | 21896 |
Number of full-time Staff by job title working and number of vacancies by job title in Mounted Unit as of 31/12/19 - 25/4/22, when vacancies will be filled | 04/05/22 | 21891 |
Number of senior investigating officers; the total fte of each child protection unit 2017 to date | 05/05/22 | 22468 |
Number of senior investigating officers; the total fte of each divisional protective service unit | 05/05/22 | 22467 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to Clare Divisional Protective Services Bureau as of 1 May 2021 and 1 May 2022 | 05/05/22 | 22454 |
Number and location of Forensic Collision Investigators; when last competition was held; when the next competition will be held | 04/05/22 | 21895 |
Steps to be taken to recognise the contribution of the members of An Garda Síochána in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. | 10/05/22 | 23154 |
What deeds have been done to ensure that members of the Garda Síochána who have Irish are settled/based in the Gaeltacht areas as is laid down in law | 10/05/22 | 23377 |
Number and location of stations in Limerick city and county that are open to the public 24/7 with a Garda present | 12/05/22 | 23886 |
Views on whether policy of a multi-ethnic Gardaí is being achieved; number for recruitment; number recruited by ethnicity in 2019, 2020 and 2021 | 12/05/22 | 23972 |
Policy ensuring ethnic diversity in AGS; discussions had with Commissioner; applications from Traveller community in 2019 and number recruited | 12/05/22 | 23971 |
Number and corresponding percentage of members that have a moderate and or strong competency in spoken Irish by Gaeltacht area | 17/05/22 | 24213 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to each divisional scenes of crime unit as of 1 May 2020 and 9 May 2022 | 17/05/22 | 24403 |
Number of Gardaí that took place in method of entry training courses in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 17/05/22 | 24404 |
The way that public bodies operate under her remit to meet obligations for reasonable accommodation under the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 | 17/05/22 | 24311 |
Further to PQ 112 of 29/3/22, when the recruitment competition for the Garda Reserve will be launched | 24/05/22 | 26136 |
Level of firearms training provided to armed personnel in each of the years 2019 to date in 2022; number by rank with firearms training. | 24/05/22 | 26152 |
Extent to which improved Garda Protection while on duty exists with particular reference to the increasingly violent society | 24/05/22 | 26498 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional protection services unit as of 13 May 2022 | 24/05/22 | 26170 |
Number injured in the course of their duties in each of the past five years to date | 24/05/22 | 26499 |
Total number of Gardaí now available at any one given time | 24/05/22 | 26496 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to each divisional protection services unit as of 13 May 2022 | 24/05/22 | 26710 |
Estimated full-year cost of recruiting three additional full-time accountants for the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau | 31/05/22 | 27872 |
Number within the Meath division who have successful completed Garda driving level 3 course in 2021 and to-date in 2022 | 31/05/22 | 28083 |
Numbers in Longford/Westmeath that have completed a 1 day competency based driver level one assessment which allows to drive patrol cars | 31/05/22 | 27776 |
Numbers Longford/Westmeath that have completed the competency based driver level 2 to allow pursue vehicles at high speeds, from 2020 to date 2022 | 31/05/22 | 27777 |
Numbers in Longford/Westmeath that have not completed either level one or level two of the competency based driver assessment | 31/05/22 | 27778 |
Number within the Tipperary Diversion that successfully completed the van course in each of the years 2020, 2021 and to date in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32220 |
Full breakdown of staff and ranking in each divisional protective services unit | 21/06/22 | 32362 |
Number by rank attached to the street crime unit in the J district as of 1 January 2021 and 13 June 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32346 |
If a new recruitment campaign for persons to apply to join An Garda Síochána will be launched later in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32343 |
Breakdown of crime prevention officers within An Garda Síochána by county. | 21/06/22 | 32363 |
Number who have completed the competency based driving level 2 course by rank in each of the years since 2018 to date in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32364 |
Number who successful completed advanced motorcycle course in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32344 |
Number in Wicklow in a dedicated drug unit; and the stations in the county in which they are located from 2017 to date in 2022 | 22/06/22 | 33152 |
Number of serving Gardaí, all ranks as at 1 January 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 and 2021; number of civilians employed at those same dates | 23/06/22 | 33326 |
Number of community Gardaí in Wicklow; stations in the county in which they are located in each of the years 2017 to 2021 and to date in 2022 | 22/06/22 | 33151 |
Number of Gardaí who are presently on suspension for more than three months and more than a year | 23/06/22 | 33328 |
Number of Gardaí who are presently on sick leave for for more than 1, 1 to 3, 3 to 6 and 6 to 12 months and more than a year | 23/06/22 | 33327 |
Estimated cost of training an additional 1,000 Gardaí in the competency-based driver level 2 course per annum | 28/06/22 | 34048 |
Work undertaken to ensure that training now includes and is updated to be sensitive to the needs of minority communities within our society | 28/06/22 | 34343 |
Number of immigration officers currently employed at each port of entry; the number who are employed full-time and part-time | 12/07/22 | 37021 |
Total number of community Gardaí posts nationally by division; and the total number of such posts currently filled by division. | 13/07/22 | 38241 |
Number of instances from 2021 to date 2022 in which members acted in their official capacity outside the State; procedure that Commissioner must adhere to allowing members to accompany an Taoiseach and Ministers on travel outside of this State | 12/07/22 | 37896 |
Number of public order training courses held within the Kildare Division in the years of 2021 and to date in 2022 | 14/07/22 | 39257 |
Further to PQ 299 of 12/5/22, if she has yet received the information she sought given the fact that 2 months have elapsed since question was asked | 14/07/22 | 39046 |
Number of unfilled posts in the Louth Garda division, including rank; the plans to fill these roles | 14/07/22 | 39230 |
Any engagement with Commissioner in respect of a dedicated unit within An Garda Síochána that would patrol public transport networks exclusively. | 08/09/22 | 42865 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to the special crime task force as of 1 January 2021 and 24 August 2022 | 08/09/22 | 43193 |
Reason the use of the swimming pool at the Templemore college has been withdrawn from the community and has helped to foster good relations | 08/09/22 | 43169 |
Number of full-time community Gardaí in the Tipperary division; the divisions within Tipperary to which they are allocated | 08/09/22 | 43876 |
Number and rank that has been recruited, number currently seconded from PSNI; number of officers that have been seconded to the PSNI | 08/09/22 | 42993 |
Number of former PSNI officers that have joined An Garda Síochána and been promoted in the organisation in the past 10 years to date in 2022. | 08/09/22 | 42994 |
Estimated full-year cost of recruiting two additional full-time civilian groom staff for the Garda mounted unit | 08/09/22 | 43390 |
Number of unfilled posts in the Dublin north division including rank | 08/09/22 | 43575 |
Further to PQ 682 of 21 June 2022, if she has received the necessary information from the Garda authorities | 08/09/22 | 43576 |
When the next recruitment campaign for the Garda band will commence | 08/09/22 | 43570 |
Number of additional Gardaí hired since the formation of the Government on a county-by-county basis | 08/09/22 | 44088 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Internal Affairs
Complaints/Discipline Statistics
The Complaints Section at Internal Affairs, is responsible for the administration of complaints investigations designated by GSOC for investigation in accordance Section 94 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005 (Supervised and Unsupervised Investigations).
All applications for compensation under the Garda Síochána (Compensation) Acts 1941/45 are made by serving or retired members of An Garda Síochána to the Department of Justice & Equality and relate to injuries maliciously inflicted on the member, whether on or off-duty, in the course of, or in relation to, the performance by them of their duties as members of An Garda Síochána.
Related Internal Affairs FOIs
2022 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Total costs associated with members of the Garda Síochána who issued fines to people who did not wear face mask |
Part grant | FOI-000001-2022 |
Total amount of overtime Gardai were paid in 2020 and 2021, also top 10 amounts paid out in overtime to individual officers |
Part grant | FOI-000008-2022 |
Top 20 amounts received by Gardai in 2021 in overtime payments and the gender of the Gardai in each case |
Part grant | FOI-000009-2022 |
The current salaries paid to commissioner, deputy commissioner and assistant commissioner, with the number of people filling each position |
Grant | FOI-000012-2022 |
The amount of monies spent on sport and leisure facilities in the College. |
Part Grant | FOI-000015-2022 |
I wish to know the total number of Gardaí who are currently the subject of disciplinary proceedings in the State. |
Part grant | FOI-000138-2022.pdf |
The top 15 monetary sanctions, number suspended from duty in 2020, number in breach of discipline and total amount imposed in fines, e number dismissed from the force for 2021 and thus far in 2022 |
Part grant | FOI-000341-2022 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related PQs to follow
2022 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | PQ Number |
Number of full-time Gardaí that are suspended; duration which it commenced; maximum duration that a member can be suspended for. | 19/01/22 | 1139 |
Number of Gardaí on suspension by each division from 2018 to to date in 2021 | 19/01/22 | 2017 |
Number that stood suspended from duty on 31/12/21 for 0 to 3, 0 to 6, 0 to 12, 0 to 18, 0 to 24 , 0 to 36, 0 to 48 and in excess of 48 months by Garda division | 19/01/22 | 2018 |
Number of Gardaí who are presently on suspension for more than three months and more than a year | 23/06/22 | 33328 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Internal Audit 2022
Related Internal Audits FOIs
All internal audit reports completed in the period 22 Oct 2021 to date of receipt of the request. Schedule of records and records management operation of the Garda Officers Club Schedule of records and records of audit cancellation Covid-19 fixed payment notices Schedule of records and records of audit travel subsistence payments Garda College Schedule of records and records review of Garda National Data Protection Unit |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000131-2022.pdf |
Copy of all internal audit reports completed in the period 29-Mar-2022 to date of receipt of the request. Schedule of records and audit report procurement-specialist uniforms Schedule of records and audit report budgetary controls records |
Part grant | FOI-000361-2022 |
Original Request: Refined Request: |
Grant |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Roads Policing
- Fatalities
- Drink and dangerous driving
- Fixed charge notices, including Seatbelts, Mobile phones and speeding
Roads Policing statistics are compiled by the Garda Síochána Analysis Service (GSAS) on a monthly basis. They are provisional, operational and subject to change. Enforcement statistics and data are released for the benefit of the general public, to raise awareness and to highlight Garda activity across the country.
