The identity of the man in the photo fit is required in relation to the investigation of an attempted rape on the 22nd of November last at Crampton Court in Dublin 2. He is approximately 5’8” in height, slim build and believed to be in his mid to late 20’s. On the night of the incident he was wearing a short dark jacket and light coloured trousers. He left the scene in a taxi and headed in the direction of Emmet Road.
Investigating Gardaí: Pearse Street Telephone 01 666 9000

Detective Inspector Eamon O'Grady will be in the studio to discuss the topic of counterfeit and contraband goods. If you buy counterfeit and contraband goods you are supporting criminal activity and harming your local economy.

Gardaí at Naasare investigating an incident of false imprisonment and theft of a substantial amount of money during the early hours of the 23rd of December 2008. The injured party is an employee of a Cash in Transit Company. A number of intruders broke into his house in Maynooth shortly after midnight on the 22/23 of December 2008.
At 6pm 2 to 3 suspects took the employee's wife and daughter to a remote area at Ballyhook Grangecon, Co. Wicklow where they were held captive. The injured party was forced to go to his office and take a substantial amount of cash. He was instructed to go to Athgoe in Kildare, which is beside the M7 at Junction 5. Here the money was handed over to one of the raiders.
Gardaí are appealing for help from the public in the following areas:
- Any vehicles acting suspiciously in the area of Obelisk Lane, Maynooth in the weeks leading up to the 23rd of December 08. In particular between 11pm on the 22nd of December and 7am on the 23rd.
- The injured party's silver Ford Fiesta car registration number 01 KE 2998 has not been recovered. Any information on this car and its current location.
- Any information in relation to a silver grey 02 D Renault possibly a Scenic in the Athgoe area between 7am and 8am on the 23rd of December.
- Any persons in the area of Stratford Water Treatment plant Ballyhook, Grangecon, Co. Wicklow in the weeks leading up to and in particular on the 23rd of December between 12am and 8am, which may have seen strangers or strange vehicles in the area. Gardaí are looking to identify the driver of a white Transit van and a what is described as a “boy racer” type car that were in the area at the time. They would also like to talk to a driver of a tractor who was on this road between 6am an 7am on the morning of the 23rd of December.
Investigating Gardaí: Naas Telephone 045 88 4300

Detective Sergeant John Finan will be in the studio to discuss a fraud concerning PBX telephone systems. Private branch exchange fraud involves the manipulation of telephone equipment, which allows a third party to piggy back on your system to make telephone calls. These calls are usually to premium numbers, which could potentially cost the bill payer thousands of euros.
Suggested action for businesses to guard against PBX phone hacking fraud
- Appoint an overall PBX ‘owner’ and administrators for key sites.
- Put in place a company policy on PBX security and communicate this policy to all staff.
- Arrange with the PBX supplier to have a specific liaison person available to consult on security issues.
- Ensure that communications room is securely locked and access controlled.
- Ensure that only the minimum features/facilities required by a user are provided.
- Restrict call forward facility (The ability to call forward to trunk should never be provided. Direct Inward System Access (DISA) should never be enabled).
- Set PBX to night service mode outside office hours
- Check CDRs regularly for suspicious activity
- No voicemail password should ever be left as the default number
- Change voicemail password every 30 days
- Monitor Call Detail Records suspicious call patterns e.g. long duration, outside office hours, exotic/erotic destinations etc. A real time exceptions reporting alarm facility is strongly recommended.
Restrict password entry to 3 attempts/session and 9 attempts per mailbox. - Compel users to change their voicemail password every 30 days

Gardaí in Clondalkin are investigating the murder of Michael Hendricks on Monday the 9th of February. The 36 year old had a young family and was well known in the area. At approximately 8:30pm he was driving a Silver Ford Focus with a 04 Kildare registration into Melrose Park. He had a friend with him in the passenger seat. At the end of the cul-de-sac he turned the car around. A man approached the car and fired several shots though the driver’s window hitting Michael. He was fatally wounded. The gunman fled on foot towards St. Cuthbert’s Park, where he may have made his escape from here on a bicycle. The gunman was described as being 5’6” to5’7” in height, average build and he wore dark clothing.
Investigating Gardaí: Clondalkin Telephone 01 666 7600

Gardaí in Tallaght have recovered a number of watches and they are looking to reunite them with their owners.
The most valuable is a Tag Heure, model: Monza Calibre 36, Chronometer with a brown crocodile leather strap.
Investigating Gardaí: Tallaght Telephone 01 666 6000

Gardaí in Irishtown are investigating an incident that occurred between 6pm and 8:15pm on Sunday the first of February in Ringsend, Dublin 4. Two staff members of bookmakers, a man and a woman, were leaving work for the night. As they walked to their car, a green Renault Clio 97 D 57542, they were confronted by an armed raider. The male staff member was struck in the face with a handgun. The raider got in to the car and ordered the stricken man to get into the back where he was covered with a duvet. At this point a second raider obtained the keys to the bookmakers and alarm codes.
The man and woman were driven in the Green Renault Clio down the canal towards Rathmines. They parked the car near Corrigan’s public house for almost an hour. The raiders made mobile phone contact with another person believed to be the man captured on CCTV entering the bookmakers.
This man seemed to have been locked in the building and asked another person involved in the robbery to help him out of the premises. Gardaí believe he handed keys into the raider through the letterbox on the shutters. They are appealing for witnesses who may have seen this event to contact them. These men took a sum of money from the safe.
The two victims were released on Fortescue Lane Rathmines at approximately 8:15pm, where they made contact with Gardaí. The raiders burnt out the car, causing substantial damage to the buildings and other vehicles nearby on Fortescue lane.
Investigating Gardaí: Donnybrook Telephone 01 666 9200
Gardaí in Oldcastle are investigating an armed robbery that took place at a bank in the town on Friday the 30th of January last. Two masked men entered the bank. One of the men was armed with a shotgun and the other a knife. The gunman pointed his weapon at staff and customers in the bank while his accomplice took money from the cashier’s desk. They fled the scene in a silver Seat Leon car in the direction of Castlepollard.
The gunman was described as around 5ft10in in height and broadly built. He wore a full-length fluorescent jacket, with a hood and a black balaclava and black trousers.
The other raider carried an 8inch knife. He was 5ft 7in in height with an average build. He wore a sleeveless florescent jacket, light grey hoodie and a black balaclava.
Investigating Gardaí:Kells Telephone 046 928 0820

Gardaí in Kells are investigating a theft of a JCB Teleporter, registration number 05 MH 344 from a building site in Kells between 9pm and 10pm on the 8th of December 2008. The Teleporter was taken from one side of the building site and driven through an open shed to where it was loaded onto a white articulated lorry with red curtains.
Investigating Gardaí: Kells Telephone 046 928 0820

Sergeant Jim McAllister will be in the studio to discuss motorcycle safety with advice for the motorcyclist as well as other vehicle drivers. Sergeant McAllister will also have the latest road fatalitity figures.