The Gardaí at Glanmire are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred on Wednesday, the 27th March 2013 at 20.50pm approx.
Three armed raiders arrived at a family home in Carrignavar, County Cork. The woman’s husband had just left to drive their grandchildren home when the woman heard their dog barking. She went out to the back door to investigate and an armed man, wearing a balaclava confronted her. A gang of three men, armed with a rifle, claw hammer and Tazar stun gun forced their way into the house and tied the woman up while they searched the house for cash. The three men left the scene in a Lexus Jeep belonging to the injured party.
The Garda appeal includes a reconstruction of the events on the night in question.
• Any suspicious activity in the vicinity of Carrignavar from 8pm until the raiders left at 9.25pm
• Any suspicious activity in the Carrignavar in the days/weeks prior 27th March 2013
• Gardaí are anxious to know how the men arrived at Carrignavar and any sightings of the vehicle in the area
Description of Raiders:
• Raider 1 - 5’8” in height, slim build, Cork accent, dirty white runners – armed with a claw hammer
• Raider 2 - 5’10” in height, thinner than raider 1, strong cork accent, in charge – armed with a shot gun with a brown butt
• Raider 3 - 5’8” in height and slim build with a Cork accent – armed with a tazer stun gun
Gardaí at Glanmire Garda Station are investigating Telephone 021 4821002
The Gardaí at Glanmire are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred on
Wednesday 27th March 2013 at 20.50pm approx.
Three armed raiders arrived at a family home in Carrignavar, County Cork. The
woman’s husband had just left to drive their grandchildren home when the woman
heard their dog barking. She went out to the back door to investigate and an armed
man, wearing a balaclava confronted her. A gang of three men, armed with a rifle, claw
hammer and Tazar stun gun forced their way into the house and tied the woman up
while they searched the house for cash. The three men left the scene in a Lexus Jeep
belonging to the injured party.
The Garda appeal includes a reconstruction of the events on the night in question.
• Any suspicious activity in the vicinity of Carrignavar from 8pm until the raiders left
at 9.25pm
• Any suspicious activity in the Carrignavar in the days/weeks prior 27th March 2013
• Gardaí are anxious to know how the men arrived at Carrignavar and any sightings
of the vehicle in the area
Description of Raiders:
• Raider 1 - 5’8” in height, slim build, Cork accent, dirty white runners – armed with a
claw hammer
• Raider 2 - 5’10” in height, thinner than raider 1, strong cork accent, in charge –
armed with a shot gun with a brown butt
• Raider 3 - 5’8” in height and slim build with a Cork accent – armed with a tazer stun
Gardaí at Glanmire Garda Station are investigating Telephone 021 4821002
The Gardaí at Tuam are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred on the evening of Friday 22nd March last, at the parochial house at Caherlistrane, Co Galway.
It was the evening of the Ireland versus Sweden World Cup qualifier and the parish priest was at home watching it on television. During the game he heard a commotion outside his house. When the priest went out to check on the noise he was confronted by four men in balaclavas. One of the raiders was armed with a metal bar and he threatened the priest before he and another raider pushed the priest back into the sitting room while the other two raiders searched the house. The raider with the iron bar was very agitated and kept demanding gold.
They searched the priest’s jacket and he emptied his pockets, giving them a small amount of cash. The raiders demanded to know where the safe was kept. The priest brought them to the safe in the house. The safe was empty as it was not in use. They pushed the priest into the kitchen where they threatened him again. They then brought him back to the sitting room where he was thrown to the ground. They demanded he hand over his mobile phone and when they discovered his wallet they took all the cash from it and then tied him up.
When the raiders could find nothing else in the house, they left, but the raider in the blue shirt went back into the room and threatened the priest again. After a time the priest made his way to a neighbour’s house where he raised the alarm.
Description of Raiders:
1. Male, medium stocky build, approx 5’10”, had a Cork accent wearing a black balaclava / Ski Mask Type and a blue tracksuit top – (This male appeared to be in charge, he did all the talking).
2. Male, thin build, dressed in black, possibly early twenties.
He was carrying a metal object.
All males were wearing gloves and balaclavas
3/4 No description
• On the night of Friday the 22nd March 2013 – bearing in mind Ireland were playing Sweden did you see anything or anyone of note in the immediate vicinity of the scene of this crime at Caherlistrane, Headford, Co. Galway.
• On the evening of the 22nd of March 2013, or the days preceding it did you see any cars or other type of transport which you thought unusual
Gardaí at Tuam Garda Station are investigating Telephone 093 70840
Gardaí believe that this incident is connected to an aggravated burglary which occurred in the Castletroy area on the same morning of the 17th February 2013 at approximately 06.30am.
At approximately 04.50am a security man was doing his rounds at the industrial estate when he noticed a Silver Suzuki SUV parked beside a unit. As he approached he noticed that the SUV had rammed into the roller door. There were two male occupants in the SUV who were joined by a third male, who emerged from the side of the premises and got into the rear, before they drove away. The security guard recorded a partial Registration number; 02C162**. There are two digits missing at the end.
At approximately 06.30am, a man awoke to find two intruders in his bedroom. One of the raiders grabbed a laptop from his bedroom. The injured party shouted at the two males to leave his property and a struggle ensued. The injured party was pushed out into the hallway where he was stabbed a number of times with a blade by raider 1. He managed to force one of the raiders down the stairs and the second raider fled the house. A second housemate observed a Suzuki leaving the scene and observed partial Registration to be 02C****.
· Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance in relation to the vehicle used, a Silver Suzuki SUV, registration number 02C162**.
· The raiders all wore dark clothing. Raider 1 was of thin build and armed with a knife. Raider 2 was broader than raider 1. Raider 3 remained in the suv at all times.
· The suv may have been damaged during the incident, Gardaí are appealing to any person who may have repaired the vehicle, or know of its whereabouts to come forward.
The Gardaí at Howth Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an aggravated burglary in Sutton, which occurred at a family home on Wednesday, the 21st November 2012 at approximately 8.25am.
On the morning of the burglary the mother was returning home from dropping her children to school when she was confronted in her doorway by two men. The men forced their way into the house. The two raiders threatened her; one was armed with a carving knife. They tied her up, demanding cash. The raiders made their getaway with a quantity of cash, the woman managed to free herself and raise the alarm.
The raiders used a grey BMW 5 Series, Registration number 04 D 8653, which was stolen during a burglary in Celbridge, Co. Kildare. They drove to Lauders Lane, Sutton where they transferred to a second car, described as a dark navy saloon type car.
Description of Raiders:
Raiders 1: Five foot ten to six foot inches in height, in his mid 30’s, fair/red hair tight shaved and he wore a baseball hat and a light coloured top.
Raider 2: He described to be slightly shorter than raider one, in his early 40’s, wearing a dark top and was also wearing a baseball cap.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who might have any information in relation to the Grey BMW 5 Series and where it was prior to it been used for the burglary in Sutton on the morning of the 21st November 2012.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who was in the vicinity of the Greenfield Road area between the hours of 7am and 9am on the morning of the burglary, please come forward.
• Anyone who may have seen the grey BMW and a dark coloured saloon car, seen together or separately in the Sutton area, to come forward. The dark coloured car bore registration number 07D, with the numbers 18 included in the registration.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who seen the raiders abandon the BMW and transfer into the dark saloon car at Lauders Lane to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who noticed any suspicious activity in the area weeks prior to the burglary to come forward.
Gardaí at Howth Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 4900
The injured party and his family were asleep in bed when woken by a dog barking. He looked out the bedroom window and saw figures in dark clothing at the rear patio door. Moments later he was confronted by the raiders at the top of the stairs and he made his way to his bedroom. The raiders forced their way in, threatened the injured party, his wife and their baby. After a struggle they were forced down stairs where the victim was tied up with cable ties.
There were four or possibly five raiders in total. They were armed with a red crowbar, black handgun and a black rifle. Both the injured party and his wife were threatened with violence while the raiders searched for a safe. The injured party was assaulted and struck over the head with the red crowbar in the course of the burglary.
The raiders got away with a substantial amount of cash from the house. They made their escape in a Black BMW saloon 5.20 series, registration number 131D6616. This car was on loan to the couple and was found later that day in Ardcath abandoned and burnt out in the middle of a field. The rest of the raiders got away in a BMW.
The Garda appeal includes a reconstruction of the events on the night in question.
• Did you see 4/5 men in the area of Ardcath at around 3.30am on the night in question?
• The Duleek Road is about 10 minutes walk from where the car was burnt out. Did any taxi man pick up in the area in the early hours?
Description of Raiders:
All raiders wore black balaclavas except raider 2 who wore a ski mask, dark jackets and trousers
• Raider 1 - 5’8” – 5’10” in height, Large stocky build, Dublin accent, late 30’s early 40’s, Fair complexion, light eyebrows, fair/ginger hair – armed with a crowbar
• Raider 2 – Stocky Build, not very tall in height, Early – mid 40’s, dark complexion, Dublin accent, Ski mask– armed with a handgun
• Raider 3 – 5’8” – 5’10” in height, Slight build, athletic build,
dark hair, Dublin accent disguised by a Northern Ireland accent – armed with a shot gun
• Raider 4 – Wore gloves and was armed with a screwdriver / handgun
• Raider in Car – Very stocky build, mid 30’s – 40’s, Bald/Shaved Head, Strong Dublin accent, Woolly hat/ Rolled back balaclava
Gardaí at Balbriggan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 8020510
Later on the same day as the burglary in Balrothery, the 2/8/13, a Blue VW Golf was found abandoned at Woodview, a housing estate near Balruddery fields, accessible by foot. The VW had been taken in the course of a burglary at a family home in Meadow View, Drogheda.
It was taken between the 31st July and the 1st August 2013. Witnesses heard a noise at the house around 2:00/2:30 on the morning of the 1st of August. The family were away on holidays. The VW was taken and large quantity of valuables, jewellery including a man’s ring with OC engraved on it. A distinctive sports bag was also taken from the boot of the VW golf and a number of chefs’ uniforms.
• Were you offered a quantity of chefs’ uniforms?
The VW bore false registration plates 06D37986, these plates were copied from a VW in Castleknock, Dublin. The real plates for the VW are 07D90724. It had no diesel in the engine when it was taken.
• Did you refuel this VW within 15 miles of where it was stolen?
• The car had 100 miles on the clock when it was found at Woodview. Did you see the VW in the 48 hours preceding it being recovered?
When the car was recovered it had containers of flammable liquid in it.
Gardaí at Drogheda Garda Station are investigating Telephone 041 9874200
Gardaí at Glasson Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary which occurred at a Marina in Killinure Point, Glasson, Co Westmeath on Friday, the 4th October 2013 at 5.30pm.
The car used in the burglary was a dark coloured (navy) Ford Mondeo, with a 01DL7691 registration number. It was a 4 door saloon with 2 alloy 5 spoke wheels on the front and 2 steel black wheels without hubcaps on the back.
The car drove into the yard and was captured on CCTV coming in through the gate of the marina. There were three men in the car, two of the men got out and went into the building. There was only one member of staff working that day. The first raider carried a large kitchen knife and stood inside the doorway threatening the staff member. The second raider went through the office presses and took a cashbox containing a substantial quantity of cash.
Gardaí believe that the raiders turned onto the N 55 and headed in the direction of Ballymahon. The car was later discovered in Newtown/Ballymore, Co Westmeath where it had been burnt out.
Description of Raider:
Raider 1: Six foot in height, wearing black tracksuit bottoms and a dark hoodie with dark scarf covering his face. He carried the knife and wore dark gloves. He had a local accent.
Raider 2: Six foot in height, he wore all dark clothing, luminous orange scarf covering his face and he carried a blue reusable cloth bag.
Driver: Is described as been tall and thin with dark hair. He has a long pointed nose.
• Gardaí are appealing for information in relation to the Ford Mondeo, 01DL7691 which was used in the burglary. Did anyone see the vehicle in the Newtown/Ballymore area on the day of the burglary?
• Gardaí are appealing for anyone with information to come forward who may have seen the car prior to the burglary.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity in the area in the days leading up the raid to contact them.
Gardaí at Glasson Garda Station are investigating Telephone 090 6485102

The Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary which occurred at Killinarden in Tallaght, Dublin 24 on Sunday the 16th December 2012 at approx 7pm.
The mother, daughter and granddaughter spent the day Christmas shopping in the city centre. They arrived at their home in Killinarden at around 6.45pm. The daughter went out to visit a friend who lives nearby and returned to the house five minutes later. She didn’t notice anything suspicious as she walked home. She rang the door bell and her mother opened the door. As they were closing the door two men tried to force their way into the hall.
Both men were armed, one with a sawn-off shotgun and one with a silver handgun. The mother and daughter tried to close the door against the raiders. But the raiders forced their way through the door and hit the mother in the head with the butt of the gun. The gunmen ordered the women and girl into the kitchen.
The women’s wrists were tied in front of them with cable ties. The raiders demanded to know where the money was and they forced the mother up the stairs who was dizzy and confused from her head injury. The raiders found a black tin box containing a considerable sum of money hidden in the attic and also found money belonging to the daughter.
Description of Raider:
Raider 1: Between 40 - 45 years of age, short grey hair covered by a black hat. Clean shaven with grey eyebrows and thin lips. Spoke with a heavy Dublin accent. He wore a red and yellow football scarf. He was armed with black sawn-off shot gun that he put into a snooker cue bag with a ‘Guinness’ logo.
Raider 2: In his early 30’s. He was a thin build, black hair and brown eyes. He wore a black rain jacket with a hood. He also had a Dublin accent. He was armed with a silver handgun.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity around the house prior to the burglary to come forward.
• The raider carrying the sawn-off shot gun concealed it in a snooker cue holder that had a ‘Guinness’ logo on it.
• Superintendent Duff will also be offering general Crime Prevention advice in relation to keeping money at home.
Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 6000
The Gardaí at Athlone Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an aggravated burglary which occurred at the Parochial House, Tang, Co Westmeath, on Saturday the 26th January 2013 at approximately 9.20pm.
On the evening of the burglary the sacrosanct had just finished work for the evening and was leaving the house. She observed a dark coloured saloon car coming towards the house from the car park. There were three males in the car who demanded she opened the door. One of the raiders was armed with an iron bar about a foot long with a ring at the end of it.
Once inside the house they located the priest, who was on the phone to his sister. One of the raiders’s pulled the phone off the priest while the other raiders began to search the house. The raider who remained with the priest began to get frustrated. The sacrosanct told the raiders she had money in her car. The other raiders began to search the house and one of them went to her car and took her purse that contained money. They raider’s took money bags and money from the priest’s wallet.
On Monday 28th of January 2013 between the hours of 6.45 pm and 7.15 pm a similar incident involved raiders with similar descriptions and modus operandi occured at a Parochial House in Belturbet, Cavan. The car used by the suspects is believed to be a dark coloured Volkswagen Passat.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland are investigating a similar burglary that occurred at 7.45 pm on the same evening at the Parish Hall in Kinawley, Co Fermanagh where parishioners were counting donations from mass the previous evening.
Description of Raiders:
Raiders 1: Approx. Five foot eleven inches in height, in his early 30’s, heavy build, tight black hair, clean shaven. He wore a woolly cap, pale / grey zipped top with dark trousers.
Raider 2: Five foot ten inches in height, in his 20’s and thin build. He wore a yellow jacket with red trim like a rain jacket and blue tracksuit bottoms. He had reddish hair.
Raider 3: Third male was wearing a balaclava and dark clothes. He stayed in background and didn’t get a good look at him.
• Gardaí are appealing to anybody who saw a dark coloured saloon car (possibly a Passat or Mondeo) in the tang area on the evening of the 26th January 2013.
• Anybody in the area on the evening including mass attendees who may have seen anyone or any vehicle acting suspiciously.
• We are appealing for all retailers and filling stations that may have seen the suspect vehicle and its occupants on the evening to come forward.
• One of the raiders was particularly overweight / heavy with a tight hair cut with black hair. Another raider was tall with reddish hair and wearing a yellow rain jacket with red trim. This may help someone to identify the group.
• Coins were stolen during the raid and the offenders may have changed them for notes with some retailers, appeal for those to notify Gardaí.
Gardaí at Athlone Garda Station are investigating Telephone 090 6498550
On the evening of the 5th October 2013 the victim of this crime, a man in his late 60’s, was returning home from his local pub at around 10.20pm.
When he arrived at his front door, two men in balaclavas forced him into his house. The man was tied to a chair, assaulted, tape was put over his mouth and his head was covered so he couldn’t see.
The raiders insisted the man had money in the house. One raider remained with the man while the other ransacked the house searching for money. The ordeal lasted an hour and the raiders only managed to get away with the money the man had in his pockets and his phone.
They left the man tied up in his home and they fled the scene.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity including persons or vehicles between the hours of 8pm and 11.30pm to come forward.
• In particular, anyone who may have seen two men who were observed near the victims home at around 8pm.
• There was also a vehicle seen parked near the victim’s home and was described as being a ‘01 sporty type vehicle, dark in colour’.
• Did anyone see the two men enter the victim’s home?
They are described as follows:
- Raider 1: Balaclava, dark clothing, short stocky build
- Raider 2: Balaclava, chubby face with shaved head, clean shaven, 30-35 years or age. Short and stocky. He wore dark workers trousers and heavy duty boots
Gardaí at Wicklow Investigating Telephone 0404 60 140

