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Human Resources and People Development

Pay & Pensions Section (Garda and Staff)

Staff pay-scales

These circulars are now available on www.circulars.gov.ie




Policy documents/Basis for decision-making for all Pay & Pensions functions:

Civilian Pensions related Circulars & Superannuation Handbooks

Superannuation Handbook and Guidance Notes: Established Civil Service Scheme – Updated December 06

Superannuation Handbook and Guidance Notes: Non-Established State Employees Scheme – Updated December 07

Circular 19/2019 Further Instruction on the Pension Increase Policy in the Public Service until end-2020

Circular 21/2018 Transition to Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC) from Pension Related Deduction (PRD) in the Public Service on 1 January 2019

Circular 03/2018 Single Public Service Pension Scheme – Notification of Position on Consumer Price Index (CPI) Uprating of Referable Amounts and Pensions

Circular 02/2018 Pension increase policy in the public service until end-2020

Circular 20/2017 Increases in certain public service pensions with effect from 1 September 2017

Circular 15/2016 Guidance on the application of sections 52(6) and (7) of the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012

Circular 18/2015 Changes to the Public Service Pension Reduction (PSPR)

Circular 19/2012 – Commencement of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme

These circulars are available on www.circulars.gov.ie

Circular 11/2012 - Public Service Pension Reform: revised ill-health and death in service arrangements for part-time public servants.

Circular 12/2009 Incentivised Scheme of Early Retirement

  • Re: Circular 12/2009: Q&A for the Civil Service
  • Re: Circular 12/2009: Clarification in relation to the payment of the balance of the 90% lump sum at normal preserved pension age under the Incentivised Scheme of Early Retirement

Circular 10/2008: Public Service Pension Reform: Revised method of reckoning variable pensionable allowances for pension purposes - June 08

Circular 33/2007: Civil Service Superannuation Arrangements - Oct 07

Circular 4/2006: Purchase of Notional Service for Superannuation Purposes by Established and Non Established Civil Servants - June 06

Circular 3/2006: Civil Service Pension Schemes - Extension of time limit for option for access outlined in Circular 20/2005, and clarification of revised pension arrangements for part-time service - April 06

Circular 20/2005 – Public Service Pension Reform: Revised arrangements for part-time public servants - July 05

Circular 19/2005 - Public Service Pension Reform: Revised method of calculation of pension entitlement for public servants whose pensions are integrated with social welfare benefits - July 05

Circular 10/2005 - Public Service Pension Reform: Introduction of cost neutral early retirement - April 05

Circular 9/2005 - Public Service Pension Reform: Revised rate of compound interest for use in the calculation of refunds to the Exchequer - April 05

Circular 8/2005: Public Service Pension Reform: New scheme for the award of professional, technical and specialist added years to certain new entrant staff of the Civil and Public Service. - April 05

Retirement/Departure statistics (by rank/grade, by year, departure type for civilian staff and Garda members).

Garda Retirement Statistics 2020 Sworn Members

2019 Vol. Retire Compul Retire Medical Discharge Dismiss on Prob Resign Dismissal Death* CNER Dismiss CNER Total
January 16 2 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 28
February 4 8 1 0 8 2 0 0 0 23
March 20 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 29
April 22 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 32
May 11 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 15
June 14 1 1 0 7 0 1 1 0 25
July 18 2 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 27
August 11 5 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 20
September 20 4 0 0 8 0 1 1 0 34
October 36 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 45
November 19 3 3 0 4 0 1 1 0 31
December 22 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 30
Total 213 34 9 0 70 3 7 3 1 339

*CNER – Cost Neutral Early Retirement Scheme 

Garda Retirement Statistics 2020 Sworn Members by Rank

2019 Comm Deputy Comm Assistant Comm Chief Super Super Inspector Sgt Garda Total
January 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 24 28
February 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 16 23
March 0 0 1 0 1 0 6 21 29
April 0 0 0 1 7 2 6 16 32
May 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 11 15
June 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 18 25
July 0 0 1 4 7 0 3 12 27
August 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 18 20
September 0 0 0 3 14 1 2 14 34
October 0 0 0 0 3 2 17 23 45
November 0 0 0 0 2 1 9 19 31
December 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 19 30
Total 0 0 2 9 35 11 71 211 339

2020 Garda Retirement Statistics, Sworn Members

2019 Garda Retirement Statistics, Sworn Members

2018 Garda Retirement Statistics, Sworn Members

2017 Garda Retirement Statistics, Sworn Members

The following is a breakdown of the statistics for family friendly initiatives to 31/12/17 for civilian staff and Garda members.

