The Gardaí at Carlow Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred at Ballypierce, Bunclody, Co. Wexford on Wednesday 14th October 2015.
The owners of the house were away and on the morning of Wednesday 14th October their son in law called to the house on his way to work to check on it. He arrived at the house in Ballypierce shortly after 8am and drove into the driveway. He walked towards the gate to take in the bins and met a neighbour and they spoke for a number of minutes. He then made his way to the side of the house and entered the kitchen through the back door and immediately noticed the kitchen had been ransacked. Suddenly a man appeared in the kitchen and began to attack the injured party. The man attempted to defend himself but the raider then grabbed a knife and attempted to stab him a number of times. The knife broke as the raider attempted to stab the injured party in the leg when it struck the injured party’s mobile phone that was in his pocket. A second raider appeared during this attack and poured petrol over the injured party and threatened to harm him. The two raiders then ran from the house setting fire to the man’s car before they left.
The injured party managed to get the fire under control before contacting the Gardaí.
Two EVOFITS of the suspects were completed. One of the raiders had a distinctive tribal tattoo on the left side of his neck, the second raider wore a gold hooped earring in his right ear.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to this Aggravated Burglary to come forward.
• Access to the house was gained via a small kitchen window sometime prior to the arrival of the injured party and Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the area between 7am and 9am to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen a gold coloured Toyota Avensis and a White Transit van in the area on the morning of the aggravated burglary to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may be in a position to identify the raiders from the EVOFITS provided.
Carlow Garda Station investigating Telephone 059 9136620
The Gardaí at Castlerea Garda Station are investigating an Aggravated Burglary that occurred on Friday 23rd January 2015 at Loughglynn, Co Roscommon.
At 8.15am approx a young woman and her two young children were at home when she answered a knock to the front door. She was confronted by a man, who began to assault her to the side of her head with a stone.
The man kept demanding money while continuing the assault. He shoved the woman into a bathroom, but was unable to lock the door. The woman was bleeding from her injuries and attempted to leave the bathroom to check on her baby son. She was then threatened by the man that if she didn’t remain there he would stab her.
The man stole the women’s handbag and its contents. He stole her car keys and took her car, a dark coloured Ford Focus C-Max, registration number 11SO542. It was unknown, at the time, what direction the car went after leaving but the car was subsequently recovered on Wednesday the 18th February 2015 near to a forest at Castlerea, Co. Roscommon on the R361.
The Burglary lasted approximately ten minutes following which the woman was brought to hospital where she received treatment for her injuries.
A stolen bicycle was recovered a short distance from the scene. Earlier that morning at 8am, two motorists saw a man cycling near to the village of Loughglynn and in the direction of the woman’s home. The cyclist is described as wearing dark clothing.
Description of Suspect:
Late 20’s, about 5’10’’ in height, black hair and clean shaven. He wore a navy dark blue jacket with a hood (that he wore up).He wore dark coloured tracksuit bottoms, training shoes with a white band around the edge and gloves.
• Anyone in the area of Loughlynn on Friday 23rd January who has information about this crime.
• Sightings of the man on the bicycle or anyone who may know his identity.
• Sightings of the stolen Ford Focus C-Max, registration number 11SO542 between the 23rd January and the 18th February.
Gardaí at Roscommon Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0906638300

The Gardaí at Bray Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred at a house in Rocky Valley, Kilmacanoge, Co. Wicklow on Tuesday 31st March 2015.
Shortly after 9pm, the home owner was at home in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner. His wife had gone out for the evening. Two men entered the house through the front door and hit the man on the back of the head. The man fell to the floor and was bleeding from his head. One of the raiders pointed a gun at him and demanded money and valuables. The second raider placed a jacket under the man’s head. The raider with the gun searched the house and found some sterling notes. He received a phone call and told the second raider to bring the man into the sitting room. They placed a shirt and a towel over the man’s head so he couldn’t see their faces.
The raider who had the gun was now armed with a large kitchen knife. He cut the leg off the man’s trousers. They tied his hands and feet together with cable ties and left the house. A dark coloured BMW 1 Series car was seen nearby with one man in the driver’s seat.
• Gardai are appealing to anyone with information about this incident to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the Kilmancanoge area and may have seen suspicious activity or the BMW Series 1 car to come foward.
• The witness described these raiders as young, late teens or early twenties of slim to medium build. He was able to get a good look at their footwear and described them as below.
Gardaí at Bray Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6665300

Gardaí at Dundrum Garda Station are investigating an Aggravated Burglary that occurred at Wesbury estate, Stillorgan, Co.Dublin on Friday, the 23rd October 2015.
At approximately 3.30pm, a young male occupant of the house was upstairs in his bedroom on his computer and listening to music. He heard a number of loud noises and banging sounds over his music and thought it was builders working nearby. He walked out to the landing as the noise and banging continued and made his way downstairs. He saw a male in the hallway. This man ran towards the kitchen and the attempted to get out through the back door. There was a second man in the back garden standing at the kitchen window.
The intruder attempted to make his escape out the back door but it was locked. The intruder confronted the man and hit him a number of times with a hammer on his upper arm and the side of the face.
The intruder then escaped through the kitchen window where the second intruder was waiting, they jumped over the wall into a neighbours back garden before making their way out towards the front of the estate on foot. The injured party saw the men running past his house. The front door was jammed and the injured party had difficulty opening it. When he managed to open the door he ran after the two men, he spoke to a couple in a car who told him they had seen the two men running towards a green area/small forest at the rear of the estate that leads to St.Raphaelas School. It is unclear if the men ran through the woods or escaped in a car in the estate. The injured party returned to his house and noticed money missing from his wallet. He called the Gardaí.
• Gardaí have released an EVOFIT of the man that entered the house, who is described as 15 to 18 years old, five foot then inches in height with sallow skin. He was wearing a grey tracksuit.
• The second man was described as very similar in age, five foot nine inches in height wearing a white and navy blue jacket.
• Do you have information that can identify these men?
• Can you study the EVOFIT and the descriptions given and identify these men.
• Did you see these men running towards the school and get into a car or other vehicle.
Gardaí at Dundrum Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016665600
The Gardaí at Blanchardstown are investigating an Aggravated Burglary that occurred on Thursday the 12th February 2015 in Hazelbury Green, Clonee at 8.55am. An elderly lady was at home watching television when she answered a knock at the front door. Two men dressed in workman’s clothing including a high visibility jacket confronted the woman. They tied the woman’s hands behind her back with a belt and covered her mouth with duct tape. They ransacked the house looking for money. They left the house in a white coloured vehicle. The injured party created this Evo-Fit of one of the men.
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016667000

