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Roads Policing Message – Road Safety Advice

This year so far, 130 people have lost their lives on our roads. That is one more than this time last year. As we all know last year was the worst year for fatalities in a decade. Unfortunately, this year is no different.

130 is not just a number, it is 130 lives. 130 people who went out on our roads and never came home. There is a ripple affect too. Families who’s loved have been destroyed because their loved ones are never coming home. Mothers & fathers have lost sons and daughters. Friends have been torn apart. It’s devastating.

Unfortunately, we continue to see the trend of younger drivers being disproportionately represented in the figures. 25% of drivers who died this year were under 25.

Despite these figured, we continue to see motorists flouting the law when it comes to driving safely. To date this year An Garda Síochána have issued the following tickets:

Driving while Holding a Mobile Phone: 16,009

Speeding: 98,810

So, as road users, what can we do? We need to take personal responsibility when using the road network. Driving is one of the most dangerous things we do on a weekly basis. We have to bear that in mind every time we go behind the wheel. If you engage in any of the behaviours listed above, you are far more likely to be involved in a collision, and that collision may result in someone losing their life. We have to stop with the “it won’t happen to me” attitude and start getting serious about road safety. We have to look at our driver behaviour. What do I mean by that? I think we have to return to the basics.

  • Leave enough time for your journey
  • Always be conscious of other Road users
  • Do not get distracted, by anything.
  • Read the road/signs
  • Get the little things right
  • Be patient & respectful
  • Adapt your driving to the road a weather conditions.
  • Always remember that driving is dangerous. Treat it with respect.

Members of An Garda Síochána & in particular our Roads Policing Units, are out every day detecting driving offences, but we cannot be everywhere. We need drivers to take responsibility. Drive safely every time you get behind the wheel. Don’t do anything that will put your life and the lives of others at risk. It is just not worth it.