Related Roads Policing FOIs
2022 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
The number of Gardaí attached to the Naas Road Policing Unit as of 1/1/22. Broken down by ranks. | Grant | FOI-00007-2022 |
lGarda fines/fixed charge notices paid in 2020 and 2021, to include a breakdown by offence type - ie speeding, etc - and Garda division | Grant | FOI-00017-2022 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Roads Policing PQs
2022 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Number of Garda fines that were issued for parking in a disabled bay in 2020 and 2021; and the value of these fines by Garda division | 19/01/22 | 1185 |
Number of scramblers and quad bikes that were seized in 2020 and 2021 by Garda division | 19/01/22 | 1186 |
Number of drivers that paid a fixed charge penalty notice for speeding in each division within the timeframe in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 | 19/01/22 | 2009 |
Number of drivers that availed of the third payment option and paid a fixed charge notice for speeding in each division in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 | 19/01/22 | 2010 |
Number of fixed charge notices issued to drivers for speeding by division in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 | 19/01/22 | 2008 |
Number of new Roads Policing Unit vehicles that came and number of Roads Policing vehicles withdrawn from the fleet during 2021 and to date in 2022, | 15/02/22 | 8244 |
If she has engaged with Commissioner and/or Garda traffic corps in developing a proactive strategy to address the motorway network being used by criminals to commit acts of burglary and assault | 15/02/22 | 8397 |
Total number convictions and penalty points issued to uninsured motorists in each of the years 2017 to 2021 | 22/02/22 | 9640 |
Total number of fines issued to uninsured motorists per year in each of the years 2017 to 2021 | 22/02/22 | 9639 |
Total number of vehicles seized per year after the driver was found to be driving without insurance in each of the years 2017 to 2021, | 22/02/22 | 9641 |
Total number of uninsured vehicles which have been identified using the automatic number-plate recognition system etc | 22/02/22 | 9642 |
Average hourly and daily number of uninsured vehicles that are identified through the use of the automatic number-plate recognition system | 22/02/22 | 9643 |
Number of roadside drink driving checks and number of prosecutions that were imposed in each county in the past five years | 01/03/22 | 10952 |
Number of speeding checks that have been put in place and number of fines that were imposed in each county for the past five years | 01/03/22 | 10951 |
Vehicles that are assigned to the Regional Support Unit in the Cavan/Monaghan division | 08/03/22 | |
Number of new Roads Policing Unit vehicles that came into and were withdrawn the Nenagh district fleet in 2021 and to date in 2022 | 09/03/22 | |
Percentage of Gardaí who are involved in roads policing | 04/05/22 | 22031 |
Number of vehicles seized by Gardaí for road traffic offences that were either crushed or sold off in each of the years of 2020, 2021 and to date in 2022 | 10/05/22 | 22964 |
If speed camera vans are permitted to operate in areas which do not feature speed camera warning signs | 10/05/22 | 23238 |
number of prosecutions of motorists in each of the past 5 years for failure to make progress and drive at the appropriate speed limit | 11/05/22 | 23543 |
Further to PQ 637 of 11/5/21, number of speeding fines or penalty points issued as a result of speed camera vans in past 5 years and to date in 2021 | 10/05/22 | 23237 |
If there is a protocol operated in relation to when to intervene with persons who are joyriding on stolen motorbikes; | 17/05/22 | 24623 |
Justification for not proceeding with See Something, Say Something text alert initiative for Donabate in 2021 | 24/05/22 | 25790 |
Number of evidential breath testing machines allocated to each Garda Division as of 1 May 2021 and 17 May 2022 | 24/05/22 | 26155 |
Further to PQ234 31/3/22, number and type issued for exceeding 30KMPH travelling wrong way on North Road system and on Upper Glen Road cul-de-sac | 31/05/22 | 28187 |
Number of fixed penalty notices issued to cyclists to date since commencement of the Road Traffic Act 2015 | 31/05/22 | 28181 |
Number of road side drug tests that were carried out in past 5 years; number of these tests that were positive in that period; | 31/05/22 | 27584 |
Update on roadside alcohol and drug testing detections, number by county for alcohol, opiates, cocaine, benzodiazepines and cannabis since 2017 | 21/06/22 | 32086 |
Number of road traffic collisions for 2019 to 2021 in each district in County Mayo; the number which resulted in a fatality or serious injury | 21/06/22 | 32348 |
Number of fixed penalty notices that were issued for parking in a bus lane in the years 2021 and to date in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32336 |
Number of new marked and unmarked roads policing unit vehicles that came into the fleet to-date in 2022; the number of RPU vehicles withdrawn to-date in 2022 | 21/06/22 | 32342 |
Number of drivers who paid a fixed charge penalty notice for speeding in each division within statutory payment timeframe in 2021 and to-date in 2022 | 12/07/22 | 37374 |
number of mandatory intoxicant testing checkpoints during 2021 and 2022 to date; number of motorists that have tested positive for drugs | 12/07/22 | 37726 |
Number of cancelled fixed penalty notices by category including the offence from 2020 to date 2022; totality of fine income forgone as a result of the cancellations | 12/07/22 | 37673 |
Way Department and public bodies and agencies under remit are implementing action 32 of the National Disability and Inclusion Strategy 2017-2021 | 13/07/22 | 38741 |
Number of Garda in each roads policing unit by Garda division, per year in 2020, 2021 and to date in 2022 | 26/07/22 | 40099 |
Percentage of motorcycles attached to the Garda roads policing unit that are 1100cc, 1200cc, 1250cc and 1500cc | 08/09/22 | 43192 |
Further to PQ 682 of 21 June 2022, if she has received the necessary information from the Garda authorities | 08/09/22 | 43576 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
Below are the statistics relating to use of force for to date 2022:
Use of Force December 2022
Use of Force November 2022
Use of Force October 2022
Use of Force September 2022
Use of Force August 2022
Use of Force July 2022
Use of Force June 2022
Use of Force May 2022
Use of Force April 2022
Use of Force March 2022
Use of Force February 2022
Use of Force January 2022
Assaults on Garda Members from 8th April 2020 to 23rd October 2021:
382 incidents correctly recorded as Assaults on Garda Members where spitting, coughing or sneezing are indicated in the narrative. The Garda member is recorded as the Injured Party. There are 29 incidents on Review/Clarification for this period.
The total numbers for the period from 8th April 2020 to 31st December 2020 indicate 252 incidents of confirmed Assaults on Members with 2 incidents on Review/Clarification for that period.
The total numbers for the period from 1st January 2021 to 23rd October 2021 indicate 130 incidents of confirmed Assaults on Members with 27 incidents on Review/Clarification for that period.
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Finance and Services
Finance Statistics - Budgets and Spending including overtime
Finance & Services has the responsibility for the financial management of the Garda Vote as well as providing strategic and operational support and advice at all levels in An Garda Síochána. It provides Garda management with financial information to assist with decision making and the delivery of improved services and value for money throughout the organisation.
Garda Fleet Management manages a fleet of approximately 3,000 vehicles distributed throughout Garda Divisions and specialist units.
Prompt Payment and Purchase Orders
An Garda Síochána Purchase orders for goods and services of more than €20k and Prompt Payment Reports are available.
Senior Management Expenses are processed and paid in line with Department of Public Expenditure & Reform Provisions & Guidelines and in compliance with the Expenses Regulations and Procedures governing An Garda Síochána as well as being subject to Internal and External audits.
Related Finance FOIs
2021 FOI requests | |||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number | |
Amount spent for firearms training for members, number of individual training sessions and number of individual members from 2018 - 2020 |
Part grant | FOI-000003-2021 | |
Overall amount received in overtime, top 20 amounts received in overtime and gender, total pay in overtime/basic pay/allowance and other payments for 2020. The rank concerned and the division in which they work. |
Part grant | FOI-000005-2021 | |
Amount spent on Interpreter Services and top 8 countries required in 2019 and 2020. If Gardai have full access to interpreter services via Garda issued radio when dealing with members of the public on a 24/7 basis |
Grant | FOI-000007-2021 | |
The amount spent by the Garda on public relations for the entire of 2020 and 2019 and individual amounts paid by the Gardai to named PR firms/practitioners and the service in 2020. |
Granted | FOI-000010-2020 | |
Amount paid by year to speed-camera operators Go Safe from 1/1/10 to 31/12/20 |
Part Grant | FOI-000027-2021 | |
The amount of money spent on firearms and ammunition and the amount of firearms decommissioned |
Part grant | FOI-000030-2021 | |
Records of all internal communications on Jerusalema video, any expenditure and records of staff time spent making video, record of objections from within An Garda Siochana to making the video for any reason |
Part grant | FOI-000042-2021 | |
Breakdown of the support and maintenance services costs paid to Accenture as per Q3 Purchase orders and any tenders relating to the same. |
Part grant | FOI-000062-2021 | |
Total amount spent at Mourne Shooting Grounds, Monagahn from 2019 to date 2021 and total amount spent at shooting ranges from 2014 to present. |
Part grant | FOI-000092-2021 | |
Under AIE Regulations,records relating to the use of petrol in state cars for the Taoiseach, Tánaiste, Minister for Justice and Minister for Foreign Affairs |
Grant | AIE 01-2021 | |
The number of dogs currently working and the comparative number for 5 years previously, broken down by breed of dog and the area in which they work. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000164-2021 | |
All invoices/receipts held by the Kerry Division, if any, for private transport costs, including taxis, for the years 2018 - 2020. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000173-2021 | |
13/5/21 amount of revenue that is still outstanding for non public duty charges for events that were policed in 2019 and Q1, 2020; |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000182-2021 | |
Money allocated to the Diversity and Integration Unit and money allocated to the Diversity Unit for training a Officers from 2019-2021. Plans on training in the future for Anti-Racism Acts. Proof of how the IREC affects change. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000179-2021 | |
Road traffic enforcement fines relating to the R113 Newtownpark Avenue, Dublin. Monthly monetary amount of all Fixed Charge Notices issued from 1/1/18 to 31/12/20 |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000193-2021 | |
The amount spent on purchasing Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Suites from 2018 to June 2021, name of the company that provides CBRN suits |
Part Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000208-2021 | |
Records created between 1/1/19 to the date on disposal of bicycles recovered as stolen but unclaimed. |
Refuse | Decision Letter FOI-000202-2021 | |
Amount spent on maintenance of Garda Controlled CCTV Cameras in 2020 and to-date in 2021, number of Garda Controlled CCTV Cameras per location, all Garda CCTV Cameras in full working order and If all Garda Controlled CCTV Cameras are monitored on 24/7/365 based |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000212-2021 | |
Yearly salaries and other pay and non-pay for available years spent on Gardai in providing security to the us military at Shannon. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000226-2021 | |
Amount spent on drones and or equipment from 2017 to June 21. Number of drones in use excluding training. Garda Diversions and numbers trained |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000228-2021 | |
Copy of the business case/cost benefit analysis/sanction or other such record of approval for: and copy of all tender records related to the successful award |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000264-2021 | |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000270-2021 | |
Amount spent at Mourne Shooting Grounds Ltd., Boraghy, Castleblayney, Monaghan from 31/12/14 - 9/21, amount spent on ranges in Ireland from 1/1/14 - 19 | Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000444-2019 | |
Records of invoices or receipts held by the Longford-Roscommon and Sligo-Leitrim divisions for private transport costs including taxis, from 2019 to date 2021 |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000323-2021 | |
Government spend on Dog Unit from 2010 to date 2021 - total expenditure on the Dog Unit. | Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000324-2021 | |
