The Gardaí at Castlecomer Garda Station are investigating a burglary at a post office in the town just after 5.15am on Wednesday, the 5th October 2011.
The gang involved in the burglary had already stolen a Hyundai 360 Excavator reg. number 07 CE 2206 from Carlow hours earlier. The excavator was on the side of the road and had been parked up for the night. A silver Toyota Landcruiser reg. number 03 LS 312 was also at the scene, this vehicle had been stolen from Kilkenny on the 17th August 2011.
At approximately 3am a third car was observed on CCTV at a service station in Carlow. It was travelling in front of the landcruiser and the excavator. The car was believed to be a black Volkswagen Golf with large alloy wheels.
At 5.08am the convoy was spotted on the Castlecomer to Athy Road by a witness on their way to work. A short time later in Coolbawn, just outside Castlecomer two more witnesses spotted the convoy.
CCTV at the post office captured the excavator and the jeep travelling along the main street in the direction of the Post Office, the jeep was now towing a trailer.
The raiders then used the excavator to pull down the front of the post office causing extensive damage. The raiders got into the building and removed the safe. They left he excavator at the scene and made their getaway in the Landcruiser in the direction of Clogh, Co. Kilkenny.
• Anyone who was in the area at the time of the incident and has not yet come forward with information
• Anyone who may have witnessed the convoy en-route to the post office and may have information to contact the Gardaí
• Anyone who knows the whereabouts of the trailer and the safe to come forward and contact the Gardaí
Gardaí at Kilkenny Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0567775000

On the 11th October 2001 at approximately 5.05pm, 2 males entered Holycross Abbey, Thurles, Co. Tipperary armed with a hammer, a screwdriver and angle grinder and forced open a cabinet containing 2 Holy Crosses.
The culprits left in a Red/Wine VW Touareg (believed to be 06 LK 5124 which had been stolen on the 11.03.11 in Greystones). This vehicle was subsequently found burnt out a short distance away. A dark coloured saloon car was observed travelling at speed, in the vicinity of where the jeep was burnt out.
The description of the items stolen:
1. Holy Cross approx. 12” in height, hanging on a chain and contained 2 crosses and 2 dark stones. It was made from Silver and dated back to 14th Century.
2. Holy Cross approximately 12” in height standing on its own base. The cross contained a centrepiece that could hold the host. This cross was made from Gold and Bronze.
These religious artefacts are priceless. The picture attached is of one of the crosses.
Gardaí at Thurles Garda Station are investigating Telephone 0504 25100
Gardaí at Rathfarnham Garda Station are investigating an attempted robbery at a post office in Knocklyon, Dublin 16 at 9.30am.
Just after 9.30am two males approached the post office, one of the males was armed with a sledge hammer and attempted to smash the glass partition. He made several attempts at this but could not break the glass. The two men then fled the shop and made their getaway in a green Ford Mondeo registration number 95 D 3346.
Gardaí at Rathfarnham Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6666500
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary at a shopping centre in Finglas at 12.30am on Thursday morning, the 15th September 2011.
The shopping centre had been closed for just a half an hour and staff were collecting cash from the self service checkouts on the floor. Two men approached an emergency exit door on a motorbike and began to smash a panel of glass in the door. The men gained entry to the shop and threatened the staff. They demanded the money from the self service machines.
Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667500
The Gardaí at Kilmainham Garda Station are re-appealing for information into the disappearance of James Kenny McDonagh (Dob) 16/06/1982 from Islandbridge Court, Kilmainham, Dublin 8.
James Kenny McDonagh is 28 years old and a father of one. He has been missing since the 27th October 2010. At approximately 1.23pm James left a friend’s apartment in the Cedarbrook area of Ballyfermot. He was driving a wine coloured Mazda 6 vehicle registration number 02 D 68758 which was on loan from a garage as he was having trouble with his own car. James was also using two crutches as an aid to an injury he sustained in his left leg some months earlier.
Between 3.30pm and 4pm on the 27th October 2010 a woman who knew James saw him driving in the Bluebell area, he travelled onto the Naas road where the witness and James were stopped at a red traffic light. They had a short conversation and James informed the woman that he was going to meet a man about purchasing a jeep. The woman turned left onto Walkinstown Avenue and James continued straight out the Naas Road. This was the last sighting of James.
The Gardaí at Carrick-on-Shannon are investigating the disappearance of local man Patrick Heeran. Patrick is 48 years old and has not been seen since he left Mohill, Co Leitrim on the 3rd October 2011 at 4.20pm
Patrick is described as being 5’9’’ in height and of stocky build with fair hair. When last seen he was wearing brown shoes, blue jeans and a brown jacket.
His family and friends have not had any contact with him since and they describe this behaviour to be extremely out of character for him.
The Gardaí at Carrick-on-Shannon have serious concerns for the well being and safety of Patrick and are asking for the public’s assistance in locating him.
In particular they would like to speak friends or acquaintances of Patrick who may have any information that may help progress this case.
Gardaí at Carrick-on-Shannon Garda Station are investigating Telephone 071 9650510

