The Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary which occurred at Killinarden in Tallaght, Dublin 24 on Sunday the 16th December 2012 at approx 7pm.
The mother, daughter and granddaughter spent the day Christmas shopping in the city centre. They arrived at their home in Killinarden at around 6.45pm. The daughter went out to visit a friend who lives nearby and returned to the house five minutes later. She didn’t notice anything suspicious as she walked home. She rang the door bell and her mother opened the door. As they were closing the door two men tried to force their way into the hall.
Both men were armed, one with a sawn-off shotgun and one with a silver handgun. The mother and daughter tried to close the door against the raiders. But the raiders forced their way through the door and hit the mother in the head with the butt of the gun. The gunmen ordered the women and girl into the kitchen.
The women’s wrists were tied in front of them with cable ties. The raiders demanded to know where the money was and they forced the mother up the stairs who was dizzy and confused from her head injury. The raiders found a black tin box containing a considerable sum of money hidden in the attic and also found money belonging to the daughter.
Description of Raider:
Raider 1: Between 40 - 45 years of age, short grey hair covered by a black hat. Clean shaven with grey eyebrows and thin lips. Spoke with a heavy Dublin accent. He wore a red and yellow football scarf. He was armed with black sawn-off shot gun that he put into a snooker cue bag with a ‘Guinness’ logo.
Raider 2: In his early 30’s. He was a thin build, black hair and brown eyes. He wore a black rain jacket with a hood. He also had a Dublin accent. He was armed with a silver handgun.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity around the house prior to the burglary to come forward.
• The raider carrying the sawn-off shot gun concealed it in a snooker cue holder that had a ‘Guinness’ logo on it.
• Superintendent Duff will also be offering general Crime Prevention advice in relation to keeping money at home.
Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 6000
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a cash in transit robbery on Monday the 25th November 2013 which occurred at approx 2.45pm on Sycamore Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.
The security van drove onto Sycamore Road and did a u-turn on Willow Park Cresent before parking up outside a pizza delivery shop. The driver left the van to make a routine collection.
As he was returning to the van, a dark grey, three door Fiat Punto came down Sycamore Road, pulling up beside the van. A man jumped out from the passenger seat of the car and confronted the security driver with a black handgun.
The security driver dropped the box and the raider grabbed it and jumped back into the car. They made their way down Willow Park Crescent, turning right onto Willow Park Road and then took a left turn into Willow Park Grove. The car was abandoned at Willow Park Grove and Gardaí believe they may have transferred into another vehicle.
Description of Raider:
Raider 1: Five foot ten inches in height, wearing a blue tracksuit top, blue jeans, black woolly hat and sunglasses.
• Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance to help identify the raider. The public are asked to consider the appearance of the raider together with the vehicle used to transport the men which is a dark grey 3 door Fiat Punto.
• After the robbery the raiders then travelled a short distance to Willow Park Grove where they abandoned the car. Did you see where the raiders went from here, or did you see them transfer into another vehicle?
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7500

The Commissioner of An Garda Síochána, Martin Callinan was in studio to reflect on 2013.
The murder of D/Garda O’Donoghue was discussed; advice and reassurance was offered to the public on a variety of matters, including Community Policing, Crime Prevention in areas such as theft from persons and Operation Fiaclá.
The Commissioner also discussed Garda recruitment in 2014 and discussed road safety which included the increase in fatalities, Garda enforcement and education activities, and driver responsibility.

