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Body Worn Cameras

The first phase of a proof of concept for Body Worn Cameras (BWC) for An Garda Síochána and the supporting Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) is taking place in Dublin City Centre and Limerick. Gardaí in Dublin are using Axon Body 4 cameras and Gardaí in Limerick are using Sigma Reveal cameras.

The Report of the Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland (CoFPI) was published in September 2018. It contains 10 key principles for the future of policing, in which it provides that policing must be “adaptive, innovative and cost effective”. The report recommended that An Garda Síochána should make digital transformation, and investment in same, a priority in order to modernise the service. Further, that they should create a digital strategy which could, inter alia, enhance the front line capability and facilitate inter-agency cooperation. 


The 8th principle of the CoFPI report is that policing should be information-led with recommendations on support for effective processes, data quality and access and increased analytics capability.

The 10th principle of being adaptive and innovative includes recommendations on modernising core technology platforms, body worn camera and timely access to information.

The implementation and modernisation of policing in Ireland will depend on the transformation of An Garda Síochána’s digital technology in order to supply the information necessary to guide decision-making in all of these areas, and to underpin the accountability of the police. The Garda Data and technology Vision supports the Garda Síochána mission of ‘Keeping People Safe’. Achieving this requires full participation in a society which is increasingly digital.

On 4 August 2022 the Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Bill 2022 was published. It completed all stages in the Houses of the Oireachtas on Wednesday, November 29 and was signed into law by the President on Tuesday, 5 December. The Bill provides a modern and robust legal basis for the Garda deployment of body worn cameras and for the expanded use of ANPR and CCTV.  


A Proof of Concept has been devised to facilitate An Garda Síochána to take the time to understand the cameras, the digital evidence journey, costs and how BWCs could assist our Gardaí in terms of safety, detection and court outcomes. The PoC will take place in Dublin North Central, Dublin South Central, Limerick and Waterford. The scope of the PoC includes 600 Body Worn Cameras and a Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS).

To enable the PoC, the Minister for Justice has just commenced Part 2, Part 8 and other applicable sections of the Act and  is viewable on the Irish Statute Book website at the following link Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Act 2023 (Code of Practice).


Proof of Concept

Within the 4 Divisions, all BWC wearing Gardaí will be trained by eLearning and classroom courses before using the BWCs. The BWCs will be used by personnel allocated to the following Garda Stations; Store Street, Pearse Street, Kevin Street, Henry Street and Waterford. Upon completion of the PoC, An Garda Síochána will reflect the learning arising from the exercise prior to any procurement process for a national implementation of BWCs.

In this Proof of Concept, we will be taking the time to understand the cameras, the digital evidence journey, costs and how BWCs could assist our Gardaí in terms of safety, detection and court outcomes. The Code of Practice is also part of our learning and understanding of the process, policy and evidence, where a further consultation and review period will take place before any national rollout of Body Worn Cameras is conducted.


What are Body Worn Cameras and how will they be used?

Body Worn Cameras are video and audio recording devices which can be attached to a Garda's clothing. When in use by An Garda Síochána, they will only retain audio and video footage where a Garda actively switches the device on, they will then record until switched off.

They may be activated during specific incidents, such as where a Garda believes a criminal offence is being committed, where they be may be required to exercise force or when executing court orders or warrants. The full range of circumstances in which a Garda Member may utilise Body Worn Cameras is laid down in the Garda Síochána (Recording Devices) Act 2023. Operation of Body Worn Cameras should always be necessary and proportionate.

Body Worn Cameras will be visible on the Garda Members clothing and when recording this will be indicated by a light on the front of the camera.

When activating Body Worn Cameras, the Garda Member should make practicable efforts to inform members of the Public present at an incident that recording is occurring.

Codes of Practice are being developed and before a Garda Member begins using Body Worn Cameras they will be trained in the use of their Camera in accordance with the Codes of Practice.



Training videos

Dublin Training Exercises

Limerick Training Exercise