On the 4th of October 2009, a Green Subaru Legacy, 98W1631 was stolen during the course of an aggravated burglary near Knockbridge, Ardee, Co. Louth.
The injured party awoke hearing noise at the rear of the house and then the glass of the front door breaking. A male entered the bedroom and threatened injured party with a hammer and requested keys of a BMW.
The Injured party was unable to locate the keys of the BMW, and gave him the keys of the Subaru instead.
The Subaru was subsequently recovered in Northern Ireland.
Gardaí at Ardee Investigating Telephone 041 6853222
The Gardaí at Leighlinbridge are investigating an aggravated burglary at the Lord Bagenal Hotel just after 5:30am on the morning of the 17th of May last.
A dark 3 series BMW m3 was seen in the car park around 3:15am. The occupants of this car waited until just after 5:30am to enter the hotel. There were four raiders in total and they were armed with a long barrelled side-by-side shotgun, a hatchet, sledgehammer and a screwdriver. They accosted two members of staff and a hotel guest and forced them to remove a safe from the premises. The safe was placed into one of the staff member’s car, a grey Ford Focus, registration number 08CW2478. The victims were then locked into a storeroom and told not to move. The raiders took a second safe from the bar and they left the scene with the safes, the BMW and the Ford Focus. The Focus was discovered at 10:30am on Monday 18th of May in Shillelagh forest in Moylisha, Co Wicklow.
Gardaí at Carlow Investigating Telephone 059 9136627
Gardaí in Bunclody are investigating an aggravated burglary that took place at a supermarket in the town just before 7am on the 14th of May last.
Three masked men armed with sledge hammers and hatchets overpowered the manager as he was opening up the shop. They also locked three staff members into a lift. They took a sum of money from the safe and made off in a Dark coloured 3 series BMW.
The car has a false registration number 01 W 2001. It was parked in the church car park next door to the supermarket. They made off in the direction of Enniscorthy.
Gardaí at Bunclody Investigating Telephone 053 93 77102
Gardaí in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary are investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred at the house of a firearms dealer in Carrick on Suir, Co. Tipperary between 1am and 3am on the 9th January 2009.
The victim and his partner were accosted by a gang comprising four men after they had arrived home following a night's socialising. The raiders were armed with a sawn-off shotgun and a knife. They were aggressive and violent, cutting the victim’s face with the knife. Both of the victims were tied up with computer cord and duct tape, as was their daughter who had been watching TV at the time.
The gang then demanded the alarm code and keys to the strong room. They then stole 30 firearms including shotguns, rifles, and handguns.
The gang then loaded the firearms into the boot of the victim’s car, a beige Honda Civic, reg no 03 WX 5048 and made good their escape. The car was subsequently found burned out at Tillary Road, Ballyryan, Monard, near the Tipperary/Limerick border.
Investigating Gardaí: Clonmel Telephone 052 22222

Gardaí at Arklow are investigating a robbery at a Post Office, which occurred on the morning of Thursday 20th November 2008.
Three males dressed in white forensic suits with the hoods and wearing black balaclavas entered the Post Office. The men were armed with a handgun and a sledgehammer. One suspect remained at the door, while another smashed a security screen with the sledgehammer.
Staff were threatened and the suspects made good their escape with a large amount of cash.
The men arrived at the scene in a stolen blue Renault van bearing the false registration number 05 LS 1606. The van was stolen on the 09/11/2008 during a burglary near Newcastle, Co Dublin. The driver who remained in the vehicle during the robbery is described as a “fat heavy man”.
Gardaí believe that some of the men got into a large white van. This van drove in the direction of Gorey. Gardaí are appealing to any witnesses who may have seen these men transferring to the white van.
Investigating Gardaí: Bray Telephone 01 666 5300
The Crowe family home in Phairc Mhuire Estate in Newbridge, Co. Kildare was the subject of an arson attack in the early hours of Sunday, the 4th October last. Michael, Elizabeth and their son Tom were in the house when it was set ablaze just after 6am. Elizabeth and Tom managed to escape through an upstairs front window but sadly Michael did not and lost his life.
Gardaí in Newbridge suspect the fire was started deliberately and are appealing for information.
The family were also awoken at 2am that morning as a window at the front of the house was smashed by a brick. Gardaí are also appealing for any witnesses to this incident to come forward as it may help their enquiries into the tragic death of 81 year old Michael Crowe.
Gardaí in Newbridge Investigating Telephone - 045 431212

On the 10th of October 2009, the injured party, an elderly female confronted 3 males who had forced their way into her home near Grange, Co. Waterford.
They shouted at her that they wanted money and tied her neck to the back board of the bed and beat her with a walking stick.
She was then pulled from her bed, dragged outside and tied to a stake with a blue rope. She was beaten severely and threatened with being shot if she did not disclose where her money was.
The raiders left with a large sum of cash and the injured party managed to free herself.
Description of Culprits:-
Male No. 1:- 6ft in height, fair hair, blue eyes, fair skin, described as a big strong man. He had a Waterford accent and did all the talking. He wore a green anorak, green jeans and heavy black boots, he wore tights on his hands and did not wear a mask or hat. He did not have any tattoos or scars. See above photo fit.
Male No. 2:- Described as smaller, he had brown hair and also wore tights on his hands. He did not speak. He wore a brown coat, peak cap, jeans and shoes.
Male No. 3:- No Description available. He stood in the hall and did not speak.
Rope:- The blue rope used to tie up the injured party has some unusual knots made in it. See photos above.
Gardaí at Waterford Investigating - Telephone 051 305300
Gardaí in Pearse Street investigating a serious assault which occurred at approximately 10pm on the night of Saturday, the 14th November 2009 are seeking the public’s assistance.
The assault took place at a carpark on Werburg Street in Dublin. A man in his late 30’s received head injuries in the course of the incident and was taken to St James’ Hospital. He was later transferred to Beaumont Hospital where he remains.
Gardaí are asking anyone who was in the vicinity of Werburg Street at the time and may have information to contact Pearse Street Garda station on 01-6669000.
Gardaí are seeking the assistance of the public in tracing the movements of a Blue Volkswagen Golf reg. 08 D 29796 which was stolen in Mooncoin, Co. Kilkenny in the early hours of 11th June 2009.
A car similar in appearance was sighted at approximately 2.15am on 12th June in Tullow, Co. Carlow where an Isuzu truck was stolen from a housing estate in the town. At 3.30am the truck and Golf were intercepted by a Garda patrol car at Castlebridge, Co. Wexford, following which the truck was abandoned and the occupants fled in the VW Golf at high speed.
At 4.14am this Golf was sighted in Graiguenamanagh, Co. Kilkenny and a short time later an old style light blue BMW 525 Reg. 94 D 49955 was stolen from a local housing estate. A trailer and a JCB digger were also stolen from the area at that time.
At 5.26am the JCB began breaking down the exterior wall of the Bank of Ireland in Graiguenamanagh, four raiders were at the scene wearing balaclavas.
A short time later the Golf and the BMW left in convoy with the ATM machine on the trailer towed by the BMW. Extensive damage was caused to the structure of the Bank of Ireland.
At 5.50am the Golf and the BMW towing the trailer were sighted at Ballymurphy outside Graiguenamanagh travelling in the direction of Kiltealy, Co. Wexford. This was the last confirmed sighting of the vehicle.
On the morning of 14th June the Golf, the BMW & trailer which had been set alight and the badly damaged ATM machine were located on a remote roadway at Trooperstown and Glenwood, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow.
Gardaí are appealing for anyone who observed this distinctive, VW Golf R32 (only three registered in country) between the time of it’s theft in Mooncoin, Co. Kilkenny in the early hours of 11th June and it being set alight in Roundwood, Co. Wicklow before 7am on 14th June.
The car is high-powered, and very noisy when driven. When the car was stolen it was low on petrol so the car likely stopped for petrol in Kilkenny, Carlow, Wicklow or Wexford so we are appealing to anyone working in petrol stations who might recall a similar car and it’s occupants.
Gardaí are appealing for anyone who observed the VW Golf and the BMW 535 towing the trailer between 12th and 14th June 2009.
We are also appealing for anyone who knows the identity of these raiders to contact us in confidence. The driver of the VW Golf was wearing a blue check shirt with long sleeves. Another raider was six foot tall and wore blue jeans & a dark long sleeved sweater.
Gardaí at Thomastown Investigating Telephone 056 7754 157
An investigation is under way in Cavan following the theft of two ATMs in Cootehill on the morning of 12th of December 2009.
The thieves drove a mechanical digger into the town on a low loader and used it to steal the cash machines from the Bank of Ireland and Ulster Bank at around 5am.
The digger and low-loader were then set on fire before the gang got away.
Gardaí at Bailieboro Investigating Telephone 042 9694570

Gardaí in Bailieboro are investigating the attempted burglary in which a vehicle was used to gain entry to a supermarket located on the Ballyjamesduff road, in Virginia, at approximately 4am on the 16th January 2009.
The investigating Gardaí believe that there were at least four raiders involved. On arrival one of the men disarmed a bollard at the shopping centre, in order that they could drive their cars right up to the shop front.
There were two cars involved, the first car was a gold BMW X5 with four doors with the back windows blackened out. This was stolen from a house in nearby, Kells, on the night of this incident.
The second car used was a blue Skoda Octavia RS, (high powered). This was stolen from Graiguecullen, Co. Carlow on the 8th December 2008.
The raiders used the BMW to ram the shop front. However while they had disabled the main alarm system, the fled the scene empty handed, when a back up alarm system activated.
The BMW was left at the scene, while the Skoda Octavia was found on fire in Shanco, Ballivor near to Trim, at 10pm on the same day.
Gardaí at Bailieboro Investigating Telephone (042) 9665102