Records on the financial expenditure of the #Riseabovetheinfluence drug awareness campaign. | Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000325-2021 | |
Amount spent on hiring out crowd control barriers and other crowd control equipment in the years of 2018, 2019, 2020 and to-date in 2021 i | Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000327-2021 | |
Details of policing costs for football matches, all correspondence and Details of all Garda reported incidents at Oriel Park Dundalk for 2019, 2020 and 2021 |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000332-2021 | |
Garda Severance Packages breakdown |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000353-2021 | |
All records in respect of the payment by any organisation for the management of any non-public duty event, including each concert, festival, sporting event, racing event and any other miscellaneous event in the period between 2/7/18 29/2/20 |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000354-2021 | |
The names of each company that provide each piece of uniform, please include specialist equipment used by Roads Policing Unit officers, public order etc from 2019 to date 2021. |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-00358-2021 | |
Details of the spend on safety gear (excluding PPE related to COVID-19) from 1/1/20 to 31/12/20. Details of clerical allowances paid to from 1/1/20 to 31/12/20. |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000408-2021 | |
The total cost of replacement clothes for prisoners in the Kerry Division during the period 1st January, 2019 to present. |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000414-2021 | |
Amount spent on repairing damage to bicycles used by officers, spent on clothing and equipment, bicycles currently in use, amount spent on training and equipment for horse riding officers since 2016, cost of maintaining the horses. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000422-2021 | |
Number of fines re disciplinary procedures taken against members in Roscommon/Longford for 2020 and 2021 |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000422-2021 | |
Amount spent on all third level courses and colleges for the academic year 2021/2022. |
Grant | FOI-000447-2021 | |
How much the Garda Síochána intends to spend on tackling Cyber Crime and updating its own systems as well as training and hiring new Gardaí into the Cyber Crime Unit. |
Grant | FOI-000449-2021 |
Related Finance PQs
2021 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Number and percentage of Garda fleet in the Limerick that are aged less than 1 year old, between 1-3, 3-6, 6-10 and over 10 years of age | 14/01/21 | 2127 |
Number of new marked and unmarked vehicles allocated and withdrawn to / from Technical Bureau in 2019 and 2020 | 20/01/21 | 2732 |
Estimated cost to recruit six additional full time analyst at higher executive officer level for Cyber Crime Unit | 20/01/21 | 2737 |
If funding will be made available in 2021 to purchase additional Command and Control vehicles | 20/01/21 | 2733 |
Estimated full year cost if 1,000 additional Gardaí were recruited | 20/01/21 | 2735 |
Number of 1200cc, 1400cc and 1500cc motorcycles, respectively in fleet | 28/01/21 | 4628 |
When a station will be provided in Ratoath, Meath in view of the fact that Ratoath is the largest town without a station. | 03/02/21 | 5193 |
Budget allocation to the Garda Air Support Unit from 2019 to 2021 | 03/02/21 | 5511 |
Amount collected in fines for breaching public health restrictions since the start; and breakdown per county and area funds generated from the fines | 03/02/21 | 5442 |
Estimated cost to have 15,420 sworn Gardaí by the end 2021; and the estimated cost for same to be increased to 16,200 by the end 2022 | 10/02/21 | 6618 |
Number of Public Order Unit vans attached to the Cork City Division as of 31/12/19 and 2/2/21 | 10/02/21 | 7219 |
Number of new vehicles allocated to the Armed Support Unit in 2019 and 2020 | 10/02/21 | 6614 |
Age of the trucks attached to the Water Unit; Are plans to replace either truck in 2021? | 10/02/21 | 6678 |
Number of marked and unmarked vans, 4x4 vehicles and jeeps attached to Collision Forensic Investigation Unit as of 1/2/20 and 2021 | 10/02/21 | 6679 |
Number of cars, jeeps and motorcycles attached to the Limerick Roads Policing Unit as of 31/12/19 and 8/2/21 | 17/02/21 | 8142 |
Estimated cost of increasing the number of Community Gardaí by 25% in 2021 | 17/02/21 | 8626 |
If funding will be provided for the purchase of additional four wheel drive vehicles for An Garda Síochána. | 17/02/21 | 8625 |
If approval will be given for a station in a location (details supplied) in County Kerry | 24/02/21 | 10382 |
Number of Garda cars and vans attached to Donegal Division as of 31/12/19 & 15/2/21 | 24/02/21 | 9814 |
Number of Roads Policing vans that came into the fleet from 2017 to 2020; and the number withdrawn during this period | 03/03/21 | 11562 |
If recent contract for new cars went to tender; and if so, when the new cars will come into the fleet. | 10/03/21 | 12702 |
If recent contract for new public order unit vans went out to tender; and if so, when the new vans will come into the fleet | 10/02/21 | 12700 |
Number of new cars and vans allocated to and withdrawn from each Division in 2020; | 31/03/21 | 16841 |
Number of new vehicles allocated to and withdrawn from Tipperary Division in 2020 | 31/03/21 | 16878 |
Percentage of the vehicles in the Mayo Division that are aged 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 6 and over 6 years old | 31/03/21 | 16845 |
If an assessment will be carried out on the need for the provision of a new station in Tallaght, Dublin 24 | 31/03/21 | 17337 |
Number of new cars and vans that were added to the Garda Dog Unit in 2020 and to date 2021, and the number of vehicles withdrawn during same period. | 31/04/21 | 20098 |
If funding will be provided to purchase 5 additional vans for the Garda Armed Support Unit | 28/04/21 | 21427 |
Number evidential breath testing machines allocated to each division | 28/04/21 | 21430 |
Number of vacant residences attached to stations; number of other properties surplus to requirement | 28/04/21 | 21545 |
Number of new Roads Policing vehicles that came into the fleet in 2020 - to date in 2021; and withdrawn from the fleet during same period. | 28/04/21 | 21977 |
Number of cars and motorcycles attached to Laois-Offaly roads policing unit as of 19 April 2021 | 05/05/21 | 22724 |
Plans for expanding the current station or providing a new station in east Meath given the large increase in population of the area in recent times | 13/05/21 | 23797 |
Amount of funding historically her Department has granted to an association (details supplied) to engage a company. | 18/05/21 | 26320 |
Number of jeeps that came into the fleet from 2018 - to date 2021 and number of jeeps withdrawn from the fleet during same period | 18/05/21 | 26527 |
Status of progress made on the construction of a new station at Kickham Barracks, Clonmel, Tipperary; has this project secured planning; when funding will be provided; date for when construction will start | 26/05/21 | 28398 |
Number of cars attached to the Garda national immigration bureau that are aged over 12 years; when these vehicles will be replaced; | 25/05/21 | 28187 |
Amount spent on external legal services in 2014, 2019 and 2020, in tabular form. | 25/05/21 | 27503 |
Position in relation to the plan to build a new station for the Coolock district | 25/05/21 | 27556 |
If a new contract to supply new unmarked vehicles has been put out to tender; and if so, when these new unmarked vehicles will come into the fleet | 01/06/21 | 29328 |
Amount spent all associated agencies have spent on public relations consultancy costs since January 2021 | 17/06/21 | 32651 |
Schedule of companies that supplied with ballistic helmets and ballistic shields in each of the past 4 years | 15/06/21 | 30748 |
Number of cars, motorcycles and jeeps attached to Tipperary roads policing unit as of 30/6/20 to 28/6/21 | 06/07/21 | 36105 |
Name of the company that supplies flame resistance masks in each of the past 3 years | 06/07/21 | 36104 |
Number of vans assigned to the forensic collision investigation unit in each of the past 3 years | 06/07/21 | 36107 |
Number of Garda bicycles in each station in Wexford by station from 2011 to date | 15/07/21 | 38922 |
If funding will be provided for the purchase of high powered jet skis for the Garda water unit | 13/07/21 | 37613 |
Garda overtime bill from 2018 to date 2021 | 14/07/21 | 38392 |
Estimated cost if 1,000 additional Gardaí were recruited from 2022 to 2024 | 13/07/21 | 37612 |
Number and age of the vehicle fleet in the Roscommon-Longford division by district | 14/07/21 | 38193 |
If a new tender for the provision of additional Garda public order unit vans will be put out before the end of 2021 | 27/07/21 | 40328 |
Number of HGV vehicles in the Garda fleet as of 1/1/20 and 19/7/21 | 27/07/21 | 40329 |
Number of functioning Garda stations in County Tipperary in each year since 2015 | 09/09/21 | 42609 |
Plans to reopen or develop Ashford Station, Wicklow; if none, if she will consider allowing the use of the premises to a community group in the area | 09/09/21 | 41857 |
Names of the companies that supplied in each of the past four years | 15/09/21 | 43409 |
Budget allocation to Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau, Cyber Crime Bureau and Criminal Assets Bureau in 2020 and 2021 | 15/09/21 | 43406 |
Number of cars and motorcycles attached to North Dublin Roads Policing Unit as of 7/9/21 | 15/09/21 | 43404 |
iI a recent contract for the provision of new Roads Policing Unit vans was put out to tender and if so, when the new vans will come into the fleet | 15/09/21 | 43892 |
number of bicycles and electric bicycles assigned to the Dublin Metropolitan Region east Garda division; the number of new bicycles and electric bicycles assigned in each of the years 2016 to 2020 | 21/09/21 | 45073 |
Estimated cost in 2022 of increasing the number of Gardaí to 15,300 by end of 2022; estimated cost in 2023 to increase to 16,180; estimated cost in 2024 to increase to 17,100 | 05/10/21 | 48361 |
Funding provided to the National Protective Services Bureau; the number of staff currently assigned | 13/10/21 | 49941 |
Number of stations closed in each of the past ten years by county | 12/10/21 | 49302 |
Number of new unmarked vans that came into fleet from 2018 to date 2021 | 12/10/21 | 49361 |
Number and location of Stations due for upgrading, refurbishment or replacement | 21/10/21 | 51943 |
Progress made on development of a new station in Kickham Barracks, Clonmel, Tipperary; if commencement date for construction and completion can be provided | 20/10/21 | 51698 |
If funding has being provided for the establishment of regional cyber crime hubs | 20/10/21 | 51374 |
The intended allocation of additional €10m provided in Budget 2022 to increase digital services in Department; if consideration will be given to increased investment at a facility | 20/10/21 | 51681 |
Plans in place for the expansion of the Garda mountain bike unit | 21/10/21 | 51552 |
When the riot shields and helmets were last updated; when they will be next updated. | 19/10/21 | 50667 |
If funding has been provided for the provision of purchasing additional high-powered unmarked vehicles for the roads policing unit; | 19/10/21 | 50877 |
Number of vehicles assigned to the Donegal division; age profile and hen they are scheduled for replacement | 21/10/21 | 51722 |
If funding has been provided for the purchase of additional vehicles for Armed support unit; and if so, the date on which these new vehicles will come into use | 19/10/21 | 50562 |
Funding allocated to Garda Cyber Crime Unit in 202 and 2021; allocation for 2022; the items it is proposed any increase allocation will be spent on | 02/11/21 | 52416 |
Funding provided to upgrade and modernise its dispatch systems centrally and in each station in 2018, 2019, 2020 and to date in 2021 | 04/11/21 | 53780 |
Approximate cost of the Garda investigation into the deaths of 802 children and the Mother and Babies Home in Tuam, County Galway | 16/11/21 | 56065 |
If funding has been secured in 2022 for the purchase of additional dogs for the Dog Unit and additional horses for the Mounted Unit | 23/11/21 | 57424 |
If funding has been secured for the purchase of additional Public Order Unit vans in 2022 | 23/11/21 | 57428 |
If funding has been secured for the issuing of tasers to frontline Gardaí | 23/11/21 | 57430 |
Number and age of vehicle fleet in the Dublin West Division by District | 07/12/21 | 60378 |
If there are plans to have high powered unmarked vehicles attached to Armed Support Unit fleet. | 14/12/21 | 61283 |
Number of new unmarked cars and vans that were assigned to National Immigration Bureau in 2020 and to date in 2021, number of vehicles that were withdrawn from the Bureau during the same period. | 14/12/21 | 61281 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
An Garda Síochána Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship Register 2021
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Human Resources
The office of Human Resources and People Development (HR & PD) is responsible for the recruitment, training, development and the management of Garda members and Garda staff.