Gardaí in Blanchardstown are investigating an assault and attempted robbery which occurred in a laneway in Ongar on Tuesday, the 17th September 2013.
The victim of this crime, a young 16 year old school girl was returning home. She made her way home by taking a short cut through a laneway which is used by locals everyday. It was approximately 6pm and it was still bright when she entered the laneway. As she continued to walk through the laneway she could see someone sitting on a bollard where the laneway meets Phibblestown Road.
As she approached the bollard he walked towards her and asked for directions to the basketball court. As she turned around to point out where the courts were, the man grabbed her from behind and dragged her into the bushes at the side of the lane. The man threatened to stab the victim if she continued to scream. He punched and kicked the girl as she lay on the ground.
The man then told the girl to empty her bag that she was carrying. He wanted money and her phone, she had neither. After the assault the man let her go. She got to her feet and ran for help.
Description of Raider:
• Approximately 19/20 years of age, Sallow skin
• 5 ft 7" in height, Medium build
• Wore a blue Addidas tracksuit bottom with three white strips on the outer leg & Adidas triangular logo on right upper leg of tracksuit; a dark coloured hoodie top and a dark coloured jacket/body warmer over the hoodie. He also wore a small rucksack bag on his back.
• He wore braces on his bottom teeth
• He had short brownie/blonde coloured hair.
• He had a bump in the middle of the bridge of the nose
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Investigating Telephone 01 666 7000
The Gardaí at Mountjoy Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an assault which occurred at Cross Guns Bridge, Phibsborough on the 9th February 2013 at approximately 03.20am.
The injured party had been in a pub in the Phibsborough area with a friend on the night of the assault. She left the pub at approximately 3.10am. She turned left and walked up towards Phibsborough.
The injured party headed towards Crossguns Bridge. She didn’t notice a man walking behind her. As she reached the crest of Cross Gun’s Bridge the man attacked her from behind by putting his arm around her neck and pulled her from the bridge and onto the pathway by the canal. The woman tried to fend him off but he managed to get her onto the ground. She started to scream and fought him off again. But he grabbed her again and tried to pull her back towards the canal.
A taxi driver saw the woman struggling and pulled in, a second taxi driver also stopped. The woman managed to get up and run to one of the Taxi drivers. One of the taxi drivers ran after the attacker. Three young men who were passing at the time of the assault also ran after the attacker who managed to get away.
• Gardaí are appealing to any person who was in the Crossguns Bridge area on the night of the assault. In particular to any taxi men working in the area at the time- they may have something to offer or may have noticed some suspicious activity that resembled an attack on a young woman.
• The suspect is described as approximately five foot seven in height, slim build and wearing a ‘tanned’ jacked with the rim of a white shirt slightly exposed just beneath the rear of the jacket. He wore dark coloured jeans. He had a Dublin accent and may have been drinking locally that night / early hours into the next day.
• The suspect made his escape down the canal and in the direction of Shandon Park – he may have gone into Shandon Park itself or escaped via Crossguns Quay apartments, Shandon Mill apartments or Shandon Gardens. Gardaí are appealing to any person living in these areas who may have seen some person matching the description of the suspect to come forward.
• People should be aware of the dangers involved whilst walking alone in particular at that time in the night or morning. Men and women should organise alternative arrangements or indeed leave with a group.
Gardaí at Mountjoy Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 8600
The Gardaí at Rathmines are investigating an attempted robbery that occurred shortly after 9am on Tuesday 30/04/13 as the female victim was leaving her home in Rathgar, South Dublin. The woman was approached by a male who appeared to have been hiding in her garden. This man ran at her and punched her around the head, causing her to fall to the ground. He then attempted to steal from the woman. The woman’s Suspect no 1 (attacker) • 5' 8'' to 6' • Age 20's • Slim build • Snowboarding hat with bobble and earflaps • Black wind sheater jacket • Navy tracksuit bottoms with white stripes down each leg • Black or Navy blue trainer with white trim around the soles • Light brown and Grey curly hair • Identification of the car that was used from the description and partial registration number. • Members of the public are asked to place the description of the men together with the car used in an attempt to identify those responsible. • An appeal for witnesses as the incident occurred on a busy road at a time when persons were going to work, school etc. • Anyone with information in relation to this crime no matter how insignificant they believe it to be to make contact.
screams were heard by two men who came to her aid.
The suspect then fled empty handed onto Highfield Road and ran towards Fairfield Park where he was picked up by a waiting car. The car was described by witnesses as a light coloured saloon car with partial registration number: 0 (possibly D or G) 4481. The car was last seen turning down Neville Road, Rathgar.
The woman was taken to hospital following the incident. She sustained bruising to her face and hand and was discharged later that day.
The incident was captured by CCTV and the suspect can be seen running across the Rathgar road on the CCTV from a passing bus.
Description of Suspects:
Suspect no 2 (driver)
• Age 40's
• Possible identification of the suspect from the clothing he wore as seen in the CCTV footage (in particular the unusual hat) and the CD Fit.
Gardaí at Rathmines Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6666700

The Gardaí at Waterford Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to a burglary at a family home at Mount Sion Avenue, Waterford on Wednesday the 16th September, 2009.
At approximately 9.30pm eighty two year old Paddy Barry was at home when he heard a noise at the front door. When he went to investigate he discovered that the hall door had been forced open and saw intruder’s rummaging through his property. The intruders then left the scene and Paddy contacted the Gardaí.
A short time later when Gardaí arrived at the scene they discovered the Paddy lying in the hallway with facial injuries. He was then taken to Waterford Regional Hospital where his condition deteriorated and he was transferred to the intensive care unit. At 6.00am on the 22nd September 2009 he was pronounced dead.
Gardaí at Waterford Garda Station are investigating Telephone 051 305300

The Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating a burglary which occurred over the weekend of 27th to 29th September 2013 at a business premises on Balheary Road, Swords, Co Dublin.
During the course of the burglary seven lightening preventers were stolen. They are radioactive and highly dangerous. They were contained in red metal box and these were also taken. They have the appearance of aluminium or stainless steel but are of no scrap value. If any person discovers these items they should not touch or approach them, instead contact the Gardaí.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity over the weekend of the 27th to 29th September to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen a vehicle around the area of the burglary over the weekend in question.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have information in relation to the whereabouts of the material now, to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity the week preceding the burglary.
• Members of the public should note that the weekend of the burglary was the weekend of the replay of the All Ireland Hurling final.
Gardaí at Coolock Investigating Telephone 01 666 4200

The Gardai at Donnybrook are investigating a burglary at a private residence in Donnybrook, Dublin 4 between the 8th of December 2012 and 9th of January 2013.
During the course of the burglary the items stolen included a "sentry safe" collection of decorative Cuff links, a collection of decorative letter openers, a collection of watches, a collection of pens and a collection of personal diaries.
The personal diaries do not have a great monetary value but are of significant sentimental value to the owner. Some of the cufflinks, watches, pens and letter openers that were stolen had the Mexican National Emblem Crest emblazoned as per attached pictures.
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a cash in transit robbery on Monday the 25th November 2013 which occurred at approx 2.45pm on Sycamore Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.
The security van drove onto Sycamore Road and did a u-turn on Willow Park Cresent before parking up outside a pizza delivery shop. The driver left the van to make a routine collection.
As he was returning to the van, a dark grey, three door Fiat Punto came down Sycamore Road, pulling up beside the van. A man jumped out from the passenger seat of the car and confronted the security driver with a black handgun.
The security driver dropped the box and the raider grabbed it and jumped back into the car. They made their way down Willow Park Crescent, turning right onto Willow Park Road and then took a left turn into Willow Park Grove. The car was abandoned at Willow Park Grove and Gardaí believe they may have transferred into another vehicle.
Description of Raider:
Raider 1: Five foot ten inches in height, wearing a blue tracksuit top, blue jeans, black woolly hat and sunglasses.
• Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance to help identify the raider. The public are asked to consider the appearance of the raider together with the vehicle used to transport the men which is a dark grey 3 door Fiat Punto.
• After the robbery the raiders then travelled a short distance to Willow Park Grove where they abandoned the car. Did you see where the raiders went from here, or did you see them transfer into another vehicle?
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7500
Gardaí at Blackrock Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a robbery of a cash in transit van that occurred at the Leopardstown Valley Shopping Centre on the 19th September 2013 at 10.00am.
The security van pulled into the Shopping Centre and was delivering cash to an ATM. As the cash was being delivered the security guard was approached by two raiders carrying a handgun and a shot gun. The security guard dropped the cash box, which the raider then picked up. He then got into the rear of a waiting Silver Citroen Xsara Picasso. The car took off at speed and exited the car park of the shopping centre. The Picasso was later found at Glencairn Drive, it had been destroyed by fire. The car bore registration plates 02MH2147. The three males were observed running from the car and headed in the direction of Orby Lawn.
Description of Raider:
Raider 1: Carried a hand gun. He wore a red cap, black top and grey bottoms. He is described to be in his teens to 20’s.
Raider 2: Carried the sawn off shot gun. Approx between five foot nine inches and five foot ten inches in height. He wore a black beanie cap and had a black scarf covering his face, darker grey bottoms/thick white stripe. Also described to be in his teens to 20’s.
Raider 3: Driver of car, wearing a balaclava rolled up on head. He wore a black shell suit type of tracksuit with a red stripe on side.
• Gardaí are appealing for information to anyone who was in the shopping centre at the time to come forward
• Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance to help identify the raiders who are described above. The public are asked to consider the descriptions offered together with the vehicle used to transport the men which is a Silver Citroen Picasso with registration number 02MH2147
• After the robbery the raiders then travelled a short distance to Glencairn Drive where they set the car alight. They were seen running at Orby Lawn in the direction of the local Luas stop, did you see where the raiders went from here, or did they transfer into another vehicle?
Gardaí at Blackrock Investigating Telephone 01 666 5200

The Gardaí at Rathmines Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an indecency incident which occurred at Highfield Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 on the 16th December 2012.
At approx 4.25hrs on the 16/12/2012 a woman was walking home on Highfield Road, Rathgar when a male came from behind her and began to walk along side her. This male was exposing himself while walking beside her. The woman pushed him away, screamed and ran off. The culprit walked after her as far as Neville Road, then disappeared.
The injured party assisted with An Garda Síochána with the preparation of a CD Fit which was done on the same day as the incident. The injured party described the suspected offender as follows:
• Between 20-30 years old, clean shaven, short dark spiky hair, sallow complexion, possibly Eastern European and wearing a navy windshield jacket and blue jeans.
Gardaí at Rathmines Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 6700