The identity of the man in the photo fit is required in relation to the investigation of an attempted rape on the 22nd of November last at Crampton Court in Dublin 2. He is approximately 5’8” in height, slim build and believed to be in his mid to late 20’s. On the night of the incident he was wearing a short dark jacket and light coloured trousers. He left the scene in a taxi and headed in the direction of Emmet Road.
Investigating Gardaí: Pearse Street Telephone 01 666 9000
On December the 8th, 2006 a body was discovered by some hunters who were shooting in the woods by Lough Inagh, in Connemara. It is estimated that the body had been in the woods since the summer of 2005 before its discovery. Gardaí in Clifden with the help of the Galway West Coroner and Dundee University have released a composite picture of what the man would have looked like and are trying to identify who he is.
The man is aged between 44 and 66 years, he is 5foot 7.5 inches, of stocky build. He wore a “Bush Sports” yellow hooded jacket. Gardaí believe the man may have come from Germany.
Gardaí at Clifden Investigating Telephone 091 22507

The Gardaí believe that burglaries at Ballon, Castledermot Carlow town, Enniscorthy and Muinbheag (Bagnelstown), between the 23/11/08 and 10/12/08 have been committed by the same raiders. This is on the basis of similar methods and vehicles used.
1. The attempted burglary at a shop at Ballon, Co. Carlow at 4.20am on Sunday 23rd November 2008.
There were two cars involved the first a Mitsubishi Pajero jeep and a red Opel Astra. Both cars were stolen from Enniscorthy between the 21st and 23rd of November 2008. There is CCTV footage which captures the vehicles used and the raiders who all wore blue forensic suits. The raiders fled empty handed after being disturbed by a passer by.
2.On the same morning, some 20 minutes later at 4.45am the same two vehicles arrived at a petrol station at Castledermot. The Pajero jeep Reg No.97KY4388 drove through the security grid at the front of the shop. Having gained entry to the shop they were disturbed by a deliveryman. The jeep was left at the scene while the raiders and the red Astra fled in the direction of Carlow.
3.On the 27/11/08 a burglary occurred at a Garage at Tullow Road, Carlow at approx.4am. A silver Toyota Landcruiser, reg no. 05 LK 4679 (stolen in Tullow, Carlow during a burglary on the 25-26/11/08), was used to ram the security shutters and barrier.
The raiders then removed a bank machine that contained a quantity of cash. They then fled in a small red hatch back car, in the Wexford direction.
The phone lines adjoining the premise had been cut in an attempt to disable the alarm.
4.On the 10/12/08 a burglary occurred at a house at Enniscorthy. A Toyota Landcruiser, reg no. 07 WX 7392 was taken from outside the house. Stolen with the jeep were a generator, angle grinder, drill, wallet, chequebook and laser card. A double barrel side-by-side shotgun was also stolen.
5.Finally, at approx. 3.47am on the 10/12/08 the above Landcruiser was driven through the front entrance to a shop/service station at Muinebheag (Bagnelstown), Co.Carlow. The raiders stole an ATM machine, which contained a quantity of cash. The machine was then loaded into either a blue saloon car. There were at least 5 raiders involved. The raiders cut the phone/alarm wires at 3.23am.
Gardaí at Carlow Town Investigating Telephone (059) 9136000
Gardaí are investigating a number of late night burglaries around the country. At each burglary a Blue Ford Focus ST was used by the raiders.
The first burglary occurred on the 24th October 2009 at 12 midnight at the Centra Supermarket in Kilmeadan Co. Waterford. Four males with balaclavas attempted to force open steel shutters but were disturbed by a witness, whom the culprits threw stones at his house and fled.
The second raid occurred at 12:15am at the Spar Supermarket, Kilmacow, Kilkenny.
Entry was gained via the side window by forcing the shutters. Three men were involved wearing balaclavas and blue hoodies. They took a large amount of cigarettes.
The next burglary occurred at 2:35am at the Auto Power Garage, Clonmel Road, Carrick-on-Suir where entry was gained through forcing the front door.
The raiders were disturbed by a security guard who struck the Blue Ford Focus with a baton to the rear right hand side passenger door and rear lights causing damage.
Again a large quantity of cigarettes were taken.
At 03.50am a burglary occurred at Brett’s Hardware at Mullinahone, Tipperary.
The safe was taken by the raiders and was later recovered intact at Lismolin, Ballingarry, South Tipperary along with an Iron Bar.
Gardaí observed the suspected offenders in 06-08 model Ford Focus S.T. 2.5Lite and pursued it at length towards Urlingford from Mullinahone.
A few days later on the 29th October 2009 at 02.10am a burglary occurred at Scanlon’s Shop, Friarstown, Grange, Co. Limerick. The alarm box was forced off the wall and the shutter on the door smashed and entry gained.
A large amount of cigarettes were ready to be taken when the raiders left the scene leaving behind the tools they used.
At 03.40am a burglary occurred at the Mace shop on Monastery Road, Doon, Co. Limerick. The front door of the shop was smashed in. and cigarettes were taken from the machine along with a quantity of cash.
The final burglary of the night occurred at 04.10am at Butlers Centra in Dundrum, Co. Tipperary. The manhole outside shop was lifted and wires were cut. Entry was gained to the shop by forcing the door. A pick axe, hammer and iron bar were left at the scene. Four males were again involved wearing balaclavas and using a Blue Ford Focus. On being disturbed by Gardaí at the scene 2 culprits attacked the unmarked patrol car with iron bars and rammed the patrol car on a number of occasions before fleeing the scene. Gardaí continued to pursue the offending car until it turned left at the Cross of Clune and continued onto the next set of crossroads where it turned right. As Gardaí were pursuing the offending vehicle reversed into the patrol car with such force that the airbags deployed in the Garda car. The Gardaí were not injured and the suspect car made good its escape in the direction of Rossmore.
Gardaí at Clonmel investigating - Telephone 052 61 77640
The Gardaí at Carbury are investigating this Burglary, which occurred at Moyvalley, Co. Kildare on 5th June at 3.45am approx. The suspects using a large bulldozer type machine demolished a portion of the premises and removed an A.T.M and it’s contents.
A week before, on the 29th May, a white Isuzu pick up truck, registration no 03 KE 2430 belonging to Kildare County Council. The truck was taken from Coill Dubh a village near to Prosperous and about 7kms from Mother Hubbard’s. The Truck was later used to transport the safe.
On the night of the burglary a second vehicle a black BMW 320 4 Door Saloon, Registration number 03 MH 8650 was taken from Summerhill, Co. Meath. This vehicle is believed to have possibly been used in the course of the burglary and was later found abandoned near the village of Clonard, some 2kms away.
The pick up truck was discovered parked next to Railway Bridge in Killyon Manor, Longwood, Co. Meath. The A.T.M was smashed open and the cash removed.
Gardaí at Carbury Investigating Telephone 046 955 3002

Detective Inspector Eamon O'Grady will be in the studio to discuss the topic of counterfeit and contraband goods. If you buy counterfeit and contraband goods you are supporting criminal activity and harming your local economy.
Sergeant Eddie Daly will be in studio to offer advice to supermarket customers as to how they can best prevent the theft of their personal property.
Sergeant Daly will highlight the methods used by certain groups who travel the country to commit these crimes. He will suggest what action to be taken if customers and/or retailers notice suspicious activity.

The present location of a Toyota Corolla bearing false plates 98 W 2449 is sought by Gardaí in Mallow.
On 7/5/09 at 6.30pm this vehicle was observed in the Mourneabbey area of Mallow by a Garda on duty. The Garda signalled the driver to stop by activating the siren and blue lights of the patrol. The driver of the offending vehicle failed to stop, having then travelled approx 1 mile towards the town land of Kilquane, the offending vehicle suddenly stopped.
The patrol car driver was challenged by two men, one of whom was wielding a knife. The men broke the Garda’s mobile phone. The passenger in the offending vehicle used the knife to slash the tyres of the patrol car. The occupants then drove off.
They were both described as being East European -
(1) Male, 6’1” in height, early 20’s, tight shaved haircut, which was dark in colour. This male had a tanned complexion. He was wearing an army combat pants with black & cream, navy blue rain jacket with hoody.
(2) Male, 5’9” in height, dark wavy unkempt hair and tanned complexion. He was wearing blue jeans, white runners, Nike beige/cream fleece hoody.
Gardaí at Mallow Investigating Telephone 022 31450
Statement from Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy.
Speaking following the death of Garda Gary McLoughlin this morning, the 14/12/09 Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy said:
"I am deeply saddened to hear of the death early this morning of a young colleague, Garda Gary Mc Loughlin."
Garda McLoughlin died from injuries he sustained while on duty in the service of the community following a road traffic collision in the early hours of Sunday, the 13th December 2009.
At this time my thoughts and prayers - and those of the entire force are with the family, colleagues and friends of Garda McLoughlin. I trust that the other people injured in the collision including Garda McLoughlin's colleague will make a full recovery.
This is the second tragedy to befall the Donegal Garda Division this year highlighting in stark terms the dangers Gardaí can face each day as they go about their work of policing and rendering assistance to the community."
The road traffic collision occurred at Lisfannon, Co. Donegal on the road from Letterkenny to Bridgend at approximately 1.30am on the 13/12/09
Gardaí wish to appeal for witnesses to this collision to contact Buncrana Garda Station on 074-9320540

