Gardaí at Wicklow are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred at a house at Three Mile Water, Brittas Bay, shortly after 8pm, Thursday 26th May 2011.
Four masked men entered the house, one was carrying a knife, and threatened the only occupant – a woman in her thirties.
They managed to get away with a number of items of jewellery which have a substantial value. There is no direction of travel or better description of the suspects.
Gardaí are appealing to any potential witnesses who were in the area between 7pm and 9pm to contact them on 0404 60140, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station.
We are making a similar appeal to anyone who may have seen suspicious activity in this area in the week prior to the aggravated burglary to contact them.
The Gardaí at Ballyfermot Garda Station are investigating a cash in transit robbery that occurred on Wednesday the 23rd of March 2011.
At approximately 9.50am a delivery was being made to a post office on Decies Road, Ballyfermot. The security van reversed into a car park in front of the post office. The driver noticed a black Toyota Avensis pull up across the road in front of the van. It had a replacement bumper on the back with yellow writing on it. The delivery man got out the passenger side of the van. He walked to the back of the van and opened the security hatch and removed the cash box. A man came from the passenger side of the van and confronted him with a small pistol. He pointed the gun at the security man and demanded the cash box. The security man threw the cash box on the ground and the armed raider took it and ran to a waiting red Volkswagen Golf registration number 008WW1941 and got into the passenger seat. The driver of the Golf car drove away at speed. The raiders drove to First Avenue, The Ranch, Ballyfermot and set the car on fire. The two men threw the cash box on to the ground in an attempt to open it. The purple dye in the box exploded and the raiders left the box on the ground and ran to a waiting black car which drove off at speed.
• Anyone who was in the Decies Road area or surrounding area before this incident on the morning of Wednesday the 23rd of March 2011
• The owner of the black Toyota Avensis car that was parked across from the security van on Decies Road to come forward.
• The red Volkswagen Golf registration number 08WW1941 was stolen during a burglary in Wicklow between midnight and 6am on Tuesday the 22nd of March 2011. Was this vehicle in the area before the incident?
• Anyone with information on the black car that was parked in the Phoenix Street / First Avenue Area. Gardaí believe this car was parked here for some time prior to the robbery. The partial registration number of this car was 00MH.
• The security box leaked purple dye and this could have got onto the raiders hands and clothing.
Description of Men:
• Raider 1 – 6ft in height, stocky build, wearing a grey hoody with his face covered and red gloves
• Raider 2 – Driver of the red golf was small, stocky with short mousy brown hair dressed in all black
Gardaí at Ballyfermot Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 66667200

Metal Theft
Metal theft has become one of the fastest growing crimes in Ireland. In some regions it is reported to have reached alarming proportions. When the price of scrap metal rises, so too does the theft of scrap metal.
It is believed that this increase in the price of metal is a direct result of the rapid industrial development in countries like India and China. The metals most commonly stolen are copper, aluminium, brass and bronze and with the approximate market value of one tonne of aluminium estimated at €1,750 it can be a very lucrative business. Metal thieves target our rail services, manholes, churches, public buildings, telecommunication cables, homes and electricity substations. These thefts are putting communities in danger. Inspector Niall Featherstone and a representative from the ESB will be in studio to discuss the problem in detail.
Safety Call (Crime Prevention)
Sergeant Andrew Haran was in studio to offer viewers a Summer Crime Prevention message on personal safety and burglaries.
This month’s traffic feature focused on dangerous driving, Sergeant Jim McAllister was in studio to discuss motorists breaking red traffic lights and the consequences of this action.

The Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are investigating the murder of Dean Johnston that occurred on Wednesday the 25th of May 2011.
At approximately 8.50pm Dean Johnston was sitting in the back of a red Volkswagen golf registration number 96D7503 on Moorefield Avenue just yards from his home. A lone gunman approached the car and fired shots in through the rear passenger window hitting Dean and killing him. He was taken by ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later.
Dean was just 20 years old and was a fitness fanatic. He was hoping to become a fitness instructor.
• Anyone in the Moorefield estate and Neilstown Road area at the time of the murder or in the hours prior to the incident to contact the Gardaí
• Any sightings of the gunman in the Moorefield estate or surrounding area prior to or immediately after the incident to contact the Gardaí
• Anyone with information in relation to the murder or identity of the person(s) involved in this incident to contact the Gardaí to be treated in confidence.
Gardaí at Ronanstown Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 66667700
The Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are investigating a serious assault on a woman that occurred in broad daylight on Monday the 30th of May 2011.
On that Monday morning a young woman walked into Ballymount Park shortly after 11am by the Newlands Cross Cemetery entrance. She was taking her daily walk through the park. She usually did two circuits of the park passing an area known and “The Castle Ruins”. This area of the park is close to the Luas track and the Kingswood Castle estate.
As she walked around by the Castle Ruins for the first time she noticed a man standing beside some shrubbery close to the pond. She walked towards the pond and past by the man. The woman continued on completing her first loop of the park. She came around the area known as the Castle Ruins a second time at 11.43am. She had just finished talking to a friend on her mobile phone. She noticed the same man standing in the same spot. The man was staring at the woman as she walked on the path. As the woman passed the man he suddenly lunged at her. He threw her to the ground and assaulted her. He placed his hands around her neck and began to choke her. The woman struggled and fought back. Her screams alerted two people in the park who ran towards her and shouted at the man attacking her. The man fled and ran in the direction of the castle ruins. The woman ran to another passer by in the park looking for help.
Description of Man:
5ft 10Inches to 6ft in height, 25-30yrs old, sallow complexion, clean shaven, mousy brown hair, (short and spiky at the fringe) medium to athletic build wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans and a large link chain around his neck, smoker.
• A cyclist in the park saw a man matching the description of the attacker standing around smoking close to the pathway beside the pond, he saw the same man a short time later sitting on a bench beside the pond, did you see this man in the park at this time ?
• Anyone with information about this incident or this man to contact the Gardaí.
Gardaí at Clondalkin Garda Station are investigating Telephone 01 6667600
At 10.05 a.m. on Monday, the 23rd May 2011 Gardaí in Kilrush received a report that a jewellery shop at Moore Street was broken into.
Investigators believe the culprits constructed home made ladders to climb a rear wall some distance from the rear of the premises. They gained entry by using cutting equipment on the rear protective grill and then smashed a pane of glass in a rear window.
The culprits stole jewellery which was located in the front window of the shop which is screened by a protective grill from public view.
The jewellery is on 11 presentations trays and consisted of diamond rings, bracelets and pendants. The items of jewellery vary in value from €225 to €2,750. The total value is €139,000.
Any member of the public who saw suspicious activity in or near Moore St/Francis St. or who has knowledge on the construction of the wooden ladder please contact Gardai at Kilrush on 065 9080550