The Commissioner of An Garda Síochána, Martin Callinan was in studio to reflect on 2013.
The murder of D/Garda O’Donoghue was discussed; advice and reassurance was offered to the public on a variety of matters, including Community Policing, Crime Prevention in areas such as theft from persons and Operation Fiaclá.
The Commissioner also discussed Garda recruitment in 2014 and discussed road safety which included the increase in fatalities, Garda enforcement and education activities, and driver responsibility.
On this months Crime Prevention segment Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to discuss the National Crime Prevention Day, Street Safety and Mobile Phone Safety
On May's Crime Prevention segment Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to offer Crime Prevention advice on the safe storage of car keys in the home.
The fishing of keys through letterboxes and windows accounts for In 1 in 5 reported cases of car keys stolen from the home.
Sergeant Alan Roughneen also discussed the Supporting Safer Communities Campaign. This campaign will take place on 28th May – 4th June 2013. This initiative, gives An Garda Síochána, an opportunity to further pledge its’ commitment, to enhance and develop policing in partnership with our communities, in order to promote and support safer communities.
On this months Crime Prevention segment Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to discuss key facts relating to thefts of bicycles. Sergeant Roughneen also gave some Crime Prevention tips on ways to prevent your bicycle from being taken. He also gave advice on what you can do to help recover your bicycle if stolen.
On this months Crime Prevention segment Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to offer general Crime Prevention advice in relation to personal safety during the holiday period and advice to the public in relation to securing their vehicles and not to leave property on display.
On this months crime prevention segment Sergeant Alan Roughneen was in studio to discuss key statistics relating to the theft of mobile phones and how you can avoid becoming a victim of mobile phone theft.
The Gardaí at Swords Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the discovery of a male body found in Swords on the 2nd April 2013.
On the 2nd April 2013 a local farmer discovered a body in a field, located two miles outside Swords, Co Dublin. The following day the body was identified as that of Deniss Timosejevs, 22 years of age, originally from Latvia and who had been living in Ireland for two years.
The day before Deniss body was found; he got in from work and went to the shops to run an errand. When he got in from the shops he changed into his favourite jacket and went off for a walk, which he liked to do most days. He left his housing estate at around 8pm. A friend of Deniss said he saw Deniss sitting on some rocks near a bus stop at the junction of Glen Ellen road and Jug Black Lane, about two minutes from his home.
• Anyone who spoke or saw Deniss on the evening of 1st April, 2013
• Where was Deniss from 8pm on 1/4/13 until his body is discovered at the farmer’s field at Balheary?
• How did Deniss’ mobile phone end up in the Ward River?
• How did Deniss end up at the field at Balheary, Swords, Co Dublin?
Gardaí at Swords Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 4700
Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating an assault to a man that occurred at Burnell Square on the Malahide Road.
On the 13th June 2012 between 8.15pm and 8.25pm an altercation occurred between a male and the driver of the Number 15 bus travelling Northbound from Eden Quay. The suspect got on the bus and he began to verbally abuse the bus driver. The injured party attempted to intervene and create space between the bus driver and the suspect. Both the injured party and the suspect exited the bus at the same time. CCTV from the number 15 bus captures this. The injured party collected his bicycle from Tesco Clarehall and was cycling past Burnell Square on the Malahide Road when the suspect runs from a parked car and pushes the injured party off his bicycle in front of the Number 42 bus travelling towards Malahide. CCTV from the No 42 captures this. The injured party received a number of injuries as a result of this assault.
Gardaí at Coolock Investigating Telephone 01 666 4200
The Gardaí at Lucan Garda Station are investigating the false imprisonment and robbery that occurred at Font Hill Retail Park on Tuesday the 11th December 2012.
On the night of the 11th December 2012 the manager of the store finished work and while driving into his housing estate a car reversed out in front of him. The manager beeped his horn at the car. A man came up to the side of the car door and pulled him out of the car and then a second man appeared.
The manager was then put in the back seat of his own car. One of the raiders sat in the back with him while the other raider drove. Both were armed with handguns. They made the manager put his head down so he couldn’t see them, and the raiders then told the manager that they had his family. The car the men had been in was a Ford Fiesta metallic red/wine.
They drove into the car park of the shop the man works in. They drove around to the rear of the store. The store was still open; it was open until 11pm. The raiders then forced the manager to phone the assistant manager and tell them to go to the back door and open up for him.
When the Assistant Manager opened the door the manager and two armed raiders met him. They got him to bring them straight to the cash room. They continued to hold the manager, assistant manager and another staff member there. They demanded the contents of the safe. The raiders managed to get the contents of the cash flow safe and also bags of coin.
An Audi was seen in the estate where the manager lives and also seen by a witness at the Liffey Valley estate. An Audi was seen speeding off from the Liffey Valley estate. Gardaí believe this was the same Audi, the getaway car. This car was taken in a very violent aggravated burglary in Goatstown on Sat night into Sun morning the 8th/9th of December.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who might have seen the AUDI S3 + FIESTA in the Lucan/ Fonthill Retail Park on the day.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who might have seen people sitting in the Fiesta or Audi in the retail park?
• If anyone seen the Audi in the days preceding the robbery to come forward?
Gardaí at Lucan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7300

Gardaí in Drogheda are investigating a false imprisonment incident which occurred at a house in the Termon Abbey Estate in Drogheda Co Louth on the 19th August 2013.
The victims of this crime, a male security worker and his partner were held against their will by two men who entered their house at around 10:30pm. The first raider was described as 5’ 6” in height with a stocky frame. He was wearing a black baseball hat and a black scarf around his face. He threatened the couple with a handgun. He was left handed. The second raider was 5’7” in height of thin build and wearing a baseball hat and a black fleeced scarf around his face. He wore black gloves and was right handed. Gardaí believe there may have been another raider on the street keeping lookout.
The raiders sat the couple on the floor inside the house. They seemed to be in radio contact with someone outside the house. Within minutes of the ordeal something seemed to change as one of the raiders said to the couple “it’s your lucky day”. They put the couple in a space under the stairs and left.
They made their getaway in a silver BMW 3 Series. It had blackened widows.
It bore cloned registration plates 08D40473. This registration number was copied from a car from the Dublin area.
Gardaí in Drogheda are appealing for anyone with information either on the getaway car or who may have witnessed anything suspicious in the Termon Abbey estate on the night in question to contact them.
They are investigating a report of a suspicious vehicle in the Portrane area of North County Dublin between 9 and 10 that evening to see if there is any connection to this crime.
They are also investigating possible links between this BMW and a similar Silver 3 series BMW registration number 08D50625 which was stolen in Cobh, Co Cork on the 12th of July. This car passed the M7 toll bridge on the morning of theft heading towards Dublin.

The Gardaí at Carrick on Shannon Garda Station are investigating a case of false imprisonment which occurred on Wednesday the 13th November 2013 at approx 10.30am.
In early November a consultant engineer received a call from a man called ‘Treacy’. He told the engineer he wanted to hire him to manage a project in County Leitrim. He stated the funding was in place and was eager to meet. Over the next two weeks the two men made contact with each other, they agreed to Wednesday the 13th November. The engineer agreed with Mr Treacy that he would bring along a designer.
While on route Mr Treacy spoke to the engineer. He explained he had another site nearby and he’d like them to look at it. He gave them directions to McDonagh Feeds on the Roosky/Dromad bypass.
They arrived at around 10.30am and spoke with Mr Treacy. They then drove to an old mill 1.5 miles away. When they arrived they saw a man in high viz who was standing at the gates and asked them to go into a port-a-cabin to take a look at some drawings.
When inside the port-a-cabin the designer was assaulted by another man wearing a balaclava. The men were threatened and tied up using cable ties. The man wearing the balaclava photographed both men. He said he was representing a man who owned a lot of machinery and told the engineer not to get involved in a business dispute that was coming up.
They took the keys to their vehicle, money and both men’s mobile phones. The men were left in the cabin, but were able to free themselves and seek help.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have noticed any suspicious activity near the old mill in the weeks prior to Wednesday 13th November 2013.
• On the morning of the 13th November anyone who travelled the road from McDonagh Feeds to the Mohill Road, sightings of a small white possibly Berlingo type van with a partial registration that included the letters KK
• Any sightings of this van as it travelled from the Dublin side of the Dromad roundabout where it exited the roundabout and continued on the Mohill Road. After 6km it made a left turn towards the old mill.
• On the previous evening the 12th November 2013, noise was heard coming from the direction of the old mill, did anyone see any person or any vehicles in this area?
Gardaí at Carrick on Shannon Garda Station are investigating Telephone 071 9650510