Gardaí in Kilkenny are investigating an incident involving the false imprisonment of a bank official and his family and the attempted robbery of a financial institution in Kilkenny on the 3rd of November 2009.
No persons were physically injured in this incident and no money was exchanged.
Gardaí are seeking the assistance of the public in order to identify the persons involved in this incident. They are appealing for anyone who was in the area of the Weather Station at Granges Road, Kilkenny and anyone who was in the Parliament Street area of Kilkenny City today to contact them at the incident room in Kilkenny on 056 7775070.
Gardaí in Kilkenny are Investigating - Telephone 056 777 5070

Gardaí at Naasare investigating an incident of false imprisonment and theft of a substantial amount of money during the early hours of the 23rd of December 2008. The injured party is an employee of a Cash in Transit Company. A number of intruders broke into his house in Maynooth shortly after midnight on the 22/23 of December 2008.
At 6pm 2 to 3 suspects took the employee's wife and daughter to a remote area at Ballyhook Grangecon, Co. Wicklow where they were held captive. The injured party was forced to go to his office and take a substantial amount of cash. He was instructed to go to Athgoe in Kildare, which is beside the M7 at Junction 5. Here the money was handed over to one of the raiders.
Gardaí are appealing for help from the public in the following areas:
- Any vehicles acting suspiciously in the area of Obelisk Lane, Maynooth in the weeks leading up to the 23rd of December 08. In particular between 11pm on the 22nd of December and 7am on the 23rd.
- The injured party's silver Ford Fiesta car registration number 01 KE 2998 has not been recovered. Any information on this car and its current location.
- Any information in relation to a silver grey 02 D Renault possibly a Scenic in the Athgoe area between 7am and 8am on the 23rd of December.
- Any persons in the area of Stratford Water Treatment plant Ballyhook, Grangecon, Co. Wicklow in the weeks leading up to and in particular on the 23rd of December between 12am and 8am, which may have seen strangers or strange vehicles in the area. Gardaí are looking to identify the driver of a white Transit van and a what is described as a “boy racer” type car that were in the area at the time. They would also like to talk to a driver of a tractor who was on this road between 6am an 7am on the morning of the 23rd of December.
Investigating Gardaí: Naas Telephone 045 88 4300
Gardaí investigating the fatal shooting at Parslickstown on the 23/10/09 wish to renew their appeal for members of the public to come forward and assist them with their investigation.
They are keen to speak with anyone who may have seen a male described as wearing dark clothing running from the Centrepoint shop Parslickstown where he may have got into a waiting car.
In addition, Gardaí wish to appeal for information in relation to two cars that were discovered burned out at approximately 9.30pm on the 23/10/09.
The first was a black Toyota Landcruser which was found at Raynestown outside of Dunshaughlin, Meath and the second is a red VW Golf which was found at Valley Park Drive in Finglas. No further details of these vehicles.
While Gardaí are not linking either of these cars directly with the incident they are keen to speak to anyone that may have information relating to their movement.
Anyone who can assist or who may have information relating to the shooting is asked to contact Blanchardstown Garda Station on 01 – 6667000, The Garda Confidential Telephone Line 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station.
Gardaí at Rathmines and Terenure are investigating a fatal road traffic collision involving a pedal cyclist and a blue cement lorry, which occurred at Harold’s Cross Road/Grove Road junction on Wednesday 14th January 2009, at 10.15am.
The Harold’s Cross area is a very busy area for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic and Gardaí are appealing for anyone in the vicinity and who may have witnessed the collision to contact them.
Investigating Gardaí: Terenure Telephone 01 666 6400
Fraud Feature
Never divulge security or identity detail over the internet. Banks will never request this information over the internet.
In recent months there has been an increase in the proliferation of Phishing attacks that attempt to surreptitiously obtain peoples username and passwords for the purpose of bypassing the authentication information the banks have in place in the us of internet banking. Since June 2009 the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation has been conducting an investigation of malicious programmes known as "Trojan malware".
• The purpose of these attacks is to transfer money from the customer’s bank account to another account with the same bank which is referred to as a “Mule” account. This money is then immediately withdrawn from the “Mule” account. This mule account holder has agreed to allow their account to be used and they agree to do so for the payment of 10% of the amount transferred.
• The “Mule” account holder then send the money abroad by means of cash remittance services.
• The individual loss for each account varies but is usually between €3,000 and €5,000 for each bank customer.
With other police services in Europe and elsewhere this investigation is targeting the operators of this trojan malware and in Ireland individuals that have operated mule accounts.
At this time 19 people suspected of operated “mule” accounts have been interviewed as part of the investigation. Computer equipment and other evidence have been seized. One person has been charged with a theft offence, and others are expected to be charged in due course. As the investigation is ongoing other suspects are being sought for interview.
Any person who allows their bank account to be used as “Mule” account in this manner is liable to be arrested and charged with a criminal offence. People should not act on request to allow their bank accounts to be used in this way.
The Garda Bureau Fraud Investigation is working with the financial industry to investigate and prevent this activity and the actions taken so far have resulted in considerable savings to financial institutions and their customers.
Advice to the Public:
• Always Keep Computer anti Virus, Anti Spy ware, and Firewall software functioning and up to date.
• Never divulge security or identity detail over the internet. Banks will never request this information over the internet.
• If you use internet banking, regularly check your transactions and report any concern you may have to your bank or the Garda Siochana, and act on the security advice which your bank provides.
Burglary Feature
• Around 1 in 4 burglaries involve forcing a door or breaking the glass in the door to gain access to the property.
• Around 1 in 3 burglaries involve forcing or breaking windows.
• However, nearly 1 in 4 burglaries, individuals gained access to property through unsecured doors or windows.
• Above information taken from year to September 2009.
• Having good security measures, including strengthening entry points around the house, as well as additional security measures, reduces opportunity for burglary.
At 8.30pm on Friday the 9th of October. David Thomas (43) from Finglas was smoking outside the Drake Inn in Finglas when a man walked up to him and shot him in the head. The man got into a dark blue Opel Astra which was found burnt out shortly afterwards.
Gardaí are looking for witnesses around Finglas main street and Glasanaon Court where the getaway car was set alight and abandoned.
Gardaí in Finglas Investigating - Telephone 01 666 7500
On the night of Sunday 27th September 2009 at 21.49pm, there was a fire bomb attack on the Department of Finance on Upper Merrion Street, Dublin.
The assailant came from Fitzwilliam Lane, ran across Upper Merrion Street and threw a bottle at a window of the Department of Finance. The bottle exploded on the window sill. Thankfully avoiding the extensive damage the assailant hoped for. He ran from the scene back down Fitzwilliam Lane, where he discarded his black top. He made his way towards Baggot Street.
Investigators believe he was in the area for a few hours before the incident and are appealing for any information in relation to this dangerous attack.
They are also appealing for a number of Taxis that were in the area at the time to contact them as they may have witnessed the event.
Gardaí at Pearse Street investigating - Telephone 01 666 9000

Detective Sergeant John Finan will be in the studio to discuss a fraud concerning PBX telephone systems. Private branch exchange fraud involves the manipulation of telephone equipment, which allows a third party to piggy back on your system to make telephone calls. These calls are usually to premium numbers, which could potentially cost the bill payer thousands of euros.
Suggested action for businesses to guard against PBX phone hacking fraud
- Appoint an overall PBX ‘owner’ and administrators for key sites.
- Put in place a company policy on PBX security and communicate this policy to all staff.
- Arrange with the PBX supplier to have a specific liaison person available to consult on security issues.
- Ensure that communications room is securely locked and access controlled.
- Ensure that only the minimum features/facilities required by a user are provided.
- Restrict call forward facility (The ability to call forward to trunk should never be provided. Direct Inward System Access (DISA) should never be enabled).
- Set PBX to night service mode outside office hours
- Check CDRs regularly for suspicious activity
- No voicemail password should ever be left as the default number
- Change voicemail password every 30 days
- Monitor Call Detail Records suspicious call patterns e.g. long duration, outside office hours, exotic/erotic destinations etc. A real time exceptions reporting alarm facility is strongly recommended.
Restrict password entry to 3 attempts/session and 9 attempts per mailbox. - Compel users to change their voicemail password every 30 days
Gardai in Rathmines are seeking the public’s assistance in identify this man.
This man died at his residence in Rathmines on the 18th January 2009 from natural causes. This man lived at Hazelwood House in Rathmines, which is sheltered accommodation.
Enquiries to date indicate the deceased was known as Neil Cappleman. D.O.B. 2nd July 1950. This may or may not be his real name. Gardai are anxious to trace a next of kin for the deceased. His remains are at present in the Dublin City Morgue.
Enquiries have been made in the United Kingdom. In particular in the Newscastle-Upon-Tyne areas where the deceased may have lived. To date enquires have failed to confirm the identity of the deceased or a next of kin. Documentation would suggest the deceased had a brother John in the USA and a sister Marion in Canada.
The deceased may have had some interaction with the Navy possibly in the United Kingdom.
Gardaí at Rathmines Investigating Telephone 01 666 6700

