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    Can a citizen from any country join?

    To join applicants must:  

    (a)       be a national of a European Union Member State; or  

    (b)       be a national of a European Economic Area State, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the Swiss Confederation; or           

    (c)       Under the International Protection Act, 2015 and in compliance with the Admissions and Appointments Regulations 2013, as amended, be (i) a refugee or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a refugee declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process or (ii) a person granted subsidiary protection or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a subsidiary protection declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process; or  

    (d)       by the closing date of the advertisement of this competition, have had a period of one year’s continuous residence in the State, and during the eight years immediately preceding that period, have had a total residence in the State amounting to four years. 

    The onus is on candidates to provide documentary evidence that they continue to meet the eligibility requirements throughout the process and to update the Public Appointments Service and An Garda Síochána of any changes that might impact their eligibility.   

    No, there is no internal transfer process. You must go through the normal recruitment process.

    Do I need a degree to apply?

    There is no requirement to have a degree prior to entering the police service as a trainee, however if you are in the final year of completing a degree when offered a place in the Garda College we can be flexible with your start date to enable you to complete your final year.


    How can I find out more?

    Further information can be found on the following websites www.publicjobs.ie and www.careersportal.ie.


    How do I join An Garda Síochána?

    The Public Appointments Service (PAS) manages the application process and the initial selection stages of the campaign on behalf of the Garda Commissioner.

    To register your interest you must have a “User Account” on http://www.publicjobs.ie. If you have not already done so, you must register as a ‘New User’ to create your Profile (register a New Account). Once registered, you can set up a job alert for positions within An Garda Síochána. In the section “Create Job Alert” under Job Category select “Security/Emergency Services” and Sub Category “Garda” then “Add alert”. Candidates should not confuse registering (Creating a Profile) and setting up a job alert with submitting an application. Once the position is advertised you must then access the application form, complete and submit it.


    How do members get into a specialist area?

    Ordinarily new members of the service must spend at least three years on normal uniformed policing duties. After that, they are free to apply for any vacancies which may arise in specialist areas. Each section will have its own unique selection procedures.

    I am a serving Garda Reserve; how should I apply?

    Reserve Gardaí give their time on a voluntary basis to support the work of An Garda Síochána within the community. They have undergone training in many of the skills required to perform their duty as valued members of community policing or regular units delivering proactive, high visibility policing which contributes to keeping people safe. In recognition of this, a separate stream is being held for serving Reserve Gardaí who, by the closing date have:

    (i)            completed their probationary period;

    (ii)           performed their role to a satisfactory standard;

    (iii)          served a minimum of 120 hours per year for two of the last four claim years;

    (iv)         fulfil the Conditions for Entry as set out in the Notes for Candidates at PublicJobs.ie.

    Eligible applicants should apply in the usual way and indicate on the application form that they wish to apply for the Serving Garda Reserve Stream. In order to be considered for this stream, when completing your application form applicants must include:              

    1)               Reserve Garda Registration Number;     

    2)               Division in which you are currently serving. 

    Applicants must be a Reserve Garda at the time of appointment as a Garda Trainee to continue to be eligible under the Garda Reserve Stream. Applicants who are no longer a member of the Reserve Garda will not be eligible to be offered an appointment from this Stream.         

    Further information regarding a Garda Reserve Verification Form, will issue directly to you by email shortly after the closing date of the competition. Applicants will be required to complete the form, and have it signed by their Divisional Officer and forwarded to the Appointments Office in Garda Headquarters within a specified timeframe. 

    Failure to return the Garda Reserve Verification Form in the timeframe specified will result in your application for the Serving Garda Reserve Member Stream not receiving any further consideration.

    I do not have two languages or Irish. Do I still need to have Irish? Is Irish an absolute requirement?

    A proven proficiency in either Irish or English is required. There is no longer a requirement to have a second language.

    Successful applicants are required to study and pass Irish as part of a module in the Garda College.

    I have fluent Irish, is there a specific recruitment stream for me? 

    Iarrthóirí atá líofa don tSraith Ghaeilg- Applicants with proficiency in the Irish Language Stream. 

