The Gardaí at Tallaght Garda Station are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred at the house of a local businessman and his family.
On Monday the 14th February 2011 at approximately 12.45am the man’s wife and their five year daughter and sixteen year old niece were in the house at the time. The niece and daughter were in the sitting room watching television. The woman was in the kitchen. Two men approached the front door tried to kick it in. The woman heard the noise and walked into the hall. She saw a shadow pass the front door. The raiders moved to the sitting room window and threw a rock at the glass. The window was double glazed and it took force to break it.
The house alarm was activated as a result of this. The sixteen year old niece screamed and ran from the sitting room. The mother ran into the sitting room and grabbed her daughter. She ran into the kitchen to get the telephone. Her niece ran into a bedroom. The two men had opened the sitting room window and climbed in. Both men wore balaclavas and were armed with a shotgun and a baseball bat. As the mother ran back into the hall she met the two men. The man armed with the shotgun placed his hand on the back of her head and told her to get them the bag of money. He brought her to the bedroom where the niece was and told her to put the phone down. He continued to demand money. The men told her to turn off the house alarm and brought them back up to the sitting room.
They were then ordered back down to the bedroom to get more money. The mother gave the men two zipped envelopes of money. The man armed with the shotgun demanded more money but the mother told them that was all they had. He demanded the keys to her car a silver Renault Megane registration number 08 D 61980. They ordered her to open the electric gates at the end of the garden. The niece attempted to open the gate using a key fob but was unable to do it so the mother opened the gates. The men were unable to get the car started and the woman had to show them how to do it. The mother, her niece and her daughter stood at the front door as the men drove out of the garden. They turned left and out of sight. The Renault Megane was recovered parked at the Belfry Rise estate on the 16th February 2011.
Description of Men:
Male 1 - Tall and Stocky, 5ft 11” – 6ft wearing a balaclava and dark clothing. Spoke with a fake Northern Irish Accent but later spoke with a Dublin accent.
Male 2 - Smaller in height also wearing a balaclava spoke with a Dublin Accent.
• Anyone who was in the Kiltipper area of Tallaght before or after the incident and may have witnessed suspicious activity.
• Anyone who may have seen the Silver Renault Megane registration number 08 D 61980 between the 14th and 16th of February 2011.
• Anyone in the Belfry Estate who may have seen this car in the estate on Wednesday the 16th February 2011.
The Gardaí in Abbeyleix are investigating an Armed Robbery and Hi-Jacking that occurred on Friday, the 3rd September 2010 in the Doonane Estate, Cretty’s Yard, Co. Laois.
A revenue collector for Laois County Council was working in the Doonane Estate in Cretty’s Yard in Abbeyleix. He started work at half past nine in this area. He collected revenue and inputted accounts into a handheld terminal. At 1.13pm the collector was just leaving the Doonane estate travelling in his own car, a blue Opel Astra registration number 06 LS 1063. A blue Volkwagon Golf registration number 02 WX 1446 drove towards him and blocked his path.
Three men jumped out of the blue Golf. They were dressed in dark clothes and wearing balaclavas. One of the men was armed with a double barrel shotgun. They approached the driver’s door of the collector’s car. The man armed with the shotgun opened the door and pointed the gun at the side of the collector’s head and demanded money. They told him to get out of the car and continued to shout at him. The collector had a money bag around his neck. They demanded the money bag. One of the raiders grabbed the bag from the collector.
Once they had the money bag two of the men ran back towards the blue Golf and the man armed with the shotgun got into the collector’s Opel Astra. Both sped off and turned left out of the Doonane estate in the direction of Abbeyleix. About one hundred metres further down this road they turned right and travelled in the direction of Wolf Hill. The Opel Astra was recovered here a short time later. The blue Golf was recovered at 1pm on the 4th September 2010 in St. Abbans Terrace, Coolnaugh, Ballickmoyler Arles, Co. Loais.
This Golf was stolen between the 27th and 28th of August between 11pm and 8.30am in Ballyglisheen, Borris, Co. Carlow. Items recovered in this car are linked to an unauthorised taking of a green BMW X5 Jeep registration number 02 WX 8294 from Moorefield, Newbawn, New Ross, Co. Wexford on the night of the 31st August 2010. This vehicle was recovered in New Ross on the morning of the 3rd September 2010 following a failed attempt to steal a Hitachi Track Machine from a Vocational School in New Ross. A white Scania low loader truck registration number 00 WX 9088 was stolen in the early hours of the 3rd September in Morriseysland in New Ross is also connected to this incident. This vehicle was later recovered at Toughers, Dublin Road Carlow at 8.15am on the morning of the 3rd September 2011.
Description of Men:
All three men were described as being of similar height, about 5'7” of 5'8” and of similar build. They were wearing dark tracksuit bottoms or jeans. They were wearing grey balaclavas and gloves. They had flat midlands accents.
• Anyone who observed the Blue Golf registration number 02 WX 1446 in the St. Abbans Terrace area in the days prior to this incident.
• Anyone who may be in a position to assist with the investigation or who may have any information regarding the incidents associated with the Armed Robbery and Hi-Jacking incident.
Abbeyleix Garda Station 057 8730580
The Gardaí at Cabra Garda Station are investigating a Burglary that occurred at The Office of the Revenue Commissioners at Ashtown Gate. At 7.17pm on the evening of Thursday, the 27th January 2011 there men forced the pedestrian gate into the perimeter of the Office of the Revenue Commissioners. This gate is controlled by magnetic lock, which the men forced open.
This pedestrian gate is located at the Halfway House Roundabout. Once inside the grounds the three men forced to an external emergency door, where they entered the building. They removed ten laptop computers from the offices. They are captured on CCTV leaving the premises carrying two laptop bags and a sports bag at 7.44pm.The ten laptops were recovered in a house under construction in an unfinished housing development in the Cruise Park area of Tyrellstown, Dublin 15. A black sports bag was also recovered and the make of the bag was “Head”.
Cabra Garda Station 01 6667400
On the 17th February 2011 at 4.30pm an elderly woman was in her home in Wadelai Road, Glasnevin. An unknown male called to her home and stated he was checking the heating system in the area and his name was Tommy Doyle. He said he was a friend of a man known to her. The male checked all the rooms in the house and checked the walls. He stated there was a problem with the heating and he would need to order a part to fix it. The woman had not reported any problems with her heating system. She offered to pay him for the part by cheque but he refused. He asked her if she had an ATM account and stated that she did but she could only take €200 out at a time. The male stated that he would take her to the bank in order for her to withdraw the cash. He brought her to Bank on Mobhi Road and parked outside while the woman went into the bank and withdrew €600 which she gave to the man. He then brought her home and told her he would return on the 18/02/2011 at 9.30am but he never did.
Description of Male - 5ft 6”, heavy build, clean shaven & spoke with an Irish accent, wearing blue jeans, light coloured blue or white top.
Ballymun Garda Station 01 6664400
The Gardai in Wexford are investigating the discovery of human remains in the sea near to Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford.
On the 3rd April 2010 a trawler was deep sea fishing thirty five miles south of Kilmore Quay in Wexford. When the crew opened the net they discovered a human skull. They immediately notified the Gardai who began their investigation. The State Pathologist performed a port mortem on the remains. Extensive tests and examinations were carried out and established that the remains were a female Caucasian aged between thirty five and sixty five years of age.
They established that she would have lived on the east coast of America and was of European descent. The tests showed that this woman may have had arthritis or trouble moving her neck. The remains were brought to Dundee University where a facial reconstruction was done. During this process a dental examination was carried out and it was discovered that one of the molars had a crown fitted to it. The presence of the molar and the crown provided a good source of DNA and allowed a DNA profile to be made. Further analysis carried out suggested that, between the ages of six and fourteen she may have lived in Kansas, West Virginia and along the eastern seaboard of the United States of America and had a good diet, with plenty of fish, meat and vegetables.
Anyone in a position to identify this lady or offer any assistance to the investigation team to come forward.
Member in charge - Detective Garda Gerry Kealy (pictured), Wexford Garda Station on 053 916 5200

The Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are appealing to the public in relation to missing person Esra Uyrun (Date of birth - 1/3/1972) who has been missing from her home at Collinstown Grove, Clondalkin since the 23rd February 2011 at approximately 7.15am.
She left her home in a silver Renault Twingo registration number 08 D 23067. This vehicle was located in a car park at the bottom of Bray Head. When last seen she was wearing black leggings, a dark top and white Nike trainers. She is originally from Turkey. CCTV captured the Renault Twingo turning right from Convent Avenue onto Strand Road in Bray at approx 8.40am on the 23rd February 2011. A Skoda car had to swerve to avoid a collision. The Renault then moved to the left hand side of the road and pulled in to allow the Skoda to overtake it. They both continued down the Strand Road in the direction of Bray Head. Later that morning the CCTV Camera is pointed at the Car Park at the bottom of Bray Head and the silver Renault Twingo car is parked here. There has been no activity on her bank accounts or her Facebook page since the 23rd February 2011.
Ronanstown Garda Station 01 6667700

The Gardaí at Terenure Garda Station are making another appeal for information in relation to the murder of Liam Murray. Liam was discovered at his home in Rockbrook Cottages in Rathfarnham on Friday the 20th March 2009. He had been shot. Liam had not been seen for a number of days prior to his murder. He spent St. Patrick’s Day in the Headline Bar on Clanbrassil Street in Dublin before making his way towards his home in Rockbrook Cottages at around 6.20pm. Liam was driving a black Mitsubishi Pajero jeep.
Gardaí are appealing for witnesses who may have seen Liam on St. Patrick’s Day or if they noticed any suspicious activity around his home between this day and Friday the 20th March 2009.
Terenure Garda Station 01 6666400

The Gardaí at Carlingford Garda Station are investigating the theft of a consignment of Finnegan Whiskey that was stolen from a distillery at Cooley, Co. Louth. On the 5th February 2011, a forty foot container loaded with 3,150 cases of Finnegan’s Whiskey was stolen from the yard after a white truck entered the premises and left with the container. The trailer was later recovered in Richardstown, Dunleer, Co. Louth.
Finnegan Whiskey is not available on the Irish market. The label on the front of each bottle is in the English language and the label on the rear of each bottle is in the French Language, except the actual words “Finnegan Finest Irish Whiskey. The bottles were stocked in brown cardboard boxes labelled “Finnegan Irish Whiskey” and “Uisce Beatha”. Each box contained six bottles.
Omeath Garda Station 042 9375175