Operation TARA – Over €1 Million of Cocaine seized and One Arrested – Drogheda, County Lo...
Operation TARA – Over €1 Million of Cocaine seized and One Arrested – Drogheda, County Louth - 12th November 2022
€110,000 Cannabis Herb Seized - Joint Operation GNDOCB and Revenue - Santry, Dublin - 9th...
€110,000 Cannabis Herb Seized - Joint Operation GNDOCB and Revenue - Santry, Dublin - 9th November 2022
€110,000 Cannabis Seized, An Garda Síochána and Revenue Customs Service Joint Operation, ...
GNDOCB and Revenue Joint Operation – €249,000 Ketamine Seized, Stoneybatter Dublin 7, 2nd...
Investigations are ongoing
Court Appearance - Two Men Arrested and Over €100,000 in Drugs Seized, Cobh, Co.Cork - 31...
They are both due to appear before Mallow District Court
An Garda Síochána launch “Safe at College” campaign to ensure students stay safe and feel...
#SafeatCollege - advice to be provided on topics such as rental fraud, money mules, staying safe, driving, drugs, sexual consent and hate crime.
Two Men Arrested and Over €100,000 in Drugs Seized, Cobh, Co.Cork - 31st October 2022
Two Men Arrested and Over €100,000 in Drugs Seized, Cobh, Co.Cork - 31st October 2022
Operation Tara – Gardaí seize €50,000 worth of Cannabis and make two arrests in County Lo...
Operation Tara – Gardaí seize €50,000 worth of Cannabis and make two arrests in County Longford - 27th October 2022
An Garda Síochána warn of the rise in number of younger people targeted to be Money Mules
An Garda Síochána warn of the rise in number of younger people targeted to be Money Mules
Drugs Seizure €250k and Arrests - Garda and Revenue Joint Operation in Co Wexford 25th Oc...
Drugs Seizure €250k and Arrests - Garda and Revenue Joint Operation in Co Wexford 25th October 2022