Garda Community Safety Week runs from April 27th to May 3rd. The idea of the week is to get people to “Think safe and be safe.”
The week will be marked by a series of high profile crime prevention/reduction initiatives nationally as well as increased activity by local Gardaí and Garda Crime Prevention Officers.
Circulation of new Crime Prevention and Community Safety advice leaflets to the public in several forums including libraries and on the Garda website.
The Mobile Incident Command units will be in locations throughout the Dublin Metropolitan Region during the week, where Gardaí will be distributing the new crime prevention literature and meeting members of the public.
Neighbourhood Watch and Community Alert meetings will be held in locations throughout the country and community Gardaí will visit primary schools to discuss basic road safety and crime prevention steps.
Chief Superintendent John O'Driscoll from Garda Community Relations will discuss the Community Safety Week on Crimecall.
The June edition of Crimecall will include a feature on the Juvenile Diversion Programme. The feature will explain the use of restorative caution in dealing with Juvenile Defenders.
The Director of the Juvenile Diversion Programme will be in studio to discuss the issue.
Gardaí are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of 42 year old Liam Murray. Liam was discovered at his home in Rockbrook Cottages in Rathfarnahm on Friday the 20th of March 2009. A Post Mortem confirmed he died as a result of gunshot.
His family had not seen him for a number of days and asked a friend to call in on him. His friend found him and immediately called the Gardaí. Investigations have shown that Liam spent a large part of St. Patrick’s Day in the Headline Bar on Clanbrassil Street in Dublin before making his way towards his home in Rockbrook Cottages at around 6:20pm. Liam was driving a black Mitsubishi Pajero. Gardaí are appealing for witnesses who may have seen Liam on St. Patrick’s Day or if they noticed any suspicious activity around his home between St. Patrick’s Day and Friday the 20th of March.
Gardaí at Terenure Investigating - Telephone 01 666 6400
Gardaí are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of 42 year old Liam Murray. Liam was discovered at his home in Rockbrook Cottages in Rathfarnahm on Friday the 20th of March last. A Post Mortem confirmed he died as a result of gunshot.
His family had not seen him for a number of days and asked a friend to call in on him. His friend found him and immediately called the Gardaí. Investigations have shown that Liam spent a large part of St. Patrick’s Day in the Headline Bar on Clanbrassil Street in Dublin before making his way towards his home in Rockbrook Cottages at around 6:20pm. Liam was driving a black Mitsubishi Pajero. Gardaí are appealing for witnesses who may have seen Liam on St. Patrick’s Day or if they noticed any suspicious activity around his home between St. Patrick’s Day and Friday the 20th of March.
Gardaí at Rathfarnham Investigating Telephone 01 6666500

In February 2009 An Garda Síochána launched a nationwide public information campaign to advise young people about the dangers of knives. The “How Big Do You Feel” campaign also teaches young people about the importance of ambition and the determination to realise their goals. This is demonstrated through the involvement of sports stars and other achievers who are willing to share their stories.
Local Gardaí will contact schools in their areas in relation to the campaign. Parents and Teachers wishing to know more about the dangers of knife crime can visit a dedicated website, www.knifefacts.ie. They can also introduce younger people to the website www.howbigdoyoufeel.ie

Gardaí in Castle Bridge, Co Wexford are seeking public assistance to help trace 18year old Conel Owens missing since 1st January 2009. He was last seen at Culleton’s Gap, Curracloe, Co Wexford.
Conel Owens was reported missing to Gardaí at 1.30pm on the same day by a female friend of his. He had been staying with friends at house in Curracloe along with over 30 other friends. The purpose of the trip was to celebrate the New Year. On the day he went missing Conel left the house he was staying in to attend a party on a nearby beach at Culleton’s Gap. He never arrived at the beach.
Gardaí believe from their investigation that Conel Owens became separated from the remainder of the group on the way to the beach at approx 11pm on 31st December 2008. He has not been seen by any of his friends since.
Gardaí have an unconfirmed sighting of Conel in the village of Curracloe between 11.05pm and 11.10pm. He was heading away from the beach, in the direction of the village and the house in which he was staying.
Description; 18 years, 5’7’’/5’8’’ in height, medium build, oval face, brown hair cut short. He has blue/grey eyes, oval shape. Conel has a tattoo of a sundial around his belly button.
Conel was wearing a red hoody, black tracksuit bottoms, with a thick green stripe with white trim down each leg, and white runners.
Investigating Gardaí: Wexford Telephone 053 65 2000
The Gardaí at Newbridge in Co. Kildare are investigating the disappearance of Deirdre Jacob who disappeared back during the afternoon of Tuesday the 28th July 1998.
Deirdre was 18 years old at the time and had recently returned home for the summer following a year spent in Twickenham, England attending a teacher-training course.
On the day she disappeared Deirdre had spent the morning at home. Her mother had called her a number of times from her work place. The last call that was made was just before 1 pm, Deirdre indicated that she was going to Newbridge town. Deirdre then walked from her home at Roseberry, Newbridge to Newbridge Town, about a 20 mins walk.
She arrived at her grandmother’s sweet and toyshop on Main Street at 1.30 pm. Deirdre mad lunch for her grandmother before heading to a local building society and bank. Both are located on Main Street close to her grandmother’s shop.
A few minutes later she made her way to the Post Office where she sent a draft. Deirdre then dropped into see her Grandmother for a few minutes, telling her she was heading home.
There are number of sightings of Deirdre as she walked home. The last sighting was an as she crossed the road to make her way towards her house at approximately 3pm.
Deirdre’s parents after contacting family and friends reported her disappearance to the Gardaí at Newbridge were a full-scale investigation was launched.
Sergeant Seamus Rothwell was in studio appealing for information on Deirdre’s disappearance. He also made himself available to take calls.
Gardaí at Newbridge Investigating Telephone 045 431212
Michael “Mikey” Berry aged 20 years is missing since 17th December 2008 when he was last seen by a female friend at approx 6p.m to 6.30p.m.
The last signal from his phone was located near the Talbot Hotel, Trinity Street, Wexford at about 11pm.
Mr Berry is described as 5ft 10ins in height, brown hair with fringe-cut short. He has a round face with sallow skin. He was believed to be wearing; dark blue jeans, Khaki French connection t-shirt, a zip up hoodie with sheep type fur inside – army style jacket.
A variety of multi-agency searches have been conducted on land and sea for Michael Berry but as yet he has not been located.
Investigating Gardaí:Wexford Telephone 053 65200

Paul Byrne aged 20, and a father of one 1 ½ yr old girl went missing on 15th July 2009. His girlfriend was pregnant with his second child at the time.
Paul left his girlfriend’s mother’s house in Kilmartin Green in Tallaght between 5.30pm and 6pm. He has not been seen since.
Gardaí are looking for anyone who may have seen Paul in a wine coloured Mitsubishi Charisma on the day he went missing to contact them.
Gardaí in Tallaght are investigating - Telephone 01 666 6000
Date Missing: 06/08/2009
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1" - 1.85cm
Build: Athletic build
Hair Colour: Sandy - receding.
Further Information: Date of birth - 12/7/83 - Steven was last seen at 6.00pm on Thursday 6/8/09 in Wicklow town.
He was wearing black Manchester United tracksuit bottoms, dark grey tracksuit top, white or navy Nike t-shirt with a red line across the chest. He was also wearing black and white Nike Air Max runners and a thick gold chain.
Anyone with information should contact Wicklow Garda Station in confidence on 0404-60140 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111
Ken Fetherston, a 26 year old man has not been seen since Tuesday, the September 22nd 2009.
Ken is the father of a 3-year-old daughter and has worked as a coach driver prior to breaking his leg on holidays this August. He is from Tallaght.
On Tuesday, the 22nd September 2009 at 8.30am he left his apartment at Tallaght Cross Hotel in his red Honda Civic. He then drove to Luke Lawlor’s Filling Station and bought 10euro of petrol. He then drove to the Knocklyon area.
Friends found his car on Saturday, the 26th September on a lay-by on the N11. The driver’s door was unlocked and there was no key in the car.
Gardaí know that the car was abandoned here between 11pm on Tuesday, the 22nd and 10am on Wednesday, the 23rd. Ken’s mobile phone has not been used since 9.30am on Tuesday, the 22nd September.
Gardaí in Tallaght Investigating - Telephone 01 666 6000

Pat Shoer is missing from Clonmel since the 1st of November last.
Pat Shoer is missing from St. Luke’s Hospital, Clonmel. He was seen getting on a bus from Clonmel to Waterford. There are serious concerns for his safety. Pat is 44 years old, 5 foot 5 inches and weighs 11 stone.
Gardaí in Clonmel Investigating - Telephone 052 61 77640
Gardaí at Finglas are investigating the Murder of 35-year-old Graham McNally, which occurred on the evening of Tuesday 20th January 2009 at Coldwinters, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.
Gardaí were alerted to the scene by a Dublin Fire Brigade ambulance. The Gardaí who arrived at the scene discovered a fatally injured male who had sustained gunshot wounds to the head. The scene is located near to a garden centre on the old N2.
An incident room has been set up at Finglas garda station in relation the murder of Graham McNally.
Investigating Gardaí: Blanchardstown Telephone 01 666 7000

