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Evofit – Attempted Burglary Investigation


Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating an attempted burglary at a business premises in an industrial estate in Dublin 15 on 25th October 2023.  On the night in question, a male travelling in a Ford Transit vehicle, registration 08-D-67849, accessed the building site under false pretences.  He was confronted by people working on the site.  The suspect along with 2/3 other males then fled on foot. The Ford Transit van was recovered by Gardaí at the scene. However, it was established that the van had been recently purchased using false details.

Description of Suspect:

  • Male
  • 25 – 27 years
  • Hair: Short, red mixed with light gold colour
  • Forehead: No folds on skin, small black spot over eye (right)
  • Eyebrows: Fair in colour
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Face: Thin shape, complexion white and red mix, no facial hair, square jaw. Dry lips - red.
  • Spoke slowly
  • Clothes: Light grey hoodie and high vis