The Directorate is responsible for most of the administrative and transactional HR functions for all Garda members and Garda staff. Among the HR functions administered in Athlumney House are pay & pensions; sick leave and other leave schemes; records, data protection and file management; and administration and statistics.
Related Human Resources FOIs
2021 Requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
The number of full time Staff by grade attached to each station in Dublin as of 31/12/20; The duties that Garda Civilian staff carry out at Garda stations | Part granted | FOI-000004-2021 |
Number of Gardaí in Kerry who took sick/injured leave in 2019 and 2020 as a result of injuries on duty and longest period a garda has been unable to work. Total gardaí in the Kerry Division. |
Part Granted | FOI-000006-2021 |
Number of physical assaults/attacks that have taken place on Gardai for 2020, breakdown by the type of injuries sustained and broken down by division |
Grant | FOI-000017-2021 |
The top 15 monetary sanctions imposed on Gardai to be found in breach of Garda discipline in 2019 and the nature of the breach of discipline in each case. Gardai suspended from duty in 2019, Gardai to be found to be in breach of Garda discipline in 2019 and the total amount imposed in fines last year, number of Gardai to be dismissed from the force last year and the reason in each case. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000023-2020 |
how many gardai were disciplined in 2019 and 2020 and provide a breakdown of the offences they were disciplined for |
Grant | FOI-000044-2021 |
Internal H.E.O Competition (2020) - Total number of applicants, - Number who scored 85 to 100 in the Online Test - Number who scored 69 to 84 in the Online Test. Number of candidates invited to the first round of interviews. |
Grant | FOI-000065-2021 |
Staff numbers GNDI unit including those involved full time as well as regional diversity officers with specifications regarding roles, annual cost of the Unit. The number of hate crime incidents as well as 'non-crime hate incidents |
Part grant | FOI-000071-2021 |
Number of gardaí in Donegal required to take sick leave for any reason during 2019 and 2020, who were required to take sick leave as a result of injuries received on dutiy during 2019 and 2020, longest period a Garda has been on sick leave, longest period an officer in Donegal has been unable to fulfill their work duties due to an injury on duty and total number of Garda officers in Donegal, |
Part grant | FOI-000079-2021 |
Total number of sick days taken by all staff 2020, days that were taken with a medical certificate and the total number uncertified in 2020, breakdown of sick leave days taken by staff, breakdown related to Covid-19 |
Part Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000086-2021.pdf Sick leave |
Copy of your social media policy, Documents/information pertaining to disciplinary proceedings against employees for breaching rules on social networking sites, A log of all data breaches committed in 2020 |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000105-2021 |
Number of sexual misconduct complaints made against members and number of sexual misconduct complaints made against members by other members, between the years of 2010 to 2020. |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000126-2021 |
Documentation pertaining to racial equity and diversity efforts within An Garda Síochána. Documentation pertaining to anti-racism training materials, events, or policy & procedures from November 2020 to present. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000098-2021.pdf |
Most recent statistical data held reflecting the composition of An Garda Síochána in terms of ethnic/racial and religious identities |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000123-2021.pdf |
Number of Gardaí currently suspended broken down by length, number of gardai that have been sacked/dismissed and number of probationer gardaí who have not been deemed suitable for attestment to full membership of AGS from 2018 - 2020 |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000133-2021.pdf |
The number of Gardaí currently serving in Kildare, in tabular format by station, rank, and membership of a specialist unit and other queries |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000165-2021 |
How many people have completed the Fitness Test to become a Gardai in between 1/1/20 and June 21 and other queries re Fitness test |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000197-2021 |
Special Investigation Unit within the Dep Social Protection to which Gardai are seconded to help investigate Pandemic Unemployment Payment claims: What is the exact current number of Gardai investigating Pandemic Unemployment Payment claims in the unit etc |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000232-2021 |
Number of MA/LLM/Human Rights in Criminal Justice in 2020 queries |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000268-2021 |
For the years 2016 to 2021 - How many CPSA reviews were carried out in each respective year and how many CPSA reviews were upheld in favour of the applicant? |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000275-2021 |
Current statistics on Strength by Gender for the County Louth region. |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000279-2021 |
Number of complaints filed by members of AGS in relation to bullying within the workforce in the period 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and thus far in 2021. |
Grant | FOI-000303-2021 |
Records relating to the number of members by rank, who the Commissioner has dismissed, number who successfully appealed their dismissal from 1/117 to date. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000314-2021 |
Garda severance packages |
part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000353-2021 |
Information about the employee structure of the Communications Department within your organisation. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000375-2021 |
Number of Gardaí currently assigned to the Mayo Garda Division - breakdown |
Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000409-2021 |
Number on suspension on rank basis and length of time on suspension, on November 25 2021, and for the corresponding date in the years 2016 - 2020. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000421-2021 |
Record of gardaí who have been disciplined with regard to their use/misuse of social media and/or messaging services from 1/1/17 to date |
Part Grant | Decision Letter FOI-000426-2021 |
The number of Gardai investigated for misconduct allegations in from 2019 to 2021, The number of Garda members disciplined in 2021 |
Granted | Decision Letter FOI-000439-2021 |
Payment of public monies of retired Gardai by An Garda Siochana, post retirement for various engagements |
Part Grant | Decision Letter FOI-0000442-2021 |
Request under the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) Regulations: requesting a copy of records held relating to the governance of driving (basic and advanced) and parking by Gardaí of all ranks and units Records to include, but not be limited to: regulations, guides, operational procedures, manuals, training manuals, and any other such documents, whether mandatory or discretionary. |
Part Grant | Decision Letter AIE-002-2021.pdf |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Human Resource PQs
2021 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Level of firearm training provided to armed personnel from 2018 to 2020 and to date 2021; number by grade/rank with firearms training; type of weapon; company engaged to provide training; cost of training on an annual basis; | 13/01/21 | 1809 |
If additional funding will be made available to recruits that have had their training period extended until 31/1/21 as a result of the Covid-19. | 13/01/21 | 1479 |
Supports or official responses offered to persons involved in or who witnessed to a fatal shooting involving members | 21/01/21 | 3197 |
If applicant members are required to have full Irish citizenship | 28/01/21 | 4788 |
Number of Gardaí assigned to each station in Cork city and county; the role, that is, community Garda, traffic corps; opening times of each station | 28/01/21 | 4579 |
Training provided on horse welfare and licensing requirements and plans to improve this | 03/02/21 | 5227 |
Training undertaken by members who are armed in dealing with persons facing mental health emergencies | 03/02/21 | 5657 |
The way in which the internal mobility for civil servants within her Department operates with regard to transfer lists; the way in which these transfer lists operate with regard to transfer from her Department | 04/02/21 | 6081 |
Views on providing exemption for the requirement of 2 languages for persons who otherwise meet the criteria but have a learning difficulty such as dyslexia; | 10/02/21 | 6905 |
Number of Districts and Divisions of An Garda Síochána that have Protective Services Units | 17/02/21 | 8228 |
Number of Gardaí in the Henry Street and Roxboro Road Districts from 2006 to 2020 and to date 2021 | 01/02/21 | 8946 |
Plans to address the low interest in persons joining the Garda Reserve | 25/02/21 | 10605 |
number of Gardaí by rank attached to the Tipperary Protective Service Unit | 24/02/21 | 9781 |
Number of members per thousand population in each division | 03/03/21 | 10981 |
When next intake of recruits will occur; if there is a revised schedule of dates for recruitment intake; if so, the dates and number of recruits | 03/03/21 | 11648 |
When an immigration officer will be appointed in the Tullamore district | 03/03/21 | 11528 |
Projected Garda recruitment in 2021; and the impact of Covid-19 on same | 04/03/21 | 12284 |
Number of Gardaí that have been redeployed in 2020 due to the hiring of civilian non-sworn staff. | 11/03/21 | 13578 |
If there are full-time documentary fraud experts working in the Garda National Immigration Bureau | 10/03/21 | 12703 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to the Water Unit as of 22/3/21 | 31/02/21 | 16876 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to the Air Support Unit as of 22/3/21 | 31/03/21 | 16877 |
A report on the official reopening and manning of the refurbished Rush Garda station; the timeline for same | 22/04/21 | 20919 |
Garda divisions without a crime prevention officer and when each vacant post will be filled on a permanent basis | 21/04/21 | 20095 |
Status of the strategic review of Garda reserve due in 2019; schedule for recruitment to the reserve which was suspended pending the review | 21/04/21 | 18608 |
Number of candidates that were on recruitment panel at 31/1/21 subject to Covid-19 regulations; plans to reopen Templemore in 9/21; number of persons that will be offered a place | 21/04/21 | 18790 |
Training provided to Gardaí and employees of the Courts Service in dealing with victims of sexual abuse and violence. | 28/04/21 | 21285 |
If any handwriting experts are employed; if not, the plans to employ them | 28/04/21 | 21432 |