Crimecall has reported on the murder of Irene White on previous occasions. On Tonight’s programme her sister Anne Delcassian makes an emotional appeal for information in relation her death.
At 12.30pm on Wednesday the 6th of April 2005 the body of Irene White, a mother of three children, was found in the kitchen of her home at Domain Road, Dundalk. She had been stabbed to death.
Irene’s sister Anne Delcassian will make an appeal on the programme for information in relation to her killer.
Gardaí at Dundalk Investigating Telephone (042) 9335577
The Gardaí in Coolock are investigating the murder of John Clarke which took place on Wednesday the 6th May 2009, at the underground car park belonging to an apartment complex on Brookwood Grove.
John and some friends had spent the earlier part of the evening socialising at a pub located near to Dublin Airport. They left the pub at around 1am and drove to Primrose Grove, Darndale. A friend of John’s drove his navy blue 7 series BMW, while he sat in the front seat.
On arrival they parked up in a cul-de-sac, were they continued drinking and listening to music.
At around 2.40am they left Darndale and drove onto the Malahide Road, in the direction of the Clarehall shopping centre. At the N32 / Malahide road junction a verbal altercation occurred between John and the occupants of a second vehicle.
At this junction the navy BMW with John and his friends drove in the direction of Baldoyle. They went towards Grainger’s pub in Baldoyle before continuing along the Dublin road (coast road), heading back in the direction of Artane. They then arrived back to John’s apartment just before 3am, entering the underground car park.
It was here that a gunman alighted from a silver 5 series BMW, firing several shots through the windscreen. The driver was shot in the hand while John received gunshot wounds to his body. A friend sitting in the rear of the car was also shot.
The driver of John’s car managed to flee the scene and drove to Beaumont Hospital were John subsequently died from his injuries.
The silver BMW 540 turned onto Brookwood Avenue and headed in the direction of Clontarf were it was later discovered burnt out at the rear of house on Mount Prospect Drive.
Gardaí at Coolock Investigating Telephone 016664200

On Tuesday the 12th of April 2005 Joseph Rafferty was shot dead as he left his home at Hayworth Court, Ongar Park Dublin 15. Joseph was 29 years old and originally from Hogan Place in the centre of Dublin. He was employed by a Dublin based courier company and had his own van, a White Mercedes Sprinter registration number OCZ 7182.
At about 9.30am on the 12th of April 2005 Joseph left his apartment as usual. He walked across the car park and was getting into his van when he was approached by a lone gunman. He was shot twice at close range. He died at the scene.
The gunman then walked from the scene putting the gun into a holdall bag that he carried.
The gunman is described as being chubby. He wore a black woolly hat and a sleeveless high visibility vest. He carried a dark coloured holdall bag.
Gardaí at Lucan Investigating Telephone 01 666 7300

Gardaí in Tullamore, Co. Offaly are investigating the murder of local publican Matt Farrell which occurred during the early hours of Wednesday the 1st April 2009.The 64 year old had spent over 30 years as the owner of the Gaelic bar. He had retired in the last two years, and had handed over the workings of his pub to his children.
Mr Farrell lived at the pub, along with his son Matt, where he spent the evening of the 31st March socialising in the bar of the pub, together with some locals. Matt Farrell was last seen on the morning of 1st April, by a barmaid who worked at the Gaelic bar. The barmaid left the pub at 2.30am along with her husband who had come to collect her. Later that same morning at 7.30am Matt Farrell’s body was discovered in the kitchen by his son Matt (jnr).
The result of a post mortem indicated that Matthew had died from injuries to his head.
Gardaí at Tullamore Investigating Telephone (0506) 21305
Gardaí at Finglas are investigating all the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the body of 21-year-old Maurice Martin from Navan at the junction of Cardiffsbridge Road and Tolka Valley road, Finglas.
The discovery of the body was reported to Gardai shortly after 5am on the morning of Friday 12th June 2009.
Gardaí are appealing for anyone who may have any information to contact them.
Gardaí at Finglas Investigating Telephone 01 666 7500

Gardaí in Clondalkin are investigating the murder of Michael Hendricks on Monday the 9th of February. The 36 year old had a young family and was well known in the area. At approximately 8:30pm he was driving a Silver Ford Focus with a 04 Kildare registration into Melrose Park. He had a friend with him in the passenger seat. At the end of the cul-de-sac he turned the car around. A man approached the car and fired several shots though the driver’s window hitting Michael. He was fatally wounded. The gunman fled on foot towards St. Cuthbert’s Park, where he may have made his escape from here on a bicycle. The gunman was described as being 5’6” to5’7” in height, average build and he wore dark clothing.
Investigating Gardaí: Clondalkin Telephone 01 666 7600
The Gardaí at Balbriggan are investigating the Murder of Paul Smyth, whose body was discovered in a field in an area known as Ballough, Lusk, Co. Dublin. The deceased was discovered with gunshots wounds on Friday 12th June 2009 at 11am.
The deceased was last seen alive at School Street, Dublin 8 at 3.15 pm on the Tuesday 9th June 2009. He was driving an English registered Silver Opel Vectra (DY04CVB), which was later found burnt out in a field at Rathmooney near Lusk, Co. Dublin, at 5.30pm on the same day.
Paul Smyth was reported missing to Gardaí on the evening of the 9th June. A second car, a Ford Mondeo registration number EJ03TKU owned by the deceased was discovered on Thursday the 11th June. This car was parked in the car park of the City North Hotel, which is located at the Drogheda south exit, off the M1 motorway.
Paul Smyth’s body was subsequently discovered on the next day 12th June at 11am, in a field at Ballough where he kept horses.
The Gardaí appeal will be in relation to:
(1) Paul Smyth’s movements from the 9th of June until the time his body was discovered on the 12th June.
(2) Any Suspicious activity at Rathmooney, Ballough and the City North Hotel.
(3) Any Sightings or information regarding the movements of theses vehicles.
Gardaí at Balbriggan Investigating Telephone 01 802 0510
Gardaí at Finglas are investigating the murder of 32-year-old Peter Gunn, which occurred on Thursday the 15th January 2009 at, St Margaret’s, Co Dublin.
Peter Gunn was last seen alive on the 4th of January 2009 at Summerhill, Dublin 1 and was reported missing on the 10th of January.
As a result of enquiries by Gardaí, the body of the deceased was discovered in a ditch at Dunsoughly Lane, The Ward, Co Dublin.
A post mortem examination of the deceased resulted in the commencement of a murder investigation at Finglas Garda Station. Gardaí are appealing for any information that may help their investigations.
Investigating Gardaí: Blanchardstown Telephone 01 666 7000

On Thursday the 9th of April 2009 Roy Collins was working at his business premises “Coin Castle” amusement arcade, Roxboro Shopping centre complex, Roxboro, Limerick. At approx 12 noon the victim was fatally wounded when a lone gunmen entered the arcade and shot him. The gunman then left the scene in a black Mercedes C180 saloon car, registration number 06D58270. This car was stolen from a house in the Sandy cove area of Dublin on the 30th March last.
This vehicle was recovered by Gardaí, after it was set on fire at Rosbrien, Limerick shortly after the murder.
The Gardaí appeal is in relation to the Mercedes car, which they believe travelled from Dublin to Limerick on Monday 6th April .The public’s assistance is being sought with regard to sightings of the car between 30th of March and 12 noon on Thursday the 9th April.
Gardaí are also appealing to anyone who was in the vicinity of the Roxboro rRad shopping centre or the Coin amusement arcade between 11.30am and 12.30pm on 9th April to contact them.
Finally the Gardaí appeal is for anyone who can assist them with regard to the investigation to contact the programme.
Gardaí at Roxboro Road Investigating Telephone (061) 419555