The Gardaí at Blanchardstown are investigating an Aggravated Burglary that occurred at on Thursday 12th February 2015 at Hazlebury Green, Clonee at 8.55am.
An elderly woman was at home watching television when she answered a knock to the front door. Two men dressed in workmen’s clothing including a high visibility jacket confronted the woman. They covered her mouth with duct tape. The men searched the house looking for money. They left after several minutes and are believed to have left in a large silver/grey car.
Description of men:
• 25 to 30 years, medium height, medium build, normal face. He wore hi-viz jacket and dark coloured suit trousers. He is described as having an eastern European accent.
• Medium build and height - He wore a grey jacket with cream woolly hat.
• The public are asked to consider the description of the two men together with the EVO-fit image.
• The public may be able to identify the men based on the description and the possibility of them using a large silver/grey car.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the Hazlebury Green area between the hours of 8am and 9.30am on 12th February 2015 to come forward.
Blanchardstown Garda Station - 01 666 7000
The Gardaí at Thurles Garda Station are investigating an Aggravated Burglary that occurred at a house at Lisdonowley, Moyne, Thurles, Co. Tipperary on Wednesday the 3rd December 2014.
At approximately 5.45pm, the injured party, an 83 year old man was at home alone. There was a knock at the door and the man asked who was there. He opened the door and two masked and armed men pushed the man into the house. They immediately threatened him looking for money. One of the raiders pushed the man onto the couch and held him there. This raider was armed with a lump hammer.
As this incident was happening, a neighbour drove by the house and noticed a blue saloon car, registration number, 01D40736, parked outside the house. The neighbour noted the registration number as he felt there was something amiss. He pulled into the side of the road and rang the injured party. The raiders pulled the phone from wall.
The raiders left taking the man’s mobile phone. The neighbour saw this car as it drove by him and the raiders made their getaway.
The neighbour ran towards the man’s house and discovered him in a state of shock and contacted the Gardaí
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the vicinity of Moyne on the evening of the 3rd of December between the hours of 4.30pm and 6pm to come forward.
• Gardaí believe a blue Mercedes C180 2 litre petrol car, registration number 01D40736 was used by the suspects. Did you see this car in the Lisdonowley area on the evening of the 3rd December?
• This vehicle was sold by the previous owner on the 21st November 2014 at KIlmallock, Co.Limerick. Gardai would like to know the whereabouts of this vehicle and who has possession of it currently.
• Gardaí would like to identify the person who purchased this vehicle and who is captured on CCTV footage at a service station at Clarina.
Gardaí at Thurles Garda Station are investigationg - Telephone 0504425100
The primary training location for An Garda Síochána is the Garda College, which is situated in the town of Templemore, Co. Tipperary and is the national centre for police training, development and education in Ireland. The Garda College first welcomed recruits in 1964 and celebrated its 50th Anniversary last year.
The Director of Training and Development, Chief Superintendent Anne Marie McMahon explains during the feature the new model of training and education that the latest intake of student Gardaí will undertake and will look at other aspects of training and development for Gardaí as they go through their career.
The Physical Assessment is comprised of a Physical Competency Test (PCT) and a Physical Fitness Test. All elements of the Physical Assessment must be passed at the pre-entry level.
PCT Video Available here
On this month’s programme, Garda Commissioner Nóirín O’Sullivan was in the studio to give an overview of the year from a Policing perspective.
The Commissioner addressed a number of topics, including Operation Thor, Organisational changes, Community Safety, as well as a special mention for all Garda Staff and our late colleague Garda Tony Golden.

The Gardaí at Dundalk Garda Station continue to investigate the murder of Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe who was fatally wounded by an armed man during the course of a robbery at Lordship Credit Union on Friday the 25th January 2013.
The Gardaí would like to remind the public that the investigation is ongoing and is receiving co-operation of external law enforcement agencies.
An Garda Síochána would like to remember Adrian, his wife Caroline and their children and wider family on the second anniversary of his death.
Gardaí at Dundalk Garda Station are investigating - Telephone 0429388400

The Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are investigating a burglary and false imprisonment incident that occurred on Tuesday 10th March 2015 between 7.15pm and 7.35pm at John Street, Pimlico, Dublin 8.
The injured party, who is an 84 year old woman answered a knock on to her front door. There was a male standing at the door and he told her she had just won a prize at a local public house. The woman became suspicious and tried to close the door but the male pushed her into the house and into the sitting room. He grabbed the woman around the neck with his right arm and demanded money from her. The injured party pointed towards her handbag and the man grabbed it. He then took hold of the woman again and dragged her into the bathroom and attempted to lock her in. The man left the woman in the bathroom and fled from the house. The woman waited for a few moments before raising the alarm.
Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016669400

The Gardaí at Donnybrook Garda Station are appealing to the public for help in relation to a burglary that occurred at a house at Fosterbrook, Booterstown, Co. Dublin between Saturday the 20th December 2014 at 12pm and 4pm on Sunday the 21st December 2014.
The house was ransacked with various items missing including an iPad and jewellery.
In addition, one item of particular sentimental value taken was an Urn, described as a three inch by three inch wooden box with a stainless steel lid. The Urn contained the ashes of the family’s baby son who died aged 29 months.
Gardaí are appealing to anyone with any information about this burglary or to anyone who may know the current location of the Urn to come forward and assist this investigation and the family.
Gardaí at Donnybrook Garda Station are investigationg telephone 016669200

The Gardaí at Fermoy Garda Station are investigating a Burglary that occurred at a house in Kildinan, Rathcormac, Co. Cork on Wednesday 24th June 2015.
Shortly before 5pm as two occupants were at home they observed a male at the front door who was banging on the letter box, a second male arrived at the house wearing a balaclava. The occupants who were in fear for their safety fled from their home to raise the alarm. Jewellery was reported missing from this house.
Gardaí at Fermoy Garda Station are investigating Telephone 025 82100

The Gardaí at Drogheda Garda Station are investigating a burglary that occurred at a house in Cherrybrook Drive, Drogheda, Co. Louth on Friday 30th January 2015.
Shortly after 7pm, a woman, who had just arrived home and was upstairs trying on a dress she had bought for a party the following night, heard a knock at her front door.
The woman went downstairs to open the door and saw a man dressed in dark clothing standing at the door. This man did not speak to the woman. He immediately punched her in the face causing her to fall onto the ground. The man entered the house and put his hand over the woman’s mouth. He demanded money and threatened the woman. He dragged the woman into the sitting room where she managed to pull his hat off his head and got a good look at his face. The man dragged the woman upstairs to get her handbag and her bank card. The woman struggled with the man and scratched him. The man was sweating and beginning to get out of breath. He brought the woman downstairs and demanded the pin number for her bank account. The woman gave him a pin number and he wrote it on his hand. He pushed the woman onto the floor and tied her hands behind her back. He left through the front door. The woman managed to free herself and ran out the back door and over a wall into her Neighbours house to get help.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may be in a position to identify this man from the EVOfit compiled by the witness to come forward.
• The woman scratched the man somewhere on the man’s face or neck and bit him on the hand. Gardaí are appealing anyone with information to come forward.
• The woman finished work at 5pm and was in the Drogheda area, at a retail park on the Donore road and at the M1 Retail park for two hours before going home at 7pm. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information about this incident to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to motorist in the Cherrybrook area on the evening of Friday 30th January between 7pm and 8pm to come forward.
Gardaí at Drogheda Garda Station are investigating Telephone 041 9874200

The Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating a cash in transit robbery that occurred on Wednesday 30th September 2015 at Hearse Road, Donabate, Co. Dublin.
A delivery driver had made his last stop for the day in Donabate and was driving along Hearse Road when his vehicle was intercepted on the road by another vehicle described as a Ford car blocked his way. Two men got out of this car and approached the driver, three other males got out of the rear of the car, one of these men was armed with a knife. The driver was assaulted and threatened by these raiders who stole a substantial sum of money from him.
Gardaí at Swords Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016664900
The Gardaí at Carlow Garda Station are investigating a cash in transit robbery that occurred at a supermarket at Bagenalstown on Friday 23rd January 2015 at approximately 3pm.
The cash in transit van parked outside the supermarket to make a collection and delivery. Two men arrived in a dark coloured BMW 320 coupe with tinted windows. The car had a partial 08D registration number and had been stolen during the course of an Aggravated Burglary at Myshall on the 14th December 2014.
One of the men produced a long barrelled shotgun and pointed it the cash in transit employee. After taking the box the men left in the direction of Dunleckny, Leighlinbridge. They had travelled a few kilometres from the scene when the dye exploded at Harrow cross. The men were forced to discard the cashbox at the side of the road.
The BMW was later discovered in a field at Raheenleigh, just a few miles from Myshall. It had been destroyed by fire. The car’s registration is 07D26941.
The raider was described as tall, slim, dressed in dark clothing including balaclava and
gloves. He was carrying the shotgun. There is no description of the second man.
• Where was the BMW between 14th December and the 23rd January?
Did it refill with petrol? Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information about this car to come forward
• Gardaí believe that an aggravated Burglary at Rathoe, Co Carlow on the 1st December is related to the crimes at Myshall and Bagenalstown.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the vicinity of Myshall, Co Carlow on the 14th December and may have information to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone that may have seen the BMW and its occupants after it left the scene of the robbery at Bagenalstown and in particular being abandoned at Raheenleigh where it was set alight.
• Anyone who knows the identity of the men responsible for these crimes.
Carlow Garda Station - 059 913 6620
The Gardaí at Navan Garda Station are investigating a cash in transit robbery that occurred on Tuesday the 25th August 2014 at the Maxol Service Station on the Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath.
Shortly after 3pm, a cash in transit van made a delivery to the garage on the Dublin Road. There was a two-person crew in the van at the time. They drove into the forecourt and reversed into a space between the car wash and the ATM. A few moments later a green Honda CRV registration number 01SO1627 drove into the forecourt and parked close to the security van. There were two occupants in the car.
The driver of the cash in transit van made his way to the ATM Storeroom, followed shortly by his colleague to make a collection. When he returned he placed the cash box into a hatch at the back of the van and secured it and got back into the van. A few moments later he got out and walked towards the back of the van to retrieve the cash box, as he approached the rear of the van he saw a male running towards him. The man was wearing a balaclava and grabbed the security man and threatened him. He demanded the security man open the hatch and hand over the cash box. He continued to threaten the security man. The security man opened the hatch and the raider grabbed the cash box and fled to the waiting green Honda CRV. The rear driver’s door was open and he got into the back of the car. The car travelled out of the garage at onto the Dublin Road and turned left onto Circular Road, then left again onto Academy Street and drove up a laneway leading to Woodview Estate. The car was set alight a short time later.
The cash box was recovered a short time later in Tyrellstown, Dublin 15.
• The car was purchased in May 2015 and registered using a false name and address. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the whereabouts of this car between May and August 2015 to come forward.
• The car was set alight in a laneway near Woodview Estate, Gardaí believe the raiders left the laneway on foot and may have made their getaway in a waiting car. Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen the raiders in the Woodview Estate to come forward.
• The cash box was recovered a short time later in Tyrellstown, Dublin 15. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information to come forward.
Gardaí at Navan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0469079930
Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are continuing to investigate the discovery of a new-born baby girl on Steelstown Road, Rathcoole, County Dublin on Friday 8th May 2015 at approximately 3.30pm. Based on medical opinion the baby girl may have been born 24–36 hours prior to her discovery.
An Garda Síochána are working closely with the Health Service Executive and Tulsa.Gardaí are concerned for the welfare of the mother of this baby and are appealing for her to seek immediate medical treatment. This mother has nothing to fear and the relevant services are available to help and the matter will be dealt with compassionately and sensitively.
Sergeant Maeve O'Sullivan of the Child Protection Unit in Clondalkin and her staff are available at any time. Anyone, or indeed any family members or friends, wishing to speak with Sergeant O'Sullivan will be dealt with the utmost discretion.
A green paper Marks and Spencer’s bag, a black plastic refuse and a fleece throw (Primark home), which were found with the baby. Somebody out there must recognise these items and we are appealing for anyone who can assist to come forward.
Please Contact Clondalkin Garda Station on 01 666 7600
On this month’s Crime Prevention Segment, Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to highlight and discuss personal safety and offer advice to the public on how to keep themselves and their property safe.
On this month’s Crime Prevention segment Sergeant Kelvin Courtney was in studio to offer advice to retailers on how to safeguard their property against theft, with back reference to distractions thefts featured on the programme.
This month’s Crime Prevention segment was presented by Sergeant Kelvin Courtney advised the public in terms of home security. Sergeant Courtney was accompanied in studio by Mr Patrick Walsh a Neighbourhood watch Co-ordinator with his local community in Malahide, Co Dublin.
Sergeant Courtney discussed the forthcoming supporting safer communities’ campaign, beginning 28th May until the 3rd June. The focus of the campaign is home security and the public are encouraged to try the checklist challenge here
Further Crime Prevention leaflets are available here
To arrange to view the property please contact on 01 6663999 (office hours) or email Fiacla@garda.ie providing phone contact details and indicating what property (images) you wish to view.
This month’s Crime Prevention segment was presented by Sergeant Alan Roughneen who was offering advice to the public in relation to personal safety. The advice offered was in keeping with An Garda Síochána’s Crime Prevention Day of Action that took place on the 12th March 2015.
Crime Prevention page
This month’s Crime Prevention segment was presented by Sergeant Kelvin Courtney who offered advice to the public on Burglaries. Sgt.Courtney encouraged the public to take note of the recent Crime Prevention Campaign and to take part and complete the “Home Security Checklist Challenge" on www.garda.ie and see just how secure is your home.
This month’s Crime Prevention segment was presented by Sergeant Kelvin Courtney who discussed recent trends and statistics, and offer advice to the public in relation to burglary and ‘fishing’ of keys.
Crime Prevention Leaflet for cars and jeeps is available here
This month’s Crime Prevention segment highlighted the problem of livestock theft throughout the country. Sergeant Kelvin Courtney was in studio to give crime prevention advice to farmers and the farming community in relation to access control, CCTV, security lighting and property marking.
He was joined in studio by I.F.A president Eddie Downey, who discussed the newly launched Crimestoppers appeal, jointly organised by Crimestoppers, the Irish Farmers Association and An Garda Síochána.
The campaign is calling on members of the public and in particular those in the farming community with information on the theft of cattle and sheep to come forward with information.
There is a Crimestoppers reward in relation to the theft of livestock.
This month’s Crime Prevention segment was presented by Sergeant Kelvin Courtney who discussed the National Bike Week which ran from the 14th to 21st June 2015. Sergeant Courtney will offer advice to the public on how to keep your bike safe and how to prevent theft. Sergeant Courtney will also offer advice to the public in relation to the safety and prevention of theft from vehicles and vessels during the summer months.
Complete a B.I.K.E Card ( Bicycle Information Key Essentials) available here
Bicycles recovered by An Garda Síochána, where we cannot identify an owner, are regularly advertised here on the Garda Síochána Flickr website. As part of National Bike Week, Bikes from the following areas have recently been uploaded and we are appealing to those who have had their bikes robbed in these areas to view the website with a view to possible recovery.
Please click on Flickr to see all the bike in Garda Stations
The Gardaí at the Computer Crime Section attached to the Garda Bureau of Fraud investigation are appealing to the public to be vigilant in relation to Cyber Crime.
Ninety six per cent of Irish companies depend on the Internet for their business. In 2012 six hundred incidents of cyber crime were reported to IRISSCERT, by 2014 that has increased to over 6,534. Cyber crime poses to a very real threat to a company’s ability to trade and their reputation.
One particular cyber attack that’s on the rise is Distribution Denial of Service (DDOS) we explain what it is, how it works and advise businesses about what to do if they are targeted.
Gardaí at Garda Bureau Fraud Investigation are investigating Telephone 01 6663844
On Monday the 16th February 2015 shortly after 9.30 pm, two men called to a house at Redford Park, Greystones, Co. Wicklow. The injured party was watching television with his partner at the time. When the injured party opened the door the men asked him was he selling his car that was parked in the driveway.
One of the men produced a firearm and shot the injured party, who immediately closed the door and ran into the kitchen. The men shot through the closed door and the front bedroom window before leaving in what is believed to be a small hatchback car.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the Redford Park area on Monday the 16th February prior to the shooting.
• Gardaí are looking for any sightings of the two men and the hatchback car in the area prior to the shooting.
• Gardaí are appealing for any information that may assist the investigation.
Gardaí at Greystones Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 5800

The Gardaí at Salthill Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the discovery of human remains at 158 Upper Salthill on the 17th April 2002.
The owner of this property was carrying out excavation work in the back garden and discovered human remains wrapped up in a sleeping bag buried in a shallow grave. There were also a number of items of clothing including, boots, jewellery and hair ties in the sleeping bag.
A full examination of the scene was carried out and a post mortem on the remains. An investigation was launched with Gardaí establishing that this property was used as a squat over the years by a number of people. Their enquiries led them to a man known as “Dave”, who busked around Galway, particularly on Shop Street, an area known locally as “the four corners”. He played guitar and tin whistle. He always had his pet collie dog with him.
Gardaí believe Dave was originally from the UK and the last known sighting of him was in 1999. Gardaí believe he was buried at 158 Upper Salthill almost two years before his remains were discovered. Gardaí also believe he may have been known as “Dave Rawson” or “Dave Tang”, but are unsure if that was his real name.
• Gardaí are appealing for any information in relation to the disappearance of this man to come forward.
Gardaí at Salthill Garda Station are investigating Telephone 091 514 720

The Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014 allows for the establishment of a DNA Database by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI). An Garda Síochána are responsible for the taking and transmission of DNA reference samples to Forensic Science Ireland (FSI). The DNA Database System will be used for identification of suspects or linking of crime scenes in the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences. It will also be utilised in missing person cases for the identification of unknown deceased persons and seriously ill or severely injured persons who are unable to indicate their identity.
The retention and destruction of DNA samples/profiles for the DNA Database System is governed by strict requirements set out in Part 10 of the Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014. It is the responsibility of the Commissioner of An Garda Síochána to ensure that these requirements are adhered to in accordance with legislation.
Gardaí from the Garda National Drugs Unit wish to highlight a recent operation aimed at illegal prescription drugs that are being sold over the internet.
Illegal prescription drugs like mood stabilisers, painkillers, weight loss products, medicines for erectile dysfunction, anabolic steroids, teeth whitening products, painkillers, cholesterol lowering medication and insulin are being bought over the Internet. The medicines are often branded and packaged identically to legitimate brands. They are acutely dangerous and highly addictive and in many cases are counterfeit. Often the medicine doesn’t contain the active ingredient or has the wrong dose and so pose a serious health risk. The suppliers are often organized criminal groups.
There are 360 deaths as a result of misuse of drugs each year. This number of fatalities increases to around 700 when you add mixing drugs with alcohol. A lot of the problem lies in the misuse of pharmaceutical drugs.
Garda Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau are investigating
The Facial Identification Unit based at the Garda Photographic Section, Technical Bureau. Garda Headquarters have introduced a new system called Evo-Fit. An Evo-FIT composite is also referred to as a police sketch, photo-fit or CD-FIT. The Facial Identification Unit will interview victims and witnesses of crime and under the guidance of this person produce a composite which is a likeness of the suspect. This new system provides more realistic facial images, there is a much higher identification rate, it has a considerably larger profile of acceptable witnesses – the system works more on recognition rather than recall and there is a significantly improved array of tools which can alter age, weight, personality (Pleasantness, honesty, healthiness etc.). There is a wider and more accurate selection of databases. An Evo-FIT should always be considered in every investigation where a victim or witness of a crime has seen the suspect’s face and would be able to recognise that face again.
Crimecall met with Detective Sergeant Paul Curran and put this new system to the test.
Gardaí at Ardee Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a fatal hit and run traffic collision that occurred in the early hours of Sunday the 11th May 2014.
Thirty five year old Keith Byrne was socialising with friends in an area known as Channonrock on Saturday evening. He left to walk to his home only a short distance away. A taxi driver passing discovered Keith’s body lying on the roadway. He was later pronounced dead. Keith’s father had to identify his son. He was buried on Friday the 16th May 2014 at Louth Village Cemetery.
• Gardaí are making a direct appeal to the driver of the vehicle involved in this fatal collision to come forward and they will be treated sensitively.
• Gardaí are reviewing CCTV from the area in the hope of developing this investigation and appealing to motorists who were in the area of Channonrock, Carnalogue and Monavallet between the 4.20am and 4.50am to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to this incident to come forward.
Adree Garda Station Telephone 0416853222

Detective Superintendent Gerard Walsh was in studio to discuss a recent investigation involving criminals that intercept business and personal cheques in the post on a nationwide basis.
These cheques are then altered by changing the name of the payee and in some cases the cheque amount.
The altered cheques are then lodged into ‘money mule’ bank accounts. These are bank accounts that have been opened or bought by criminals to lodge the fraudulent cheques. The bank accounts are often bought from students or others leaving the country. The going rate to buy a bank account is believed to be about €100.
The cheques are lodged to the ‘mule’ bank accounts at express lodgment machines in bank branches across the country.
The Garda Fraud Bureau of investigation are currently investigating sixty incidents of this scam carried out at financial institutions across Ireland.
Detective Superintendent Walsh showed the attached image of a person they wish to identify as a part of a current investigation.
The Gardaí at Roxboro Road Garda Station are appealing for information on Missing Person Aengus (Gussie) Shanahan who is missing from his home in Ashbrook, Limerick since February 2000.
Twenty year old Gussie worked in Dell, he normally travelled to and from work using varies methods of public transport. Gussie didn’t drive and did not own a mobile phone. On Friday the 11th February 2000, Gussie finished work at 3pm. He got paid that day and travelled to Limerick City and withdrew £100 from a Bank of Ireland ATM. His father Bob worked at the bank and Gussie met him there and returned £60 he had borrowed from him the week before. Gussie then went across the road to Supermacs and met a friend. They discussed their plans for the evening. Gussie and two close friends travelled to a public house known at the time as Cooper’s Bar on St. Joseph’s Street. They had a couple of sociable drinks and chatted with other customers in the bar. The two friends were renting a house across the road from the pub. Shortly after 9pm one of the friends went home to prepare some food. The other friend followed shortly afterwards. It was arranged that Gussie would stay with them for the night. Gussie remained in the bar and had another drink.
He made two phone calls to some other friends to see if they wanted to meet up with him later in the night. One of the friend’s phone was unanswered and the other was working on an early shift the following morning so passed on the invitation.
Gussie was captured on CCTV leaving the pub and crossing the road towards his friend’s house. A witness recalled how she saw Gussie raise his hand as if to knock on the door and then lower it again. He did not knock on the door. He placed a bottle of beer he was holding onto the ground and put his jacket on and walked towards a laneway known locally as School Alley Lane. Gussie was never seen again.
An extensive investigation followed and several areas and rivers were searched. Gussie’s family have travelled the country looking for answers.
His Mother and Father, Bob & Nancy appeal for help from the public in the hope of finding Gussie. He would have been 35 years old on the 23rd of January.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the disappearance of Aengus (Gussie) Shanahan to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen Gussie on this Friday night or early the following morning to come forward, especially Taxi Drivers in the limerick area.
Gardaí at Roxboro Road Garda Station are investigationg - Telephone 061214340
The Gardaí at Millstreet Garda Station are investigating the disappearance of thirty three year old Barbara Walsh from Rusheenamanagh, Carna, Co. Galway who is missing from her home since 22nd June 1985.
Barbara was married and was a mother to six children. She was at home in Carna, with her husband and six young children, ranging in age from 16 years old to just 7 months. There was a small gathering of family and friends in the house and the last sighing of Barbara was in the early hours of the 22nd June 1985.
She was never seen or heard from again. An extensive Garda Investigation was launched and remains live and active.
Barbara’s family are appealing for information in relation to their Mother’s disappearance after thirty years.
• Gardaí believe the clue to solving this case lies within the local community and are appealing to anyone who may have information that they are holding onto to please come forward.
• Do you have information that you are unknowingly holding onto that may assist the investigation?
Gardaí at Millstreet Garda Station are investigating Telephone 091538000

Gardaí at Ballyfermot Garda Station are looking for information in relation to the disappearance of thirty nine year old Barry Corcoran, (DOB) 17/08/1979, who is missing since Monday the 6th July 2015.
Barry left his home in Wicklow Town on the morning of the 6th July and went to the post office on the Main Street. A short time later he travelled to Dublin City Centre on Bus Eireann. He ran a few errands before getting the Luas to the Kylemore stop on the Naas Road. Barry was visiting friends on Cremona Road. Barry made some purchases at a local shop on two occasions during the day. Barry was not familiar with the general Ballyfermot area.
Barry is a father of a young daughter and is described as five foot eleven inches in height and of thin build. He has short grey and blue eyes. He had an operation on his hip a number of years ago which resulted in a slight shuffle when he walks. Barry also had a scar on the bridge of his nose. When he was last seen he was wearing a dark rain jacket, blue jeans and black runners.
Gardaí and Barry’s family are extremely concerned for his safety and well being.
Gardaí at Ballyfermot Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667600
The Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the disappearance of thirty one year old Dean Roche. His last known address was Hebron Park in Kilkenny.
Dean Roche was last seen on the evening of Sunday 22nd March 2015 at Newpark, Ballyfoyle, Kilkenny. He is described as being 5’ 8’’ in height of slight build with green eyes and short brown hair. He was wearing a black zip up tracksuit top and bottoms with white runners.
Kilkenny Garda Station Telephone 056 777 5000

The Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the disappearance of thirty one year old Dean Roche. His last known address was Hebron Park in Kilkenny.
Dean Roche was last seen on the evening of Sunday 22nd March 2015 at Newpark, Ballyfoyle, Kilkenny. He is described as being 5’ 8’’ in height of slight build with green eyes and short brown hair. He was wearing a black zip up tracksuit top and bottoms with white runners.
Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating Telephone 056 7775000

On the 28th July 1998, 18-year-old college student Deirdre Jacob walked into Newbridge town. She was to start her second year of teacher training at St. Mary’s College in Strawberry Hill, London and was getting a bank draft to send to a college friend in London for their rent deposit.
She went to the bank to get the draft, the post office and then she visited her granny in her shop before heading home. She was last seen shortly after 3pm inside the gate of the family home outside Newbridge.
Despite intensive searches and appeals there has been no trace of Deirdre.
The Garda Serious Crime Review team have been taking a fresh look into this case and new information has surfaced which has given new investigation strands to pursue.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have information in relation to the disappearance of Deirdre Jacob to come forward no matter how insignificant they may believe the information is, it may assist with the investigation.
The Serious Crime Review Team, National Bureau of Criminal Investigation has initiated a case review into disappearance of Deirdre Jacob. Anyone who has information to offer should contact the Serious Crime Review Team (01-6663444), Newbridge Garda Station (045-440180) the Garda Confidential line(1800 666 111).

Gardaí at Navan Garda Station are looking for information in relation to the disappearance of Elizabeth Clarke, (DOB 30/08/1989), who was reported missing from her home in January 2015.
Elizabeth lived in Claremount Estate with her partner and two young children. There has been no activity on her bank accounts and social welfare and there have been no sightings of her. Gardaí and her family have serious concerns for her safety and well being.
Gardaí at Navan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 046 9079930

The Gardaí at Newbridge Garda Station are investigating the disappearance of twenty one year old JoJo Dullard who is missing from her home since Friday 9th November 1995.
Jojo left her home in Callan, Co. Kilkenny at 8.30am on the morning of the 9th December to travel by bus to Dublin to collect her final social welfare payment from the Harold’s Cross post office.
She met some friends in Bruxelle’s Pub, just off Grafton Street and stayed with them all afternoon. She decided to head home to Callan arriving at Busarus Bus Station, Store Street at approximately 10pm. She missed her bus to Callan, so she boarded the Kildare bus instead and arrived in Naas at around 10.50pm.
JoJo hitched a lift from a motorist in Naas who dropped her off in Kilcullen, County Kildare, near the edge of the motorway. At about 11.15pm JoJo hitched another lift from here and was dropped off at Moone Village, Kildare at 11.35pm.
JoJo called her friend from a phone box at Moone, County Kildare and explained that she missed her bus and was going to hitch her way home. She interrupted the conversation briefly and when she returned indicated to her friend that ‘’ she just got a lift’’. This is the last sighting of JoJo.
Josephine Dullard, known as Jojo, was born in Callan, County Kilkenny on the 25th of January 1974, she would be forty one years old. This year marks the 20th anniversary of her disappearance. She has not been heard of or seen since this night.
• Despite the fact that it has been twenty years since JoJo disappeared, Gardaí are anxious that anyone coming forward with information will be treated in a sensitive manner.
• Do you have information that you are unknowingly holding onto that may assist the investigation.
• Did you at the time of JoJo’s disappearance speak to investigating Gardaí and now feel that there is some additional piece of information that you now want to impart.
• JoJo’s family are seeking closure, can you help them?
• There is a Crimestoppers reward for information in relation to JoJo’s disappearance.
Gardaí at Naas Garda Station are investigating Telephone 045884300

The Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are looking for information on missing person Konrad Misiak, (date of birth 13.9.1978) (36 years).
He is a Polish national who has been living in Ireland for approximately 8 years. He resided at an address in Melville Rise, Finglas.
He was last seen in February 2014 by his housemates. He left all his personal belongings behind and is not in possession of his passport. His friends have not heard from him since. He has not spoken with his family in Poland since January 2014 who are very concerned for his wellbeing.
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016667500

Sergeant Jim Molloy also appealed for information in relation to missing person Patrick Heeran. Patrick is 48 years old and has not been seen since he left Mohill, Co Leitrim on the 3rd October 2011 at 4.20pm.
Patrick is described as being 5’9" in height and of stocky build with fair hair. When last seen he was wearing brown shoes, blue jeans and a brown jacket.
His family and friends have not had any contact with him since and they describe this behaviour to be extremely out of character for him.
The Gardaí at Carrick-on-Shannon have serious concerns for the well being and safety of Patrick and are asking for the public’s assistance in locating him.
In particular they would like to speak friends or acquaintances of Patrick who may have any information that may help progress this case.
Carrick On Shannon Garda Station investigating Telephone 071 9650510

Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the disappearance of twenty four year old Peter Gallagher who went missing from his home at Newgrove Estate, Donaghmede, Dublin 5 on the 5th July 2003.
Peter had been celebrating at a Christening party at his home but he left the house in the early hours of Saturday the 6th July and was never seen again.
Peter did not have his passport with him and there has been no activity on his bank account since. His family have travelled throughout Ireland and the UK searching for him. Peter would have celebrated his 35th Birthday this month.
His sister Aideen was in studio appealing for information.
Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating Telephone 666 4200

On this month’s Crimecall, we looked back over some of our missing persons we have featured over the years and make re-appeals for information in relation to their disappearance.
Anthony Cantillon (DOB) 01/01/1949 is missing from his home at Crecora, Co. Limerick since 26th January 1976. He would be 69 years old today. When last seen he was wearing a green & blue shirt, black trousers and light green jumper.
Gardaí at the Henry Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 061212400
Imelda Keenan (DOB) 24/03/1971 would be 44 years old this year. She is missing since 3rd January 1994. Imelda is from Mountmellick, Co. Laois, at the time of her disappearance Imelda was living at William Street, Co. Waterford. There is an age profile picture of what Imelda would look like today.
Gardaí at the Waterford Garda Station are investigating Telephone 051305300

Sandra Collins (DOB) 14/12/1971, was reported missing on the 5th December 2000. At the time of her disappearance Sandra lived on Court House Street, Killala. Sandra would be 44 years old today.
Gardaí at the Ballina Garda Station are investigating Telephone 09620560
Trevor Deely (DOB) 15/08/1978 has been missing since 8th December 2000. He was last seen at Haddington Road, Dublin, wearing a yellow and brown shirt and beige cord trousers. He would be 37 years old today.
Gardaí at the Pearse Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016669000

Gardaí at Laytown Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the disappearance of William Maughan and Anastasija Varslavene who are missing since Tuesday the 14th April 2015.William and Anastasija had been together since late last year and lived in a caravan in Gormanston, Co. Meath. William had decided to return to his family home in Tallaght with Anastasija. His Mother and Father, Helen & Joe, were making arrangements for their return and were excited about their move. William had sold his caravan on Monday the 13th April and it was collected the following day.
On Tuesday morning William went to Balbriggan followed shortly afterwards by Anastasija. They ran some errands and made contact with William’s mother Helen to arrange for her to travel from Tallaght to Gormanston to collect them and their belongings.
William spoke to his mother at about 2.30pm and asked her to make her way out to Gormanston to collect them. William and Anastasija got a taxi together from Balbriggan to Gormanston just shortly after 2.30pm. Helen arrived in Gormanston just before 3pm but could not locate William. She drove to Stamullen to look for him but didn’t find him. She returned to Gormanston and called his mobile phone but it went straight to message minder. William and Anastasija never showed up and Helen became extremely worried. They were reported missing that evening. Extensive searches and enquires were carried out and a thorough investigation commenced, including enquiries with all Airports, Ferry Ports & Interpol. Both families and the Gardaí are extremely concerned for William & Anastasija’s safety and well being.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the disappearance of William and Anastasija to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who was in the Gormanston area in the afternoon of Tuesday the 14th April 2015 to come forward.
Laytown Garda Station Telephone 0419827074

