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The Gardaí at Fermoy, Co. Cork are continuing to investigate all the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Conor and Sheila Dwyer. On 30th April 1991 Conor and Sheila were seen together coming out of St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, close to their home on Chapel Hill, Fermoy, Co. Cork.

The following day, 1st May 1991, Sheila spoke with her sister by phone. On the 19th May, Sheila’s birthday, her sister tried calling her, but there wasn’t any reply. Soon after, both of Sheila’s sisters went to the house, but found it empty. They reported the couple missing to Gardaí a few days later, on 22nd May.


When Gardaí attended at the couple’s home, they found both their passports along with around £1000 in cash - a substantial sum of money for the time. It was noted that some clothes were missing, but not much. Nothing was disturbed in the house or appeared out of the ordinary.

Conor’s car, a white Toyota Cressida registered number (5797 ZT) is still outstanding since the couples’ disappearance. While all ports were notified at the time, there were never any reports of the car having left the country.

 The car was registered to Conor and had recently been taxed in January 1991, and has never been re-registered in any other name.

Background to Conor and Sheila:

Conor Dwyer was 62 years of age at the time of disappearance and Sheila Dwyer had just turned 60 in May 1991. Sheila was a housewife and is described as a quiet person who was in good health. As a couple, while they are described as having kept to themselves, both were well known in the town of Fermoy and were always well dressed.

Conor worked as the caretaker in Castlelyons House, which was owned by a German business man at the time.  There was an array of high valued cars in the property which he was often seen driving throughout Fermoy. He was well known in Fermoy and the surrounding areas and had previously worked as a taxi driver. 

Descriptions of couple:

Conor Dwyer

(62) Years

Height - 5’8” (173cm)

Build - stocky

Tanned complexion

Receding hairline

Wore glasses


Sheila Dwyer

(60) Years

Height – 5’4” (162cm)

Fair complexion

Long blonde hair

Slim build

Open Case: 

This remains an open and active investigation and there has been numerous reviews throughout the years.   Lines of enquires have been followed up in numerous different areas with the entire case being fully reviewed at this time.  These enquires have lead Gardaí abroad as well as Ireland.  The River Blackwater has been searched on numerous occasions by the Garda Water unit.


Garda Appeal:

  • We are appealing for Closure for Conor and Sheila’s family especially their two sons and are seeking the public’s assistance with the missing person’s investigation which is now 33 years old this week.
  • The location of the White Toyota Cressida registration number 5797 ZT is deemed vital in this investigation and we believe could hold the key to solving Conor and Sheila’s disappearance. Where is it now?
  • Did the couple visit the Cobh area?
  • Did the couple visit any locations regularly or was the car seen in any locations in 1991?
  • Do you recall speaking to Conor and Sheila around the time of their disappearance? Even the smallest piece of information could prove helpful and will be welcomed by investigating Gardaí.