Gardaí in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred at the house of a firearms dealer in Carrick on Suir, Co. Tipperary between 1am and 3am on the 9th January 2009.
The victim and his partner were accosted by a gang comprising four men after they had arrived home following a night's socialising. The raiders were armed with a sawn-off shotgun and a knife. They were aggressive and violent, cutting the victim’s face with the knife. Both of the victims were tied up with computer cord and duct tape, as was their daughter who had been watching TV at the time.
The gang then demanded the alarm code and keys to the strong room. They then stole 30 firearms including shotguns, rifles, and handguns.
The gang then loaded the firearms into the boot of the victim’s car, a beige Honda Civic, reg no 03 WX 5048 and made good their escape. The car was subsequently found burned out at Tillary Road, Ballyryan, Monard, near the Tipperary/Limerick border.
Investigating Gardaí: Clonmel Telephone 052 22222

Gardaí at Arklow are investigating a robbery at a Post Office, which occurred on the morning of Thursday 20th November 2008.
Three males dressed in white forensic suits with the hoods and wearing black balaclavas entered the Post Office. The men were armed with a handgun and a sledgehammer. One suspect remained at the door, while another smashed a security screen with the sledgehammer.
Staff were threatened and the suspects made good their escape with a large amount of cash.
The men arrived at the scene in a stolen blue Renault van bearing the false registration number 05 LS 1606. The van was stolen on the 09/11/2008 during a burglary near Newcastle, Co Dublin. The driver who remained in the vehicle during the robbery is described as a “fat heavy man”.
Gardaí believe that some of the men got into a large white van. This van drove in the direction of Gorey. Gardaí are appealing to any witnesses who may have seen these men transferring to the white van.
Investigating Gardaí: Bray Telephone 01 666 5300
Gardaí at Rathmines and Terenure are investigating a fatal road traffic collision involving a pedal cyclist and a blue cement lorry, which occurred at Harold’s Cross Road/Grove Road junction on Wednesday 14th January 2009, at 10.15am.
The Harold’s Cross area is a very busy area for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic and Gardaí are appealing for anyone in the vicinity and who may have witnessed the collision to contact them.
Investigating Gardaí: Terenure Telephone 01 666 6400

Gardaí in Castle Bridge, Co Wexford are seeking public assistance to help trace 18year old Conel Owens missing since 1st January 2009. He was last seen at Culleton’s Gap, Curracloe, Co Wexford.
Conel Owens was reported missing to Gardaí at 1.30pm on the same day by a female friend of his. He had been staying with friends at house in Curracloe along with over 30 other friends. The purpose of the trip was to celebrate the New Year. On the day he went missing Conel left the house he was staying in to attend a party on a nearby beach at Culleton’s Gap. He never arrived at the beach.
Gardaí believe from their investigation that Conel Owens became separated from the remainder of the group on the way to the beach at approx 11pm on 31st December 2008. He has not been seen by any of his friends since.
Gardaí have an unconfirmed sighting of Conel in the village of Curracloe between 11.05pm and 11.10pm. He was heading away from the beach, in the direction of the village and the house in which he was staying.
Description; 18 years, 5’7’’/5’8’’ in height, medium build, oval face, brown hair cut short. He has blue/grey eyes, oval shape. Conel has a tattoo of a sundial around his belly button.
Conel was wearing a red hoody, black tracksuit bottoms, with a thick green stripe with white trim down each leg, and white runners.
Investigating Gardaí: Wexford Telephone 053 65 2000
Michael “Mikey” Berry aged 20 years is missing since 17th December 2008 when he was last seen by a female friend at approx 6p.m to 6.30p.m.
The last signal from his phone was located near the Talbot Hotel, Trinity Street, Wexford at about 11pm.
Mr Berry is described as 5ft 10ins in height, brown hair with fringe-cut short. He has a round face with sallow skin. He was believed to be wearing; dark blue jeans, Khaki French connection t-shirt, a zip up hoodie with sheep type fur inside – army style jacket.
A variety of multi-agency searches have been conducted on land and sea for Michael Berry but as yet he has not been located.
Investigating Gardaí:Wexford Telephone 053 65200
Gardaí at Finglas are investigating the Murder of 35-year-old Graham McNally, which occurred on the evening of Tuesday 20th January 2009 at Coldwinters, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.
Gardaí were alerted to the scene by a Dublin Fire Brigade ambulance. The Gardaí who arrived at the scene discovered a fatally injured male who had sustained gunshot wounds to the head. The scene is located near to a garden centre on the old N2.
An incident room has been set up at Finglas garda station in relation the murder of Graham McNally.
Investigating Gardaí: Blanchardstown Telephone 01 666 7000
Gardaí at Finglas are investigating the murder of 32-year-old Peter Gunn, which occurred on Thursday the 15th January 2009 at, St Margaret’s, Co Dublin.
Peter Gunn was last seen alive on the 4th of January 2009 at Summerhill, Dublin 1 and was reported missing on the 10th of January.
As a result of enquiries by Gardaí, the body of the deceased was discovered in a ditch at Dunsoughly Lane, The Ward, Co Dublin.
A post mortem examination of the deceased resulted in the commencement of a murder investigation at Finglas Garda Station. Gardaí are appealing for any information that may help their investigations.
Investigating Gardaí: Blanchardstown Telephone 01 666 7000

Gardaí in Tallaght are investigating the fatal shooting of 20-year-old Stephen O'Halloran and the shooting of two males who were in his company. The incident occurred at Kilmartin Drive, Tallaght, Dublin 24, on the night of Wednesday the 19th January 2009.
The victim and two male friends were sitting in a motorcar in the driveway of the deceased in Kilmartin Drive, Tallaght.
Investigators believe that two males approached the car, and fired a number of shots from two automatic pistols, through the front window and driver’s window of the car. Stephen O'Halloran received a number of gun shot wounds to his upper body, which proved fatal. The other males received gunshot wounds, but their injuries are not life threatening.
Investigating Gardaí: Tallaght Telephone 01 666 6000