On the 21st of May 2014, a burglary occurred at a house on the Ballincurra Road, Limerick. The injured party, who was bed bound, was alerted to the presence of an intruder in the house and barricaded himself into his bedroom. The intruder attempted to gain access to the bedroom, but was unable to. He made threats to the occupant and demanded money.
The intruder was disturbed by the arrival of another resident who encountered him in the hallway. The intruder made good his escape via the back door, was chased, picked up a shovel and swung it at the witness, however, left empty handed. Pulse Incident No. 10905011 refers.
The above CD Fit was generated by the witness who also described the intruder as 19-21 years old, 5ft, 9ins in height, wiry slim build with neat brown hair, and a gap in his front teeth (slightly bucked). He was wearing a white and red tartan shirt, grey coloured jacket and blue/grey jeans.
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating a cash in transit robbery that occurred at a shopping centre in Castleknock on Friday the 17th January 2014.
The cash in transit driver had several collections to do at the shopping centre and arrived there shortly after 11am. Two men in a dark Ford Mondeo car, were parked in car park of the shopping centre. The cash in transit driver made his way back to his van with a collection in a box. One of the men in the Ford Mondeo got out. He was armed with a shotgun and his face was covered. He approached the driver and threatened him. He told the driver to drop the cash box. The armed man grabbed the cash box and fled to the waiting car. The raiders were unable to get out of the car park and fled the scene on foot. They ran through the car park and jumped over a wall into a field at the rear of the shopping centre.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who seen the black Ford Mondeo registration number 01D51043 on the morning of the robbery in the carpark. This car was purchased on the 4th January 2014. Gardaí are also appealing to anyone who has information on the movements of this car between these dates.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen the two men leaving the scene on foot. They could have gone in the direction of Castleknock Park or onto Castleknock Road.
• The cashbox is yet to be recovered and Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information to come forward.
Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating - Telephone 01 666 7000
This month’s Crime Prevention segment included a feature highlighting the dangers associated with bogus callers who call to your home and offer cheaper gas or electricity. The bogus caller will illegally tamper with the meters causing damage to them and will charge the householder €100 for this. He will request them to pass his number to their friends and family.
Representatives from Bord Gais and the ESB highlighted the dangers of this scam and offered advice to the public about it.
Information will also be offered to the public in relation to The Irish Tourist Assistance Service (ITAS), which offers immediate support and assistance to tourists who have become a victim of crime.
Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating the murder of thirty seven year old Alan Desmond who went missing from his home on Monday the 29th April 2013.
On Saturday the 18th May, Alan’s body was discovered by children playing in a field at Killinarden Hill, Tallaght. Gardaí believe Alan was murdered shortly after he was reported missing on the 29th April.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information in relation to the movements of Alan Desmond between the 29th April and the 18th May 2013 to come forward.
Tallaght Garda Station are investigating - Telephone 01 666 6000
Gardaí at Abbeyleix Garda Station are investigating a robbery at a post office in the town of Ballinakill on Monday the 26th May 2014.
At 9am the post master opened the post office for the day. At 9.45am, as a local woman was being served, two raiders entered the post office. One of the raiders was armed with a shotgun and the second raider was armed with a hatchet. They immediately threatened the post master and customer and demanded money. The woman managed to get to the door as the raiders threatened the post master. She alerted a neighbour who phoned the Gardaí. The raiders stole a sum of money and fled in a maroon coloured Toyota Corolla, registration number 97OY1934 towards Ballyragget.
• The Toyota Corolla registration number 97OY1934 was stolen just after midnight on the 25th May from Meelick in Portlaoise. The owner parked the car on Saturday evening. The car had very little petrol and may have refuelled in the area. Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen it to come forward.
• At 8.20am on Monday morning, a man out jogging in Vickerstown, Co. Laois saw this car with two men in it. The jogger noticed that the driver attempted to cover his face as he drove past him. They travelled through an area known as Mullen and Gardai are appealing to anyone who saw these men to come forward.
• After the robbery, the raiders drove in the direction of Ballyragget and were last seen going through an area known as Low hill.
• A short time later that afternoon the car was recovered in a laneway near Rhebhan Gaelic Football Club in Athy, Co.Kildare.
Abbeyleix Garda Station are investigating - Telephone 057 873 0580
In 2012 sixteen motorcyclists were killed on the roads. Last year that number increased to twenty seven. Most fatalities occur during the summer months, from May until the end of September.
There have been five motorcycle fatalities since the end of May. Seán Dixon suffered a brain injury in a motorcycle collision in July 2011 near Raheny in North Dublin. Included in the feature is an interview with Sean during which he discusses his experience.
Dr. Áine Carroll of the National Rehabilitation Hospital talked about the spinal injuries, amputation and traumatic brain injuries they deal with when treating motorbike crash survivors.