Parental Leave to 31/12/2017

  No. of Applicants
Garda 321
Sergeant 27
Inspector 2
Total 350

Worksharing to 31/12/2017

  No W/S on 31/12/2017
Garda 100
Sergeant 7
Inspector 0
Total 107

Career Breaks to 31/12/2017

  No. on C/B at 31/12/2017
Garda 59
Sergeant 4
Inspector 0
Total 63

Incentivised Career Break at 31/12/2017

  Currently on ICB
Garda 94
Sergeant 4
Inspector 0
Total 98

Shorter Working Year to 31/12/2017

  Staff availing of SWY yr to date No of weeks taken yr to date
Garda 142 966
Sergeant 1 144
Inspector 21 6
Total 164 1116

Carers Leave to 31/12/2017

  No currently on Carer’s Leave
Garda 3
Sergeant 2
Inspector 0
Total 5

Maternity Leave to 31/12/2017

  On Mat Leave at 31/12/2017 Commenced Mat Leave 2017
Garda 85 216
Sergeant 3 12
Inspector 0 0
Total 88 228

Unpaid Mat Leave to 31/12/2017

  On Unpaid Mat at 31/12/2017 Commenced Unpaid Mat Yr to date
Garda 33 176
Sergeant 1 6
Inspector 0 0
Total 34 182
The following is a breakdown of the statistics for family friendly initiatives 2017 to the 31st December for civilian staff of An Garda Síochána.

Parental Leave        

Grade No of Applicants
CO 178
EO 21
HEO 13
AP 1
Teacher 1
Other 3
Total 220

Work Sharing

Grade Staff W/S on 31/12/2017
Cleaner 3
CO 299
EO 35
Accountant 1
Teacher 2
Total 344

Career Break

Grade  No. on Career Break at 31/12/2017
Cleaner 1
CO 22
EO 5
Total 29

Shorter Working Year Scheme 

Grade Staff availing of SWY in 2017 No. of Weeks
Cleaner 17 107
Services Attendant 1 2
Traffic Warden 5 52
CO 297 1473
EO 58 243
HEO 2 8
AP 3 12
Teacher 3 29
Total 386 1926

Maternity Leave

Grade Staff who commenced Maternity leave during 2017 Staff on Maternity Leave at 31/12/2017
CO 41 18
EO 7 6
HEO 2 0
AP 1 0
Other 1 1
Total 52 25

Unpaid Maternity Leave

Grade Staff who commenced Unpaid Maternity leave during 2017 Staff on Unpaid Maternity Leave at 31/12/2017
AP 1 0
HEO 3 0
EO 2 0
CO 23 4
Other 2 1
Total 31 5

Carer’s Leave

Grade Staff on Carer’s Leave at 31/12/2017
EO 2
CO 3


+ Policy documents pertaining to all Family Friendly Schemes – including Circulars, HQ Directives, Office Notices etc.

The following circulars are available on ww.circulars.gov.ie

Circular 22/2009 - Bereavement Leave in the Civil Service

Circular 4/2013 - Career Break Scheme in the Civil Service

Circular 20/2008 - Parental Leave in the Civil Service - new provisions

Circular 14/2009 – Shorter Working Year Scheme

Circular 31/2001 - Civil Service Worksharing Scheme

Circular 11/2013 - Revision of Working Hours and Flexible Working Arrangements for Civil Servants

Circular 12/2013 - Amendment to the Civil Service Worksharing Scheme

Circular 27/2003 - Annual Leave

Circular 05/2010 - Force Majeure and Other Urgent Family Reasons Leave

Circular 30/06: Adoptive Leave Act 2005

Circular 7/1982 - Special leave with pay on marriage

Circular 20/2008: Parental Leave in the Civil Service

Circular 9/1987 - Increments

Circular 16/1999 Special Corrective Appliances required for work with display screen equipment and visual display units

The following legislation is available on www.irishstatutebook.ie

Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997

Parental Leave Act, 1998

Parental Leave (Amendment) Act, 2006 Maternity Protection Act, 1994

Adoptive Leave Act, 2005

S.I. No. 63/1925 - The Garda Síochána Pensions Order


S.I. No. 32/1933 Garda Síochána (Pensions) Act, 1933




S.I. No. 410/1951 - Garda Síochána Pensions Order, 1951


S.I. No. 199/1981 - Garda Síochána Pensions Order, 1981


  • Individual Pension files can be made available to individual staff members to view.

