€20,000 Cannabis Seized and Arrest, Fermoy, Co. Cork, 25th January 2022,
During the course of this search suspected cannabis with an estimated value of €20,000 was recovered.
Drugs worth €1.4million seized in GNDOCB and Revenue Operation - Saturday 22nd January 20...
Drugs worth €1.4million seized in GNDOCB and Revenue Operation - Saturday 22nd January 2022
Arrests and Drugs Seized with Revenue Customs, Dublin Airport, 20th January 2022
Arrests and Drugs Seized with Revenue Customs, Dublin Airport, 20th January 2022
Operation Tara: €18,000 worth of suspected cocaine and cash seized Castlebar Co Mayo Janu...
Operation Tara: €18,000 worth of suspected cocaine and cash seized Castlebar Co Mayo January 20, 2022
Update: €56,000 Drugs Seized and Three Arrests, Cork City, 19th January 2022
Two of the men (40s), arrested in relation to this incident have been charged and are due to appear before Cork District Court tomorrow morning, Friday 21st January 2022 at 10:30am.
GNDOCB Operation Dublin – 19th January 2022.
GNDOCB Operation Dublin – 19th January 2022.
€56,000 Drugs Seized and Three Arrests, Cork City, 19th January 2022
€56,000 Drugs Seized and Three Arrests, Cork City, 19th January 2022
Update: Operation Tara €85,000 drugs and cash seizure Ballybane, Galway January 18, 2022
Update: Operation Tara €85,000 drugs and cash seizure Ballybane, Galway January 18, 2022
Arrests following €85,000 drugs and cash seizure Ballybane, Galway 18/1/22
The drugs seized are subject to forensic analysis
Update: Operation Tara €85,000 drugs and cash seizure Ballybane, Galway 18/1/22
A file will now be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions