The Gardaí at Clonmel Garda Station are investigating an armed robbery that occurred at a Jewellers on O’Connell Street, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary on Monday, the 18th July 2011.
• The Volkswagen Golf car registration number 00MH5527 was stolen from Seville Lawns, Callan Road in Kilkenny between the 15th and 18th of July 2011. It was taken without the keys and the immobilizer on the vehicle was disabled which would require knowledge in order to do this. • Gardaí believe that a second black Volkswagen Golf car travelled in convoy with the stolen silver Golf and picked up the two raiders in Colligan, on the Clonmel to Dungarven Road. • Anyone with information in relation to this incident or who can identify the raiders please contact the Gardaí at Clonmel. • The raider’s faces were not covered and the quality of the CCTV is very clear.
The shop opened at 9.30am and there were two shop assistants and a customer present. The owner was on the phone at the back of the shop and a second shop assistant was working on some jewellery.
At approximately 11am two armed raiders dressed in navy jackets, baseball hats and green gloves entered the shop and threatened the staff and customer. One of the raiders was armed with what appeared to be a handgun and told the staff and customer to get down. The second man was carrying a bag. He removed a hammer from the bag and smashed a display cabinet taking the most expensive items of jewellery from the top shelf and placing them in his bag. The first raider ordered the owner and the shop assistant to the ground in the middle of the shop. He spoke with a foreign accent, believed to be eastern European. The second raider moved to another display cabinet and again removed the most expensive items of jewellery from the top shelf.
The raiders left the shop and ran down Shelmaden’s Lane leading to the New Quay and made their getaway in a silver Volkswagen Golf vehicle registration number 00MH5527. They travelled in the direction of Irishtown and turned left onto Convent Road and then onto the Dungarven Road. The Golf car was later discovered by Gardaí at a lay-by on the Clonmel to Dungarven Road at Colligan. The engine was left running.

The Gardaí at Glanmire Garda Station are investigating an armed robbery that occurred at a bank in the Hazelwood Shopping Centre.
On Friday, the 5th August 2011 just after 10am two masked and armed raiders entered the bank while a cash transaction was been carried out by a security van at the premises. One of the raiders was armed with a sledge hammer and threatened the security employee and staff at the bank. He demanded money and brought the security staff member to the vault area of the bank. The second raider armed with a shot gun remained at the front door. A struggle occurred between the raider and the security staff which resulted in him leaving the sledge hammer behind and fleeing empty handed.
The raiders fled in a blue Mondeo registration number 08D11575 which was stolen during the course of a burglary in Ratoath, Ashbourne, Co. Meath on the 29th March 2011. The front registration number was altered with oil to read 08D11676.
The car was found partially burnt at Windsor Hill, Glounthaune, Co. Cork.
• The Ford Mondeo car was stolen during a burglary in Ratoath in Ashbourne, Co. Meath on the 29th of March 2011. Gardaí are looking for anyone with information as to the whereabouts of the car before the robbery on the 5th of August 2011.
• Anyone who was in the Glanmire area prior to or at the time of the attempted robbery who may have seen the Ford Mondeo car parked in the car park of the Hazelwood Shopping Centre beside the bank.
• Anyone who may have seen the raiders abandon the Ford Mondeo car at Windsor Hill, Glountaune.
Gardaí at Glanmire Garda Station are investigating Telephone 021 4821002

The Gardaí at Monaghan Garda Station are investigating a fatal hit and run collision that occurred on the 26th of June 2011.
In the early hours of Sunday, the 26th June 2011 Fintan Traynor, who was just 20 years old, was killed when a car struck him as he walked home to Lemgare Road, Co. Monaghan. This road links the village of Clontibret and Annyalla with Derrynoose and Keady, Co. Armagh.
Fintan had attended a family reunion on Saturday, the 25th June with family members from Australia who returned for a four week holiday. Fintan and his cousin Ciaran travelled to Castleblayney where they met up with more friends and continued to socialise in the town. Just before 2am Fintan and his cousin Ciaran were walking along the main street in Castleblayney and stopped to talk to a cab driver who gave them a lift home to their uncle’s house in Annayalla where Ciaran was staying. They said goodnight and Fintan left to walk the 3 kilometres to his own home. This would have taken just thirthy minutes. About one kilometre up the road, a neighbours CCTV camera shows a figure passing at 2.41am.
Early on the Sunday morning, Fintan’s uncle who had travelled from Australia took an early morning walk with his wife down the quiet country road towards Lemgare Road. They came across the body of Fintan lying on the road. He had been struck by a car.
• Appeal to the owner/driver of offending vehicle which we now know to be an Audi A.4 car to come forward and assist the Gardaí.
• Appeal to the driver of the car which travelled from Tasson (Murphys Cross) towards Lemgare at 3.31a.m. on the 26th June, 2011 to come forward.
• Appeal to garages/vehicle repair workshops/suppliers of car parts on both sides of the border to come forward and assist in the investigation.
• Any other persons who were socialising or travelled through this area on the morning
• Appeal to any person who has any information to assist and to contact the Gardaí on Garda Confidential Line 180-0-666-111 or Monaghan Garda Station 047-77200 or any Garda Station.
• The road where the collision occurred is not widely used by the public and Gardaí believe that there may be some people locally who might have valuable information and have not yet come forward. They may have noticed a car of this description which was damaged or some person whose mood swings or behaviour which may have changed. The person involved may have confided to some close friend or family member about the accident.
Gardaí at Monaghan Garda Station are investigating Telephone 04777200

Gardaí in Tipperary Garda Station are currently looking for a missing person, Bobby Ryan of Boherlahan, Co. Tipperary. On Friday 3rd June 2011 relatives of Bobby Ryan reported him missing. He had stayed in a house in Fawnagowan, Bansha Road, Tipperary on Thursday night 2nd June 2011 and left at approximately 6.30am on Friday morning to go to work at Kilough Quarry near Thurles, Co. Tipperary. He failed to turn up for work and colleagues contacted his son and daughter.
Gardaí at Tipperary Town were notified at approximately 2pm. At 2.30pm Mr Ryan's Silver coloured Citroen van was discovered parked at a car park at Kilshane Woods, Bansha, Tipperary, which is an amenity area for walkers using the local woodlands.
A Male matching his description was seen walking along a country road at Cordangan, Tipperary Town at approximately 10am on Friday 3rd June, the morning he went missing.
Bobby Ryan's family are concerned for his safety as he has not contacted family or friends since Friday morning June 3rd 2011.
Bobby Ryan is an Irish national and 52 years of age. He is described as 14st, 5ft 2" with hazel eyes and bald. When last seen he wearing a navy polo t-shirt, navy tracksuit bottoms, navy jumper and white runners.
Gardaí at Tipperary Garda Station are investigating Telephone 062 80670
Gardaí at Bailieboro Garda Station are appealing for assistance in tracing the whereabouts of Gerard Daly, date of birth 07/11/1968.
Gerard is missing from his home at Cornaveagh, Bailieboro, Co. Cavan, since Sunday, the 26th June 2011. He is formerly from Knockmore Grove in Tallaght and moved to the Bailieboro area in recent years.
Gerard’s partner and her children were staying with him the weekend of his disappearance. She left at 6pm on Sunday the 26th June 2011 and returned to her own home. On Monday the 27th June Gerard’s partner attempted to contact him by phone. She then contacted a friend who called to Gerard’s home and discovered the house vacant with no sign of Gerard.
Gerard’s partner was the last person to see him on Sunday evening, his routine would have included tending to his dogs which he kept at the house, one of the dogs was running loose and they had not been fed. The iron gates leading to the house were left open and the keys to the house were gone. Gerard’s wallet was still in his house and he did not collect his social welfare payment the following Tuesday the 28th.
Gardaí at Bailieboro Garda Station are investigating Telephone 042 9694570

The Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating the murder of Kenneth Fetherston, date of birth - 20/05/1983.
On Tuesday, the 22nd September 2009 Kenneth Fetherston went missing. At 8.30am that morning, he left his apartment in his red Honda Civic vehicle registration number . He then drove to Luke Lawlor’s Filling Station and bought €10 worth of petrol.
Kenneth Fetherston was driving a red Honda Civic registered number 93 D 44862 and this vehicle was located on the 26th September 2011, in a lay-by on the N11, near the Gorey bypass. The driver’s door was unlocked and there was no key in the car. The car was abandoned there between 11pm on Tues 22nd and 10am on Wed 23rd. Kenneth’s mobile phone has not been used since 9.30am on Tues 22nd Sept.
On Sunday 31/1/2010 two people out walking at Military road in the Dublin Mountains discovered what they believed to be human remains. The remains were subsequently identified as those of Kenneth Fetherston.
• The investigation so far has lead to a number of arrests and the investigation is quite advanced, Gardaí are looking for persons to come forward with even the smallest piece of information which could bring this investigation to a successful conclusion.
• Gardaí believe that the persons involved may have confided in a close friend and family member and we are now appealing for you to come forward.
Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6666000
The Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are investigating a serious assault on a woman that occurred in the Monastery Estate in the early hours of Sunday, the 11th September 2011.
On Saturday, the 10th September 2011 the woman and her friends went to a local pub in Clondalkin village. The pub closed at 2.30am and the woman and her friends went to a nearby Chinese take away. They sat on a wall and had their food. The woman and her friends walked home towards the Monastery Estate. The woman said goodnight to her friend and continued to walk home alone. A man wearing a blue jacket with white writing on the back walked up behind her and they said hello to each other. He had a foreign accent. She crossed the road and walked into her garden. As the woman got close to her door a man jumped at her and forced her to the ground. The man punched the woman in the face as she struggled to defend herself. She scratched him on the side of his face. During the course of the assault the woman also managed to bit her attacker on the hand.
• The Gardaí are looking to interview the male who passed the victim and said hello to her.
• The victim may have left marks on the attackers face and possibly a bite mark on his hand.
• Anyone who the Gardaí has not yet spoken to who was in the Monastery Estate / Clondalkin area on the night of the attack and may have information.
Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667600