The Gardaí at Gort are investigating a fatal hit and run traffic collision that occurred on Friday 16th November 2012 at 7.30 pm approx. The victim Gerry Keane was fatally injured as he crossed the Gort to Galway road.
Gerry had intended going to Ardrahan to a Public house for the evening. Gerry was struck by a vehicle on the N18, moments after he had been dropped off by a family member at the car park opposite the pub. Gerry was removed from the scene by ambulance to University Hospital Galway where he subsequently died from his injuries the following day.
The Garda Crimecall appeal includes a reconstruction of the events on the night in question and Gerry’s brother makes an appeal on behalf of the family.
• The focus on the appeal concentrates on a Ford Focus hatchback 5 door metallic Grey (2005 - 2008). This is the car Gardaí believe is the offending vehicle.
• Gardaí believe that the focus was damaged and are anxious to talk to anyone that may have repaired a similar vehicle in the days and weeks following the collision.
• Gardaí are making a direct appeal to the driver to contact them.
• Members of the public who can assist the investigation in anyway are asked to make contact.
Gardaí at Gort Garda Station are investigating Telephone 091 636400
Gardaí at New Ross Garda Station are investigating a fraudulent incident where the injured party was a victim of an internet phishing scam.
On the 15th April 2013 the woman received an email purporting to be from her Financial Institution. The email asked her to click on a link and give her personal details and provide her account and PIN numbers for verification. She was also asked for her mobile number and security code. The woman believed the email to be genuine and gave her details. The next day the woman’s mobile stopped working, she presumed it was a problem with the network. But her phone was tampered with in order to stop the bank making contact with her and notifying her of unusual activity on her account.
Then on the 17th April 2013 €5000 was transferred from the woman’s bank account to another bank account. Over the next few days €3656.98 was withdrawn from the other account from ATM machines, Post Offices and shops around Dublin. Once the fraud was realised the suspected account was frozen and the balance of the money was refunded to the woman’s account.
CCTV provided by shops in Marino and Philipsburg Avenue, Fairview shows the suspect entering both shops on the same day, the 17th April 2013 wearing black runners, light blue jeans, red Munster jersey and blue Brazil zipped top.
Detective Sergeant Matt Sheridan was in studio to offer Crime Prevention advice on Internet Phishing and how to avoid becoming a victim to this scam.
Gardaí at New Ross Garda Station are investigating Telephone 051 426030
The Gardaí at Arklow Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to an improvised explosive device which was placed in a domestic waste bin outside a residence.
On Monday the 13th of May, at 10:30pm a homemade improvised explosive device, planted in a wheelie bin outside a home in Inbhear Mor Park, Arklow, detonated. Fortunately neither the occupants of the house nor the teenagers around the area at the time, were injured.
At Gardaí believe the residents of the house were not the intended targets of this crime, and that this was a case of mistaken identity.
At 10.05 approx a motorcyclist parked close by and walked in the direction of the house. A minute later he returned to the motorcycle and drove away.
• Gardaí are anxious to speak to anyone in the vicinity of Inbhear Mor Park between 9.30pm and 10.30pm on 13th May 2013 to come forward. In particular a motorcyclist who was seen parked up near by close to the scene. Gardaí believe this man was driving a Suzuki GSX 600 or 700
• Description of motorcyclist; Average height, stocky build, wearing black, helmet red/black white, white runners
Gardaí at Arklow Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0402 32304
The Gardaí at Athy are investigating an armed robbery that occurred on the evening of Monday, the 13th May 2013, in Athy Co Kildare.
A couple searching websites for a new car discovered a great deal on a Ford Focus. They contacted the owner by mobile phone and arranged to meet in Athy. The owner told them there was a lot of interest in the car, so the couple brought cash with them to buy the car.
They pulled into a car park in Athy to wait for the owner, a pregnant mother of three, to arrive. Instead two men armed with knives confronted them, forcing them to hand over the cash. The men then made their getaway along the canal towards Lennon’s
• Witnesses who may have seen the robbery take place at Upper William Street and who may have seen the couple in the Citreon C.S to come forward
• Any witnesses who may have seen the two suspects in the vicinitiy of Upper William Street and the carpark prior to the robbery taking place at 8.05pm
• Anyone walking along the canal bank between Upper William Street and Lennons Bridge who may have seen the men as they ran towards Lennons Bridge before
possiblygetting into a car which left the area shortly afterwards
• The owner or occupents of this car if they witnessed the two men making their escape to assit the investigation
Description of Raiders:
Raider 1: 5’8” to 6’ in height, early to mid 20’s, skinny, butchers knife – rusty, grey hoody over head, a red and white football scarf over face, pale skin
Raider 2: 5’ 9” to 6’ in height, knife, black hoody, black scarf covering face, pale skin
Gardaí at Athy Garda Station are investigating Telephone 059 8634210
Paedophiles are using the Internet to target and groom children. We explained how international cooperation is helping to track down the perpetrators across jurisdictions and to find the victims of child abuse over the Internet. We also gave advice to parents on how to protect your children’s on-line behaviour that might be an indication of blackmail and how reporting any suspicious content or activities is so important. A feature was broadcast to heighten awareness amongst parents.
To report anonymously any suspected illegal material found on the internet please go online at or Low Call Phone 0818 610 710
The Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to missing person Esra Uyrun (DOB 01/03/1972) who has been missing from her home at Collinstown Grove, Clondalkin since the 23rd February 2011 at approximately 7.15am.
Esra left her home in a silver Renault Twingo registration number 08D23067. This vehicle was located in a car park at the bottom of Bray Head. When last seen she was wearing black leggings, a dark top and white Nike trainers. She is originally from Turkey. CCTV captured the Renault Twingo turning right from Convent Avenue onto Strand Road in Bray at approximately 8.40am on the 23rd February 2011. A Skoda car had to swerve to avoid a collision. The Renault then moved into the left hand side of the road and pulled in to allow the Skoda to overtake it. They both continued down Strand Road in the direction of Bray Head. Later that morning the silver Renault Twingo car is captured on the CCTV camera parked at the car park at the bottom of Bray Head. There has been no activity on her bank accounts or her Facebook page since the 23rd February 2011.
Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7700

Gardaí at Balbriggan Garda Station are appealing for information on missing person Paul Byrne (DOB 31/12/1987) from The Cottage, Sandylane, Rush, Co. Dublin who has been missing since 25th December 2012.
Twenty five year old Paul was last seen on Christmas Eve. He was in his house with friends and he went to bed at around midnight and left everyone else up. On Christmas morning Paul sent a text to his girlfriend. His friends knocked on his bedroom door at approximately 2.30pm as they were going for Christmas dinner in another friend’s house, they could hear him inside his room but they didn’t see him. His friends returned at 6pm to see if Paul was there but his bedroom door was locked.
Paul was last seen wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and dark Ralph Lauren jacket, a navy hoodie with a pocket on the right arm. And he wore a Ralph Lauren jacket that his girlfriend had given him on Christmas Eve.
Gardaí at Balbriggan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 802 0510

Gardaí in Dundalk are investigating the disappearance of Sean Watters (DOB) 7th November 1952.
Sean Watters is 60 years old, when last seen he was wearing a brown jacket and trousers. He is described as 5ft 4" in height, of heavy build with grey hair. He has blue eyes. Sean is missing from his home in Laurel Grove, Greenacres, Dundalk.
Gardaí at Dundalk Garda Station are investigating Telephone 042 9388400

Gardaí in Tipperary Garda Station are investigating the murder of Bobby Ryan of Boherlahan, Co. Tipperary.
On Tuesday 30th April 2013 a farmer discovered a body located at the rear of a house at Fawnagowan, Bansha Road, Tipperary. The body has subsequently been identified as Bobby Ryan.
Bobby Ryan had been reported missing on Friday 3rd June 2011 by relatives. Bobby Ryan left his home on Thursday night 2nd June 2011 to visit a friend at Fawnagowan, Bansha Road, Tipperary. The following morning Friday 3rd June he failed to turn up for work at Kilough Quarry near Thurles, Co. Tipperary. His colleagues then contacted his son and daughter.
Gardaí at Tipperary Town were notified at approximately 2pm. At 2.30pm Mr Ryan's Silver coloured Citroen van was discovered parked at a car park at Kilshane Woods, Bansha, Tipperary, which is an amenity area for walkers using the local woodlands.
A murder investigation commenced on the discovery of Mr Ryan’s body and Gardaí are making a fresh appeal for information.
Appeal Points:
• Movements of Motor van 07 TS 4692, Grey Citroen Despatch from Thursday 2/6/2011 until discovered at Kilshane Woods, Bansha, Tipperary on the afternoon of Friday 3/6/2011 at approximately 2pm.
• Any sightings of any persons or indeed any other vehicle in or around the vehicle at Kilshane Woods?
• Sighting of a silver medium size van with a person sitting in the front of it at 6.45 am on the Friday morning. Did you see this van? Was it Bobby’s van or indeed was it you?
• Any sightings of Bobby from the Thursday evening when he leaves home until he went to the farmhouse at Fawnagowan.
• Any sightings of persons or vehicles in or around the farmhouse at Fawnagowan shortly after 6.30 pm Thursday 2/6/11 until 2pm on Friday 2/6/11.
Gardaí in Tipperary Garda Station are investigating Telephone 062 80670