    The Garda Commissioner and An Garda Síochána are fully committed to fulfilling their obligations under the Official Languages (Amendment) Act 2021. The Garda Commissioner is pleased to announce that individuals who have proficiency in the Irish language and who fulfil all other eligibility criteria set out may indicate their interest in applying for consideration to a specialist Irish language stream on the application form.    

    Candidates who indicate their interest in this stream who are invited through to the final stages of the selection process will be required to undergo a competency based interview in Irish prior to being considered for such a position. They must achieve the required level in the Irish language at this interview i.e. demonstrate a minimum Level B2 on the Europass self-assessment framework.    

    Candidates appointed from this stream must be able to provide a full range of services in Irish. If successful, candidates will be allocated to Gaeltacht areas for a period of time as and when determined by the Garda Commissioner.               

    The requirement to be of a specific height has been removed and replaced with a physical competence test.

    Watch the Physical Competence Test video here



    Is there an age limit?

    Applicants must be 18 years of age but not yet 50 years of age at midnight on the closing date of the competition.

    The age range stated is 18-50. If I am 50 can I apply?

    The exact date range that applicants need to be born are specified for candidates as follows:

     Be 18 years of age but not yet 50 years of age at midnight on the closing date of the competition.

    In addition to the eligibility criteria relating to age, education and citizenship, applicants must:

    a) Be of good character;
    b) Be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner (nominated by the Garda
    c) Commissioner after consultation with the Minister) to be of good health, of sound constitution and fitted physically and mentally to perform the duties of a member of the Service.
    d) Have passed a Physical Competence Test;

    What are the educational requirements?

    By the closing date of the competition applicants must:

    (a)       have obtained an Irish Leaving Certificate with a grade D3 or O6 minimum in five subjects at Ordinary Level*, or

    (b)      hold a minimum of a Level 5 Major award (120 Credits) on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), or

    (c)       hold a recognised qualification (at Level 5 or greater), deemed comparable to the above in terms of both level and volume of learning as determined by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)          


    (d)       be proficient in either or both of the following:

    1. i) the Irish language ii)      the English language

    * Subjects taken at Foundation Level Leaving Certificate are not considered equivalent for entry to this competition. In certain cases, a Pass in the Applied Leaving Certificate may be deemed equivalent to an Ordinary Leaving Certificate.                                        

    The Public Appointments Service may verify the validity of qualifications other than the Leaving Certificate with Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). Candidates may refer to the National Academic Recognition Information Centre which offers advice on the academic recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland.      

    Leaving cert

    What are the physical requirements?

    Applicants are expected to be aerobically fit in order to safely undergo training and to subsequently carry out the duties assigned to them as a Garda.

    All applicants will undergo a Physical Competence Test as part of the application process and their subsequent training.

    Applicants must pass all elements of the test and there is strictly no deviation from the format of the test.

    Successful applicants must maintain their fitness during the Foundation Training Programme, and Physical Competence Tests will be undertaken during the Programme. Failure to maintain the required levels of fitness during training will be a breach of contract and constitute a termination of contract.

    A demonstration video and detailed information regarding the Physical Competence Test are available here.

    What does the training involve?

    The Trainee Garda/Probationer programme is the bedrock of the organisation learning development strategy, the foundations on which all other learning in the organisation is built on.

    The Trainee Garda/Probationer training programme is delivered over 104 weeks leading to a BA in Applied Policing. The initial period of 34 weeks which includes two weeks leave comprises a block period at the Garda College. The training assignment will be for a period of 32 weeks or for such shorter or extended periods as the Commissioner of An Garda Síochána may determine. The remainder of training takes place predominately at selected Garda Divisions with specific periods of tuition built in and annual leave included at specific times. The programme will be delivered using a problem based learning approach. For the duration of the programme and beyond, trainees enter a contract of employment with An Garda Síochána.

    Training is divided into three phases;

    Phase I:

    Phase I is 34 weeks including two weeks leave.

    During Phase I of the training the Trainee Gardaí will reside at the Garda College, Templemore. Co. Tipperary - Monday to Friday inclusive. They will receive a training allowance of €184 per week. Trainee Gardaí will sign a Training Contract that will be valid for the period of their Phase I training. This training period may be extended for longer periods as the Garda Commissioner so directs. On successful completion of Phase I training the Trainee Garda will be attested and will progress to Phase II of their training. The Trainee Garda will now be a Probationer Garda and will be appointed as a member of An Garda Síochána.

