Gardaí are appealing for information in relation to an aggravated burglary that occurred at a local shop in Carpenterstown, Dublin 15 on Monday 4th April 2016.
It was approximately 6.45am, the manager was busy opening up, taking in deliveries from outside the front of the shop. He was approached by two masked and armed men. They pushed him back into the shop and on to the floor, one of the men was armed with a hammer and threatened the manager. The second man closed the shutter on the front window. At this time a witness drove into the car park and saw a commotion going on in the shop. One of the raiders appeared to have an earpiece and spoke to a third person.
The raiders continued to threaten the manager, demanding money and access to the safe. They dragged him to the office. One of the men was armed with a crowbar and attempted to gain entry to the safe, he also had a large crowbar that he used to open the safe.
The raiders could not gain access to the safe and they left the shop, they ran through the carpark and over a fence into the Warren Estate.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who was in the Carpenterstown area early that morning, especially delivery drivers and may have seen something suspicious to come forward.
• Gardaí believe the raiders made their getaway in a vehicle that was possibly waiting in the Warren estate and would have turned left out of the estate towards Carpenterstown Road and Coolmine.
• The raiders were dressed in dark clothing and were armed with two crowbars and a hammer. They spoke with Dublin accents.
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone: 016667000

If it is unavoidable, ensure cash and jewellery is stored in the appropriate safe. Consider what is going into the safe now and in the future and choose the most suitable security graded safe.
An Garda Síochána recommended at least a Grade 1 safe for domestic homes and at least a Grade 3 for Business premises.
The safe should be installed by professionals and serviced every five years.
Locate the safe in a place you are most likely to use.
Ensure the safe is secured to a permanent fixture and consider connecting it to your alarm system.
Talk to your insurers about the right safe for your belongings.
The Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating a shooting incident that occurred on Friday 8th April 2016 at approximately 6.15pm at a car park in Charlestown Place, Finglas, Dublin 11.
There was a number of people in the car park and at the drive thru services at a local restaurant. A man armed with a firearm in his left hand fired a number of shots in the car park. One of the bullets penetrated the side of a car as it was exiting the drive thru restaurant, the bullet travelled through the vehicle and through a booster seat where a four year old child was sleeping. Luckily the bullet stopped when it reached the cover of the seat and the child was not injured.
The gunman made his getaway in a silver Volkswagan Golf registration number 02MH7775. The car was purchased using a false name and address.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone on the Charlestown Shopping Centre that may have witnessed this shooting to come forward.
• The Volkswagan Golf car registration number 02MH7775 was purchased on the 4th April and Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information about the whereabouts of this car between the 4th April and 8th April to come forward.
• This car left Charlestown and onto the M50 and travelled to Shancastle Crescent, Clondalkin and was set alight. Gardaí believe the suspects made their getaway from this location towards Fonthill.
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016667000
Gardaí at Cashel Garda Station responded to a call reporting a road traffic collision nearby on the Clonmel to Cashel road on the evening of 12th July 2008.
When the Gardaí arrived at the scene, they remarked that the area was similar to a bomb site. Two vehicles were involved in the collision, a black Audi A5 and a red Audi TT.
The driver of the red Audi TT was killed and died at the scene. The black Audi A5 landed on a house where a family had gathered to attend a relative’s anniversary mass. The Audi landed in the first story of a house, right under the chimney, a wall collapsed into a kitchen full of people. The first aid kit from the boot of the Audi was found in the attic. This car dropped and landed on a child outside the house. Somebody saw the child’s runner and sock under the car. There was a forklift in the yard and the family used the forklift to get the car off the child. Six people ended up in hospital.
The Forensic Collision Unit were contacted and Sergeant John Moore and Sergeant Frank Lavin arrived at the scene the following day to start their investigation. They spent 6 hours surveying the scene and gathering evidence and two weeks putting the report and details together. The report established that speed was a major contributing factor in the collision.
The driver of the black Audi pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing death and serious harm.
On this month’s Crimecall, we highlighted the work of the Forensic Collision Investigators in this collision in Cashel which assisted in convicting the driver of the black Audi with dangerous driving causing death and serious harm.

The Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are looking for information in relation to missing person Valerijis Zimecs who has not been seen since Sunday 1st November 2016.
The last confirmed sighting of Valerijis was at Talbot Court in Kilkenny. He is described as six foot tall, fifteen stone in weight, with black hair and brown eyes. He is forty six years old and originally from Latvia.
Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0567775000

Gardaí at Laytown Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the disappearance of William Maughan and Anastasija Varslavene who are missing since Tuesday the 14th April 2015.
William and Anastasija had been together since late last year and lived in a caravan in Gormanston, Co. Meath. William had decided to return to his family home in Tallaght with Anastasija. His Mother and Father, Helen & Joe, were making arrangements for their return and were excited about their move. William had sold his caravan on Monday the 13th April and it was collected the following day.
On Tuesday morning William went to Balbriggan followed shortly afterwards by Anastasija. They ran some errands and made contact with William’s mother Helen to arrange for her to travel from Tallaght to Gormanston to collect them and their belongings.
William spoke to his mother at about 2.30pm and asked her to make her way out to Gormanston to collect them. William and Anastasija got a taxi together from Balbriggan to Gormanston just shortly after 2.30pm. Helen arrived in Gormanston just before 3pm but could not locate William. She drove to Stamullen to look for him but didn’t find him. She returned to Gormanston and called his mobile phone but it went straight to message minder.
William and Anastasija never showed up and Helen became extremely worried. They were reported missing that evening.
Extensive searches and enquires were carried out and a thorough investigation commenced, including enquiries with all Airports, Ferry Ports & Interpol.
Both families and the Gardaí are extremely concerned for William & Anastasija’s safety and well being.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the disappearance of William and Anastasija to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who was in the Gormanston area in the afternoon of Tuesday the 14th April 2015 to come forward.
Garda at Laytown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0419827074

On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley followed on from the Forensic Collision feature that was broadcast. Garda Cloughley discussed speeding and the catastrophic consequences of such action. The Road Safety Authority will publish the findings of a pre-crash behaviour analysis in relation to speed on the 28th April at their annual safety conference, in advance of the May Bank Holiday. Garda Cloughley advised the public on a number of safety issues surrounding this topic.
Garda Cloughley also discussed defective tyres and the new Fixed Charge Notice and 2 penalty points and a fine that can now be issued for defective tyres.