Gardaí in Bailieboro are investigating the attempted burglary in which a vehicle was used to gain entry to a supermarket located on the Ballyjamesduff road, in Virginia, at approximately 4am on the 16th January 2009.
The investigating Gardaí believe that there were at least four raiders involved. On arrival one of the men disarmed a bollard at the shopping centre, in order that they could drive their cars right up to the shop front.
There were two cars involved, the first car was a gold BMW X5 with four doors with the back windows blackened out. This was stolen from a house in nearby, Kells, on the night of this incident.
The second car used was a blue Skoda Octavia RS, (high powered). This was stolen from Graiguecullen, Co. Carlow on the 8th December 2008.
The raiders used the BMW to ram the shop front. However while they had disabled the main alarm system, the fled the scene empty handed, when a back up alarm system activated.
The BMW was left at the scene, while the Skoda Octavia was found on fire in Shanco, Ballivor near to Trim, at 10pm on the same day.
Gardaí at Bailieboro Investigating Telephone (042) 9665102

The Gardaí believe that burglaries at Ballon, Castledermot Carlow town, Enniscorthy and Muinbheag (Bagnelstown), between the 23/11/08 and 10/12/08 have been committed by the same raiders. This is on the basis of similar methods and vehicles used.
1. The attempted burglary at a shop at Ballon, Co. Carlow at 4.20am on Sunday 23rd November 2008.
There were two cars involved the first a Mitsubishi Pajero jeep and a red Opel Astra. Both cars were stolen from Enniscorthy between the 21st and 23rd of November 2008. There is CCTV footage which captures the vehicles used and the raiders who all wore blue forensic suits. The raiders fled empty handed after being disturbed by a passer by.
2.On the same morning, some 20 minutes later at 4.45am the same two vehicles arrived at a petrol station at Castledermot. The Pajero jeep Reg No.97KY4388 drove through the security grid at the front of the shop. Having gained entry to the shop they were disturbed by a deliveryman. The jeep was left at the scene while the raiders and the red Astra fled in the direction of Carlow.
3.On the 27/11/08 a burglary occurred at a Garage at Tullow Road, Carlow at approx.4am. A silver Toyota Landcruiser, reg no. 05 LK 4679 (stolen in Tullow, Carlow during a burglary on the 25-26/11/08), was used to ram the security shutters and barrier.
The raiders then removed a bank machine that contained a quantity of cash. They then fled in a small red hatch back car, in the Wexford direction.
The phone lines adjoining the premise had been cut in an attempt to disable the alarm.
4.On the 10/12/08 a burglary occurred at a house at Enniscorthy. A Toyota Landcruiser, reg no. 07 WX 7392 was taken from outside the house. Stolen with the jeep were a generator, angle grinder, drill, wallet, chequebook and laser card. A double barrel side-by-side shotgun was also stolen.
5.Finally, at approx. 3.47am on the 10/12/08 the above Landcruiser was driven through the front entrance to a shop/service station at Muinebheag (Bagnelstown), Co.Carlow. The raiders stole an ATM machine, which contained a quantity of cash. The machine was then loaded into either a blue saloon car. There were at least 5 raiders involved. The raiders cut the phone/alarm wires at 3.23am.
Gardaí at Carlow Town Investigating Telephone (059) 9136000

Garda Community Safety Week runs from April 27th to May 3rd. The idea of the week is to get people to “Think safe and be safe.”
The week will be marked by a series of high profile crime prevention/reduction initiatives nationally as well as increased activity by local Gardaí and Garda Crime Prevention Officers.
Circulation of new Crime Prevention and Community Safety advice leaflets to the public in several forums including libraries and on the Garda website.
The Mobile Incident Command units will be in locations throughout the Dublin Metropolitan Region during the week, where Gardaí will be distributing the new crime prevention literature and meeting members of the public.
Neighbourhood Watch and Community Alert meetings will be held in locations throughout the country and community Gardaí will visit primary schools to discuss basic road safety and crime prevention steps.
Chief Superintendent John O'Driscoll from Garda Community Relations will discuss the Community Safety Week on Crimecall.

Crimecall has reported on the murder of Irene White on previous occasions. On Tonight’s programme her sister Anne Delcassian makes an emotional appeal for information in relation her death.
At 12.30pm on Wednesday the 6th of April 2005 the body of Irene White, a mother of three children, was found in the kitchen of her home at Domain Road, Dundalk. She had been stabbed to death.
Irene’s sister Anne Delcassian will make an appeal on the programme for information in relation to her killer.
Gardaí at Dundalk Investigating Telephone (042) 9335577

Gardaí in Tullamore, Co. Offaly are investigating the murder of local publican Matt Farrell which occurred during the early hours of Wednesday the 1st April 2009.The 64 year old had spent over 30 years as the owner of the Gaelic bar. He had retired in the last two years, and had handed over the workings of his pub to his children.
Mr Farrell lived at the pub, along with his son Matt, where he spent the evening of the 31st March socialising in the bar of the pub, together with some locals. Matt Farrell was last seen on the morning of 1st April, by a barmaid who worked at the Gaelic bar. The barmaid left the pub at 2.30am along with her husband who had come to collect her. Later that same morning at 7.30am Matt Farrell’s body was discovered in the kitchen by his son Matt (jnr).
The result of a post mortem indicated that Matthew had died from injuries to his head.
Gardaí at Tullamore Investigating Telephone (0506) 21305

On Thursday the 9th of April 2009 Roy Collins was working at his business premises “Coin Castle” amusement arcade, Roxboro Shopping centre complex, Roxboro, Limerick. At approx 12 noon the victim was fatally wounded when a lone gunmen entered the arcade and shot him. The gunman then left the scene in a black Mercedes C180 saloon car, registration number 06D58270. This car was stolen from a house in the Sandy cove area of Dublin on the 30th March last.
This vehicle was recovered by Gardaí, after it was set on fire at Rosbrien, Limerick shortly after the murder.
The Gardaí appeal is in relation to the Mercedes car, which they believe travelled from Dublin to Limerick on Monday 6th April .The public’s assistance is being sought with regard to sightings of the car between 30th of March and 12 noon on Thursday the 9th April.
Gardaí are also appealing to anyone who was in the vicinity of the Roxboro rRad shopping centre or the Coin amusement arcade between 11.30am and 12.30pm on 9th April to contact them.
Finally the Gardaí appeal is for anyone who can assist them with regard to the investigation to contact the programme.
Gardaí at Roxboro Road Investigating Telephone (061) 419555

A painting by Belfast-born artist William Conor has been stolen from Bray Public Library. The painting titled 'Fluter's Tune' is thought to have been taken on Thursday 16th of April. The painting depicts an elderly man playing a flute watched by a woman with a baby in her arms. Conor is best-known for his depiction of working-class life in Belfast. He was a World War I artist appointed by the British government. Born in Belfast in 1881, he died there in 1968.
Gardaí at Bray Investigating Telephone (01) 6665300

Sergeant Jim Mc Allister will be in the studio to discuss safe driving and the consequences of being prosecuted in relation to traffic offences. Sergeant Mc Allister will also provide the latest figures concerning road fatalities, and will advise that with the May bank holiday approaching, caution is needed when travelling on our roads.