Gardaí at Laytown Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the disappearance of William Maughan and Anastasija Varslavene who are missing since Tuesday the 14th April 2015.
William and Anastasija had been together since late last year and lived in a caravan in Gormanston, Co. Meath. William had decided to return to his family home in Tallaght with Anastasija. His Mother and Father, Helen & Joe, were making arrangements for their return and were excited about their move. William had sold his caravan on Monday the 13th April and it was collected the following day.
On Tuesday morning William went to Balbriggan followed shortly afterwards by Anastasija. They ran some errands and made contact with William’s mother Helen to arrange for her to travel from Tallaght to Gormanston to collect them and their belongings.
William spoke to his mother at about 2.30pm and asked her to make her way out to Gormanston to collect them. William and Anastasija got a taxi together from Balbriggan to Gormanston just shortly after 2.30pm. Helen arrived in Gormanston just before 3pm but could not locate William. She drove to Stamullen to look for him but didn’t find him. She returned to Gormanston and called his mobile phone but it went straight to message minder.
William and Anastasija never showed up and Helen became extremely worried. They were reported missing that evening.
Extensive searches and enquires were carried out and a thorough investigation commenced, including enquiries with all Airports, Ferry Ports & Interpol.
Both families and the Gardaí are extremely concerned for William & Anastasija’s safety and well being.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the disappearance of William and Anastasija to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who was in the Gormanston area in the afternoon of Tuesday the 14th April 2015 to come forward.
Laytown Garda Station Telephone 0419827074
Sergeant Jim Molloy was in studio to announce the launch of National Missing Persons Day by The Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald T.D. which will take place on Wednesday 2nd December, 2015 at Farmleigh House, Dublin.
Speaking on the day will be the Minster, the Garda Commissioner, as well as representatives of families of those who have gone missing.
The Day presents an opportunity to commemorate those who have gone missing and acknowledge the difficulties experienced by their families and friends. On average 8,000 missing persons reports are made to An Garda Síochána each year and for each of those individuals there is a network of family and friends who are forever impacted by those days, weeks, months or years. The Day will also allow for recognition of the progress which has been made in missing persons’ investigations over the course of the year.
It is important to recognise the invaluable contribution and commitment of An Garda Síochána, the state agencies and voluntary groups working diligently in our communities to highlight the issues and impacts surrounding people who go missing.
Gardaí at Sundrive Road Garda Station are investigating the murder of 39 year old Christopher Zambra, that occurred at 2.55pm on Bank Holiday Sunday, 4th May 2014 on Cooley Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12.
Christopher lived on Galtymore Road and arrived home on Saturday evening, the 3rd May 2014 at about 10.30pm. He remained at home overnight until early on Sunday afternoon when he left to travel to Cooley Road. He drove a beige Audi saloon car and travelled along Galtymore Road, Slievenamon Road, turned left at the Carruth Roundabout onto Mourne Road & Dolphin Road.
Christopher’s car was followed by a Silver Nissan Qashqai from Galtymore Road and the route he took out onto Davitt Road along the canal. The Qashqai attempted to make a dangerous overtake along Davitt Road narrowly missing an oncoming car.
Christopher drove onto Cooley Road and the Qashqai drove slightly ahead and a man pointed a gun from the rear passenger window and fired a number of shots at Christopher’s car. Christopher got out the front passenger door of his car and attempted to escape but was chased on foot by this man and fatally wounded in a garden on Cooley Road.
The Qashqai drove at speed from the scene along Kilworth Road and Carrow Road before abandoning the car in a cul de sac on Ben Madigan Road and setting it alight. The driver fled on foot and made his getaway towards the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel on Mourne Road.
• Gardaí believe the movements of Christopher Zambra may have been monitored and believe that a number of different modes of transport may have been used to do this. Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the area who may have seen suspicious activity in the days prior to this incident to come forward.
• The Nissan Qashqai was stolen during a burglary at Allenwood, Co. Kildare on Tuesday 28th April 2014. The registration number is WN57UUV. The Qashqai was discovered on fire on Ben Madigan Road and was fitted with a false registration number plate. Gardaí are appealing to anyone who has information about the movements of this car between the 28th April and the 4th May to come forward.
• The Qashqai travelled along the canal, driving dangerously close to a car in front and attempted to make a dangerous overtake manoeuvre almost colliding with an oncoming car. Gardaí are appealing to drivers who may remember this incident on this day to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to this incident to come forward.
• Gardaí are trying to establish the identity of the suspect who carried out this incident
• Gardaí are trying to establish the identity of the driver of this Qashqai that was burnt out on Ben Madigan Road after the shooting or anyone else involved in this incident
Sundrive Road Garda Station Telephone 016666600
The Gardaí at Naas Garda Station are investigating the murder of 47 year old Dessie Fox, who was shot dead at Healy’s Bridge, Prosperous, Co Kildare on Sunday 30th September 1990. Mr Fox from Dungannon, Co Tyrone, worked as a Course bookmaker. On the morning of 30th September at 11.15am he left his home in Dungannon. His intention was to attend a race meeting at the Curragh in Co Kildare. He drove a white 250D Mercedes, Registration number MJI 7055.
Route travelled:
• Bush Road to Armagh city via Moy
• Carrickmacross via Keady and Castleblaney.
• Navan via Ardee, Slane
• Scene via Dunsany, Kilcock and Prosperous.
At approximately 1.20pm Dessie Fox was seen coming out of Connolly’s Newsagents shop in Prosperous Village. He had a newspaper under his arm. He then got into his car which was facing toward Dagwelds. As Dessie Fox approached Healy’s Bridge a red car was seen travelling behind.
Investigators believe that this car was a red Carina bearing registration number 90G2506. The occupants of the Carina opened fire on Mr Fox’s car causing damage near to the right rear indicator and the front left tyre, which was deflated. Two bookmakers bags located in the boot of the car were also damaged. Examination located a number of shotgun pellets.
Investigators believe that there were only two raiders in the Carina; one of them wore a puma cap which he discarded near to the scene.
Mr Fox attempted to reverse away, however his car ran off the road and was forced to stop. The raiders then caught up and as they approached fired one shot from a handgun through the open passenger door. The bullet entered the deceased’s left leg, passing through his right leg and lodging in the door. This injury proved fatal and Mr Fox died at the scene.
The raiders then stole a black leather briefcase containing cash, canvas money bag, billheads with name, Motorola cellular portable car phone and car keys. (Canvas bag and phone were later recovered).
Vehicles of interest:
• Red Carina car bearing number plates 90G2506.
• This car’s correct number is 89D25125. It was stolen from Ashfield Avenue, Ranelagh village between 2.15 and 4pm on 26th September 1990.
• Vehicle located at 12 noon on Monday 1/10/1990 in a field at Powerstown, Blanchardstown.
• Grey Mitsubishi Gallant 87 or 88 Registration with either 11 or 14, seen travelling in convoy with Red Carina at O Grady’s Filling station, Palmerstown
• Front passenger of carina seen climbing into rear seat of Gallant, wearing Puma cap
Naas Garda Station investigating Telephone 045 884300

The Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating the murder of forty four year old Gerry Nolan that occurred at Deerpark, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny on Sunday the 23rd July 2006.
Gerry, who lived alone in a caravan at the rear of house at Deerpark, spent Sunday evening with friends at the Coalmines public house in the town. A group of them left there shortly after midnight and shared a taxi home. Gerry arrived home at approximately 12.50am. A short time later at approximately 1.05am, he rang a friend on his mobile phone. The call continued for almost twenty minutes until Gerry’s credit expired.
At 4am, Gerry’s brother Willie, who lived in a chalet situated directly behind Gerry’s caravan heard dogs barking. When he looked out his window, he saw a man passing by, heading in the direction of Gerry’s Caravan.
After a few minutes, Willie heard the sound of breaking glass and on looking out his window he noticed Gerry’s caravan on fire. Gerry’s brother tried to rescue him but unfortunately his attempts were unsuccessful
On the morning of Monday 24th July 2006, Gerry died as a result of injuries caused by the fire in his caravan.
• The investigation has recently been upgraded to a murder investigation. This is based on recent progress in the case and Gardaí are hoping that this appeal will result in further critical information coming into their possession.
• Gardaí are anxious to speak to any person(s) with knowledge of Gerry’s murder that may now assist the investigation.
• Gardaí are hopeful that due to the passage of time there may be person(s) whose circumstances or relationships may now have changed and that this will allow them to come forward.
• The Gardaí believe the key to solving Gerry’s murder lies within the local community and anyone coming forward with information will be treated in a sensitive manner.
Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating Telephone 056 7775000
The Gardaí at Henry Street Garda Station are investigating the fatal Shooting of John Cusack that occurred at his home between Saturday the 23rd and Monday 25th September 1995 at Meentula, Murroe, Co. Limerick. John was 56 years old, he had been married and was the father of seven grown up children. John was well known in the area as a farmer who attended local marts dealing in the sale and purchase of livestock.
On Monday afternoon, the 25th September 1995 John Cusack was found lying at the front door of his house. He had been fatally shot in the back. John had spent Saturday evening with his daughter Breda who travelled home to Limerick from Dublin where she was studying, to spend time with her father, as she did most weekends.
They had dinner together that evening and at about 8.30pm John dropped his daughter back into Limerick City where she was staying.
The Post Mortem examination put the time of death at approximately 10pm on Saturday 23rd.
• This September will mark the twenty year anniversary of the murder of John Cusack who was found murdered at his home in Meentulla, Murroe, Co. Limerick. The Gardaí are appealing to the public for assistance. The Gardaí are satisfied that there are person(s) within the community with information that would be beneficial to the case. Through the passage of time people may have been reluctant to come forward in relation to this murder but the Gardaí are appealing for their assistance. To help people recall the time of year, it was the Saturday after the All-Ireland football final between Dublin & Tyrone.
• The Gardaí would like to hear from anyone who may now recall something unusual on Saturday 23rd September 1995 in the Murroe area (no matter how insignificant it may seem. John Cusack dropped his daughter off in Cherrydale Court which is near the Parkway shopping centre in Limerick at 8.30pm. He was driving his 1985 Limerick registered pick up. Perhaps someone recalls seeing the vehicle in Limerick or as it travelled back to Murroe.
• John Cusack was a man that was known far and wide throughout the country – especially among those in the farming community. He ‘dealt’’ in cattle, sheep and horses. Perhaps someone from the farming community remembers meeting John that week or in the weeks before he was found murdered in September 1995. Was there anything unusual about his demeanour? Did he appear worried or upset about anything? Was there anything out of character in his behaviour? Was he involved in any argument or disagreement? Any information would help the Gardaí try to piece together what happened on this fateful night in September 1995.
• As stated John Cusack met and dealt with many people around the area and around the country. Had anyone an appointment to meet him that weekend and thought it unusual that he did not turn up? Does anyone recall having made an effort to contact him that weekend and find it unusual that they could not contact him.
• Meentulla, Murroe, is a very quiet isolated area set in rural east Limerick. The Cusack family home was set deep in the wooded area of the Slieve Felim Way. It is a quiet area that would attract a lot of hill walkers and tourists throughout the year visiting the area. Did anyone local notice anything strange or unusual in the area that night or that week? Was there any activity that looked out of place? Perhaps you were a walker out visiting the area of Slieve Felim/Clare Glens and noticed something unusual or suspicious in or around the 23rd September 1995. The smallest piece of information could be key to solving what has been a twenty year nightmare for the Cusack family. This remains an open and active case and An Garda Síochána in Limerick will continue to investigate it.
Bruff Garda Station on 061 382940
The Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are continuing to investigate the double murder of Mark Noonan and Glen Murphy that occurred on Tuesday the 23rd November 2010 at approximately 11.42pm at Tesco Clearwater Service Station, Finglas, Dublin 11.
Both men travelled to the service station in Mark’s Toyota Avensis car registration number 05D86211. A BMW saloon vehicle registration number 06D13665 pulled into the forecourt of the service station and a number of shots were discharged from the vehicle wounding and killing both men who died at the scene. The BMW drove out of the service station and travelled onto the Finglas dual carriage way. They travelled onto the M50 and exited at the M50/M1 Junction. They travelled up the M1 and drove through the M1 Toll Plaza at Drogheda, Co. Meath.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to this case to come forward. Four years on, this case is still very sensitive for the victim’s families especially in the knowledge that it was a case of mistaken identity.
• Crimecall’s assistance has proven invaluable in the past in relation to this investigation and it is hoped will continue to be of further assistance on this occasion. This case is a live investigation with leads being actively pursued including information received during the last appeal.
• Investigators believe that many persons of interest to this investigation have left the jurisdiction in recent years. However they are satisfied that there are those who remain within the jurisdiction that are in a position to assist the investigation.
• In particular they are appealing to partners and associates, who at the time of this double murder had forged relationships with the people involved and who may now be in a position to assist Gardaí.
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigationg - Telephone 016667500

The Gardaí at Clontarf Garda Station continue to investigate the murder of twenty seven year old Noel Deans who was shot on Ferrycarraig Road in Coolock on the 16th January 2010.
Gardaí are appealing to anyone who was in the Priorswood Inn public House or the vicinity between 5pm and 10pm on the night of the 16th January 2010 to come forward.
Noel Deans left the Priorswood Inn on foot and walked in the direction of Ferrycarraig Road. The Gardaí are appealing to anyone that may have seen Noel leave the pub and walk in the direction of Ferrycarraig Road to come forward.
We appeal to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity prior to the murder of Noel Deans to come forward.
This murder occurred 5 Years ago and people may not have been in a position at the time to come forward. We appeal that they do so now.
Gardaí at Clontarf Garda Station are investigating Telephone 016664800

The Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the murder of 25 year old Paiche Unyolo in 2004.
Paiche was reported missing by her husband on the 10th July 2004 who reported that he had not seen his wife since she left their family home at Herblian Park in Waterford two days previous on the 8th of July.
On the 23rd July two women out walking along Brenner Bridge, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny discovered the body of Paiche which was on the ground beside a river under the bridge.
Paiche was from Malawi and had two children. Her sister Lucy travelled to Ireland to appeal for information in relation to her murder.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the murder of Paiche Unyolo to come forward. Gardaí are satisfied that Paiche was not murdered at Brenner Bridge and are looking for information in relation to the scene of her murder.
• The last confirmed sighting of Paiche, was at 5pm on the 8th July 2004 at Pickardstown, Co. Waterford. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information between this date and the discovery of her body on the 23rd July to come forward.
• Gardaí are satisfied that Paiche worked in Limerick, but also believe she worked at different locations nationwide and they are appealing to anyone who may have known Paiche who they have not interviewed to come forward.
Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating Telephone 056 7775000
This month’s crime prevention segment included a filmed piece advising the public of An Garda Síochána’s National Anti-Crime Strategy ‘Operation Thor’. As part of Operation Thor, An Garda Síochána and The Irish Farmers Association (I.F.A) have launched ‘Theft Stop’ a Rural Crime Prevention Initiative, focusing on the identification of farm machinery. ‘Theft Stop’ is a joint crime prevention initiative between An Garda Síochána and the Irish Farmers Association who both recognise the need to help farmers prevent theft of their farm equipment.
Inspector Niall Featherstone, Garda National Crime Prevention Unit and Mr Colin Connolly of the (I .F.A) were in studio to explain to the public the aims of ‘theft stop’ and how they can join the initiative.

