The Gardaí at Fermoy Garda Station are investigating a Burglary that occurred at a house in Kildinan, Rathcormac, Co. Cork on Wednesday 24th June 2015.
Shortly before 5pm as two occupants were at home they observed a male at the front door who was banging on the letter box, a second male arrived at the house wearing a balaclava. The occupants who were in fear for their safety fled from their home to raise the alarm. Jewellery was reported missing from this house.
Gardaí at Fermoy Garda Station are investigating Telephone 025 82100

The Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating a cash in transit robbery that occurred on Wednesday 30th September 2015 at Hearse Road, Donabate, Co. Dublin.
A delivery driver had made his last stop for the day in Donabate and was driving along Hearse Road when his vehicle was intercepted on the road by another vehicle described as a Ford car blocked his way. Two men got out of this car and approached the driver, three other males got out of the rear of the car, one of these men was armed with a knife. The driver was assaulted and threatened by these raiders who stole a substantial sum of money from him.
Gardaí at Swords Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016664900
On this month’s Crime Prevention Segment, Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to highlight and discuss personal safety and offer advice to the public on how to keep themselves and their property safe.
The Gardaí at the Computer Crime Section attached to the Garda Bureau of Fraud investigation are appealing to the public to be vigilant in relation to Cyber Crime.
Ninety six per cent of Irish companies depend on the Internet for their business. In 2012 six hundred incidents of cyber crime were reported to IRISSCERT, by 2014 that has increased to over 6,534. Cyber crime poses to a very real threat to a company’s ability to trade and their reputation.
One particular cyber attack that’s on the rise is Distribution Denial of Service (DDOS) we explain what it is, how it works and advise businesses about what to do if they are targeted.
Gardaí at Garda Bureau Fraud Investigation are investigating Telephone 01 6663844
Gardaí from the Garda National Drugs Unit wish to highlight a recent operation aimed at illegal prescription drugs that are being sold over the internet.
Illegal prescription drugs like mood stabilisers, painkillers, weight loss products, medicines for erectile dysfunction, anabolic steroids, teeth whitening products, painkillers, cholesterol lowering medication and insulin are being bought over the Internet. The medicines are often branded and packaged identically to legitimate brands. They are acutely dangerous and highly addictive and in many cases are counterfeit. Often the medicine doesn’t contain the active ingredient or has the wrong dose and so pose a serious health risk. The suppliers are often organized criminal groups.
There are 360 deaths as a result of misuse of drugs each year. This number of fatalities increases to around 700 when you add mixing drugs with alcohol. A lot of the problem lies in the misuse of pharmaceutical drugs.
Garda Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau are investigating
The Gardaí at Ballyconnell Garda Station are investigating a robbery from a Post Office in the town on Monday 7th September 2015 at 9.20am
The Post Master opened for business at 9am on that Monday morning and served a number of customers. Shortly after 9am, a silver Nissan Almera, registration number 02 D 7384 pulled up outside the post office. There were three men in the car. The car then travelled straight along the road and turned in the forecourt of the Petrol Station and drove back down along the road towards the Post Office.
The post master was alone in the post office and was out in the main public area. Two men got out of the car and barged in through the door. One of the men was armed with a gun and made his way behind the counter demanding money. The second raider was armed with a machete knife and threatened to harm the post master.
The raiders stole a sum of money and fled the scene in the Nissan Almera. A truck driver travelling on the road saw the raiders and attempted to block the car. The car made a u-turn and drove in the direction of Swanlinbar. The car was set on fire and later recovered on a country road at Killeshandra.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to this robbery to come forward.
• The Nissan almera car was purchased in Chapilizod on the 27th August 2015. False registration details were supplied. Gardaí are appealing to anyone who has information about the whereabouts of this car between these dates to come forward. The car was missing a rear passenger hub cap.
Gardaí at Ballyconnell Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0499525580