Gardaí in Tallaght are investigating the fatal shooting of 20-year-old Stephen O'Halloran and the shooting of two males who were in his company. The incident occurred at Kilmartin Drive, Tallaght, Dublin 24, on the night of Wednesday the 19th January 2009.
The victim and two male friends were sitting in a motorcar in the driveway of the deceased in Kilmartin Drive, Tallaght.
Investigators believe that two males approached the car, and fired a number of shots from two automatic pistols, through the front window and driver’s window of the car. Stephen O'Halloran received a number of gun shot wounds to his upper body, which proved fatal. The other males received gunshot wounds, but their injuries are not life threatening.
Investigating Gardaí: Tallaght Telephone 01 666 6000
The Gardaí at Coolock are investigating the murder of Thomas Joyce who was shot dead at Grove Lane / the Malahide Road on Wednesday the 17th June last.
The deceased was sitting at the entrance to Grove Lane when a blue Ford Focus estate bearing false registration plates 03 MN 616, pulled up. The car stopped opposite Grove lane facing northbound in the direction of Malahide. One male occupant then exited the vehicle and discharged a number of shots at the deceased.
It is not known how many other suspects accompanied the gunman. The gunman then ran back to the awaiting Ford Focus, where he fired one last shot across several lanes of traffic. The Ford Focus and its occupant’s then drove away along the Malahide road in the direction of the N32.
The car was later found burnt out at Balgriffin Cottages opposite Fingal Cemetery. Tommy Joyce was removed from the scene where he was pronounced dead at 8.45pm.
The investigation team’s appeal is centred on anyone who may have travelled in either direction along the Malahide Road at or around the time of the murder (7.42 pm), and who may have seen or heard anything to come forward.
Secondly, anyone who may have seen the Ford Focus, being abandoned at Balgriffin Cottages. Investigators believe this car was abandoned within a few minutes of the murder.
Thirdly, anyone with information with regard to the making of the false plates (03 MN 616)
Gardaí at Coolock Investigating Telephone 01 666 4200
Last month a gang carried out a series of raids around the Kilkenny, Waterford and Tipperary areas. These criminals have struck several times, always at night and always with the same car.
The raids took place on the 12th of September at shops in Paulstown and Mulinavat and on the 21st of September at licensed premises in Ballyhale and Kilmacow. In all the raids except Mullinavat, cigarettes and cash were taken.
A Silver Skoda Octavia was used by the gang during the raids. It bore different registration plates during the raids.
The Skoda was used by the same gang during raids in Dunmore East and Lismore, Co. Waterford on the 26th of September and 1st of October respectively.
Gardaí in Thomastown Investigating - Telephone 056 7754 150
Gardaí in Waterford Investigating - Telephone 051 305311
The Gardaí at Navan are investigating an armed robbery that took place at a Post office on Tuesday the 7th April 2009. The Post office is located at the Blackcastle Shopping centre, which is between the Kingscourt Road and the Slane Road in Navan.
At 11.31am three raiders arrived near the post office in a black Hyundai Santa Fe, which they parked opposite the premises in the car park. They then entered the post office wearing light, white overalls and green and cream working gloves.
The first raider was armed with a handgun, which he waved about the place.
The second raider was armed with a sledgehammer, which he used to smash through a window at the side of the counter. This raider appeared to be the one in control.
The third raider was carrying a black reusable shopping bag jumped through the smashed window into the area behind the counter.
The raiders stole a quantity of cash and made good their escape as the alarm was raised.
The raiders ran to Hyundai Santa Fe which they had left with its engine running. They then drove out of Blackcastle, turning right onto the Slane Road where they took an immediate left into the Bru Ná hAbhainn housing estate.
The raiders then set fire to the Santa Fe before transferring into a second vehicle, which is described as a large dark coloured salon car. The raiders then drove back to the Slane Road.
The original registration number of the Santa Fe was 01 D 92530.This vehicle had been stolen during the course of a burglary at Blackrock, Dublin on Wednesday the 1st April 2009.
Gardaí at Navan Investigating Telephone 046 90 79930
False Imprisonment of a bank official and theft at a bank in Coolock
Gardaí in Balbriggan are investigating an incident that occurred on Friday the 11th September 2009. A female bank official and her husband were falsely imprisoned and subsequently a significant sum of money was taken from the bank official’s place of work in Coolock.
At approximately 8.30am the bank official dropped her child at the Learn 2 Grow crèche in Dun Emer, Lusk, Co Dublin, a few hundred yards from her home. On the way back to her car she noticed a white van parked next to her car. When she got into her car a man with a gun got in the passenger side door. She was driven around the estate and at some stage the gunman managed to drop her house keys out of the car on Chapel Farm Road just after the junction with Spar. Gardaí believe an accomplice picked them up.
Atapproximately8.40am thevictim was circling around Chapel Farm Walk and Drive in her Gold B Class Mercedes. She was told to stop in St. McCullain’s Close cul de sac and was handed over bag and phone. After this they drove for about 8 miles through Skerries and Balbriggan killing time before returning to Dun Emer Crescent.
Sometime between 9.20 and 9.30am the victim’s husband arrived back home and was taken hostage.
At approximately 9.50am the Suspect left the victim’s car on Dun Emer Drive and walked back to Dun Emer Crescent. She was told to drive to Coolock and follow instructions. At 10.15am the victim arrived at the bank in Coolock.
Meanwhile at 9.50am the white van left the victim’s house, her husband was held hostage in the back of the van. Gardaí are appealing for witnesses who may have seen the white van between Lusk and Tallaght.
At 11.40am the Victim enters bank for the first time, she left at 11.55am. At 12.00 noon she returned looking for more money as per instructions. She left at 12.05pm and drove to Greenwood Walk via Woodies. She was instructed to leave her car and money in Greenwood Walk.
At 12.30pm the white van carrying the bank official’s husband arrived in Carrigmore estate, City West, Tallaght at 12.40pm he freed himself and raised the alarm.
Raider 1 was described as being in his early to mid 30s. He had piercing blue eyes / Brown eyebrows, short chestnut brown wavy hair. He was 5ft 10 / 6 ft and wore a black thigh length zip up jacket, black heavy cotton trousers, black baseball cap, black trousers and white runners.
The second raider was described as 5ft 10 and was average build. He wore a black bulky jacket, black woollen gloves.
Gardaí in Balbriggan are investigating - Telephone 01 802 0510
Robbery of a Bank at Cootehill, Co. Cavan
The Gardaí at Cootehill, Co Cavan are investigating an Armed Robbery that occurred at a bank on Friday the 26th June 2009, at approximately 4.40 pm.
A Red Toyota Corolla pulled up outside of the bank. The car was bearing cloned registration plates 06 C 6580, and had blackened out windows on both sides and to the rear. There were three men involved .Two carried out the raid while a third waited in the getaway car.
The two men then exited the car and approached the bank. The first man threw a rock through one of the windows of the bank. He took a sledgehammer and broke the remaining glass from the frame. He then placed a rug on the jagged glass which he had brought to the scene.
While the first man is breaking the window, the second man stands guard outside of the bank. This man was armed with a single barrel shotgun which he pointed at a witness at one stage.
The first man then enters the bank, where he interrupted a female member of staff who was filling the banks A.T.M with cartridges. The man then places a number of cartridges in a holdall bag. He then hands a cartridge to the man outside.
The man then climbed out through the window. Both men got into the waiting car and head along Market Street in the direction of Bridge Street and the Monaghan Road. The men threw metal spikes onto the road as they travelled, puncturing the tyres of vehicles travelling behind them.
The Toyota Corolla was later found abandoned and on fire at an unoccupied cottage at an area known as Dartry on the Monaghan Road
Gardaí in Cootehill are investigating - Telephone 049 555 2105
Murder of Raonaid Murray
Raonaid Murray’s body was found just after midnight on the 3rd/4th of September 1999 on Silchester Crescent. The 17 year old was fatally wounded following a knife attack. Gardaí investigating the murder are still appealing for the public’s assistance to find Raonaid’s killer.
Her parents make an emotional appeal for help on Crime Call.
Gardaí in Dun Laoghaire are investigating - Telephone 01 666 5000
Murder of Anthony Cannon
The Gardaí at Clondalkin are investigating the murder of Anthony Cannon that occurred at St Mary’s Avenue West /Phoenix Street Ballyfermot on Friday the 17 July 2009 at 3.30pm.This area is known locally as the ranch.
Anthony Cannon was 27 years old and lived at Robert Street, Dublin with his father and mother.
The deceased went to the area to what he believed was to attend a meeting at the nearby Ruby Finnegan’s pub. When he got there he was approached by a gunman who had travelled there on a motorbike. The gunman at the time of approaching the deceased was not wearing his helmet. He pursued the victim firing a number of shots.
The victim ran a short distance away but was shot and died at the scene. The gunman ran back down St Mary’s avenue .He then put on his helmet, mounted the motorbike and headed towards Con Colbert Road and the city centre.
Gardaí in Clondalkin are investigating - Telephone 01 666 7600
Murder of Pierce Reid
The Gardaí at Clondalkin are investigating the Murder of Pierce Reid who was fatally shot on Friday 7th August 2009 at 9.50 pm. The shooting occurred at his home at Lealand Close, Clondalkin, Dublin.
The deceased was 25 years old and leaved behind a partner and young child. The victim was in the front garden of his house when a gunmetal grey BMW 5 series, registration 08 D 26305 drove into the cul de sac.
The front seat passenger then alighted from the car and began firing from a handgun at the victim. Pierce Reid attempted to escape, but was fatally wounded two gardens away from his own.
The gunman then got back into the car which then reversed before mounting the kerb. It then drove across a green area (not named), which is opposite the scene. The then joined Lealand rd.
The gateway car was then found at Lindsfarne Park, Clondalkin. An Attempt was made to burn the car which was quickly extinguished by locals. This car was stolen from the Lucan area on 21/7/09.The original registration plates were on the car when it was located.
It is unknown where the culprits went from here.
Gardaí in Clondalkin are investigating - Telephone 01 666 7600
Murder of Eugenia Bratis
Gardaí in Cabra are investigating the murder of Eugenia Bratis whose body found in the Phoenix Park, Dublin on 05.08.09. She was from Timisoara in Romania. She died as a result of stab wounds. Eugenia begged in Dublin on O'Connell Bridge and Camden Street. Did you know Eugenia Bratis or anyone who knew her? Or Where in Dublin did Eugenia live?
Gardaí in Blanchardstown are investigating - Telephone 01 666 7000
Male Suicide Victim, Drogheda, Co. Louth
Day: Wednesday
Date: 8 October 2008
Place: Drogheda
Details: Gardaí in Drogheda are trying to identify a male suicide victim. The man is a white male, possibly in his 40’s. He is approximately 5’ 6” and well built. He weighs approximately 75 – 80kgs. He had black hair receding from the forehead and thinning at the crown. He had one day’s growth of facial hair. He also had hazel eyes with a tint if grey, a hairy chest and stomach. The male also carried diabetic apparatus.
Gardaí in Drogheda are investigating - Telephone 041 987 4200
Renewed Appeal to Identify This Male whose remains were found on Rosses Point Beach, Sligo on 16/6/09
Brief Outline of Circumstances
On 16th June 2009 the body of the above was discovered at Rosses Point Beach, Sligo wearing a dark t-shirt, light blue striped swimming togs and dark coloured underwear.
The male checked into Sligo City Hotel on 12th June 2009 giving the name Peter Bergman of Ainsterrst 15, 4472 Wien. He checked out on 15th June 2009. Enquiries now show that this male arrived at Ulster bus, Derry at 2:30pm on 12th June 2009 and boarded a bus for Sligo at 4pm that same day. To date this male remains unidentified.
Sex: Male
Age: Approx 50-70 years
Height: 5’10½”
Hair: Short Grey Hair Neatly groomed
Build: Slim
Skin Colour: Tan
Eye Colour: Blue
Eyebrows: Dark
Clothing Linked to Deceased:
· Black Soft Leather Jacket – C&A Brand
· Navy Chino Trousers – C&A Brand, Size 50
· Pair of Black Shoes – Finn Comfort, Size 44
· Black Leather Belt – Keywest
· Tommy Hilfiger Sleeveless Sweater – Size Medium
· Navy Woollen Socks
· Dark T-Shirt
· Light Blue Striped Swimming Togs
· Dark Underwear
Other Personal Effects:
· Quartz Water Resistant Black Watch
· 55mg Aspirin Tablets – Made in Bayer
· Hansaplast Plasters
· €140 cash
· 3 Blank Pieces of Writing Paper
· Tissues – Soft Sicher, Taschentocher
· Soap – Hotel Care
Additional Information
There is evidence to suggest that the deceased suffered from various forms of cancer:
Teeth – Teeth well maintained, had work carried out on teeth – Bridging, Root Canals and Crowning possibly in last 10 years. Has full gold tooth on upper back right side of mouth and small silver filling along gum of tooth on lower left side.
Gardaí in Sligo are investigating - Telephone 071 9157070
Missing Man Crumlin
Gardaí in Crumlin are seeking the public's assistance in discovering the whereabouts of a 47 year old man known as Velerius Poppovas (it's possible that this name may be an alias).
Velerius was last seen at his address at Ballymount Road Lower, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 on 18th March 2009. He is described as being 5'5", of strong build with grey hair, blue eyes and a dark moustache. It is not known what he was wearing at the time of his disappearance.
Gardaí in Crumlin are investigating - Telephone 01 666 6200.
Community Safety Week
Following a very successful community safety week, focusing on older people in the community, Chief Superintendent John Harnett will give some helpful crime prevention advice.
Traffic Feature
Jim McAllister will discuss traffic problems which affect older people in our communities. He will also have the up to date figures on road fatalities on our roads.