The Gardaí at Ashbourne Garda Station are investigating the murder of 37 year old Christopher Gaffney.
On the 1st November 2013, a body part was discovered in a field by two men who were out hunting. The body part was subsequently identified as belonging to Christopher Gaffney. Gardaí began a full search of the area and they found further body parts along the Pinkeen River at the Mayne, on the border of Meath and Dublin.
Christopher was last seen on the weekend of the 27th – 29th September, over a month before his remains were identified. He had been in a friend’s house in the Willow Wood Estate, Clonsilla where he ordered food from a local takeaway on the evening of the 29th September 2013. He left the house around midnight and these are his last recorded movements.
Gardaí are appealing for any persons with information on Christopher Gaffney’s murder and anyone who may have seen him from September 29th to contact them.
Gardaí at Ashbourne Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 8010600

The Gardaí at Lucan Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to the murder of Christopher Mc Donagh of Woodavens, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.
On the 9th September 2008 at approximately 10.45pm, Christopher was in his bedroom watching TV when he was disturbed by a loud bang. Two gunmen forced their way into his home, Christopher attempted to escape the gunmen but was fatally wounded just outside his front garden.
Detective Inspector Dick McDonnell will be in the studio to appealing for information in relation to this callous murder.
Gardaí at Lucan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667300

The Gardaí at Mountjoy Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the Murder of Christopher Warren of Saint Teresa’s Gardens, Dublin 8.
On the 28th December 2012, Christopher sustained his fatal injuries as a result of a shooting that occurred between Royal Canal Bank and Great Western Way. Christopher managed to escape his attacker and made his way to Constitution Hill where he was picked up by motorcar. He was brought to the A & E Department in St. James Hospital, Dublin 8 where he was later pronounced dead.
Gardaí at Mountjoy Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 8600

The Gardaí at Kanturk Garda Station are re appealing for information in relation to the murder of David Brett of Cromogue, Drumcollogher, Co Cork.
On the 21st May 2007 the body of David Brett, a 43 year old father of three, was discovered outside Foilogohig National School in County Cork. He had been shot a number of times. Gardaí have now recovered the weapon used in the murder and want to appeal to the public for their assistance.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who might have information on the weapon that was used in the murder of David Brett.
• How the gun was acquired for the murder.
• How it was disposed of afterwards.

The Gardaí at Dundalk Garda Station are renewing their appeal for information in relation to the murder of Detective Garda Adrian Donohue on Friday, the 25th January 2013.
Detective Garda Donohue was carrying out a cash escort at Lordship Credit Union on Friday evening and was fatally wounded by an armed raider who carried out a robbery at the premises.
Gardaí believe the vehicle used in connection with this incident was stolen during a burglary in Clougherhead, Co. Louth between Tuesday, the 22nd and Wednesday, the 23rd of January 2013.
A Cosatto Zoomi Group 1 2 3 High Back Booster child’s car seat was in this vehicle when it was stolen and has not been located.
A hammer or Mallet was recovered at the scene, this hammer is a soft face hammer.
These are used by the following tradesmen, Panel beaters, Mechanics, or motorbike mechanics (used for motorcycles or quads, used for hammering in parts so not to damage them, e.g. shocks, bearings, or other metal parts.). The Rubber head on one side and the hard plastic on the other are for hammering in e.g. shocks or bearings so as not to damage them.
The Hammer or Mallet shown has been on the market for a number of years, however it is not readily available in your local hardware store.

The Gardaí at Dundalk Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the murder of Detective Garda Adrian Donohue on Friday, the 25th January 2013.
Detective Garda Donohue was carrying out a cash escort at Lordship Credit Union on Friday evening and was fatally wounded by an armed raider who carried out a robbery at the premises.
Superintendent David Taylor was in studio to appeal to members of the public who may have information about this incident to come forward.
Gardaí at Dundalk Garda Station are investigating Telephone 042 9388400
The Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are investigating the murder of 39 year old Jason Carroll. He was shot outside his family home at Cherrywood in Clondalkin, Dublin 22 on the 29th August 2013 at approximately 10.30 pm.
Earlier that evening Jason visited his mother’s house at Harelawn estate. He left at just after 10pm. Jason travelled to his own house in Cherrywood, Clondalkin. He was accompanied by a male passenger. The route he travelled took him by the 9th lock on the Grand Canal, turning right towards Fonthill. He then drove through the two roundabout’s leading to Nangor road. He turned left into Cherrywood Estate and left again onto Cherrywood Drive.
Jason parked on the roadway near his house and walked into the driveway. He was only a short distance from his front door when he was shot a number of times by a man armed with a handgun and fatally wounded.
The gunman ran from the driveway to the road where he was picked up by a Renault Clio bearing false registration plates 07 WW 2407.The correct registration is 06 D 27115.The car was stolen during a burglary in Sandyford sometime between 23/9/2012 and 5/10/2012, some 11 months earlier.
The Clio had approached the scene from Corcaigh Park direction. It had the headlights turned off in the Cherrywood estate. When the car left the scene it turned right and then left at the next roundabout onto Nangor road towards Newcastle.
The car then turned right by the grounds of the old Polly Hop’s pub and on towards the 12th lock bridge on the Grand Canal. The car was abandoned and set alight at the entrance to the Rock Road Mansions Halting Site.
• On a date between the 23/9/12 and the 5/10/12 the Renault Clio 06-D-27115 was stolen from Sandyford, Co Dublin.
• Any sightings of this car from the time it was stolen until shooting.
• Anyone with information in relation to cloned registration number 07-WW-2407.
Time Line of Renault Clio
• 22.05 Turns right onto South Circular Rd from Rialto Cottages
• 22.05 Goes right at Bird Flanagan’s Pub and continues on South Circular Rd.
• 22.06 Passes the Eurospar on S.C.R heading towards Hilton Hotel then turns left at Hilton Hotel at Kilmainham Courthouse
• 22.07 Passes the Ulster bank in Inchicore on Tyrconnell Rd
• 22.08 Passes the Luas track at Davitt Rd, Blackhorse heading away from town
• 22.09 Passes the Kylemore Rd ( R112)/Naas Rd (junction at 22:09
• 22.15 Car turns right at Newlands Cross onto the Fonthill Rd R113
• 22.17 Car turns into Cherrywood Estate
• 22.30 Car heads away from the scene in Cherrywood towards the Outer Ring Rd out to where the car gets burnt out.
Description of Gunman:
• Early 20’s, with medium build and dark neatly cut hair. He wore a baseball cap
Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7600

The Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating the murder of 45 year old Karl Wynne who was shot on the 30th May 2013.
Karl left a house on Seskin View Road at around 9.15pm. He said he was going to meet someone and would be back soon. He is captured on CCTV waiting on St Dominic’s Road. Karl was heard on his phone speaking angrily while he waited.
At 9.45pm a Black high powered motorcycle with a pillion passenger came down St Dominic’s Road. As the motorcycle pulled up, Karl walked towards the motorcycle. The pillion passenger was armed with a handgun and fired at Karl. As Karl lay on the ground the gun man shot him a number of times.
The gunman made his getaway on the motorcycle down Avonbeg Road towards Avonmore Road and then onto the N81 in the direction of the M50. Karl Wynne died from his injuries in hospital seven weeks later.
Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 6000
Gardaí at Kilmainham Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the murder of Michael Kelly which occurred shortly before 10.30am on Monday the 15th July 2013.
Twenty seven year old Michael Kelly was shot and fatally wounded at Grand Canal View, Rialto near Suir Road / Davitt Road.
A car was found burnt out a short distance away in Rialto Court.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone in the vicinity of the Grand Canal area who might have seen Michael Kelly before the shooting, to come forward.
• The shooting occurred adjacent to the Luas tram line, at the time that trams were travelling in both directions. Gardaí are appealing to passengers who may have noticed any suspicious activity to come forward.
• Gardaí are also interested in the movements of a metallic Brown Opel Astra Saloon 99LH5711 which was found burnt out. Did you see this car prior to 10.30am on the morning of the shooting? Did you see this car on St. James’ Walk, South Circular Road, New Ireland Road or Suir Road it may have been driving in an erratically manner.
• Gardaí have been given a description of a person observed close to the scene. He is described as 6’4” in height, wearing navy / black Addidas bottoms and a two tone shiny tracksuit top, light grey or white at the top and a light blue at the bottom - could be Addidas (waterproof/wet look type). If you saw anyone matching this description please contact the Gardaí.
Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 9400

The Gardaí at Cabra Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to the murder of Paul Cullen of Fassaugh Avenue, Cabra on Sunday the 3rd March 2013.
At almost 6.00pm Paul Cullen arrived at the Cabra House pub. He socialised with his father, brother and a friend. Shortly after 7pm a motorcycle parked on the footpath in front of the pub and the pillion passenger of the motorcycle got off and walked into the front bar. The gun man identified Paul and shot him with his handgun fatally wounding him.
The gun man then fled the scene on the motorcycle and headed along Fassaugh Avenue towards the junction with Killala Road, where it almost collided with a car. The car is not better described.
• Gardaí are appealing for information in relation to those responsible for the murder of Paul Cullen, central to the appeal are several sightings of a high powered motorbike in the Cabra and Finglas areas.
• The sightings of the bike before arriving at Fassaugh Avenue include Broombridge Road and when it leaves the scene it travels back in the same direction taking in Fassaugh Avenue, Broombridge Road, Ballyboggin Road, Rathoath Road and Cardiffsbridge Road.
• After the murder as the motorcycle and its occupants were making its get away it almost collided with a car at the junction of Fassaugh Avenue with Killala Road – Gardaí are appealing for the occupant(s) of the car to come forward.
• Gardaí are appealing for information in relation to the motorcycle and its current location.
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7000

