The Gardaí at Athlone Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an aggravated burglary which occurred at the Parochial House, Tang, Co Westmeath, on Saturday the 26th January 2013 at approximately 9.20pm.
On the evening of the burglary the sacrosanct had just finished work for the evening and was leaving the house. She observed a dark coloured saloon car coming towards the house from the car park. There were three males in the car who demanded she opened the door. One of the raiders was armed with an iron bar about a foot long with a ring at the end of it.
Once inside the house they located the priest, who was on the phone to his sister. One of the raiders’s pulled the phone off the priest while the other raiders began to search the house. The raider who remained with the priest began to get frustrated. The sacrosanct told the raiders she had money in her car. The other raiders began to search the house and one of them went to her car and took her purse that contained money. They raider’s took money bags and money from the priest’s wallet.
On Monday 28th of January 2013 between the hours of 6.45 pm and 7.15 pm a similar incident involved raiders with similar descriptions and modus operandi occured at a Parochial House in Belturbet, Cavan. The car used by the suspects is believed to be a dark coloured Volkswagen Passat.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland are investigating a similar burglary that occurred at 7.45 pm on the same evening at the Parish Hall in Kinawley, Co Fermanagh where parishioners were counting donations from mass the previous evening.
Description of Raiders:
Raiders 1: Approx. Five foot eleven inches in height, in his early 30’s, heavy build, tight black hair, clean shaven. He wore a woolly cap, pale / grey zipped top with dark trousers.
Raider 2: Five foot ten inches in height, in his 20’s and thin build. He wore a yellow jacket with red trim like a rain jacket and blue tracksuit bottoms. He had reddish hair.
Raider 3: Third male was wearing a balaclava and dark clothes. He stayed in background and didn’t get a good look at him.
• Gardaí are appealing to anybody who saw a dark coloured saloon car (possibly a Passat or Mondeo) in the tang area on the evening of the 26th January 2013.
• Anybody in the area on the evening including mass attendees who may have seen anyone or any vehicle acting suspiciously.
• We are appealing for all retailers and filling stations that may have seen the suspect vehicle and its occupants on the evening to come forward.
• One of the raiders was particularly overweight / heavy with a tight hair cut with black hair. Another raider was tall with reddish hair and wearing a yellow rain jacket with red trim. This may help someone to identify the group.
• Coins were stolen during the raid and the offenders may have changed them for notes with some retailers, appeal for those to notify Gardaí.
Gardaí at Athlone Garda Station are investigating Telephone 090 6498550

The Gardaí at Waterford Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to a burglary at a family home at Mount Sion Avenue, Waterford on Wednesday the 16th September, 2009.
At approximately 9.30pm eighty two year old Paddy Barry was at home when he heard a noise at the front door. When he went to investigate he discovered that the hall door had been forced open and saw intruder’s rummaging through his property. The intruders then left the scene and Paddy contacted the Gardaí.
A short time later when Gardaí arrived at the scene they discovered the Paddy lying in the hallway with facial injuries. He was then taken to Waterford Regional Hospital where his condition deteriorated and he was transferred to the intensive care unit. At 6.00am on the 22nd September 2009 he was pronounced dead.
Gardaí at Waterford Garda Station are investigating Telephone 051 305300
The Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to missing person Esra Uyrun (DOB 01/03/1972) who has been missing from her home at Collinstown Grove, Clondalkin since the 23rd February 2011 at approximately 7.15am.
Esra left her home in a silver Renault Twingo registration number 08D23067. This vehicle was located in a car park at the bottom of Bray Head. When last seen she was wearing black leggings, a dark top and white Nike trainers. She is originally from Turkey. CCTV captured the Renault Twingo turning right from Convent Avenue onto Strand Road in Bray at approximately 8.40am on the 23rd February 2011. A Skoda car had to swerve to avoid a collision. The Renault then moved into the left hand side of the road and pulled in to allow the Skoda to overtake it. They both continued down Strand Road in the direction of Bray Head. Later that morning the silver Renault Twingo car is captured on the CCTV camera parked at the car park at the bottom of Bray Head. There has been no activity on her bank accounts or her Facebook page since the 23rd February 2011.
Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7700

The Gardaí at Lucan Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to the murder of Christopher Mc Donagh of Woodavens, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.
On the 9th September 2008 at approximately 10.45pm, Christopher was in his bedroom watching TV when he was disturbed by a loud bang. Two gunmen forced their way into his home, Christopher attempted to escape the gunmen but was fatally wounded just outside his front garden.
Detective Inspector Dick McDonnell will be in the studio to appealing for information in relation to this callous murder.
Gardaí at Lucan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667300

The Gardaí at Mountjoy Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the Murder of Christopher Warren of Saint Teresa’s Gardens, Dublin 8.
On the 28th December 2012, Christopher sustained his fatal injuries as a result of a shooting that occurred between Royal Canal Bank and Great Western Way. Christopher managed to escape his attacker and made his way to Constitution Hill where he was picked up by motorcar. He was brought to the A & E Department in St. James Hospital, Dublin 8 where he was later pronounced dead.
Gardaí at Mountjoy Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 8600

The Gardaí at Dundalk Garda Station are renewing their appeal for information in relation to the murder of Detective Garda Adrian Donohue on Friday, the 25th January 2013.
Detective Garda Donohue was carrying out a cash escort at Lordship Credit Union on Friday evening and was fatally wounded by an armed raider who carried out a robbery at the premises.
Gardaí believe the vehicle used in connection with this incident was stolen during a burglary in Clougherhead, Co. Louth between Tuesday, the 22nd and Wednesday, the 23rd of January 2013.
A Cosatto Zoomi Group 1 2 3 High Back Booster child’s car seat was in this vehicle when it was stolen and has not been located.
A hammer or Mallet was recovered at the scene, this hammer is a soft face hammer.
These are used by the following tradesmen, Panel beaters, Mechanics, or motorbike mechanics (used for motorcycles or quads, used for hammering in parts so not to damage them, e.g. shocks, bearings, or other metal parts.). The Rubber head on one side and the hard plastic on the other are for hammering in e.g. shocks or bearings so as not to damage them.
The Hammer or Mallet shown has been on the market for a number of years, however it is not readily available in your local hardware store.