A large amount of property has been recovered by Gardai at Cahir.
Among the items recovered are a Honda welder, Honda Wacker, Honda Power washer, a Belling electric oven and hob, a Whirlpool washing machine, an Ifor Williams Trailer and a Stanley Stove.
If you wish to know further details about the property contact Cahir Garda Station on 052 45631
Quoting reference number 5599793

This Chalice was found in Ballymacormack Cemetery in Co. Longford on the 4th of January 2009.
It has the inscription on the bottom stating the following:
“To Longwood in Memory of the Bird Family, Brockenina, 1923”
The chalice is stamped gold and has a symbol of a cross on the bottom ring along with red rubies on the top of the cup.
Contact Longford Garda Station on 043 50571
Quoting reference number 5530355

Gardaí in Tallaght have recovered a number of watches and they are looking to reunite them with their owners.
The most valuable is a Tag Heure, model: Monza Calibre 36, Chronometer with a brown crocodile leather strap.
Investigating Gardaí: Tallaght Telephone 01 666 6000

Gardaí in Irishtown are investigating an incident that occurred between 6pm and 8:15pm on Sunday the first of February in Ringsend, Dublin 4. Two staff members of bookmakers, a man and a woman, were leaving work for the night. As they walked to their car, a green Renault Clio 97 D 57542, they were confronted by an armed raider. The male staff member was struck in the face with a handgun. The raider got in to the car and ordered the stricken man to get into the back where he was covered with a duvet. At this point a second raider obtained the keys to the bookmakers and alarm codes.
The man and woman were driven in the Green Renault Clio down the canal towards Rathmines. They parked the car near Corrigan’s public house for almost an hour. The raiders made mobile phone contact with another person believed to be the man captured on CCTV entering the bookmakers.
This man seemed to have been locked in the building and asked another person involved in the robbery to help him out of the premises. Gardaí believe he handed keys into the raider through the letterbox on the shutters. They are appealing for witnesses who may have seen this event to contact them. These men took a sum of money from the safe.
The two victims were released on Fortescue Lane Rathmines at approximately 8:15pm, where they made contact with Gardaí. The raiders burnt out the car, causing substantial damage to the buildings and other vehicles nearby on Fortescue lane.
Investigating Gardaí: Donnybrook Telephone 01 666 9200
Gardaí in Oldcastle are investigating an armed robbery that took place at a bank in the town on Friday the 30th of January last. Two masked men entered the bank. One of the men was armed with a shotgun and the other a knife. The gunman pointed his weapon at staff and customers in the bank while his accomplice took money from the cashier’s desk. They fled the scene in a silver Seat Leon car in the direction of Castlepollard.
The gunman was described as around 5ft10in in height and broadly built. He wore a full-length fluorescent jacket, with a hood and a black balaclava and black trousers.
The other raider carried an 8inch knife. He was 5ft 7in in height with an average build. He wore a sleeveless florescent jacket, light grey hoodie and a black balaclava.
Investigating Gardaí:Kells Telephone 046 928 0820

Gardaí in Carlow are investigating a robbery at a Post Office located at the Staplestown roundabout in Carlow town. Two men entered the shop housing the post office around 11am on Thursday 26th of February. They managed to get access behind the counter and took a sum of cash from the tellers.
One of the raiders was armed with a sledgehammer, while the other carried a kitchen knife. After the robbery the two men made their way to the bridge on Staplestown Road where a black BMW was waiting for them. This car had the Registration number 03D48606. This number had been duplicated from a similar BMW.
The car driven by a third person drove from Staplestown Road turning left onto St Patrick’s Avenue and right onto Pollerton Road. The raiders then drove in the direction of the Hackettstown roundabout continuing right onto the Brownshill Link Road. They turned left at Walls Forge onto the Wexford Road. The car was found abandoned 7 miles from Carlow in a country lane in Castlemore in Tullow. The BMW was stolen in Northern Ireland on the 16th of February 2009. Its registration number was CJZ7955.
Gardaí at Carlow Investigating Telephone 059 9131 505

Gardaí in Clane are investigating a robbery at a Supermarket in the Abbeylands Shopping Centre on Friday the 16th of January 2009.
At least three raiders entered the car park of the Abbeylands Shopping Centre in Clane at approximately 9:55pm. They were in a white Mazda 626. Witnesses say the car had a high rear spoiler. Two of the raiders got out of the car and made their way to the Supervalu Store in the main body of the centre.
The first raider was wearing a black monkey hat and a dark scarf. He carried a shotgun. The second raider was of a heavier build. He wore a dark hunting hat and carried a meat cleaver. He threatened staff while the gunman took the Manager to the cash office.
Both men made their getaway in the white Mazda. They took a right turn onto the Clane Relief Road towards the roundabout to Naas or Clane town Centre.
Gardaí at Naas Investigating Telephone 045 88 4300
Sergeant Jim Molloy would like to remind viewers that Spring Clean month kicked off on Tuesday 24 March 2009. Spring Clean is an initiative organised by An Taisce. However, last year Community Gardaí in Tallaght joined forces with An Taisce and the local community.
Together they targeted particular hotspots in the Tallaght area and as a result of the joint initiative there was a reduction in the incidents of Public order, Anti social behaviour, underage drinking and graffiti in these areas.
Following on from that success An Garda Síochána has again joined forces with An Taisce and has piloted the Spring Clean initiative in four areas which include Tallaght and Store Street in Dublin, Athlone in Co. Westmeath, and Ennis in Co. Clare.
So if you live in those particulars areas get involved and help make your community a safer, cleaner area with improved quality of life for all.
If you want to know more about the campaign log onto www.nationalspringclean.org

Gardaí in Tallaght Garda Station are requesting the assistance of the public in relation to the shooting of Robert Delaney at Russell Rise on the 22nd October 2008. Robert remains in a serious condition in Tallaght hospital.
On the morning of the shooting, the 27 year old father of two answered a call at his door. He looked out his kitchen window and a gunman fired a shot, hitting Robert in the head.
The Gardaí in Tallaght are particularly interested in speaking to anyone who may have seen either:
(a) Suspicious activity in the Russell estate on the evening of 21/10/08 and the morning of the 22/10/08.
(b) An unregistered (with no number plates) white Honda Integra car which was stolen on the evening of the 21st October from a garage on the Naas Road and subsequently located in the Montpelier Estate.
Please report any sightings related to the above car, or any information relating to the shooting to the Gardaí at Tallaght at 01 666 6000.
Gardaí in Tallaght Garda Station are still requesting the assistance of the public in relation to the shooting of Robert Delaney at Russell Rise on the 22nd October 2008. Robert remains in a serious condition in Tallaght hospital.
On the morning of the shooting, the 27 year old father of two answered a call at his door. He looked out his kitchen window and a gunman fired a shot, hitting Robert in the head.
Tallaght Gardaí is particularly interested in speaking to anyone who may have seen either:
(a) Suspicious activity in the Russell estate on the evening of 21/10/08 and the morning of the 22/10/08.
(b) An unregistered (with no number plates) white Honda Integra car which was stolen on the evening of the 21st October from a garage on the Naas Road and subsequently located in the Montpelier Estate.
Any sightings related to the above car, or any information relating to the shooting may be given to either the Gardaí at Tallaght at 01 666 6000.