    Phase II:

    Phase II is 34 weeks in total.

    Phase II will be an operational phase where the newly appointed Probationer Garda will commence training in the operational field at a designated Garda Station. He/she will work alongside a Garda assigned to assist them. The Probationer Garda will be on a permanent contract of employment and pay.

    Phase III:

    Phase III is completely autonomous. In this phase of the training, the Probationer Garda will work independently.

    The modules studied during the two year training programme are:

    • Foundations of Policing
    • Professional Competence I
    • Crime & Incident Policing I
    • Policing with Communities I
    • Road Traffic Policing I
    • Station Roles and Responsibilities I
    • Officer and Public Safety
    • Professional Competence II
    • Crime / Incident Policing II
    • Policing with Communities II
    • Road Traffic Policing II
    • Station Roles and Responsibilities II
    • Professional Competence III
    • Law and Procedures
    • Policing with Communities III

    Academic and Professional Assessment

    Throughout the programme Trainee Gardaí/Probationers shall be subject to academic examinations and professional assessments. Participation in all examination subjects and professional assessments is mandatory. The Irish language and Physical Fitness are mandatory parts of the various modules and programme. Trainee Gardaí/Probationers are required to pass all examinations and assessments during their respective phases in order to progress to the conclusion of the programme. Any person seeking accommodations in respect of learning or other issues must declare same immediately upon arrival at the Garda College to commence Phase 1 training. Examples of Accommodations sought include Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.

    Candidates should note that members of An Garda Síochána are required to serve at any station or centre within the State at the discretion of the Commissioner.

    The Public Appointments Service will manage the application process and the initial selection stages of the campaign on behalf of the Garda Commissioner.

    Applications should be made online to the Public Appointments Service through their website www.publicjobs.ie. It is recommended that applicants do not use a tablet / iPad or mobile device to apply.

    To apply, candidates must have a “User Account” on www.publicjobs.ie. If you have not already done so, you must register as a ‘New User’ to create your Profile (register a New Account).

    If you cannot remember your profile details from before, please do not create a second profile as this could invalidate your application.

    Persons, who do not meet the conditions set out for this competition, should not apply, as it will put them to unnecessary trouble and expense.

    Username / Password issues

    Forgotten your username or password?

    If so, click on the following link:


    How to contact Public Appointments Service?

    If you continue to have ‘User Name’ or ‘Password’ difficulties please email Public Appointments Service on GardaTrainee2022@publicjobs.ie outlining your issue and giving your name and contact details, including a telephone number, where you can be reached.

    Candidates should note that support will only be available during office hours until the closing date.

    Candidates should not confuse registering (Creating a Profile) with submitting an application. Once you have created a Profile you must then access the application form, complete and submit it.

    Candidates must use their own valid email address. Email addresses from third parties will not be accepted and may invalidate your application. Public Appointments Service will only communicate application information with the candidate and not with any third party.

    Username and Password

    It is important that you keep note of your username and password as you will need this information to access your Publicjobs Messageboard.

    Should you change your email address or mobile phone number in the course of this recruitment campaign, you should login to your publicjobs folder and update your profile as soon as possible. If it becomes necessary to send an email/text message notification to you, this will be sent to the email address/telephone number on your profile.

    Publicjobs Messageboard

    Interaction with candidates during the selection process will primarily be conducted online. Public Appointments Service will send most communication through your Publicjobs Messageboard. Check your Messageboard on a regular basis as email notifications of updates/tests issued to your Messageboard may sometimes be filtered into your Junk/Spam email folders (or ‘Promotions’ in the case of gmail). You are also advised to check all these folders regularly.

    If invited to tests and/or interview, the onus is on each applicant to make themselves available on the date(s) specified by the Public Appointments Service.

    The Public Appointments Service accepts no responsibility for communication not accessed or received by an applicant. They must ensure that they regularly check their Messageboard and access all communications from the Public Appointments Service.

    Access the job posting by clicking on the ‘Garda Trainee’ link on the home page of www.publicjobs.ie. This document, Notes for Applicants and Conditions of Service, is also available with the job posting while the competition is advertised. Please consider saving this document for future reference.