The Gardaí at Carrick on Shannon Garda Station are investigating a case of false imprisonment which occurred on Wednesday the 13th November 2013 at approx 10.30am.
In early November a consultant engineer received a call from a man called ‘Treacy’. He told the engineer he wanted to hire him to manage a project in County Leitrim. He stated the funding was in place and was eager to meet. Over the next two weeks the two men made contact with each other, they agreed to Wednesday the 13th November. The engineer agreed with Mr Treacy that he would bring along a designer.
While on route Mr Treacy spoke to the engineer. He explained he had another site nearby and he’d like them to look at it. He gave them directions to McDonagh Feeds on the Roosky/Dromad bypass.
They arrived at around 10.30am and spoke with Mr Treacy. They then drove to an old mill 1.5 miles away. When they arrived they saw a man in high viz who was standing at the gates and asked them to go into a port-a-cabin to take a look at some drawings.
When inside the port-a-cabin the designer was assaulted by another man wearing a balaclava. The men were threatened and tied up using cable ties. The man wearing the balaclava photographed both men. He said he was representing a man who owned a lot of machinery and told the engineer not to get involved in a business dispute that was coming up.
They took the keys to their vehicle, money and both men’s mobile phones. The men were left in the cabin, but were able to free themselves and seek help.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity near the old mill in the weeks prior to Wednesday 13th November 2013.
• On the morning of the 13th November anyone who travelled the road from McDonagh Feeds to the Mohill Road, sightings of a small white possibly Berlingo type van with a partial registration that included the letters KK
• Any sightings of this van as it travelled from the Dublin side of the Dromad roundabout where it exited the roundabout and continued on the Mohill Road. After 6km it made a left turn towards the old mill.
• On the previous evening the 12th November 2013, noise was heard coming from the direction of the old mill, did anyone see any person or any vehicles in this area?
Gardaí at Carrick on Shannon Garda Station are investigating Telephone 071 9650510

The Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating the murder of 45 year old Karl Wynne who was shot on the 30th May 2013.
Karl left a house on Seskin View Road at around 9.15pm. He said he was going to meet someone and would be back soon. He is captured on CCTV waiting on St Dominic’s Road. Karl was heard on his phone speaking angrily while he waited.
At 9.45pm a Black high powered motorcycle with a pillion passenger came down St Dominic’s Road. As the motorcycle pulled up, Karl walked towards the motorcycle. The pillion passenger was armed with a handgun and fired at Karl. As Karl lay on the ground the gun man shot him a number of times.
The gunman made his getaway on the motorcycle down Avonbeg Road towards Avonmore Road and then onto the N81 in the direction of the M50. Karl Wynne died from his injuries in hospital seven weeks later.
Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 6000

The Gardaí at Mayorstone Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to the murder of 39 year old Sean Poland in his home in Blackwater, Co. Limerick on New Years Eve in 2002.
Sean was out socialising with his partner at the Round House Pub, High Street, Limerick, celebrating New Year’s Eve. They left the pub just after 11pm and headed home. Sean’s partner set a fire in the living room while Sean made some food in the kitchen. As they were settling in for the night, the doorbell rang. Sean went to answer the door thinking it was neighbours calling to wish them a Happy New Year.
As Sean opened the front door, four masked and armed raiders rushed through the door. Two of the raiders ran towards the living room and grabbed Sean’s partner. They ordered her to kneel on the floor and told her to put her hands behind her back. The raiders demanded to know where the money was.
She heard a shot coming from the hallway, the raiders tied her hands together with a cable from the television. They stole a sum of money from her handbag and fled from the house.
Sean’s partner discovered him in the hallway, with a gunshot wound to his stomach, he was not breathing.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who has information that may assist them in their investigation to come forward.
Gardaí at Henry Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 061 212400

On 4th December 2013 An Garda Síochána launched a Smartphone App for Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert.
CRI Alert is a system that publicises details of an abducted child and is designed to seek public assistance.
This Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert App has two features:
App Feature 1
People who have downloaded the Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert App will be notified each time a CRI alert is issued. The notice will provide the details of the abducted child/children and any other relevant information. They will be able to share the CRI Alert notification on Facebook, as well as being able to contact An Garda Síochána at 112 or 999.
App Feature 2
Parents/Guardians can save their own children’s information in a secure area on their phone so that should their child go missing they will immediately have the information to hand that will permit them to accurately inform the relevant authorities. This information is saved only to the phone.
This Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert App is free to download. It is available now on Apple, Android and Windows Media platforms.

On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to focus on pedestrian visibility.
An Garda Síochána have received nearly 30,000 hi viz items from the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and are distributing them at locations nationwide.
Gardaí are using social media sites to advertise these events.