Pay & Pensions Section (Garda and Staff)

Staff pay-scales

These circulars are now available on www.circulars.gov.ie




Policy documents/Basis for decision-making for all Pay & Pensions functions:

Civilian Pensions related Circulars & Superannuation Handbooks

Superannuation Handbook and Guidance Notes: Established Civil Service Scheme – Updated December 06

Superannuation Handbook and Guidance Notes: Non-Established State Employees Scheme – Updated December 07

Circular 19/2019 Further Instruction on the Pension Increase Policy in the Public Service until end-2020

Circular 21/2018 Transition to Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC) from Pension Related Deduction (PRD) in the Public Service on 1 January 2019

Circular 03/2018 Single Public Service Pension Scheme – Notification of Position on Consumer Price Index (CPI) Uprating of Referable Amounts and Pensions

Circular 02/2018 Pension increase policy in the public service until end-2020

Circular 20/2017 Increases in certain public service pensions with effect from 1 September 2017

Circular 15/2016 Guidance on the application of sections 52(6) and (7) of the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012

Circular 18/2015 Changes to the Public Service Pension Reduction (PSPR)

Circular 19/2012 – Commencement of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme

These circulars are available on www.circulars.gov.ie

Circular 11/2012 - Public Service Pension Reform: revised ill-health and death in service arrangements for part-time public servants.

Circular 12/2009 Incentivised Scheme of Early Retirement

  • Re: Circular 12/2009: Q&A for the Civil Service
  • Re: Circular 12/2009: Clarification in relation to the payment of the balance of the 90% lump sum at normal preserved pension age under the Incentivised Scheme of Early Retirement

Circular 10/2008: Public Service Pension Reform: Revised method of reckoning variable pensionable allowances for pension purposes - June 08

Circular 33/2007: Civil Service Superannuation Arrangements - Oct 07

Circular 4/2006: Purchase of Notional Service for Superannuation Purposes by Established and Non Established Civil Servants - June 06

Circular 3/2006: Civil Service Pension Schemes - Extension of time limit for option for access outlined in Circular 20/2005, and clarification of revised pension arrangements for part-time service - April 06

Circular 20/2005 – Public Service Pension Reform: Revised arrangements for part-time public servants - July 05

Circular 19/2005 - Public Service Pension Reform: Revised method of calculation of pension entitlement for public servants whose pensions are integrated with social welfare benefits - July 05

Circular 10/2005 - Public Service Pension Reform: Introduction of cost neutral early retirement - April 05

Circular 9/2005 - Public Service Pension Reform: Revised rate of compound interest for use in the calculation of refunds to the Exchequer - April 05

Circular 8/2005: Public Service Pension Reform: New scheme for the award of professional, technical and specialist added years to certain new entrant staff of the Civil and Public Service. - April 05

Garda Numbers by Division and Station Breakdown  

Garda Staff figures are available here

+ Personnel files for Garda and Civilian members will be made available to each individual upon request. This includes all their records relating to civilian staff and their positions on transfer lists or seniority lists if requested.      

Appointments Office

We will make available to all recruits on request from the individual:

  • A copy of their application form
  • A copy of their medical report
  • A copy of their PCT results
  • Emails sent to or from the applicant
  • Copies of any correspondence issued to them from the appointments office  

Bullying and Harassment/Grievance files

>  Any person who invokes the Bullying & Harassment/Grievances Policy/Procedures is entitled to information relating to them only. A copy of the complaint can be requested by complainant and person complained of only. 

> All Circulars/Directives relating to these processes will be made available.

Staff Members                   

Dignity at Work – An Anti-Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy for the Irish Civil Service      

          Circular 11/2001 – Revised Grievance Procedures 

Doctor Payment Scheme 

Doctors who are subject to this scheme are entitled to information relating to the costs incurred by them.  Any circulars relating to the scheme are published on the DPER website.

Industrial Relations (IR) issues

We will publish all general agreements e.g. Croke park, Haddington Road.

Circular 08/2010 Redeployment Scheme setting out arrangements to apply in the Civil Service and between the Civil Service and Non-Commercial State Sponsored Bodies (NCSSBs) as set out in the Public Service Agreement 2010-14 (the Croke Park Agreement)

Circular 13/2014 Public Service Stability Agreement 2013 - 2016 (Haddington Road Agreement) and the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act 2013 - Application of sections 2.24 and 2.25 of the Haddington Road Agreement to all Staff other than Teachers and SNAs employed by ETBs

Disability Liaison Officer

In 2014, 66 (2.747%) civilian staff members declared that they have a disability.  
In 2014 - One Ergonomically Tailored Chair was purchased to accommodate a civilian staff member in the workplace.


Circular 14/2006 Civil Service Disciplinary Code revised in accordance with the Civil Service Regulation (Amendment) Act 2005

While the best care has been taken to include all the relevant circulars, there may be additional circulars available on the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform website.

An Garda Síochána Gifts, Hospitality and Sponsorship Register will be updated on a monthly basis.

February 2021

January 2021

March - May 2021

June 2021

The attached documents correct as of the 18 August 2021.  Next schedule Update: Quarterly updates, posted first week of the following month.