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Pre selection fitness test

What are the physical requirements?

Physical Requirements Pre Entry Tests

The newly introduced Garda Physical Competency Test (PCT) now has two components which are a 20 metre multi stage fitness test (also known as a beep test) immediately followed (non-stop) by an obstacle course with a requirement to pass both components in 8 minutes 4 seconds or less. As this test is role specific, this pass time of 8 minutes 4 seconds applies to all candidates completing the  Garda Physical Competency Test regardless of age and gender.

20 metre multi stage fitness (beep) test

The candidate must firstly successfully complete the 20 metre beep test to Level 5.6 in a set time of 4mins 54 seconds before being allowed to commence the obstacle course. The objective of the progressive 20 metre beep test is to run from one line  to another line 20 metres apart in a straight line, keeping to the speed indicated by the beeps on the audio track to a total distance of 760 metres.  The candidate will hear loud beeps at regular intervals. At first the speed is slow, but the speed will increase at the end of each minute by 0.5kph.  On successfully reaching the last beep at Level 5.6 the candidate is then allowed to proceed to the obstacle course.

Obstacle Course

The candidate is required to complete two circuits of the obstacle course in a time less than 3minutes 10 seconds (Combined Total Time: 8 minutes 4 Seconds) to successfully complete the PCT. The Obstacle Course consists of the following:

  1. Sprint start
  2. Weave through cones
  3. Walk along a balance beam
  4. Lift a car wheel and carry it 3 meters
  5. Go underneath a barrier
  6. Jump over a mat (one meter wide)
  7. Push a sled 6 meters
  8. Pull a sled 6 meters
  9. Run up and down a flight of stairs
  10. Climb over a gate
  11. Sprint 10 metres

Should a candidate fail to complete any of the above components of the obstacle course, they must repeat that component whilst their recorded time still continues.

Pre selection fitness test videos detailing the Physical Competence Tests are available here:

Video 1 – All requirements to pass the test

Video 2 – Complete Audio of the Shuttle Run/Bleep Test as used by the Garda College