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Roads Policing Message - Heavy Goods Vehicle - Blind Spots


Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV’s) are an integral part of our society. In 2017, HGV’s transported 147.2 million tonnes of goods around Ireland. They are vital to our economy, however due to their size and design, they pose a very real danger to pedestrians and cyclists.

There are significant blind spots at the front, nearside and rear of HGV’s that can completely mask a cyclist or pedestrian from the view of the driver. Demonstrations recently carried out by the Road Safety Authority and An Garda Síochána have shown that a pedestrian in front of a high cab truck cannot be seen by the driver up to six meters from the front of the truck. On the nearside of a truck, a cyclist can be completely obscured from the driver’s view, unseen in any of the mirrors.

This is a very real issue. Last year (24) road users lost their lives due to a collision with a truck in our towns and cities.

An Garda Síochána advice:

  • When crossing the road, use a designated crossing location such as a light controlled or zebra crossing.
  • Never cross the road between traffic, especially in front of a truck
  • When cycling, wear high visibility clothing and a helmet.
  • Never cycle alongside a truck if there is a junction ahead.
  • If you have to overtake a truck, do so as fast as possible, minimising the amount of time you spend in the blind spot.
  • When stopped at a junction, do not wait alongside a truck. Proceed into the cycle box or wait behind.
  • Take up a safe road position when in motion. Use correct hand signals.


Road Traffic Fatalities 2024

Unfortunately, road deaths are continuing to rise. Last year we had one of the highest number of fatalities in over a decade, and unfortunately this year that trend is continuing.

As of today, Monday 29th April, (70) people have lost their lives on our roads, an increase of (22) more than this time last year.

The North West of the country continues to have the highest proportion of fatalities with (21) so far this year, and (23) this time last year.

The highest proportion of deaths are in the age group of 16-25. This group represents over a quarter of fatalities at 28.6%.

These statistics are not just numbers - They are people, (63) of whom went out in their cars this year and never came home. People’s lives are being destroyed; families, friends, it’s a ripple effect.

We all have it in our power to change this trajectory. We are appealing to all road users to please:

  • Drive within the speed limit
  • Never ever drink or use drugs and drive
  • Do not let anything distract you from driving
  • Put your mobile phone away out of reach
  • Wear your seatbelt
  • Drive with caution and respect other road users, including pedestrians and cyclists
  • Constantly observe your surroundings

Driving is one of the most dangerous activities we do on a weekly basis. It needs to be treated with respect.