Number of Band members that have been redeployed for the purposes of policing and enforcing Covid-19 guidelines; when this deployment will cease. | 11/05/21 | 24145 |
Engagements Minister has had with an association (details supplied) and the Garda Commissioner in respect of ICT systems that can track expense claims within the association more accurately and efficiently. | 18/05/21 | 26312 |
If An Garda Síochána will be recruiting in 2021 | 25/05/21 | 27872 |
Number of persons currently on a panel waiting for recruitment | 25/05/21 | 28185 |
Number of promotional positions that remain vacant at present; when they will be filled | 03/06/21 | 30422 |
The education and training Gardaí receive in relation to autism | 03/06/21 | 30168 |
Status of the retirement age for a chief superintendent | 03/06/21 | 30167 |
Number by rank and district in each of the Cork divisions that retired, expected to retire, and notice given of intention to resign in 2021 | 01/06/21 | 29158 |
Number within the Garda national cyber crime bureau; number of vacancies; plans to increase number within bureau | 03/06/21 | 30191 |
Staffing levels of Garda anti-cybercrime unit; the exact role of the unit; the plans for its expansion | 03/06/21 | 27640 |
Status of the strategic review of the Garda reserve. | 03/06/21 | 29969 |
Number of employees under the aegis of her Department who have been in receipt of a higher duty acting allowance for over 2 years. | 15/06/21 | 31423 |
Number of civilian cyber-security experts currently attached to Garda national cyber-crime bureau from 2019 to date 2021 | 15/06/21 | 30732 |
Number of staff involved in investigation material on mobile phones, computers relating to child sexual offences; qualifications needed | 15/06/21 | 30730 |
Number of full-time forensic speech analysts working in each of the past 3 years | 15/06/21 | 30734 |
Number of civilians holding the position of property and exhibits manager; stations where based; if appropriate training has been provided | 15/06/21 | 30733 |
Date on which in-person training courses will resume in both Headquarters and Training College | 15/06/21 | 30749 |
Number of Superintendents who will be based in Kerry for 2022 | 08/07/21 | 36611 |
Number of Community Gardaí in Mallow district | 08/07/21 | 36784 |
Number of Community Gardaí in the Roscommon-Longford and Westmeath divisions | 08/07/21 | 36816 |
If An Garda Síochána is suitably resourced, trained and equipped to implement the Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Act 2020; | 08/07/21 | 36781 |
Plans to expand the Garda Information Services Centre in Castlebar, County Mayo | 08/07/21 | 36815 |
Report by the Mental Health Commission that states the highest number of applications to involuntarily detain persons;training in place; | 08/07/21 | 36578 |
Total strength. number due to retire in each of the next 5 years; level of recruitment likely | 08/07/21 | 37109 |
Number by rank attached to Roscommon-Longford divisional drugs unit as of 31/12/19 and 5 July 2021 | 14/07/21 | 38192 |
If members attached to the Garda armed support unit are fully trained in advanced lifesaving skills | 14/07/21 | 38269 |
Number of gardai by rank attached to Cavan-Monaghan community engagement unit | 13/07/21 | 38694 |
Number of Gardaí in Donegal by electoral area from 2011 to date | 27/07/21 | 40136 |
Targeted recruitment for both sworn and civilian staff in 2022 | 27/07/21 | 41285 |
Number of Gardaí who joined and left from 2015 to date in 2021 | 27/07/21 | 40201 |
Views on a programme broadcast on 20/7/21 in respect of several open drugs markets operating and number of drugs Gardaí in Ballymun | 27/07/21 | 41284 |
Number of Gardaí by rank and section and number of vacant posts in Louth and her plans to fill such posts | 27/07/21 | 41036 |
The current policy regarding the employment of persons with disabilities in her Department and in each State and semi-State body under the aegis of her Department | 09/09/21 | 41598 |
The way in which her Department and public bodies and agencies under her remit are accommodating requests for persons to work from home. | 09/09/21 | 42761 |
Current strength of the Reserve by rank; the establishment of the Reserve by rank | 15/09/21 | 43306 |
if a competition to fill the vacancies in a unit (details supplied) will be held before the end of 2021. | 15/09/21 | 43405 |
Provide figures relating to domestic abuse incidents across all divisions in year to date, including the number of calls received to respond to domestic abuse incidents, the number of criminal charges referred for breaches of domestic abuse court orders and the number of criminal charges reported for crimes involving an element of domestic abuse | 15/09/21 | 43667 |
Number of Gardai who successfully completed the van personnel carrier course in 2020 and to date in 2021; the duration of this course; | 21/09/21 | 45055 |
Number by rank attached to the diversion protective services unit in the Cavan/Monaghan, Sligo/Leitrim and Wexford Division as of 13/9/21 | 21/09/21 | 45056 |
Number of Gardaí by rank suspended in 2018 to date in 2021 | 07/10/21 | 48938 |
Funding provided to the National Protective Services Bureau; the number of staff currently assigned | 13/10/21 | 49941 |
Number by rank attached to the Cavan-Monaghan Drugs Unit from 1/1/20 - 5/10/21 | 12/10/21 | 49471 |
Recruitment plans for 2022; if the pre-Covid-19, 2020 recruits have commenced formal training | 12/10/21 | 49695 |
Number of Garda staff who retired in each year 2015 to date in 2021 | 12/10/21 | 49659 |
Extent to which training and the updating of legislation continues to be made available and that such activity and upgrading of training continues to remain an integral part of the curriculum etc | 21/10/21 | 51652 |
Number of staff recruited in each from 2018 to date 2021 | 20/10/21 | 51697 |
If new initiatives to promote more recruitment and progression of women within An Garda Síochána are being undertaken. | 21/10/21 | 51159 |
Rank and file of the positions that remain unfilled in Louth | 21/10/21 | 51720 |
Number by rank attached to each divisional protective services unit as of 11 October 2021. | 19/10/21 | 50565 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to each of the regional cybercrime hubs as of 26/10/21 | 02/11/21 | 53049 |
Estimated cost in 2022 of training 17 extra Garda forensic collision investigators | 02/11/21 | 53050 |
Further to PQ 1390 of 27/7/21, provide the corresponding figures for the Roscommon/Longford and Galway divisions respectively; the numbers in each station appointed to specialist units | 10/11/21 | 55285 |
If the old barracks in Templederry, Tipperary is still considered an operational station; if the building is surplus to requirements | 09/11/21 | 54082 |
Number of members who have been redeployed or retired from the Clare division during 2019 and 2020, number of members that have been assigned to the Clare division for duty during the same periods. | 16/11/21 | 56063 |
Number of members that have been allocated to the investigation into the deaths of 802 children and the Mother and Babies Home in Tuam, Galway | 16/11/21 | 56064 |
Number of disciplinary proceedings taken against individual members from 2018 to 2020; the number of these cases which are currently pending | 24/11/21 | 57862 |
If she has plans to establish a transport police service; | 25/11/21 | 58141 |
If the recruitment process for is open at present; the number of that are expected to be recruited in the next tranche | 25/11/21 | 57814 |
Number in DMR North Division that have taken basic/refresher public order training from 2019 to date 2021; if new public order training course will occur before the end of the year | 23/11/21 | 57426 |
Number of members at present; if it is planned to increase the strength of the force; number of stations in the country that have less than their allocated members attached to them | 25/11/21 | 56742 |
Number by rank attached to H District Drugs Unit as of 1/1/21 and 15/11/21 | 23/11/21 | 57431 |
Number by rank attached to Clare Drugs Unit in each of the past three years | 23/11/21 | 57434 |
Number of Gardaí currently employed by county; and the projected Garda number for 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 | 01/12/21 | 59301 |
Number of Gardaí that have received specialist training to interview children as witnesses, victims or suspects in 2020 and to date in 2021 | 31/11/21 | 58412 |
Details of domestic violence recorded in 2021 to date; compare to previous years; additional training that has been provided | 07/12/21 | 60044 |
Number of members that retired due to occupational injury in each of the years 2015 to 2020 and to date in 2021 | 07/12/21 | 60103 |
If Garda recruitment will take place in January 2022; if not, if recruitment will be held later | 14/12/21 | 61929 |
Number of Gardaí within DMR North Division that successful completed the competency | 14/12/21 | 61285 |
Number of Gardaí who successfully completed the advanced motorcycle course in 2020 and to date in 2021 | 14/12/21 | 61282 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Internal Affairs
Complaints/Discipline Statistics
The Complaints Section at Internal Affairs, is responsible for the administration of complaints investigations designated by GSOC for investigation in accordance Section 94 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005 (Supervised and Unsupervised Investigations).
All applications for compensation under the Garda Síochána (Compensation) Acts 1941/45 are made by serving or retired members of An Garda Síochána to the Department of Justice & Equality and relate to injuries maliciously inflicted on the member, whether on or off-duty, in the course of, or in relation to, the performance by them of their duties as members of An Garda Síochána.
Related Internal Affairs FOIs
2021 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
How many gardai were disciplined in 2019 and 2020 and provide a breakdown of the offences they were disciplined for? | Grant | FOI-000044-2021 |
Number of Gardai investigated for misconduct allegations in 2019 - 2021. | Grant | FOI-000439-2021 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related PQs to follow
2021 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | PQ Number |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Internal Audit
Related Internal Audits FOIs
Copy of all internal audit reports completed in the period 1/1/21 to date of receipt of the request. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000177-2021.pdf |
Copy of all internal audit reports completed in the period 4/5/21 to date of receipt of the request. |
Part grant | Decision Letter FOI-000369-2021.pdf |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Roads Policing
- Fatalities
- Drink and dangerous driving
- Fixed charge notices, including Seatbelts, Mobile phones and speeding
Roads Policing statistics are compiled by the Garda Síochána Analysis Service (GSAS) on a monthly basis. They are provisional, operational and subject to change. Enforcement statistics and data are released for the benefit of the general public, to raise awareness and to highlight Garda activity across the country.