This Paolo Soprani Accordion which is around 70 years old was stolen from Tinahealy on the 16th of March 2009.
If you have any information as to its whereabouts contact Arklow Garda Station on 0402 32304
Quoting reference number 5739517

This clock is an 8 daywind up, pendulum clock. It is approximately 150 years old and is a family heirloom.
It was stolen during a burglary at a house in Scartaglen, Co. Kerry on the 12th of July last.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of this clock contact Castleisland Garda Station on 066 714 1204
Quoting reference number 6057042
Gardaí in Howth are investigating an aggravated burglary that took place at a pharmaceutical company in Baldoyle Dublin. This incident took place on the 12th May in the early hours of the morning.
Gardaí believe that up to four armed men entered the premises and stole a large quantity of tablets. The tablets were removed in containers. There were two separate types of tablets stolen in the raid
Zopiclone 7.5mg commonly known as Zimovane or “ZZ” and Flunitrazepam 1mg commonly known as Rohypnol.
These tablets are dangerous if taken without medical supervision.
Gardai believe that the tablets may be available on the street and anxious to recover them.
Gardaí at Raheny Investigating Telephone 01 666 4300

A painting by Belfast-born artist William Conor has been stolen from Bray Public Library. The painting titled 'Fluter's Tune' is thought to have been taken on Thursday 16th of April. The painting depicts an elderly man playing a flute watched by a woman with a baby in her arms. Conor is best-known for his depiction of working-class life in Belfast. He was a World War I artist appointed by the British government. Born in Belfast in 1881, he died there in 1968.
Gardaí at Bray Investigating Telephone (01) 6665300

A large amount of property was taken from a dwelling in Rathgar on the 19th of July last.
Among the Items stolen was a black and silver Nokia Internet Tablet as seen across. It is 80cm x 60cm x 20cm in size. It has no sim card and has a touch screen.
A Pioneer amplifier, an orange Eino watch and a Tokyo Bay watch was also stolen.
If you have any information regarding this stolen property contact Rathmines Garda Station on 01 666 6700
Quoting reference number 6071322

Gardaí in Kells are investigating a theft of a JCB Teleporter, registration number 05 MH 344 from a building site in Kells between 9pm and 10pm on the 8th of December 2008. The Teleporter was taken from one side of the building site and driven through an open shed to where it was loaded onto a white articulated lorry with red curtains.
Investigating Gardaí: Kells Telephone 046 928 0820
Gardaí at Askeaton, Co. Limerick are investigating all of the circumstances surrounding the suspicious death of a 92 year old male at his home in Ballymakery, Kilcolman, Co. Limerick.
At approximately 11am on the 23/10/09 Garda were called to the above address where the body of one James Mulqueen, aged 92 years, was discovered.
The scene was technically examined and the body removed to the Mid Western Regional Hospital where a Post Mortem examination was carried out by the Deputy State Pathologist.
An incident room has been set up at Rathkeale Garda Station ph 069-63214, and enquiries are ongoing.
Gardaí are particularly appealing to anyone who noticed any suspicious activity in the vicinity of Ballymakeery between 10am on Thursday, the 22/10/09 and 10am on Friday, the 23/10/09, to contact them.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Gardaí at Askeaton on 061-601630, or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.

Gardaí are making an appeal for information in relation to the investigation into the false imprisonment of a Bank of Ireland Employee and his family and the subsequent theft at the Bank of Ireland College Green over the 26th and 27th of February.
On the morning of the incident, the employee’s partner, her mother and a six year old child were left tied up in a blue Peugeot Van which was abandoned at the rear of an empty house in Rath, Ashbourne Co Meath. The house is located at the Ashbourne roundabout opposite the Marriot Hotel.
On the 1st of March at around 8:45pm a black Volkswagen Golf belonging to the family was discovered alight at the rear of Temple Lawns apartments in Northwood in Santry. Gardaí are appealing for any information regarding the movements of this car from Friday the 27th of February until Sunday evening the 1st of March.
The bank employee’s Red Toyota Celica was discovered burnt out at the rear of River Gardens apartment complex in Glasnevin Village at around 11am on the morning of the 27th of February. It was driven from Clontarf dart station around 8am and Gardaí are appealing for information as to its whereabouts until it was discovered at River Gardens. Did anyone see people fleeing the scene?
Gardaí are appealing for witnesses who may have seen suspicious activity outside Portland Lough apartments on the morning of the incident between 7am and 8am. The apartments are situated between Croke Park and Dorset Street.
If anyone has any information in relation to the false imprisonment at the family’s home in Kilteel over the 26th and 27th of February and the subsequent theft at the Bank of Ireland in College Green they should contact the Pearse Street Incident Room at 01 666 9026.
Gardaí in Mountjoy are investigating a theft that took place at an Esso Service station on the Finglas Road in Glasnevin at a quarter past twelve on Tuesday, the 3rd of November last.
A Cash in Transit van pulled into the service station just before 12:15. The security officer was collecting money from the premises and as he attempted to get back in the van he was accosted by a masked raider. The raider took the cash box and ran to the Dublin Industrial Estate. He got into a small white van, possibly a VW Caddy, which was driven by another person. The van left in the direction of the Ballyboggin road.
Gardaí at Mountjoy Investigating Telephone 01 666 8600

Spinal Injuries Ireland had 3 kayaks stolen from them between the 13th and 20th of June last.
The Kayaks were a Red/Orange Perception Carolina, a Yellow Perception Carolina and a Green Perception Acadia.
Each Kayak has a stainless steel bolt at the front and rear of the cockpit for the user to stabilise them in the water.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of these kayaks contact Naas Garda Station 045 884342
Quoting reference number: 5969796

This Abbey County Dorset Caravan was stolen from Greenore, Co. Louth on the morning of the 4th of February last.
It is cream and white in colour with green trims. There is a Heiki make sunroof on the caravan.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of this caravan contact Carlingford Garda Station 042 937 3102
Quoting reference number 5610324

Gardai in Dunshaughlin are investigating the theft of hundreds of metres of Road Crash Barriers taken from the M3 over bridge at Roestown, near Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath over the 29th to the 31st of August.
The load stolen consists of 4 metre length beams. These beams are professionally assembled and would have taken up to an hour and a half, using heavy lifting equipment to disassemble them.
The beams have a unique marking on them, as seen circled in the picture across. Each beam weighs 50kg. They were also taken with each nut and bolt, which would suggest they would be likely to be reassembled at another location.
Telephone Dunshaughlin Garda Station on 01 825 9192
Quoting reference number 6197962

Sergeant Jim McAllister will be in the studio to discuss motorcycle safety with advice for the motorcyclist as well as other vehicle drivers. Sergeant McAllister will also have the latest road fatalitity figures.
Sergeant Jim McAllister will be in the studio to discuss the latest figures concerning road fatalities. With the Easter bank holidays approaching caution is needed when travelling on our roads.

Sergeant Jim Mc Allister will be in the studio to discuss safe driving and the consequences of being prosecuted in relation to traffic offences. Sergeant Mc Allister will also provide the latest figures concerning road fatalities, and will advise that with the May bank holiday approaching, caution is needed when travelling on our roads.
In December Crime Call are doing a feature piece on young drivers – the dangers of speed. The feature is aimed at parents of young people and the focus is our collective responsibility to educate young people about responsible driving and the dangers of using inappropriate speed.
We interview Dr. Gerry Lane from the Emergency Department in Letterkenny Hospital. He tells us collisions are the leading cause of death of young men and women.
He outlines the main causes of collisions and tells us that most collisions are avoidable. He talks about the cost of those lives; the injuries and maiming that are a result of collisions and the impact on families and society. He also looks at the cost of collisions in terms of hospital beds and scarce resources.
We will interview a young adult survivor of a collision and find out how they and their family’s lives have been affected by the collision and the resulting physical and emotional injuries.
On November 17th 2009, we reported on Crime Call that there had been 206 fatalities on our roads in 2009 compared to 251 on the same date in 2008. We hope our December feature will prevent other families from enduring such a tragic loss.
Sergeant Jim McAllister will be in studio to give us the latest statistics on road fatalities on our roads and advising us on road safety over the summer months.
You should call 999 in the case of an emergency. An emergency is any incident which requires an immediate Garda response. Examples of emergencies are:-
• A danger to life
• Risk of serious injury
• Crime in progress or about to happen
• Offender still at scene or has just left
In all other circumstances when reporting a crime you should contact your local Garda Station. You can find out details of your local Garda Station in the Station Directory on the Garda Website. Anyone with information regarding a crime can also ring the Garda Confidential Telephone Number 1800 666 111.
Contact details of your local Garda Station should be readily to hand in both your home and place of work, and on speed dial on your home and mobile phones.
Gardaí in the Bridewell want to speak to the man man who may have witnessed a serious incident on Little Mary Street in Dublin City on the 25th of January 2009 at approximately 3:40am.
Gardaí at Bridewell Investigating Telephone 01 666 8200