Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an assault on a woman that occurred on the morning of Thursday 21st July 2016.
At approximately 10.45am a woman entered Corkagh Park for a morning run. She had ran this park before and she knew her lap well. One lap of the park is roughly three kilometres and would take approximately twenty minutes. It was one of the warmest days of the summers. As the woman ran past the baseball field towards the Cherrywood estate she noticed a man walking towards her. The man was wearing a winter style jacket with the hood up, he appeared to be looking down at his mobile phone as he walked past her. The woman thought he looked odd but continued on her run past the lakes towards St. John’s car park and around the park again for a second lap. As the woman ran by the baseball fields for a second time she noticed the same man she had seen earlier running across the fields. His jacket was now open with the hood down.
As the woman made her way by the Cherrywood Estate towards the lakes she was grabbed from behind and pushed towards the shrubbery close to the path. The woman screamed and the man put his hand over her mouth and attempted to drag her into the bushes. The woman continued to scream and struggle and using her right elbow managed to push him off. The attacker then fled running across a bridge towards the baseball fields. A man who had was in the park came to the woman’s aid and the called the Gardaí.
• This assault occurred shortly after 11am on Thursday 21st July, it was an extremely warm and sunny day and Corkagh Park was very busy with families, walkers and cyclists that morning. Where you in the park that morning and did you see something, please come forward.
• The attacker was wearing a dark winter style jacket with dark bottoms and a black t-shirt with a gold emblem, he was approximately five foot in height of very slim build with a tanned face. He was described as being in his late twenties or early thirties. Please study the detailed EVOFIT compiled by the injured party and together with the description provided, can you help identify him?
• Gardaí are anxious to know where the assailant went after the assault and a mode of transport used, did you see a man matching this description in one of the car parks of the park.
Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01667600

On this month’s Crime Prevention segment Sergeant Kelvin Courtney was in studio to advise the public in relation to An Garda Síochána’s Anti Assault Campaign which seeks to reduce assaults through targeted action. The campaign is aimed towards young males between the ages of 18 to 39 years old.
According to the Garda Analysis Service, the vast majority of assaults are carried out by males aged between 18 and 39 against males of a similar age. These assaults typically take place in and around public places (street, roads, pubs and hotels) between 8pm and 5am at the weekend. Perpetrators of assaults tend not to repeat the crime and there is a very low level of repeat victimisation.
Mrs Rosie Dolan joined Keelin Shanley in studio to talk about the death of her twenty year old son Andrew, who tragically died after an unprovoked assault in 2011.
The Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an incident that occurred on Thursday 18th August 2016 at Golden Bridge Industrial Estate, Dublin 8.
Between the hours of 6am and 7am, the injured party was working in the Industrial Estate unloading his vehicle when he heard a male shouting from an apartment block at Oblate View, Inchicore, Dublin 8. A few moments later, a man appeared in front of the injured party and began to shout at him, this man then punched the injured party into the face and eyes a number of times causing him to fall onto the ground and as he was on the ground he saw a second man appear who began to kick him. The males then fled the scene. The injured party in the case received serious injuries to his face including three broken teeth, broken bone in his nose, a fractured eye socket and is in danger of losing his eye.
He compiled the detailed EVOFIT below along with a description as follow, six foot tall, well built, approx. 45-50 years old, black hair with grey streak, spoke with a strong Dublin Accent, wearing white vest with blue jeans.
The second suspect is described at five foot eight inches in height of slim build, approx. 18-20 years old wearing blue jacket, blue tracksuits bottoms and blue cap.
Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016669400
The Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a robbery that occurred on Wednesday 20th July 2016 at approximately 6.15pm
The injured party was walking in Rathmore Village, Tyrellstown, Dublin 15 when he was approached by two men. One of the men stated that he had a knife and told the injured party to drop his phone which he did. The two men then pushed the injured party to the ground and punched him several times resulting in minor injuries.
The men are described as follows:
1st Man
Black Male
Mid 20’s
Blonde Dreadlocks with black roots wearing a black waterproof jacket
2nd Man
Black Male
Mid 20’s
Rugged Beard, moles and large freckles covering face and wearing all black.
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667000
Detective Superintendent Gerard Walsh from the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau was in studio talk about a scam known as “Invoice Redirect”. One form of Invoice redirection is when fraudsters use information posted online and on social media accounts. One example of this type of fraud see accounts departments in companies being sent an email asking to change banking details for an existing creditor for payment of an invoice and typically the sender’s email address will look almost identical to the genuine one with just a letter or a dot in the wrong place.
National Economic Crime Bureau are investigating Telephone 01 6663700

Bridget Madigan was born on 30th August 1978, she is 38 years old and from Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.
Bridget was reported missing on 15th June this year by her family, they had not seen or heard from Bridget since February and are extremely worried for her welfare.
An extensive Garda investigation was carried out and established that Bridget had not collected her social welfare payments since February nor had she attended her local pharmacy for her medication. Her medical card has not been used.
Gardaí have also carried out enquiries in the United Kingdom as Bridget was known to have connections there. Bridget has not travelled on any airline or ferry since February.
An Garda Síochána and Bridget’s family are extremely worried about her safety and well-being and are appealing to her friends and associates or anyone with information in relation to her disappearance to come forward.
Gardaí at Clonmel Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0526177640

The Gardaí at Drogheda Garda Station are investigating a robbery that occurred at the Funtasia Casino on the Donore Road on Sunday 21st August 2016.
At approximately 6pm, two members of staff had just started their evening shift and were in the process of getting organised and counting their float. There were a number of customers on the premises. Suddenly four masked and armed men entered the Casino through a side door. Three of the men made their way to the Kiosk while one of the men stood watch at the door. They threatened customers and told them not to move. One of the raiders demanded the cash float from the staff. The raiders broke the door of the cash kiosk and filled a green plastic bag with notes and coins.
The four raiders then fled from the Casino through the side door, the raiders wore grey and black clothing, one of the raiders wore a Halloween Mask. They spoke with local accents.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the area attending the Funtasia Casino on the Donore Road before or after this robbery to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen the raiders making their getaway to come forward.
• Gardaí are anxious to speak with the driver of a black car that was seen exiting the car park at the same time as the raiders fled from the casino to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have come across Funtasia Tokens that were stolen during the robbery, these are small gold coins with no value along with a coin tray.
• Gardaí are appealing to members of the local community that may have information about this robbery to come forward.
Gardaí at Drogheda Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0419874200
On this month’s traffic segment, Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to offer advice to the public in relation to road fatalities year to date, so far this year there have been 138 road deaths, 23 more than this date last year and 54 deaths since our last programme in June.
Garda Cloughley is specifically appealing to road users in relation to “Lifesaver” Offences which are Distractions (Mobile Phones), Safety Belts, Speeding and Intoxicated Driving.