Related Roads Policing FOIs
2021 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Monthly monetary amount of all Fixed Charge Notices issued by An Garda Siochana on this road from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020 | Grant | FOI-000193-2021 |
Names of each company that provide each piece of uniform, include specialist equipment used by Roads Policing Unit officers, public order 2019 - 2021 | Grant | FOI-000358-2021 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Roads Policing PQs
2021 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
If there is an increase in cars being seized due to lack of tax renewals | 140/1/21 | 2019 |
Number of persons arrested and prosecuted for driving while disqualified for past 3 years | 20/01/21 | 2928 |
If it is policy to leave the engines of Garda vehicles running while at checkpoints; effects of the emissions occupational health of members and the public, cost of fuel to the State and the damage to the environment is assessed | 03/02/21 | 5797 |
If the operational guidelines for Forensic Traffic Investigators have been updated since 2007; if a review and urgent update of these guidelines will be carried out; | 10/02/21 | 7034 |
Further to PQ 145 18/11/20 and 500 8/12/20, number of learner drivers in 2019 and up to 31/10/20 that did not pay the FCN issued for driving unaccompanied by a qualified driver under the Clancy Amendment; | 10/02/21 | 7028 |
Number of fatal road traffic collisions from 2016 to 2020; number of drivers involved per year; the number of drivers in which the status of their driver licence or learner permit is unknown | 10/02/21 | 7035 |
Number of cars, jeeps and motorcycles attached to the Limerick Roads Policing Unit as of 31/12/19 and 8/2/21 | 17/02/21 | 8142 |
If an NDLS receipt for a driver licence renewal will be accepted by Gardaí in lieu of the licence given backlog as a result of Covid-19 | 24/02/21 | 10150 |
The education programmes members, especially members of National Roads Policing take to understand the requirements and legal rights of cyclists | 03/03/21 | 11634 |
Number of Roads Policing vans that came into the fleet from 2017 to 2020; and the number withdrawn during this period | 03/03/21 | 11562 |
Number of LPSV licences that have been revoked permanently and or cancelled; number issued with suspensions due to notification of a drug and or alcohol test failure from 2018 - to date 2021, by county | 03/03/21 | 11221 |
Current processing time for applications made by local authorities to the Commissioner for authorisation to operate a CCTV system | 04/03/21 | 12342 |
Number of persons arrested for dangerous driving in for 2019 to date 2021 | 31/02/21 | 16520 |
Number of Roads Policing Unit motorcycles came into the fleet in to and were withdrawn in 2020 and to date in 2021 | 31/03/21 | 16843 |
Number of fixed penalty charge notices issued for illegal parking of vehicles in each of the years 2015 to 2020. | 21/04/21 | 18306 |
Number of calls that were received by Traffic Watch in 2020; number of calls allocated a number in PULSE system; number of investigations under the road traffic acts resulting from those calls | 21/04/21 | 19112 |
If it is official policy that Garda traffic watch do not inform persons calling the service of pulse numbers for their complaints | 21/04/21 | 19113 |
Number evidential breath testing machines allocated to each division | 28/04/21 | 21430 |
Number of new Roads Policing vehicles that came into the fleet in 2020 - to April 2021; and withdrawn from the fleet during same period. | 28/04/21 | 21977 |
Number of fixed charge penalty notices issued in 2020 - April 2021 for public order related offences by division | 28/04/21 | 21975 |
Further to PQ645 of 10/2/21, progress made in updating the 2014 Roads Policing Manual to provide updated guidelines in forensic collision investigations and timeframe | 11/02/21 | 23850 |
Number of vehicles seized by from 2019 to date 2021 by district and division to learner drivers for the offence of driving unaccompanied by a qualified driver | 11/05/21 | 23852 |
Number of fixed charge notices issued by from 2019 to date 2021, by district and division, to learner drivers for the offence of driving unaccompanied by a qualified driver | 11/05/21 | 23851 |
Establish a dedicated transport division of An Garda Síochána? | 20/05/21 | 27230 |
Number of arrests, prosecutions and convictions for the theft of catalytic converters or for handling stolen catalytic converters that have taken place in 2020 and to date in 2021; | 15/06/21 | 31260 |
Number of pedal cycles reported stolen in 2020 and to date 2021 | 30/06/21 | 35209 |
Number of cars, motorcycles and jeeps attached to Tipperary roads policing unit as of 30/6/20 to 28/6/21 | 06/07/21 | 36105 |
Number of vehicles seized within the Kildare division for driving without insurance in 2020 and to date in 2021 | 14/07/21 | 38266 |
Number of quad bikes, all terrain vehicles, scramblers and similar types of vehicles seized in each division in 2020 and to date in 2021 | 13/07/21 | 37614 |
Number of fixed penalty notices that Gardaí issued for parking on double yellow lines in 2020 and to date in 2021 | 15/09/21 | 43896 |
If funding has been provided for the provision of purchasing additional high-powered unmarked vehicles for the roads policing unit; | 19/10/21 | 50877 |
Number of fixed charge notices issued to drivers for driving while holding a mobile phone per division from 2018 to date 2021 | 04/11/21 | 53715 |
Number of drivers that paid a fixed charge notice for driving while holding a mobile phone per division within the statutory timeframe from 2018 to date 2021 | 04/11/21 | 53716 |
Number of drivers that failed to pay a fixed charge notice for driving while holding a mobile phone per division within statutory timeframe from 18 to date 21 | 04/11/21 | 53717 |
Number of drivers that availed of third payment option and paid fixed charge notice for driving while holding a mobile phone per division from 2018 to date 2021 | 04/11/21 | 53718 |
Number of drivers that failed to pay a fixed charge notice for driving while holding a mobile phone within the statutory payment timeframe from 2018 to date in 2021 and were summonsed to court by District Court for the offence for which the fixed charge notice was originally issued for the offence of driving whilst holding a mobile phone | 04/11/21 | 53719 |
Number of fixed charge notices issued to drivers for speeding Garda division in each of the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 | 10/11/21 | 54960 |
Number of drivers that paid a fixed charge notice for speeding by division within the statutory payment time frame in each of the years 2018, 2019 and 2020; | 10/11/21 | 54961 |
Number of drivers that availed of the third payment option and paid a fixed charge notice for speeding by division in each of the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 | 10/11/21 | 54963 |
Number and age of vehicle fleet in the Dublin West Division by District | 07/12/21 | 60378 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
Below are the statistics relating to use of force for to date 2021:
Use of Force December 2021
Use of Force November 2021
Use of Force October 2021
Use of Force September 2021
Use of Force August 2021
Use of Force July 2021
Use of Force June 2021
Use of Force May 2021
Use of Force April 2021
Use of Force March 2021
Use of Force February 2021
Use of Force January 2021
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
This eVetting system was specifically designed to ensure speedy processing of vetting applications. The eVetting service provides for a 5 day turnaround for 80% of applications received via the system.
2021 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Average timeline for Garda vetting applications to be processed. | 31/03/211 | 16374 |
Current waiting times for vetting applications to be processed; if this has been delayed by Covid-19 | 15/12/21 | 62114 |
When clearance will issue to a person (details supplied); average time being taken to issue clearance; the steps being taken to expedite this process | 14/12/21 | 61512 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Finance and Services
Finance Statistics - Budgets and Spending including overtime
Finance & Services has the responsibility for the financial management of the Garda Vote as well as providing strategic and operational support and advice at all levels in An Garda Síochána. It provides Garda management with financial information to assist with decision making and the delivery of improved services and value for money throughout the organisation.
Garda Fleet Management manages a fleet of approximately 2,983 vehicles distributed throughout Garda Divisions and specialist units.
Prompt Payment and Purchase Orders
An Garda Síochána Purchase orders for goods and services of more than €20k and Prompt Payment Reports are available.
Senior Management Expenses are processed and paid in line with Department of Public Expenditure & Reform Provisions & Guidelines and in compliance with the Expenses Regulations and Procedures governing An Garda Síochána as well as being subject to Internal and External audits.
Related Finance FOIs
2020 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Cost of non-public duty services 20 most expensive events in 2019 by Gardaí and paid for by the host organisations, and cost of associated policing duties performed outside | Granted | FOI-000014-2020 |
List of all non-public duty charges levied by An Garda Síochána for policing duties - essentially at events in Ireland from 2017 to 2019 with details of each event | Granted | FOI-000015-2020 |
Ten most expensive events which were policed, under non-public duty, by An Garda Siochana within the Limerick during the 2019 | Granted | FOI-000017-2020 |
Total sum of money taken in by from the public for firearm licensing fees in each of the years 2017 to 2019 | Granted | FOI-000019-2020 |
Cost of any refurbishment work carried out at Cabra Garda Station, DMR West, to make the station wheelchair accessible | Part granted | FOI-000029-2020 |
Costs for 3 farming protests on 26/9/19, 17/12/19 and 15-16/1/20 for overtime, Equipment, Traffic management | Part granted | FOI-000036-2020 |
All dates of policing for events at Leopardstown Racecourse from 1/1/19 to 1/1/20 - The total amount paid to An Garda Síochána for policing these events | Granted | FOI-000041-2020 |
Amount spent on purchasing fuel for its fleet of vehicles in the years of 2018, 2019 and to-date in 2020 | Part granted | FOI-000093-2020 |
Correspondence between AGS and the OPW with regard to the development of a building for AGS at Military Road from 1/7/19 to date | Part granted | FOI-000124-2020 |
The total number of firearms and guns purchased in the years 2015 - 2019 | Part granted | FOI-000126-2020 |
The top 20 amounts paid out in overtime and the rank of Gardaí | Part granted | FOI-000137-2020 |
Amount paid to individuals/firms for media training and PR services and the number of Gardaí to receive media training in 2019 and rank | Granted | FOI-000145-2020 |
Cost of visit of Prince William and Kate to Ireland, include breakdown such as Garda overtime, etc | Granted | FOI-000146-2020 |
Amount spent on leasing out vehicles for use within the Garda fleet from 2017 to date 2020 | Granted | FOI-000149-2020 |
List of Dublin Stations that received maintenance works under Small Capital Works Programme in the years 2018 to date 2020 | Granted | FOI-000152-2020 |
Cost of running the Garda Air Support Unit in each of the first 5 months of 2020 and the costs of running in each of previous three years | Granted | FOI-000181-2020 |
The amount spent by AGS for firearms training for members in each of the years 2016, 17, 18, 19 and 20 (to date) and number of training sessions | Granted | FOI-000184-2020 |
The amount spent to date on the rental of vehicles to Gardaí to assist in COVID-19 issues and date when contract expires | Part granted | FOI-000194-2020 |
Total number of fines, or fixed-charge notices, that were paid in 2018 and 2019, with a breakdown by offence type and Garda division | Granted | FOI-000195-2020 |
Amount spent by the Gardaí from the start of March to date on equipment to deal with Covid 19 | Part granted | FOI-000197-2020 |
Costs incurred to run the Garda Air Support Unit in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 to present | Granted | FOI-000206-2020 |
List of all payments made (including organisation/event, place of duty, date of duty and amount paid) from 2015 to date for non-public duty services carried out for the NTA, etc | Part granted | FOI-000209-2020 |
Materials showing what events were policed by Gardaí in Cork West, Cork North and Cork City to date this year | Part granted | FOI-000242-2020 |
Records on the fleet of cars available to senior politicians | Part granted | FOI-000256-2020 |
Cost of protection and training equipment for Garda Dog Unit | Granted | FOI-000260-2020 |
