On the evening of the 5th October 2013 the victim of this crime, a man in his late 60’s, was returning home from his local pub at around 10.20pm.
When he arrived at his front door, two men in balaclavas forced him into his house. The man was tied to a chair, assaulted, tape was put over his mouth and his head was covered so he couldn’t see.
The raiders insisted the man had money in the house. One raider remained with the man while the other ransacked the house searching for money. The ordeal lasted an hour and the raiders only managed to get away with the money the man had in his pockets and his phone.
They left the man tied up in his home and they fled the scene.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity including persons or vehicles between the hours of 8pm and 11.30pm to come forward.
• In particular, anyone who may have seen two men who were observed near the victims home at around 8pm.
• There was also a vehicle seen parked near the victim’s home and was described as being a ‘01 sporty type vehicle, dark in colour’.
• Did anyone see the two men enter the victim’s home?
They are described as follows:
- Raider 1: Balaclava, dark clothing, short stocky build
- Raider 2: Balaclava, chubby face with shaved head, clean shaven, 30-35 years or age. Short and stocky. He wore dark workers trousers and heavy duty boots
Gardaí at Wicklow Investigating Telephone 0404 60 140

Gardaí in Blanchardstown are investigating an assault and attempted robbery which occurred in a laneway in Ongar on Tuesday, the 17th September 2013.
The victim of this crime, a young 16 year old school girl was returning home. She made her way home by taking a short cut through a laneway which is used by locals everyday. It was approximately 6pm and it was still bright when she entered the laneway. As she continued to walk through the laneway she could see someone sitting on a bollard where the laneway meets Phibblestown Road.
As she approached the bollard he walked towards her and asked for directions to the basketball court. As she turned around to point out where the courts were, the man grabbed her from behind and dragged her into the bushes at the side of the lane. The man threatened to stab the victim if she continued to scream. He punched and kicked the girl as she lay on the ground.
The man then told the girl to empty her bag that she was carrying. He wanted money and her phone, she had neither. After the assault the man let her go. She got to her feet and ran for help.
Description of Raider:
• Approximately 19/20 years of age, Sallow skin
• 5 ft 7" in height, Medium build
• Wore a blue Addidas tracksuit bottom with three white strips on the outer leg & Adidas triangular logo on right upper leg of tracksuit; a dark coloured hoodie top and a dark coloured jacket/body warmer over the hoodie. He also wore a small rucksack bag on his back.
• He wore braces on his bottom teeth
• He had short brownie/blonde coloured hair.
• He had a bump in the middle of the bridge of the nose
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Investigating Telephone 01 666 7000

The Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating a burglary which occurred over the weekend of 27th to 29th September 2013 at a business premises on Balheary Road, Swords, Co Dublin.
During the course of the burglary seven lightening preventers were stolen. They are radioactive and highly dangerous. They were contained in red metal box and these were also taken. They have the appearance of aluminium or stainless steel but are of no scrap value. If any person discovers these items they should not touch or approach them, instead contact the Gardaí.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity over the weekend of the 27th to 29th September to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen a vehicle around the area of the burglary over the weekend in question.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have information in relation to the whereabouts of the material now, to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity the week preceding the burglary.
• Members of the public should note that the weekend of the burglary was the weekend of the replay of the All Ireland Hurling final.
Gardaí at Coolock Investigating Telephone 01 666 4200
Gardaí at Blackrock Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a robbery of a cash in transit van that occurred at the Leopardstown Valley Shopping Centre on the 19th September 2013 at 10.00am.
The security van pulled into the Shopping Centre and was delivering cash to an ATM. As the cash was being delivered the security guard was approached by two raiders carrying a handgun and a shot gun. The security guard dropped the cash box, which the raider then picked up. He then got into the rear of a waiting Silver Citroen Xsara Picasso. The car took off at speed and exited the car park of the shopping centre. The Picasso was later found at Glencairn Drive, it had been destroyed by fire. The car bore registration plates 02MH2147. The three males were observed running from the car and headed in the direction of Orby Lawn.
Description of Raider:
Raider 1: Carried a hand gun. He wore a red cap, black top and grey bottoms. He is described to be in his teens to 20’s.
Raider 2: Carried the sawn off shot gun. Approx between five foot nine inches and five foot ten inches in height. He wore a black beanie cap and had a black scarf covering his face, darker grey bottoms/thick white stripe. Also described to be in his teens to 20’s.
Raider 3: Driver of car, wearing a balaclava rolled up on head. He wore a black shell suit type of tracksuit with a red stripe on side.
• Gardaí are appealing for information to anyone who was in the shopping centre at the time to come forward
• Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance to help identify the raiders who are described above. The public are asked to consider the descriptions offered together with the vehicle used to transport the men which is a Silver Citroen Picasso with registration number 02MH2147
• After the robbery the raiders then travelled a short distance to Glencairn Drive where they set the car alight. They were seen running at Orby Lawn in the direction of the local Luas stop, did you see where the raiders went from here, or did they transfer into another vehicle?
Gardaí at Blackrock Investigating Telephone 01 666 5200
On this months crime prevention segment Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to discuss key statistics relating to the theft of mobile phones and how you can avoid becoming a victim of mobile phone theft.
Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating an assault to a man that occurred at Burnell Square on the Malahide Road.
On the 13th June 2012 between 8.15pm and 8.25pm an altercation occurred between a male and the driver of the Number 15 bus travelling Northbound from Eden Quay. The suspect got on the bus and he began to verbally abuse the bus driver. The injured party attempted to intervene and create space between the bus driver and the suspect. Both the injured party and the suspect exited the bus at the same time. CCTV from the number 15 bus captures this. The injured party collected his bicycle from Tesco Clarehall and was cycling past Burnell Square on the Malahide Road when the suspect runs from a parked car and pushes the injured party off his bicycle in front of the Number 42 bus travelling towards Malahide. CCTV from the No 42 captures this. The injured party received a number of injuries as a result of this assault.
Gardaí at Coolock Investigating Telephone 01 666 4200

Gardaí in Drogheda are investigating a false imprisonment incident which occurred at a house in the Termon Abbey Estate in Drogheda Co Louth on the 19th August 2013.
The victims of this crime, a male security worker and his partner were held against their will by two men who entered their house at around 10:30pm. The first raider was described as 5’ 6” in height with a stocky frame. He was wearing a black baseball hat and a black scarf around his face. He threatened the couple with a handgun. He was left handed. The second raider was 5’7” in height of thin build and wearing a baseball hat and a black fleeced scarf around his face. He wore black gloves and was right handed. Gardaí believe there may have been another raider on the street keeping lookout.
The raiders sat the couple on the floor inside the house. They seemed to be in radio contact with someone outside the house. Within minutes of the ordeal something seemed to change as one of the raiders said to the couple “it’s your lucky day”. They put the couple in a space under the stairs and left.
They made their getaway in a silver BMW 3 Series. It had blackened widows.
It bore cloned registration plates 08D40473. This registration number was copied from a car from the Dublin area.
Gardaí in Drogheda are appealing for anyone with information either on the getaway car or who may have witnessed anything suspicious in the Termon Abbey estate on the night in question to contact them.
They are investigating a report of a suspicious vehicle in the Portrane area of North County Dublin between 9 and 10 that evening to see if there is any connection to this crime.
They are also investigating possible links between this BMW and a similar Silver 3 series BMW registration number 08D50625 which was stolen in Cobh, Co Cork on the 12th of July. This car passed the M7 toll bridge on the morning of theft heading towards Dublin.
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