The primary training location for An Garda Síochána is the Garda College, which is situated in the town of Templemore, Co. Tipperary and is the national centre for police training, development and education in Ireland. The Garda College first welcomed recruits in 1964 and celebrated its 50th Anniversary last year.
The Director of Training and Development, Chief Superintendent Anne Marie McMahon explains during the feature the new model of training and education that the latest intake of student Gardaí will undertake and will look at other aspects of training and development for Gardaí as they go through their career.
The Physical Assessment is comprised of a Physical Competency Test (PCT) and a Physical Fitness Test. All elements of the Physical Assessment must be passed at the pre-entry level.
PCT Video Available here

The Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are investigating a burglary and false imprisonment incident that occurred on Tuesday 10th March 2015 between 7.15pm and 7.35pm at John Street, Pimlico, Dublin 8.
The injured party, who is an 84 year old woman answered a knock on to her front door. There was a male standing at the door and he told her she had just won a prize at a local public house. The woman became suspicious and tried to close the door but the male pushed her into the house and into the sitting room. He grabbed the woman around the neck with his right arm and demanded money from her. The injured party pointed towards her handbag and the man grabbed it. He then took hold of the woman again and dragged her into the bathroom and attempted to lock her in. The man left the woman in the bathroom and fled from the house. The woman waited for a few moments before raising the alarm.
Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016669400
The Gardaí at Navan Garda Station are investigating a cash in transit robbery that occurred on Tuesday the 25th August 2014 at the Maxol Service Station on the Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath.
Shortly after 3pm, a cash in transit van made a delivery to the garage on the Dublin Road. There was a two-person crew in the van at the time. They drove into the forecourt and reversed into a space between the car wash and the ATM. A few moments later a green Honda CRV registration number 01SO1627 drove into the forecourt and parked close to the security van. There were two occupants in the car.
The driver of the cash in transit van made his way to the ATM Storeroom, followed shortly by his colleague to make a collection. When he returned he placed the cash box into a hatch at the back of the van and secured it and got back into the van. A few moments later he got out and walked towards the back of the van to retrieve the cash box, as he approached the rear of the van he saw a male running towards him. The man was wearing a balaclava and grabbed the security man and threatened him. He demanded the security man open the hatch and hand over the cash box. He continued to threaten the security man. The security man opened the hatch and the raider grabbed the cash box and fled to the waiting green Honda CRV. The rear driver’s door was open and he got into the back of the car. The car travelled out of the garage at onto the Dublin Road and turned left onto Circular Road, then left again onto Academy Street and drove up a laneway leading to Woodview Estate. The car was set alight a short time later.
The cash box was recovered a short time later in Tyrellstown, Dublin 15.
• The car was purchased in May 2015 and registered using a false name and address. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the whereabouts of this car between May and August 2015 to come forward.
• The car was set alight in a laneway near Woodview Estate, Gardaí believe the raiders left the laneway on foot and may have made their getaway in a waiting car. Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen the raiders in the Woodview Estate to come forward.
• The cash box was recovered a short time later in Tyrellstown, Dublin 15. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information to come forward.
Gardaí at Navan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0469079930
This month’s Crime Prevention segment was presented by Sergeant Kelvin Courtney who offered advice to the public on Burglaries. Sgt.Courtney encouraged the public to take note of the recent Crime Prevention Campaign and to take part and complete the “Home Security Checklist Challenge" on and see just how secure is your home.

Gardaí at Ballyfermot Garda Station are looking for information in relation to the disappearance of thirty nine year old Barry Corcoran, (DOB) 17/08/1979, who is missing since Monday the 6th July 2015.
Barry left his home in Wicklow Town on the morning of the 6th July and went to the post office on the Main Street. A short time later he travelled to Dublin City Centre on Bus Eireann. He ran a few errands before getting the Luas to the Kylemore stop on the Naas Road. Barry was visiting friends on Cremona Road. Barry made some purchases at a local shop on two occasions during the day. Barry was not familiar with the general Ballyfermot area.
Barry is a father of a young daughter and is described as five foot eleven inches in height and of thin build. He has short grey and blue eyes. He had an operation on his hip a number of years ago which resulted in a slight shuffle when he walks. Barry also had a scar on the bridge of his nose. When he was last seen he was wearing a dark rain jacket, blue jeans and black runners.
Gardaí and Barry’s family are extremely concerned for his safety and well being.
Gardaí at Ballyfermot Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667600

The Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the murder of 25 year old Paiche Unyolo in 2004.
Paiche was reported missing by her husband on the 10th July 2004 who reported that he had not seen his wife since she left their family home at Herblian Park in Waterford two days previous on the 8th of July.
On the 23rd July two women out walking along Brenner Bridge, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny discovered the body of Paiche which was on the ground beside a river under the bridge.
Paiche was from Malawi and had two children. Her sister Lucy travelled to Ireland to appeal for information in relation to her murder.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the murder of Paiche Unyolo to come forward. Gardaí are satisfied that Paiche was not murdered at Brenner Bridge and are looking for information in relation to the scene of her murder.
• The last confirmed sighting of Paiche, was at 5pm on the 8th July 2004 at Pickardstown, Co. Waterford. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information between this date and the discovery of her body on the 23rd July to come forward.
• Gardaí are satisfied that Paiche worked in Limerick, but also believe she worked at different locations nationwide and they are appealing to anyone who may have known Paiche who they have not interviewed to come forward.
Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating Telephone 056 7775000

The Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating a robbery that occurred on Saturday the 6th June 2015 at Springdale Road at approximately 9pm.
The injured party was out walking through Raheny Village and surrounding areas. He walked towards the Harmonstown Road towards a green area. Here he noticed a male wearing a cream coloured anorak. He walked onto the green area adjacent to Springdale Road close to football pitches. He noticed that the male he had seen earlier in the cream jacket was now walking along side him and began to engage him in conversation. The male produced a silver hand gun and stole the man’s iPhone. The male ran in the direction of the Tonlegee Road.
Gardaí at CoolockGarda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6664200
On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio and discussed road traffic fatalities. He reflected on the varying trends during the last year and highlight some of the contributing factors, such as pedestrian safety, children safety, seatbelts and child seats.