Use of Force Statistics 2020
Joint Operation of €2.58 million of suspected Cannabis Herb seized and Arrests, GNDOCB. 3...
Joint Operation of €2.58 million of suspected Cannabis Herb seized and Arrests, GNDOCB. 3rd February, 2021.
Man Arrested Following Aggravated Burglary and €20,000 Cannabis Seized - Limerick City - ...
Gardaí investigating an aggravated burglary that occurred at approximately 7am this morning, Saturday 30 January 2021, have arrested a man.
Court Appearance - €130,000 of Suspected Cannabis Seized and Growhouse Located, Man Charg...
Man Charged - €245,000 of Suspected Cocaine Seized on 23/1/2021 Raheen, Limerick
The man arrested in relation to the seizure of suspected cocaine in Rahenn, Co. Limerick on January 23, 2021 has since been charged.
€245,000 Cocaine Seized and Man Arrested - 23rd January 2021 - Raheen, Co. Limerick
€245,000 Cocaine Seized and Man Arrested - 23rd January 2021 - Raheen, Co. Limerick
€130,000 of Suspected Cannabis Seized and Growhouse Located, Man Charged, County Longford...
€130,000 of Suspected Cannabis Seized and Growhouse Located, Man Charged, County Longford, Saturday, 23rd January, 2021
Over €1.1 Million of Suspected Cannabis Seized Along with Firearm and €100,000 Cash, GNDO...
Over €1.1 Million of Suspected Cannabis Seized Along with Firearm and €100,000 Cash, GNDOCB Operation, Monaghan and Louth
€57,000 Cocaine and €8,450 in Cash Seized - Finglas Co.Dublin, 22nd January 2021
€57,000 Cocaine and €8,450 in Cash Seized - Finglas Co.Dublin, 22nd January 2021
Cocaine seizure and Arrests, Blanchardstown. 22nd January, 2021.
Cocaine seizure and Arrests, Blanchardstown. 22nd January, 2021.