Record of how much AGS spent in 2019 and 2020: guns, protective weapons, ammunition, protective equipment | Part granted | FOI-000262-2020 |
The amount spent on replacement of each uniform used by Public Order Officers from 2018 to date 2020. The last date and next date Public Order Uniform was will be updated. | Part granted | FOI-000301-2020 |
How much An Garda Siochana earned in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and first 6 months of 2020 from policing events; and a breakdown of the events and costs | Part granted | FOI-000311-2020 |
A list of the state car fleet. The total cost of fuel; insurance; road tax; road toll charges and cost of state cars drivers from 2017 to date. | Part granted | FOI-000330-2020 |
Amount paid in 2019 to date 2020 for media training and PR services, and the number to receive media training and rank. Number of PR firms who applied for tender in 2019 and 2020 and how much it was estimated to cost | Grant | FOI-000358-2020 |
Tender documents submitted by 'k and K Distributors' in their tender application for the "Provision of Professional Actors to engage in role play (RFT Reference T.054.2019) | Part granted | FOI-000370-2020 |
Monthly breakdown of the cost of overtime from 2016 to October 2020. The annual budget allocated for overtime from 2016 to 2020. | Part granted | FOI-000389-2020 |
Records of all expenses, allowances and other costs paid in respect of the Garda band during 2019 and 2020 to date; to include the purpose of the payments and the number of recipients | Part granted | FOI-000390-2020 |
Details of the spend on personal protective equipment/safety gear for Gardaí for 2019. Please include breakdown of the spend on PPE/safety gear as follows: riot helmets; riot shields; anti-stab vests; hi-vis Garda jackets; knee protective pads and elbow protective pads, clerical allowances paid to Gardaí, costs associated with caring for animals and number of injuries | Part granted | FOI-000408-2020 |
Records relating to officers claiming overtime pay, total amount of overtime pay issued, top five individual officers according to the amount of overtime from 1/1/20 to the current date | Part granted | FOI-000420-2020 |
Amount spent on Artificial Intelligence Systems ( etc.) from 2017 - 2020, Procurement and tender documents andd how such systems are used. Amount spent on ANPR systems from 2017 to 2020, Procurement and tender documents for the same. |
Part granted | FOI-000450-2020 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Finance PQs
2020 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Timeline for when contracts will be signed for the new Bailieborough Station, Cavan; when opening? reason for delay in appointing contractor; if new operational model will have an effect on the progression of project; | 29/09/2020 | 26402 |
Estimated cost to have 15,420 sworn Gardaí by the end of 2021; and the estimated cost for same to be increased to 16,200 by the end of 2022 | 29/09/2020 | 26835 |
Reason funding for the community policing forum in the north-inner city ceased in May 2019. | 29/09/2020 | 27301 |
Amount of overtime paid to members by rank and by county from March to date in September 2020, in tabular form. | 29/09/2020 | 26309 |
Status of the measures taken to upgrade the PULSE system to capture hate-related motivations for all incidents of crime and non-crime; and if she will make a statement on the matter. | 01/10/2020 | 28002 |
If there are plans to provide a new station in Citywest, Dublin. will she appreciate the population of the area clearly makes the case for such a development |
6/10/2020 | 28759 |
Year cost of recruiting 3 additional full-time accountants for the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau. |
14/10/2020 | 30431 |
If she has secured funding in Budget 2021 to replace either the helicopters or aircraft within the Garda air support unit. |
20/10/2020 | 31764 |
Number of new marked vans that have come into the fleet and withdrawn to date in 2020; |
20/10/2020 | 31172 |
The physical renovations being made to courthouses and stations to prevent the spread of Covid-19; and if Tralee courthouse will be one of those allocated funds to do so |
22/10/2020 | 30963 |
Breakdown of costs of the €70 million in the ICT budget for 2020 and 2021; the projected cost of upgrading ICT; |
22/10/2020 | 32011 |
Amount set aside in Budget 2021 to purchase new vehicles; the number that will be electric; if not electric, the reason for not purchasing electric |
3/11/2020 | 32808 |
Cost of civilian staff for each of the past five years |
10/11/2020 | 34564 |
Divisions within the Dublin have a community support van; and if funding has been made available in 2021 for the purchase of additional vans. |
10/11/2020 | 34981 |
Number of marked jeeps that came into the fleet from 2018 to date in 2020; and the number of marked jeeps that were withdrawn from the fleet |
10/11/2020 | 34978 |
Number of public order unit vans attached to each division as of 3 November 2020, in tabular form. |
10/11/2020 | 35308 |
If she has received the necessary information from the Garda authorities in order to answer Parliamentary Question No. 932 of 14 July 2020. |
10/11/2020 | 34848 |
Cost of renting office space including for public bodies* from a company in 2019 and to date in 2020, in tabular form(WE WORK ) |
12/11/2020 | 35615 |
If her Department or bodies under the aegis of her Department rent office space from a company or an Irish subsidiary; the number of employees that work out of such office space. |
12/12/2020 | 35718 |
If her Department or an agency operating under her Department have encountered expenditure in respect of hand sanitisation products or other PPE products that were subsequently subject to a recall |
12/11/2020 | 36008 |
If the provision for a new station for Castletroy, Annacotty, Limerick city will be considered |
24/11/2020 | 37809 |
If consideration has been given to the building of a new station in Ongar, Dublin 15 given the increased population in the area |
01/12/2020 | 40735 |
Number of unmarked cars, jeeps and vans attached to Garda National Immigration Bureau as of 30/11/20 |
08/12/2020 | 41440 |
If funding is available in 2021 to update the boats within the Garda Water Unit. |
08/12/2020 | 41438 |
Number of marked jeeps that came into the fleet from 2018 to date in 2020; number of marked jeeps that were withdrawn from the fleet during the same period |
08/12/2020 | 41226 |
Expenditure on in-service training and leadership development in each of the key service areas under her Department, that is, Garda, prison, courts; percentage of payroll it represents in each case |
10/12/2020 | 41605 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Human Resources
The office of Human Resources and People Development (HR & PD) is responsible for the recruitment, training, development and the management of Garda members and Garda staff.
The Directorate is responsible for most of the administrative and transactional HR functions for all Garda members and Garda staff. Among the HR functions administered in Athlumney House are pay & pensions; sick leave and other leave schemes; records, data protection and file management; and administration and statistics.
Related Human Resources FOIs
2020 requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Number of Fitness Test and Physical Competence Tests completed | Part granted | FOI-000013-2020 |
Information about the policies, criteria and controls for both types of CCTV schemes | Refused | FOI-000071-2020 |
Amount of Garda competitions run by HR under Public Service Appointments and the amount of applicants for each competition/year | Part granted | FOI-000077-2020 |
Details of specialised courses delivered at Templemore College last year | Part granted | FOI-000186-2020 |
Number of official complaints of racist abuse made against the force by members of the public since 2014 | Part granted | FOI-000199-2020 |
Information on Garda Superintendents stationed at in Louth, Meath, Westmeath, Cavan and Monaghan between 2010 and 2020 | Granted | FOI-000215-2020 |
Number of appointed and assistant detectives in the year's end for each of the years between 1995-2019 | Part granted | FOI-000233-2020 |
Number of detectives of all ranks attached to Cork city division, Cork West division and Cork North division in to date in 2020 | Part granted | FOI-000239-2020 |
How many Gardaí in Cork City, West and North are on leave of absence, how long is leave, when expired and how many applied to end of 2020 | Part granted | FOI-000250-2020 |
The number of Gardaí of all ranks that have retired and joined in the years 2017- 2020 | Grant | FOI-000304-2020 |
How many Gardai in Donegal were injured/ off work as a result of assaults from 1/1/ to 4/9/20 and 2019 for comparison, the injuries or medical treatment received. Length of time gardaí in Donegal were on sick leave due to an injury. | Part Granted | FOI-000309-2020 |
The number of physical assaults/attacks that have taken place on gardai from 2018 to date in 2020, with a breakdown by the type of injuries sustained, amount of days missed broken down by Garda division. | Part Granted | FOI-000316-2020 |
Record of the number of complaints filed by members in relation to bullying within the workforce in the period 2016 - to date 2020. Type of incident involved: e.g. sexual harassment, other types of harassment. |
Grant | FOI-000354-2020 |
Records of the number of Gardaí that faced disciplinary action, monetary penalties imposed and the reasons, type of sanctions received and number of Gardaí suspended in 2018 to first six months of 2020 | Part Grant | FOI-000355-2020 |
The number of official complaints made by both male and female Gardaí in Donegal relating to sexual harassment from 2019 to date 2020; Nature and outcome of these complaints |
Grant | FOI-000374-2020 |
The number of gardaí who have taken sick days due to mental health issues |
Part Grant | FOI-000378-2020 |
How many officers have tested positive, how many officers have isolated after a positive, how many officers have isolated but didn’t test positive, how many officers have self isolated yet didn’t get tested or had not been near anyone who had Covid? |
Refuse | FOI-000386-2020 |
Since March how many Gardaí in Donegal have missed days, how many day missed and Gardaí currently off due to positive Covid tests? |
Refuse | FOI-000387-2020 |
Number of Gardaí who took sickness absence, days lost and members on restricted duty due mental health illness in 2020 to date |
Part grant | FOI-000410-2020 |
Amount spent on psychological/psychiatric services and sessions and number of calls to the Garda Independent Counselling Service for members and staff from 2017 and 2020 (to date) | Part grant | FOI-000411-2020 |
How many Garda officers have been charged and convicted with crimes in past five years and how many currently have a criminal record. | Grant | FOI-000437-2020 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Human Resource PQs
2020 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Dates she expects the next two cohorts of trained Garda recruits or probationers to pass through Templemore Garda College and to be allocated to Garda districts | 29/09/2020 | 26483 |
Number of arrests made for breach of the in-camera rule in the Family Law Courts from 2015 to date 2020; and the number of persons charged and jailed, respectively. | 29/09/2020 | 26710 |
When she expects all Garda specialist training courses either held in Garda Headquarters or the Garda Training College to resume | 29/09/2020 | 26834 |
When members will be appointed to the management board of An Garda Síochána; number she will appoint; process for selection and approval; and if she will make a statement on the matter. | 29/09/2020 | 26941 |
When she expects Fitzgibbon Street, Dublin 1 Garda Station to reopen. | 29/09/2020 | 27217 |
If her attention has been drawn to the situation in which policing in an area is delivered by stations in two separate divisions; difficulties that this can create; if the matter will be investigated; and if she will make a statement on the matter. | 01/10/2020 | 27846 |
Breakdown of population numbers to each Garda for every county here; and if she will make a statement on the matter. | 06/10/2020 | 28856 |
If Store Street and Mountjoy stations are open 24/7 in view of the rise in antisocial behaviour in the north inner city Dublin. |
14/10/2020 | 30375 |
Number of Gardaí who successfully completed the standard and advanced motorcycle course in 2019 and to date 2020; duration of each course; when the next motorcycle courses will commence. |
20/10/2020 | 31174 |
Number of recruits that were to start training with in 2020; the number that actually began training in 2020 and the breakdown of targeted versus actual recruitment. |
20/10/2020 | 31223 |
Her plans to amend the upper age limit for new recruits in view of recruitment drive announced in Budget 2021; |
20/10/2020 | 31490 |
If Community Gardaí will be increased in view of the additional budgetary allocation; the methodology that would be used to do so in view of the incidence rates of particular types of crime can vary in different parts of Tipperary; |
22/10/2020 | 32026 |
If urgent consideration can be given to the provision of a station for areas in Co Dublin; if provision can be made for increased resources for the areas Donabate & Portrane |
5/11/2020 | 34508 |
Average age of a member of An Garda Síochána; and if she will make a statement on the matter |
5/11/2020 | 34413 |
Number of the Travelling community that have applied to become, and have graduated to be Gardaí; |
4/11/2020 | 34013 |
If the Shelta or Cant language can meet the requirement of a second language when a person is applying to become a member has an exemption in the secondary school from other languages except English |
4/11/2020 | 34014 |
Position regarding a community policing unit in Swords Co Dublin; the number of by rank in this community policing unit from 2016 to 2019 and to date in 2020; |
5/11/2020 | 34510 |
Reason the immigration office in County Longford closed; and when it is due to reopen. |
10/11/2020 | 34784 |
Number of car driving and motorcycle instructors courses that were held in either the Training College or Garda College in 2018 and 2019 |
10/11/2020 | 34849 |
Number of Gardaí by rank and staff by job title working in the National Forensic Co-Ordination Office as of 1/11/20 |
10/11/2020 | 34980 |
Staff numbers; the number of PTE and FTE equivalents annually for the past five years; |
10/11/2020 | 34565 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to the Traffic Corps Unit in DMR North from 2009 to 2019 and to date in 2020 |
26/11/20 | 39516 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to the Regional Support Unit in DMR North from 2009 to 2019 and to date in 2020 |
26/11/20 | 39512 |
Number of Garda Superintendents that have been appointed to Ardee Station, Louth over the past 5 years |
25/11/20 | 38915 |
Dates over the past 5 years on which there has been no Garda Superintendent appointed in the Ardee Station, Louth |
25/11/2020 | 38917 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to the Community Relations Unit in DMR North from 2009 to 2019 and to date in 2020 |
26/11/2020 | 39518 |
Number of Gardaí by rank attached to the Operational Support Unit in DMR North from 2009 to 2019 and to date in 2020 |
26/11/2020 | 39515 |
When last Garda recruitment campaign was held; when it is proposed to approve the next Garda recruitment |
08/12/2020 | 41111 |
Status of the community policing program in Mayo; the number of new recruits and priorities to combat rural crime |
10/12/2020 | 41277 |
Proposals being considered by her Department to increase diversity within the ranks of An Garda Síochána; if the Commission on the Future of Policing implementation group will prioritise this issue |
10/12/2020 | 41571 |
Supports in place for Gardaí who have been injured while on duty |
10/12/2020 | 41546 |
Number of Gardaí assigned to each station in Meath; her plans to increase the number of Gardaí in the county |
10/12/2020 | 41641 |
Extent to which extra Garda resources can be deployed to counter an increase in crime including organised crime in the approach to Christmas |
10/12/2020 | 42499 |
Percentage or number of staff working with a disability within her Department and the agencies under her aegis in 2018, 2019 and 2020; and the actions being undertaken to actively recruit and retain persons with disabilities |
08/12/2020 | 42148 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Internal Audit
Related Internal Audits FOIs
2020 requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Audit reports Garda Band, Meath, Limerick, Overtime & Allowances, Clare and Value for Money Audit of Towing Services | Part granted | FOI-000002-2020 |
Audit reports for the Donegal | Part granted | FOI-000162-2020 |
Information relating to internal audits | Granted | FOI-000180-2020 |
Most recent audit reports for the DMR North, Cavan-Monaghan, DMR East and Kerry Garda Divisions - | Part granted | FOI-000213-2020 |
Audit of Human Resources Allocation and Management at Divisional and District Level Audit of Absence and Attendance Management Audit of Public Holiday Allowance Payments at Christmas/New Year 2018/19 |
Part granted | FOI-000225-2020 |
Review Audit of Office of the Director of Communications Report to the Commissioner in relation to Financial controls in 2018 Audit of payment overpayments (joint audit with NSSO) |
Part granted | FOI-000229-2020 |
Audits for GIAS, Banking in Finance Directorate, travel and Subsistence in Procurement, Director of Communications and Governance and Management of Communication Technology Projects |
Part granted | FOI-000291-2020 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Internal Affairs
Complaints/Discipline Statistics
The Complaints Section at Internal Affairs, is responsible for the administration of complaints investigations designated by GSOC for investigation in accordance Section 94 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005 (Supervised and Unsupervised Investigations).
All applications for compensation under the Garda Síochána (Compensation) Acts 1941/45 are made by serving or retired members of An Garda Síochána to the Department of Justice & Equality and relate to injuries maliciously inflicted on the member, whether on or off-duty, in the course of, or in relation to, the performance by them of their duties as members of An Garda Síochána.
Related Internal Affairs FOIs
2020 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Amount of Gardaí currently on long term suspensions from the force from 2015 to 2019 | Part granted | FOI-000018-2020 |
Number of Gardaí who have been convicted of a crime since 1 Jan 2017, the nature of the conviction, and the status of any disciplinary action that was taken against them | Part granted | FOI-000187-2020 |
Documents relating to the suspension of Executive HR Director, John Barrett, in August 2018 to date | Part granted | FOI-000227-2020 |
The number of Gardaí dismissed or suspended in first 8 months 2019 + 2020, reasons and rank and number found to be in breach of internal discipline, ines in each case and the cumulative fines imposed. |
Part granted | FOI-000298-2020 |
How many gardai have been dismissed so far this year and what were the reasons? |
Part granted | FOI-000421-2020 |
The top 15 monetary sanctions imposed in breach of discipline in 2020 and the nature. Number to be suspended from duty in 2020 and the reason. Number to be dismissed from the force this year and the reason in each case. |
Part granted | FOI-000440-2020 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related PQs to follow
2020 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | PQ Number |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Occupational Health/ Wellness/ Counselling – numbers accessing 24hr counselling service
Related Occupational Health FOIs
2020 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
Number of who engaged with the peer support programme’s telephone counselling service 2016 to date | Granted | FOI-000033-2020 |
Number recorded as taking sickness absence or are on restricted duties/reduced hours | Part granted | FOI-000055-2020 |
Gardaí in Longford-Roscommon, Sligo Leitrim, and Cavan-Monaghan Districts injured as a result of assaults between 1/1 -1/7/20 | Granted | FOI-000226-2020 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
2020 Related PQs to follow
2020 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | PQ Number |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
Roads Policing
- Fatalities
- Drink and dangerous driving
- Fixed charge notices, including Seatbelts, Mobile phones and speeding
Roads Policing statistics are compiled by the Garda Síochána Analysis Service (GSAS) on a monthly basis. They are provisional, operational and subject to change. Enforcement statistics and data are released for the benefit of the general public, to raise awareness and to highlight Garda activity across the country.
Related Roads Policing FOIs
2020 FOI requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Decision | FOI Number |
The number of Segways in use from 2012 - 20, name and location and cost | Part grant | FOI-000020-2020 |
Farming protests held in Dublin on 26/11/19, 17/12/19 and 15-16/1/20 | Granted | FOI-000036-2020 |
Amount paid to GoSafe for a speed-camera operation from 2017 to 2019 | Granted | FOI-000083-2020 |
Amount paid to Go Safe for speed camera operations from 2017 to 2019, amount per hour and contract | Refused | FOI-000096-2020 |
Amount of money raised in fines through Go Safe from 2017 to 2019 | Granted | FOI-000110-2020 |
Amount of paid fixed charge notices and full year total for fines revenue from penalty point offences in Kerry in 2018 and 2019 | Granted | FOI-000131-2020 |
The number of competitions for Garda Members to join each Divisional Roads Policing Unit that were held from 2018 to-date in 2020 | Granted | FOI-000190-2020 |
Parking enforcement history of the Golf Links Road, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin and monthly history of Fixed Charge Notices issued from 1/1/18 to 11/6/20 | Granted | FOI-000201-2020 |
Amount on all paid fixed charge notices in the Cork City, Cork North and Cork West Divisions from 2018 to date in 2020 | Part granted | FOI-000241-2020 |
Amount paid following the issuing of parking / speeding tickets to their fleet in the last three years in respect of Garda vehicles and GoSafe vans | Refused | FOI-000261-2020 |
Number of mountain bikes that were purchased, amount spent and to each Division in the years 2017 - 2020 | Part granted | FOI-000277-2020 |
The cost of towing/recovery services of private cars by Division in which towing/recovery 2018 - 2020 | Part granted | FOI-000286-2020 |
Total number of fixed charge notices and/or fines that were paid from 2016 to 2020 up to and including the date of this request in Clare Division with a breakdown of offence type. | Part Grant | FOI-000454-2020 |
To see all Freedom of information decisions click here
Related Roads Policing PQs
2020 PQ requests | ||
Brief Description Of Request | Date | PQ Number |
Number and percentage of the Garda roads policing unit fleet that are currently equipped with the automatic number plate recognition system. | 29/09/2020 | 26851 |
Plans to reconsider Operation Fanacht and checkpoints in view of the disruption to persons commuting to and from work. | 15/10/2020 | 30648 |
Further to PQ 191 (15/9/20), number of cases prosecuted and e-scooters confiscated in from 2018 to date 2020 for illegal use of escooters in public; breakdown of same on 6 month basis. | 20/10/2020 | 31456 |
Number of registered vehicle owners penalised per year for allowing their vehicle to be driven by an unaccompanied learner driver under the Clancy Amendment since 22/12/18 and fines imposed per year | 18/11/2020 | 37146 |
Number of learner drivers detected driving unaccompanied and number of learner drivers that had vehicle seized for driving unaccompanied by a qualified driver under Clancy Amendment law since 22/12/18 | 24/11/2020 | 38859 |
If consideration will be given to utilising the 430 members of the Garda Reserve to assist during the implementation of changing Covid-19 restriction levels and beyond. | 01/12/2020 | 40224 |
Provide details of the accuracy of equipment used for speed checks; frequency of pulling over the wrong car; the way this information is collected and reported | 01/12/2020 | 39556 |
Number of learner drivers, excluding motorcyclists, involved in fatal crashes from 2017 to 2019 and to date in 2020; number of those drivers who were driving unaccompanied by a qualified driver at the time of the fatal crash by year; number of persons who died in each of those crashes per year | 08/12/2020 | 41287 |
Number of learner drivers in 2019 and up to 31/10/20 who failed to pay the FCN issued for driving unaccompanied by a qualified driver, under the Clancy Amendment; number who were summoned to court per year for failure to pay; the number convicted; the fines imposed per year | 08/12/2020 | 41289 |
Progress in tackling the issue of catalytic converter thefts from cars | 10/12/2020 | 42330 |
Number of marked jeeps that came into the fleet from 2018 to date in 2020; number of marked jeeps that were withdrawn from the fleet during the same period | 10/12/2020 | 41440 |
If she has plans to establish a transport police service; | 25/11/21 | 58141 |
To view all Parliamentary Questions, see Tithe an Oireachtais/Houses of the Oireachtas
Below are the statistics relating to use of force for November and December 2020:
Use-of-Force-November-2020.pdf (size 498.7 KB)
Use-of-Force-December-2020.pdf (size 501.2 KB)
The following are statistics that are updated on a regular basis:
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