The Garda National Protective Services Bureau (GNPSB) provides advice, guidance and assistance to Gardai investigating the following: Sexual Crime Investigation; Online Child Exploitation Investigation; Child Protection, Domestic Abuse Intervention and Investigation; Human Trafficking Investigation; Organised Prostitution Investigation; ViCLAS; Specialist Interview; Sex Offender Management; Missing Persons; Missing Persons in Care; and, Support for Victims of Crime. The bureau leads the investigation in more complex cases.
The bureau also liaises with relevant Government Departments, State Bodies and voluntary groups, embracing the essential multi agency approach to tackling these crimes and their causes. Primary considerations in these cases are the protection and welfare of the victims, while ensuring the proper investigation of the alleged activities.
Six new Divisional Protective Services Units (DPSUs) went live across six Garda divisions in the 1st week of January 2019 adding to the already established Units. A total of 10 Divisional Units have now been established across nine Garda Divisions - Full press release