Gardaí in Drogheda have launched an investigation following the abduction of the wife of Cash in Transit (CIT) official from her home in Monasterboice, Co. Louth on the 6th November 2010.
At 6am on the 6th November 2010 the woman was taken from her house in a vehicle a silver Mercedes 02 D 43757. She had been held at her home with her husband since 9pm the previous evening. A demand was made that the CIT Company official to obtain a sum of money from Brinks Allied, Clonshaugh and await instructions. It is believed that at least 3 armed people were involved.
During the course of the morning, Gardaí became aware of the incident and a comprehensive response team was put in place involving both local and national units.
At 8.30am this morning a silver Toyota Landcruiser Registration Number 01 KE 843 left the Brinks Allied premises Clonshaugh it was seen in the area of Plunkett College Drumcondra and Thatch Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9. This vehicle was later found abandoned and on fire in St. John's Wood, Ashbourne at 9.30am the morning of the 6th November 2010. A sum of money was handed over to the armed gang. The suspects wore dark overalls and balaclavas.
At approx.10am the wife of the official was released from the rear of a derelict house on Howth Road.
Gardaí are appealing for information from the public on any activity which they might have seen in the following areas:
The silver Mercedes 02 D 43757 from 6am this morning from the injured parties house in Monasterboice and being located this morning 6th Nov 2010 outside 780 Howth Road where it was found burnt out at approx 9.30am.
Any activity either this morning or in the last number of days in and around 780 Howth Road which is a derelict house.
The movements of the Land Cruiser Registration Number 01 KE 843. It left Monasterboice this morning sometime after 6am and en route to Clonshaugh it stopped at the Graveyard at Balbriggan. It then continued to the Brinks Allied premises in Clonshaugh. The Land Cruiser then left the premises at approx 8.30am. Between 8.40am an 9am it was seen in the area of Plunkett College Drumcondra and Thatch Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9. This vehicle was later found abandoned in St. John’s Wood, Ashbourne and on fire at approx 9.30am 6th November 2010.
Any suspicious in and around the Brownstown area of Monasterboice in the last number of days.
Gardaí at Drogheda Investigating Telephone 041 9874200
The Gardaí at Rathcoole are investigating an Aggravated Burglary that occurred at Red Gap, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin on the 19th October 2010.
The occupants of the house were watching TV, when at approximately 9pm a knock was heard on the front window of the house.
The woman of the house looked out the window and saw a man wearing a wig. The woman’s husband then went to the side of the house, where he was confronted by two raiders.
One of the raiders was armed with a handgun while the second had a hammer. The man with the handgun then entered the house and confronted the victim’s wife. A struggle ensued between the second raider and the victim, during which he was hit on the head with a hammer. A third raider then kicked the victim in the ribs. He is then brought inside the house by the raiders.
Once inside both victims are threatened by the men who demanded to know where the safe is. They are shown a gun safe by the victim and steal two Berretta shotguns, camera and some jewellery.
As the men leave the house they met the victims son who had pulled up outside in a blue Van. One of the raiders fired two shots from a handgun at the blue van. They them made their escape in a blue Opel Vectra with a 03 KY registration.
Gardaí at Rathcoole Investigating Telephone 01 666 7900

The identity is sought of a CD Fit who was involved in an aggravated burglary in Malahide on the 29th September 2010. Three men entered the house and held a family at gunpoint. They fired the gun in the house and when leaving in the direction of the house. All three men wore wigs and two wore balaclavas. Coolock Gardaí Investigating Telphone 01 666 4200
Two teenage girls were assaulted in a vicious attack in broad daylight in the Joseph Plunkett Tower at Ballymun, Dublin on 24 September 2010.
The attacks happened around 6.15pm in Ballymun's remaining original tower block. A teenager, visiting a friend in the tower, was attacked from behind as she walked down the stairs. She was hit more than once with an object and fell onto the concrete.
Another teenager, hearing screams saw the injured girl fall headfirst down the staircase. She ran to help her. As she bent over her the attacker struck her over the head too before he fled.
The 16-year-old and 15-year old were hospitalized after the assault. One of them sustained serious head injuries. At first there were fears the teenager might have a permanent brain injury but she has recovered. She has however been left with permanent scarring to her face and head.
