Gardaí at Terenure Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred on Monday 5th October 2015 at Osprey Avenue, Templeogue, Dublin 6.
Sometime after 11.15am, an au pair working and living with a family in Osprey Avenue was at home alone. The family had left the house earlier that morning at about 8.40am for work and school. There was a knock on the front door and when the au pair opened it there was a man standing there, he was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. The au pair did not speak very much English and the man asked to see the father of the house, believing it was business or work related the au pair allowed the man to come into the house.
The au pair became nervous and asked the man what was he looking for and he asked her for a cup of tea. He then grabbed her and started to attack her. He threw her to the ground and covered her mouth and tried to strangle her with a tie. He placed a stocking into her mouth. She fought him back, scratched his face and bit his index finger on his right hand, until eventually he gave up and fled from the house. The au pair worked with the Garda Photographic Unit to create an EvoFIT, computer generated image of her attacker.
• Gardaí have released an EVOFIT of the man that entered the house. He is described as six foot tall and aged in his fifties with a very thin face with a pale skin and a large nose. He was wearing a blue baseball cap and sunglasses.
• The man may have had scratch marks on his face or neck, do you recall seeing a man similar to the EVOFIT with these marks?
• The man ran from the house and over a small wood bridge in Tymon Park in the direction of Limekiln Road.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have information in relation to this incident to come forward or anyone who seen anything suspicious on the morning of Monday 5th October 2015.
Gardaí at Ternure Garda Station are investigating telephone 016666400

Gardaí at Laytown Garda Station are investigating a robbery that occurred at a Centra Shop and Service Station on Monday 7th December 2015 in Mornington, Co. Meath.
At approximately 9.30pm the shop was closed, two members of staff turned off the petrol pumps and set the alarm and secured the building. As they were leaving through the back door, they were confronted by two men. One of the men was armed with a gun, they were both dressed in dark clothing with their faces partially covered. The men forced the two employees back into the corridor of the shop and brought them to an office where they sat them on chairs and tied their hands to the armrests using clear colored cable ties. The raiders demanded money and the key to the safe. They searched the premises and found a set of keys. They stole a quantity of money and placed it in a bag one of the raiders had on his back. They left the premises via the back door and yard.
The raiders ran through waste ground at the rear of the yard and over a fence into a housing estate known as Seaview.
• The raiders spoke to each other in a foreign language and spoke broken English to staff. They gained entry through the back yard of the premises, did you see any suspicious activity on this Monday night or the days prior to this Robbery.
• Did you notice any suspicious activity or vehicles in the Seaview area of Mornington on Monday 7th December 2015.
• A similar robbery occurred at a service station and shop in Bellurgan, Dundalk on Thursday 17th December, both raiders were dressed very similar to the raiders in Mornington and Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information to come forward.
Gardaí at Laytown Garda Station are investigating telephone 0419813320

On this month’s Crime Prevention a feature highlighting new CCTV technology aimed at detecting and preventing crime was broadcast. The feature includes advice to the public and business owners on how to maintain their CCTV quality.

The Gardaí at Cabra Garda Station are investigating the murder of thirty three year old Darren Kearns who was fatally wounded in the car park of a public house on Blackhorse Avenue, Dublin 7 on Wednesday 30th December 2015.
Darren and his wife decided to go for an early evening meal and left their home at Ashtown in Dublin at approximately 3.30pm. Darren drove his wife’s car, a two door white Fiat 500. They had tried a couple of restaurants in and around the area, but they were closed. Their journey took them along Collins Avenue, Drumcondra where they decided to turn around outside Dublin City University and drive to a restaurant at Finglas which was also closed. They went to a service station at Clearwater Shopping Centre in Finglas where Darren purchased petrol.
After leaving the service station they decided to try a well known Chinese restaurant next to Cumiskey’s Public House on Blackhouse Avenue arriving here at approximately 4.45pm. Darren and his wife had their meal and left the restaurant just after 5.30pm. Darren’s wife was now driving. As they drove towards the exit a light coloured green 5 Series BMW M series, registration number 04D35151, entered the car park from the Baggott Road entrance and blocked their way. At this point a man appeared running beside the BMW carrying a firearm. He approached the couple’s car and fired at the victim.
The BMW exited onto Baggott road with the suspect getting into the rear drivers door. The car turned left onto Blackhorse Ave and drove at speed to Regal Park, where it turned left before being abandoned and set alight in a laneway there.
A man left the same laneway and ran to a waiting car. This car had its lights off and turned right at speed onto Blackhorse Avenue. It continued on Blackhorse Avenue before turning right onto Skreen road. The car then turned from Skreen road onto the Navan road.
• The car used in connection with this murder is a 5 series BMW M series, 4 door, light green, bearing its correct registration 04D35151. The car was purchased from a car buyer’s website on the 28th October 2015.The person who purchased the car supplied false details.
• Where was this car between 28th October and 30th December 2015.
• Any sighting of the couple in the white fiat 500 from the time they left their home at Ashtown (3.30pm approx.), until they arrived at the pub (4.45pm approx.)
• Sightings of the BMW after the shooting, especially at Regal Park where the car was abandoned and a man ran to a waiting car.
• Sightings of the car that left Regal Park at speed and drove without headlights at speed and turned right from Blackhorse Avenue onto Skreen road. Where did this car go after it turned onto the Navan Road.
• Do you have any information relating to the person(s) responsible for Darren’s murder?
Gardaí at Cabra Garda Station are investigating telephone 016667400

The Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are investigating the murder of Dean Johnston that occurred on Wednesday the 25th May 2011.
At approximately 8.50pm Dean Johnston was sitting in the back of a red Volkswagen golf registration number 96D7503 on Moorefield Avenue just yards from his home. A lone gunman approached the car and fired shots in through the rear passenger window hitting Dean and killing him. He was taken by ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later.
Dean was just 20 years old and was a fitness fanatic. He was hoping to become a fitness Instructor.
An extensive murder investigation has taken place over the last number of years and the investigation team are of the belief that there are still witnesses out there who witnessed the murder or observed the gunman fleeing the scene and to-date have not come forward or are reluctant to give certain information to An Garda Siochana.
• Anyone in the Moorefield estate and Neilstown Road area at the time of the murder or in the hours prior to the incident to contact the Gardaí.
• Gardaí are particularly interested in speaking to any residents of the Moorefield estate who may have seen something not in keeping with the normality of the area.
• Any sightings of the gunman in the Moorefield estate or surrounding area prior to or immediately after the incident.
• Anyone with information in relation to the murder or identity of the person(s) involved in this incident to contact the Gardaí to be treated in confidence.
• Even the smallest piece of information, which may seem insignificant to you, might help with the investigation.
Gardaí at Ronanstaown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667700

On this month’s traffic segment, Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to offer advice to the public in relation to driving in bad weather conditions such as ice and snow and will highlight some examples of these captured on camera. Garda Cloughley also discussed road fatalities during 2015 with specific reference to December.