The Gardaí at Mayorstone Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to the murder of 39 year old Sean Poland in his home in Blackwater, Co. Limerick on New Years Eve in 2002.
Sean was out socialising with his partner at the Round House Pub, High Street, Limerick, celebrating New Year’s Eve. They left the pub just after 11pm and headed home. Sean’s partner set a fire in the living room while Sean made some food in the kitchen. As they were settling in for the night, the doorbell rang. Sean went to answer the door thinking it was neighbours calling to wish them a Happy New Year.
As Sean opened the front door, four masked and armed raiders rushed through the door. Two of the raiders ran towards the living room and grabbed Sean’s partner. They ordered her to kneel on the floor and told her to put her hands behind her back. The raiders demanded to know where the money was.
She heard a shot coming from the hallway, the raiders tied her hands together with a cable from the television. They stole a sum of money from her handbag and fled from the house.
Sean’s partner discovered him in the hallway, with a gunshot wound to his stomach, he was not breathing.
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who has information that may assist them in their investigation to come forward.
Gardaí at Henry Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 061 212400

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, has announced the launch of Ireland’s first national Missing Persons Day, which will take place on Wednesday, the 4th December 2013 at Farmleigh House, Dublin.
The theme of this inaugural event is ‘Forget Me Not’ which has its origins in a project by Transition Students of Davis College, Mallow, Co. Cork, who were awarded Young Social Innovators of the Year 2012.
Garda Jim Molloy was in studio to discuss.
The Gardaí at Sundrive Road are investigating the rape of a young woman around midnight on Valentines night last.
The woman was attacked shortly after midnight going into Friday the 15th of February on Leighlin Road in Crumlin. She had been waiting for the occupants of a house on Leighlin road to return when a man walking from the direction of Sundrive road stopped to ask her if she was locked out. He spoke with a Dublin accent.
The man entered the garden where the woman was waiting and pulled her to the side of the house where he raped her. During the attack, the woman’s phone rang, the attacker threw it away. This was at 00:02 on the 15th of February.
During the attack the woman screamed and he told her to shut up. After the attack he calmly fixed his clothes and left turning left towards Bangor road. The attack was over by 00:08.
The man was described as being approximately 6ft. He was clean shaven with tight dark brown hair. The woman noticed he had a very prominent Adam’s apple. His lips were thin and he had a straight mouth. She believed he was in his mid 20s to early 30s and was of slim or average build.
The attacker was wearing thin black fake leather gloves and a bomber style dark coloured jacket. This was zipped up to the top of his collar under his chin. The fabric was rough and tweedy.
• The attacker may have knowledge of the area. Leighlin road would not be a usual through road to for pedestrians. Does his description and the replica of the coat and how he wore it mean anything to anyone? Do you know if any one matching this description has been acting differently either on the night of Valentines or in the weeks afterwards?
• The young woman was in the area waiting to get into the house from around 11.15 pm on Valentines night. The attack happened around 45 minutes later. Did anyone see any persons acting suspiciously around the Leighlin road / Lismore road area around this time?
• The woman had been in Wexford Street on Valentines night. She was picked up at around 11pm by a Taxi Driver who brought her to Leighlin Road. They agreed a 10€ fare. Gardaí are looking to identify this driver. This driver was not the attacker. Gardaí want to establish if he saw anything suspicious after he dropped the woman off. The Taxi federation have been cooperating with Gardaí but as of yet the identity of the driver has not been established.
Gardaí at Crumlin Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 6200

The Gardaí at Monaghan Garda Station are re-appealing for information in relation to the fatal hit and run collision that occurred on the 26th June 2011.
Twenty year old Fintan Traynor was killed when a car struck him as he walked home on the Lemgare Road, near the border in County Monaghan.
To date no one has come forward to take responsibility for this fatal collision. We appeal to anyone with information to contact the programme. There is a Crimestoppers reward available.
Gardaí at Monaghan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 047 77200

Garda are re-appealing for information in relation to the body that was found on December the 8th, 2006 in the woods by Lough Inagh, in Connemara. It is estimated that the body had been in the woods since the summer of 2005 before its discovery.
Gardaí in Clifden with the help of the Galway West Coroner and Dundee University have released a composite picture of what the man would have looked like and are trying to identify who he is.
The man is aged between 44 and 66 years, he is 5 foot 7.5 inches, of stocky build. He wore a “Bush Sports” yellow hooded jacket. Gardaí believe the man may have come from Germany.
• A mans body was discovered on at Lough Inagh Valley, Connemara in December 2006 and it’s believed the body was there for 1 year.
• Gardaí are appealing for hotels, B&Bs and hostels to recheck their registers and to rethink if any individual stayed there in the years 2005 and 2006, particular individual may of left behind clothing and in addition may not have paid their bill.
• The man didn’t have enough clothing or belongings with him to indicate that he was out walking for nothing other than a walk or a hike in the woods.
• A carton of orange juice was discovered with the body, the best before date was the end of the summer of 2005. The orange juice had to of been purchased in the previous 6 months.
• There was a bus ticket found on the man, unfortunately the ticket was weathered and faded.
• Also found on him was a prescription for medication with German writing on same.
• There was also sunglasses found on the body which investigators have established were purchased in Northern Germany in a small town near Hamburg.
Gardaí at Clifden Garda Station are investigating Telephone 095 22500
The Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are re-appealing for information for the whereabouts of the disappearance of Stephan Corrigan, (DOB 08/06/1963). Stephan is a patient at The Weir Home, Cork Street and failed to return there on the 22nd November 2010.
Stephen Corrigan is 48 years old, when last seen he was wearing a long brown winter coat. He is described as 5'11" in height, of medium build with long blonde hair. He has blue eyes. He suffers from mental health issues and has a tendency to withdraw himself from society and has been known to live on the streets. He has been known to spend time around Glasnevin.
Mr. Corrigan has not come to the attention of Gardaí and all other enquiries up to now have been unsuccessful, staff and family are extremely concerned for his well being.
Gardaí at Kevin Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 9400

Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are re-appealing for information on missing person Patrick Lawlor. Patrick has been missing from his home in Darndale in Dublin since Thursday the 16th of December 2004.
On that morning Patrick left the house at about 6.30am he travelled in a red Citroen Saxo car. He drove to a nearby garage to get cigarettes and phone credit. The red Citroen Saxo was found a number of days later in a car park on the Forest Road in Swords, just at the back of Dublin Airport.
He is described as being 5'10" in height and of thin build with green eyes and short black hair.
Gardaí at Coolock Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 4200