Gardaí at Ballymun Investigating Telephone 01 666 4400
Twenty-year old Paul Byrne was last seen alive on Wednesday, the 15th July 2009. His mother and girlfriend appealed on Crimecall for information on his disappearance. Both feared the worst. They believed he’d been killed.
On Thursday, the 29th July 2010 two men clearing land at Ballyfolen in Co. Wicklow found a human skull on the forest floor. The area was sealed off and more human remains were discovered along with some of Paul’s possessions. Forensic examinations were carried out on the remains and on September the 28th it was confirmed the remains were those of Paul Byrne.
Gardaí are appealing for information.
Gardaí at Bray Investigating Telephone 01 666 5300
On 20th October 2010 an armed raider hijacked an articulated truck as it brought a load of liquor from a depot in Armagh.
The driver was on the Greenore Road in Louth when a blue VW golf signalled for him to pull over. Thinking something was wrong with his load he pulled in at an entrance to the nearby Ballymascanlon Hotel.
The man from the VW climbed into the truck’s cab and pulling a handgun from under his sleeve ordered the driver to turn the truck around. The road was very busy, the hijacker very agitated and the driver extremely frightened. It took some time to turn the truck.
The driver drove southbound on the M1 and took the Castleyblaney exit as instructed. He was shaking badly and became too nervous to drive. The hijacker tied him up and put him in the foot well, continuing on the journey north.
Eventually the truck stopped and it was probably then that the trailer was unloaded. The truck driver was bound hand and foot and thrown into the boot of a car. He was then driven at speed down bumpy roads and thrown out onto the side of the road in Carrickastuck in Hackball’s Cross.
A local farmer helped him into his house where they called the Gardaí.
The trailer was since recovered at 7:30pm on the 22nd October 2010 in Donaghmoyne, Co. Monaghan. The Tractor unit was recovered in Momoney in Monaghan at 3:55pm on 31/10/10.
Gardaí at Dundalk Investigating Telephone 042 9388416
Gardaí at Roxboro Road, Limerick are investigating the murder of Jeffrey Hannon which occurred sometime between 3.00am and 3.35am on the morning of Thursday, the 22nd of November 2007.
Jeffrey Hannon had attended a bonfire in the O’Malley Park, Southill, Limerick area on the night of Wednesday November 21st through to the morning of Thursday November 22nd 2007. Jeffrey Hannon was found dead with serious head injuries in O’Malley Park on the morning of 22nd November 2007.
Gardaí at Roxboro Road Garda Station are appealing for anyone who was in the vicinity of O’Malley Park, Southill, Limerick on the night of Wednesday November 21st through to Thursday November 22nd 2007 to contact them or any person who may have any information to contact them.
The investigating Gardaí have received tremendous assistance from the public in their investigation to date and we wish to extend our appreciation for it. However, there may be others who can offer assistance and we appeal to them to make contact. Nothing will be considered too small or insignificant.
Gardaí at Roxboro Road Investigating Telephone 061 214340

On the 28th June 2010, in the Phoenix Park a robbery from the person occurred. The man approached a woman and grabbed her bag, knocked her to the ground and fled in a Fiat Punto, blue/green in colour with a 99 D registration.
He is described as 33-35years, 5’10” in height, stocky with short blonde to reddish hair. Blue eyes and pale skin.
Cabra Garda Station Investigating Telephone 01 6667411
Sergeant Andrew Haran was in studio to offer crime prevention advice around burglaries, specifically with regard to placing information on Social Networking Sites.
On November 16th a new network of safety cameras went live. The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Minister for Transport officially launched this speed reduction campaign on Monday, the 15th November 2010.
The cameras operate from vans and can be moved around the country as needed. Five hundred sites around Ireland, the scenes of speed related collisions will be targeted as ‘speed enforcement zones’. These zones will be listed on . The focus of ‘go safe’ is to prevent collisions, to act as a deterrent and ultimately to save lives.
Six thousand hours a month will be spent monitoring these zones. Mostly at dangerous times – at nights and weekends. Collision data determines how and when the cameras will be used.
The sites are selected on the analysis of crash data when speed has been a major factor in collisions.
A one percent drop in mean speed leads to 2% reduction in injury accidents, 3% reduction in serious injury accidents and 4% reduction in fatalities.
Full information on zones is available on
Sergeant Jim McAllister discussed how it works and the strategy behind it.