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Burglary Investigation - Service Station Fermoy Co. Cork



The Gardaí at Fermoy Garda Station are investigating a burglary incident that occurred at Dublin Road, Fermoy on Tuesday January 14th 2025.  The suspects drove a Renault Megane arriving into the town shortly after 3.20am.

A few minutes later they turned right into a cul de sac adjacent to the Filling Station, where they parked the Megane.  Two male suspects then made their way to the station forecourt, and towards the rear of the building, before returning with a concrete block. The block was then used to break the glass in the front door and both entered the store.

Once inside, both men went behind the till area. The larger of the two suspects used what appears to be a duvet cover to fill with cigarette products, while the other male held it open. One of the suspects then went to the till and pulled it out of its holder, falling backwards as he did so. After a few minutes the men left, and ran across the forecourt towards the cul de sac. The Renault Megane appeared from the cul de sac a few minutes later where it is seen on CCTV driving through the town.

This time it drove in the opposite direction to its approach to the service station. It left Fermoy crossing the main bridge in the town which is the N72, and headed in the Tallow and Waterford direction.  

Suspect Description:

Suspect 1:

  • Taller of the two – approx.6ft
  • Build – stockier of the two
  • White male
  • Wearing all dark clothing
  • Face covering and gloves.

Suspect 2:

  • Smaller of the two – approx. 5.8ft
  • Build -  slimmer
  • White male
  • Wearing all black with hood up
  • Face covering and gloves.

Suspect Car:

  • Renault Megane
  • Saloon – (4) door
  • Possibly 2002 to 2008 registration
  • Dark colour – metallic

Garda Appeal:

  • Were you in Fermoy during the early hours of Tuesday January 14th 2025?
  • Did you see the suspects or the Renault Megane?
  • Do you know who currently owns or had possession of the Megane on January 14th?
  • Did you observe the car or suspects prior to or after the burglary?
  • Do you know the identity of these suspects?
  • Do you have any information that will assist with the investigation?

Fermoy Garda Station - Investigating - Tel: (025) 82100