Ciaran Noonan was walking on Russell Avenue East, East Wall, Dublin 3 at approx 4:30pm on Thursday, the 20th October 2011 when the occupants of a black VW Golf alighted from the vehicle, assaulted him with an iron bar and bundled him into the rear of the car. This vehicle is a black coloured VW Golf Registration number 05 D 88805 (4 door saloon with small rear spoiler, spoked wheels and tinted windows). Gardaí are also interested in a blue BMW 3 series with 3/4 males on board which was seen in the East Wall area on the day of the abduction.
This black VW Golf registration number 05 D 88805 is then believed to have travelled from Russell Avenue East onto Church Road, left onto Mary's Road and right onto West Road. This vehicle then travelled left at the roundabout onto Ossary Road, left onto North Strand Road, straight on Amiens Street taking a right turn onto Buckingham Street, right onto Summerhill and straight up the North Circular Road passing through junction with Dorset Street.
This VW Golf 05 D 88805 was later abandoned at approximately 8:15pm on the same day, Thursday, the 20th October 2011 in an underground car-park at Killegland Apartment complex in Ashbourne Village, Co. Meath.
The body of Ciaran Noonan was located in an area of land approx 5 miles from Trim in Tullaghmeaden, Drumree, Co Meath (known locally as Tullameadow) on Friday evening, the 4th November 2011.
• Gardaí are Appealing to anyone who may have information with regard to this incident or who may have seen the following:
• A black VW Golf registration number 05 D 88805 in the East wall area, along the route as set out above, the Ashbourne area where it was later abandoned and/or also in the Co. Meath general area on Thursday the 20th October, 2011.
• Anything unusual, no matter how insignificant it may seem in the Tullaghmeaden area from the 20th October 2011 until the discovery of Ciaran Noonan's body on the 4th November 2011.
Gardaí at Store Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6668000

Emer O'Loughlin was a 23 year old woman whose body was discovered in a burnt out mobile home at Ballybornagh, Tubber, Co. Clare on the 8th April 2005.
On the morning of the 19th May 2010 an exhumation order was executed when Ms.O’Loughlin’s body was exhumed by investigating Gardaí.
The body was then removed to Galway University Hospital where forensics test were conducted on the body. The results of these tests have indicated that Emer O’Loughlin was murdered.
A Crime Stoppers Appeal was launched on Friday, 18th November 2011. Investigating Gardaí are hoping that the public can assist them in their efforts to trace a man by the name of John Griffin, who is formerly of 24 Cardinal Cushing Road, Mervue, Co Galway.
Gardaí believe that John Griffin may have information that will assist them in progressing their investigation.
• Anyone who knows the whereabouts of John Griffin
• Gardaí believe John Griffin is currently somewhere in Europe
• John Griffin has a tattoo of Celtic design on his Adam’s apple area of his neck.
Gardaí at Gort Garda Station are investigating Telephone 091 636400

The Gardaí at Finglas Garda Station are investigating the double murder of Mark Noonan and Glen Murphy that occurred on Tuesday, the 23rd November 2010 at approximately 23.42hrs at Tesco Clearwater Service Station, Finglas, Dublin 11.
Both men travelled to the service station in Mark’s Toyota Avensis car registration number 05 D 86211. A BMW saloon vehicle registration number 06 D 13665 pulled into the forecourt of the service station and a number of shots were discharged from the vehicle wounding and killing both men who died at the scene.
The BMW drove out of the service station and travelled onto the Finglas dual carriage way. They travelled onto the M50 and exited at the M50/M1 Junction. They travelled up the M1 and drove through the M1 Toll Plaza at Drogheda, Co. Meath.
Moments after the incident two girls ran into Tesco Shopping centre located beside the service station. Gardai believe these girls may have witnessed the incident.
The two men had spent their day in and around the Finglas and Blanchardstown area, travelling in Marks car. At 23.25hrs the two men drove to the Tesco Shopping Centre car park. They went into the shopping centre and spent several minutes walking through the aisles. At the same time a male wearing a bright orange jacket, tracksuit bottoms and a blue hat walked in ahead of them. This male was on his mobile phone and walked halfway down an aisle. The two injured party’s enquire about purchasing cigarettes and state they will go the Tesco express garage for them. They leave Tesco and return to their vehicle and drive to the service station.
• Anyone who was in the area at the time of the incident or may have witnessed suspicious activity before or after the incident.
• The male in the orange jacket on his mobile phone in Tesco Shopping Centre.
• The BMW involved in this incident was observed in the Warrenpoint area of Co. Down in the days prior to this incident. If anyone observed this vehicle in this area, please contact the Gardaí
Gardaí at Blanchardstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667000
The Gardaí in the Dublin South & North Central Divisions are investigating a number of burglaries that have occurred in city centre business premises over the last couple of months.
A male, well dressed in a shirt, tie and jacket enters the business premises either through an underground car park or tailgates a member of staff after they use a swipe card to enter through a secure door.
Once inside the premises he makes his way to different floor levels and into offices, once inside he helps himself to numerous amounts of property belonging to both staff and the business premises.
Gardaí at Pearse Street Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6669000