The Gardaí at Mohill Garda Station are investigating an armed robbery that occurred at Mohill post office on Thursday the 4th December 2014. At approximately 8.30am a red Mazda saloon car registration number 99D14909 was seen at the car park of Baxter’s supermarket in Mohill. The Mazda car is believed to have circled the town on two occasions prior to the robbery.
At approximately 9.25am when the morning rush of customers was over, the Mazda drove up to the post office and parked outside. Two men got out of the car and entered the post office. The men were armed with a hatchet and firearm. There were two members of staff working behind the counter at the time. The men threatened the staff and demanded money. They demanded the contents of the safe but it was on a time lock. They stole a quantity of cash which they placed in a red sports bag. One of the men left the hatchet on the counter as they made their getaway in the Mazda saloon car which was later discovered burnt at nearby Clooncahir woods.
• The car used by the raiders was purchased in Dublin on the 3rd November 2014 using a false name. The registration number of the car was not changed. Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information on the whereabouts of this car between the 3rd November and the 3rd December. The car was caught on CCTV travelling through a toll on the M3 on this date.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information about this crime to come forward.
Description of raiders:
Raider 1: Dressed in light grey clothing with green and grey gardening gloves. Dark trainers with white stripes. He were carrying a handgun and wore a balaclava
Raider 2: Black jacket, dark blue tracksuit bottoms with white stripes. He wore gardening gloves and wore a balaclava.
Raider 3: The driver of the car is described as being his 20’s and wore a dark hoody that he pulled down to cover his face.
Raider 4: It is believed that there was a fourth person in the car as it drove around the town. (No description).
Gardaí at Carrick On Shannon Garda Station Telephone 071 9051065
The Gardaí at Ballyconnell Garda Station are investigating a robbery from a Post Office in the town on Monday 7th September 2015 at 9.20am
The Post Master opened for business at 9am on that Monday morning and served a number of customers. Shortly after 9am, a silver Nissan Almera, registration number 02 D 7384 pulled up outside the post office. There were three men in the car. The car then travelled straight along the road and turned in the forecourt of the Petrol Station and drove back down along the road towards the Post Office.
The post master was alone in the post office and was out in the main public area. Two men got out of the car and barged in through the door. One of the men was armed with a gun and made his way behind the counter demanding money. The second raider was armed with a machete knife and threatened to harm the post master.
The raiders stole a sum of money and fled the scene in the Nissan Almera. A truck driver travelling on the road saw the raiders and attempted to block the car. The car made a u-turn and drove in the direction of Swanlinbar. The car was set on fire and later recovered on a country road at Killeshandra.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to this robbery to come forward.
• The Nissan almera car was purchased in Chapilizod on the 27th August 2015. False registration details were supplied. Gardaí are appealing to anyone who has information about the whereabouts of this car between these dates to come forward. The car was missing a rear passenger hub cap.
Gardaí at Ballyconnell Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0499525580

The Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating a robbery that occurred on Saturday the 6th June 2015 at Springdale Road at approximately 9pm.
The injured party was out walking through Raheny Village and surrounding areas. He walked towards the Harmonstown Road towards a green area. Here he noticed a male wearing a cream coloured anorak. He walked onto the green area adjacent to Springdale Road close to football pitches. He noticed that the male he had seen earlier in the cream jacket was now walking along side him and began to engage him in conversation. The male produced a silver hand gun and stole the man’s iPhone. The male ran in the direction of the Tonlegee Road.
Gardaí at CoolockGarda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6664200
The Gardaí at Clonmel Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a serious assault of a young woman in Clonmel in the early hours of the 9th August 2013.
On the night of the assault, the injured party was out socialising in the town with two friends. At around 2.20am the three friends left where they were socialising on Nelson Street. The women chatted to several people in the vicinity of Nelson Street. She met some men who invited her to a party in Tipperary Town. The woman got into a car with the men. Gardaí believe this car was a silver Volkwagan Golf.
There were two men in the front and one in the back of the car. The man in the back of the car started to assault the woman during the journey. When the car stopped at Scallagheen, Tipperary Town the woman was pushed out of the car and the same man got out of the car and continued to assault the woman. After the assault the man got into the car and drove off, leaving the injured party alone in the housing estate. She ran to a nearby house to get help.
• Gardaí are appealing for any information in relation to this serious assault or from anyone who might have seen anything suspicious in Clonmel that morning or later on the road to Tipperary.
Gardaí at Clonmel Garda Station are investigating Telephone 052 6177640

On this month’s traffic segment, Garda Derek Cloughley offered advice to the public in relation to the danger of motorists breaking red traffic lights. Garda Derek Cloughley discussed examples of bad driving practices by motorists and the launch on the 4th of June of the first automated red light traffic camera on the LUAS tracks on Blackhall Place.
The initiative will see drivers break red lights automatically receive three penalty points and a fine.
On this month’s traffic segment, Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to discuss the very recent national speed enforcement operation, “Slow Down”, which was conducted for a 24 hour period from 07.00hrs on Friday 27th to 07.00hrs on Saturday 28th March 2015.
The objective of operation “Slow Down” is to reduce the number of speed related collisions, save lives and reduce injuries on our roads. The aim is to remind drivers of the dangers of speeding, increase compliance with speed limits and act as a deterrent to driving at excessive and inappropriate speed. This initiative is supported by the Road Safety Authority and other partner stakeholders.
Crimecall carried out a comparison test between two identical cars that travelled a round trip from Dublin to Castlebar, one car travelled at the speed limit and the other car travelled 10km below.
The aim of the test is to discourage speeding by illustrating that the journey time differential between both vehicles is miniscule.
On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio and discussed road traffic fatalities. He reflected on the varying trends during the last year and highlight some of the contributing factors, such as pedestrian safety, children safety, seatbelts and child seats.
The RSA have discovered that 4 out of 5 of our children’s car seats are not fitted correctly.
Crimecall visited the RSA on their ‘Check-it-Fits’ road show recently. The road show is a continual free service they offer around the country fifty weeks a year, to check child car seats fit the child and car correctly and offer advice on what to do.
We spoke to Professor Alf Nicholson, an expert in paediatrics and Dr. Ike Okafor, Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine of Temple Street Children’s University Hospital about the impact of collisions where children are not restrained correctly and Ron Richardson, Child Safety expert with the RSA offers practical guidelines.
On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to offer advice to all road users. The segment included a filmed piece that offered advice to all road users but especially highlighted the dangers encountered by some of the more venerable road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
Two survivors of pedestrian and motorcycle collisions were interviewed, both of whom suffered brain injuries as a result.
The first victim Roberta Connolly was struck by a car on her way home from school, when she was a ten-year-old child. Now in her mid-thirties Roberta shared with us the impact this road collision has had on her life. Another victim Seán Dixon, who came off a motorbike in 2011, explains the impact his collision has had on his life.
Roberta is wheelchair bound and uses a light writer communication device to communicate. Seán has struggled with his anger and memory loss.
Richard Curtis from Acquired Brain Injury Ireland talked to us about the life experiences of the survivors and the kinds of support ABII offer.
Video of the segment is available here with thanks to Crimecall
This month’s traffic segment offered advice to the public in relation to motorcycle safety. Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to discuss how the public can stay safe and will illustrate best practice in terms of motorcycle equipment via a demonstration with a motorcycle and motorcyclist in studio.
Garda Cloughley also discussed recent trends in terms of fatalities on our roads.
On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to offer advice to all road users in relation to seatbelt safety.
He emphasised the importance of wearing seatbelts by demonstrating in studio the Road Safety Authority’s Roll over machine.
This month’s traffic segment included a filmed piece highlighting a fatal road traffic collision involving drink driving. The collision occurred at Caherultan, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork on the 26th October 2009. Two young couples were travelling to Cork Airport for an early flight for a holiday away to Amsterdam. One of the couples, Lee Salkeld and Kate Flynn were celebrating the birth of their baby daughter and the other couple, Brendan Donnelly and Laura Connelly were celebrating buying their first house together. As they travelled along the N25 near Castlemartyr, a car travelling in the opposite direction crossed lanes and collided with their car. Lee Salkeld and Brendan Donnelly were killed instantly and pronounced dead at the scene. The driver of the oncoming car was convicted of dangerous driving causing the death of the two young men. Brendan’s mother Christina Donnelly and Kate Flynn appeal to members of the public to never drink and drive.
Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio advising people not to drink and drive.

Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 6000

There is a High Court bench warrant in existence for him.

The Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are looking for information on the current whereabouts of thirty three year old Vesel Jahiri. He has resided in Priorsgate, Louth Village, Dundalk, Co. Louth and formerly Lohunda Crescent, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667000