Gardaí at Pearse Street Garda Station are re-appealing for information on missing person Trevor Deely (DOB) 15/08/1978.
Trevor went missing after attending a Christmas party on 8th December 2000, and was last spotted on CCTV footage which showed him crossing Baggot Street Bridge and walking towards Haddington Road (Dublin 4 area). He was wearing a yellow and brown shirt and beige cord trousers.
An age-enhanced picture of Trevor Deely is included in the hope to give some impressionof what the 22-year-old bank employee would look like now, almost 13 years after he disappeared.
Gardaí at Pearse Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 9000
Gardaí at Watercourse Road Garda Station recovered this property (medal and pocket clock) during a search. Enquiries were made with Collins Barracks and no owner was found to date.
• Inscription on medal reads: S/Comd Shoot 95, SMG, 3rd Indiv. It was in a Hilser Bros Ltd box.
• The gold band has inscription: Leane 24-10-99
The Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a robbery of a cash in transit van on the 3rd December 2012 at 12.45pm.
When the security van pulled into the Carpenterstown shopping centre a Volkswagen Golf pulled up directly outside and a man jumped out from the rear seat. The raider ran over to the security guard and threatened him, he told him to drop the box or he would shoot him. The security guard dropped the money box and the raider picked it up and ran back to the car which took off immediately. The Volkswagen was later found at Luttrelstown Chase.
Description of Raiders:
Raiders 1: Approx. Five foot ten inches and Six foot in height, athletic build. He wore a grey hoodie with scarf and hat covering his face. He wore white Asics runners and spoke with a Dublin accent.
Raider 2: The driver of the vehicle had a thin face with high cheekbones. He was between 24 and 30 years of age and was wearing a black beanie hat and glasses. He was at least Six foot in height.
• Gardaí are appealing for information in relation to the two raiders that carried out this robbery.
• Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance to help identify the raiders who are described above. The public are asked to consider the descriptions offered together with the vehicle used to transport the men which is a Silver 5 Door Hatchback VW Golf with registration number 98D*****
• After the robbery the raiders then travelled a short distance to Luttrelstown Chase where they exited onto the Porterstown Road, did you see where the raiders went from here, or did they transfer into a second vehicle?
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7000
The Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are appealing for information in relation to a robbery from a Security Guard at a Supermarket, Blakestown, Dublin 15 on the 12th November 2012 at 08.10am.
The security guard arrived at the supermarket at 07.50am and collected a bag from the security office. He placed this bag in the security box. Upon leaving the store the security guard was approached by a male approximately five foot six in height, stocky in appearance and carrying a firearm. He shouted at the guard to get onto the ground. This male took possession of the security box. Another male entered the store carrying a sledge hammer and they attempted to gain access to the security office by hitting the door a number of times. They failed to gain access and fled the scene in a black Renault Megane hatchback.
The raiders headed in the direction of Huntstown, and the vehicle was recovered in Huntstown Wood a short time later.
• Gardaí are appealing for any information in relation to the above raid.
• The raiders made their escape in the direction of Huntstown, and the vehicle was later recovered in Huntstown Wood – Gardaí are appealing to any person living in these areas, who may have seen the raiders or a vehicle matching the description to come forward.
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7000
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating a robbery from a delivery van on the 24th July 2013 which occurred at approximately 3.30pm on the Jamestown Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.
Earlier that afternoon at 3.05pm a blue Nissan Primera pulled up immediately ahead of the Delivery Van at Charlestown Shopping Centre. A man in the back of the car got out and walked up and down on the footpath outside the Shopping Centre watching the courier unload and deliver his stock.
The vans next delivery was at another shop in the Meakstown area. The van arrived at 3.20pm and parked up until about 3.25pm while it made its delivery. The Nissan had pulled in front of the van entering the car park and parked to the left hand side of the car park. When the courier finished here, the raiders followed the van from behind as he made his way to his next destination.
At approximately 3.30pm the delivery driver pulled onto the Jamestown Road and parked outside a shop. The blue Nissan pulled up and 3 men jumped out and started shouting at the driver to give them cigarettes. One male was carrying a golf club and hit the driver a number of times, he also threatened, he would stab him if the didn’t hand over what they wanted. The other two males were grabbing the cigarettes from the side of the van. The raiders got away with a large quantity of cigarettes.
• Gardaí are seeking the public’s assistance to help identify the raiders. The public are asked to consider the appearance of the raiders together with the vehicle used to transport the men which is a Blue Nissan Primera with a partial registration number 00 D 20
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may know the whereabouts of the car? Has the car been parked up somewhere or was it bearing false plates?
• Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have seen the car leaving the scene to contact them.
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 666 7500
What is the problem?
In recent times there has been a noticeable increase in thefts from churches and religious residences and physical violence against clergy, religious and voluntary workers.
What can we do?
• Be aware that you have in your care the most attractive property to a potential thief ie money.
• Have an awareness of the danger that you place yourself and others in through lack of security.
• Take sensible and reasonable steps to protect yourself and others as well as the property in your care and control.
• Don’t publicise your valuables held, security precautions or losses
General Security:
• External lighting acts as an excellent deterrent to the criminal. Consider installing lighting automatically controlled by photo-electric switches in vulnerable areas.
• Ensure that all perimeter fences and walls are maintained and doors and gates are locked and secured.
• All external doors should be of substantial construction (solid wood or metal) with secure frame and fitted with a 5 lever mortice deadlock.
• Fit a security quality chain/door limiter and wide angle door viewer to the front door of residences.
• All vulnerable accessible windows should be fitted with security quality locks.
• Always keep cash in a safe or strong room – never in cabinets, boxes or other receptacles.
• Keep an inventory of valuables in the church or residence using video recording or colour photographs and property marking techniques.
• Sound, like light, acts as an excellent deterrent to the criminal. Consider installation by a reputable security company of a burglar alarm system with connection to a central monitoring station.
• Never leave keys hanging around.
• Cut back shrubbery from around entrances to avoid concealment of persons.
Alarm Systems
• Should be installed and maintained by a reputable security company with connection to a central monitoring station.
• Panic units should be located in the sacristy, at front door of the residence and in bedrooms used by residents. Consider a portable panic unit for those on duty, especially in the silent hours.
Cash Security
• Cash security must be given high priority, be conscious of the potential risk of violence by a thief and don’t do anything to expose yourself or others to such danger.
• Never keep large amounts overnight if possible.
• Money should always be counted and transported by an able-bodied person. Don’t forget that they young, the aged and women are particularly vulnerable.
• Money should be counted by a minimum of three persons.
• Always keep cash in a safe or strong room – never in cabinets, boxes or other receptacles.
• All safes should be fitted to the floor.
• Safes should preferably be fitted with a time locking mechanism.
• If you need to lodge money at irregular intervals consider a safe with a deposit facility.
• Always remove the key to a separate room.
• Wherever money is kept and counted e.g. sacristy should be secure.
• Access should be of solid constructions, opening outwards, and fitted with at least one 5 lever mortice deadlock.
• Fit a security quality door chain door limiter and wide angle viewer to the door(s).
• Windows should have expanded metal grills fitted internally.
• A telephone in the room is advisable to enable help to be summoned, if necessary.
• Transport money to the bank as soon as possible after receipt.
• If possible travel at different hours and a different route each time.
• Be vigilant at the time of loading into or out of car.
• Transport money with a companion, if possible, sharing the cash between you.
• Offertory boxes should, wherever possible, be metal wall boxes with a flush fitting metal front. The box should be firmly bolted and grouted into the masonry.
On 4th December 2013 An Garda Síochána launched a Smartphone App for Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert.
CRI Alert is a system that publicises details of an abducted child and is designed to seek public assistance.
This Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert App has two features:
App Feature 1
People who have downloaded the Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert App will be notified each time a CRI alert is issued. The notice will provide the details of the abducted child/children and any other relevant information. They will be able to share the CRI Alert notification on Facebook, as well as being able to contact An Garda Síochána at 112 or 999.
App Feature 2
Parents/Guardians can save their own children’s information in a secure area on their phone so that should their child go missing they will immediately have the information to hand that will permit them to accurately inform the relevant authorities. This information is saved only to the phone.
This Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) Alert App is free to download. It is available now on Apple, Android and Windows Media platforms.

The Gardaí at Arklow are appealing for information in relation to the unauthorised taking of a mini digger and Lorry between 18.00hrs on the 16/01/2013 and 06.00hrs on the 17/01/2013.
On the 16th January 2013 the mini digger and lorry were secured in a yard at Emoclew Road, Arklow at 18.00hrs. The owner returned the following morning to find the lorry and mini digger had been taken during the course of the night.
An advert was placed on an website by the owner of the vehicles warning potential buyers that they were stolen. As a result of this advert, information was received that a lorry and mini digger matching the description of the stolen vehicles was seen at the Derrylin Roundabout, Belturbet between 17.00hrs and 19.00hrs on either 29th – 30th March 2013.
• Garda believe that these vehicles left Arklow via the Arklow South M11 exit and from there headed northbound.
• The next confirmed sighting of these two vehicles is at the M1 Toll heading northbound, where it collided with a section of the toll barrier.
• A third sighting of these vehicles was at Derrylin Roundabout, Belturbet between 5pm and 7pm on either 29-30 March 2013.
• Gardaí believe that these vehicles are now in Northern Ireland and are appealing for anyone who may have seen these two vehicles to come forward
Gardaí at Arklow Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0402 32304
Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating the theft a table which was taken over the August bank holiday weekend (2.8.2013-7.8.2013) from a truck which was parked up behind a premises at Castlecomer Business Park, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.
This item is a Cellarette used to store bottles of wine in times past. It is described as being a William IV Period mahogany Cellarette of sarcophagus form. The rectangular hinged and domed top with projecting corners, enclosing a metal lined divided interior, above a tapering body with scroll corbels, 42ins (107 cms)
On the 24th September 2013 the Garda Commissioner officially launched the Garda “Supporting Safer Communities Campaign” at the National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska, Co Laois.
Assistant Commissioner Nolan delivered a pre-corded Interview with Grainne Seoige on the aims and focus of this Campaign.
This is a ‘Community Safety’ Initiative which runs all of this week up until the 1st October. We hope to engage with our communities, through a number of Events aimed at Preventing Crime & Promoting Road Safety all across Ireland.
Campaign Focus
The Primary Focus during this Campaign will be in the following areas;
* High Visibility Policing
* Crime Prevention and Reduction
* Supporting the Victims of Crime, and
* Promoting Road Safety.
In this Campaign, we are placing a particularly strong emphasis on;
# Burglary Prevention
# Mobile Phone Theft Prevention, and
# Bicycle and Theft from Vehicles Prevention.
Around the country An Garda Síochána are taking part in a number of Community based ‘Activities’ which are primarily aimed at promoting Safer Communities for us all to live in. These Activities include;
~COMMUNITY PARTNER MEETINGS SUCH AS Neighbourhood Watch and Community Alert.
We encourage people to call to their Local Garda Station to find out what ‘Activities’ are happening in their local area.
Advice Leaflets
We have developed excellent ‘Crime Prevention Advice’ Leaflets on these areas which will is available for the public to view on our Website –
On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to focus on the danger of motorists using their mobile phones while driving their vehicles.

On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to focus on pedestrian visibility.
An Garda Síochána have received nearly 30,000 hi viz items from the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and are distributing them at locations nationwide.
Gardaí are using social media sites to advertise these events.
On this month’s traffic segment Garda Derek Cloughley was in studio to focus on speeding and improper overtaking.
Garda Cloughley was in studio with footage showing drivers speeding and improperly overtaking. He also bring us up to date on the most recent road fatalities statistics.

On this month’s traffic segment Garda Cloughley was in studio to discuss Operation Focus. This is a national operation targeting safe driving practice. Garda Cloughley was in studio with footage showing drivers breaking red lights.
Garda Derek Cloughley was also bringing us up to date on the most recent road fatalities statistics - 88 to the 18/6/13
Please click here to see road safety advice for adverse weather conditions