    Click on the button ‘Apply now’ to access the application form. This button is located at the end of the job posting page. You must complete the application form in full and click the submit button.

    Once you have submitted your application form you should return to your publicjobs account and confirm that it has been successfully submitted via ‘My Applications’. At this point you should consider adding www.publicjobs.ie to your safe senders or contact list within your email account to avoid not receiving emails because a publicjobs email has been blocked.

    If you do not receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your application within two working days of applying, please email  GardaTrainee2022@publicjobs.ie Candidates should note that support will be available during office hours until the closing date.

    Only fully completed and submitted applications will be accepted into the campaign. The admission of a person to the competition, or invitation to undertake any element of the selection process is not to be taken as implying that the Public Appointments Service or the Garda Commissioner is satisfied that such a person fulfils the requirements.

    Only one application per person is permitted. Remember, you must include your PPS number when applying.

    Equality Monitoring

    Public Appointments Service is committed to an equal opportunities policy in accordance with the Employment Equality Acts (1998 to 2011). In order to ensure that the policy is effective Public Appointments Service monitors its selection processes. To do this, a small number of equality monitoring questions is included at the application stage. While completion of this form is completely voluntary, we would encourage applicants to assist in equality proofing our processes by completing it. Any responses given will have no bearing on the way in which your application is considered.

    Applications are now:

    OPEN until 3pm on the 16 March 2022

    It is suggested that you apply well in advance of the closing date in case you experience any difficulties.

    What is the pay?

    The pay of all public servants is determined by the Minister of Public Expenditure and Reform in consultation with relevant parties. The rates of pay and allowances are indicative and are therefore subject to change.

    Garda Trainees will receive an allowance of €354 per week for the 36 weeks leading to attestation. Accommodation and food is provided by An Garda Síochána while resident in the Garda College.



    The competition for the selection of Garda Trainees attracts a very high number of applicants. Accordingly, the selection process to become a Garda Trainee is comprehensive, with candidates required to undertake a range of relevant assessment tests and exercises over a number of selection stages. The tests and exercises are designed to identify candidates suitable to be a Garda Trainee, with potential to become an attested member. Therefore, only the highest performing candidates at each particular stage will progress to the next stage. The numbers called forward to each stage of selection will be determined from time to time having regard to the number of places to be filled in the Garda College.

    The Public Appointments Service will conduct the initial selection stages on behalf of the Garda Commissioner. Names and details of candidates who are successful and are placed highest on the order of merit following the selection stages conducted by the Public Appointments Service will be forwarded to An Garda Síochána for further consideration.

    Neither An Garda Síochána nor the Public Appointments Service will be responsible for refunding any expenses incurred by candidates in relation to the recruitment process.

    Job Preview Self Assessment Questionnaire

    A realistic job preview questionnaire is included in this booklet (see Appendix A) which you should consider before making an application. This is not a part of the selection process but rather is for your own use to assist you in deciding if a career in An Garda Síochána is right for you.

    Selection Methods

    Candidates will be required to take a number of tests which are designed to identify their potential to become a Garda Trainee. More detailed information in relation to the selection methods e.g. tests, exercises, etc., and confirmed dates will be made available to candidates as they progress through the process.

    The methods used to select the successful candidates for this role may include:

    • Assessment questionnaire(s)
    • Tests and Exercises e.g. reasoning and ability tests
    • Interview(s)
    • Language test(s) e.g. in the case of fluency in Irish stream
    • Physical Competence Test
    • Medical Examination
    • Any other assessment tests/exercises deemed appropriate

    Overview of the Garda Trainee selection process

    The chart below outlines the selection process that candidates can expect to participate in, should they apply for the General and Fluency in Irish Garda Trainee streams.

    Serving Garda Reserve Members Stream

    Applicants for the Serving Garda Reserve Members Stream will undergo an alternative selection process to that outlined in the Selection Process Overview above. This will involve attending supervised tests at the first stage. Further details will be made available directly to applicants closer to the time.

    As candidates progress through the various stages of the process they should make themselves available for any dates communicated to them as it may not be possible to reschedule.