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Statement from An Garda Síochána on Garda Inspectorate Report. 20th March, 2025.

Issue Date: 20/03/2025

An Garda Síochána will examine the Garda Inspectorate’s report in detail, particularly the feedback from the victims of domestic abuse, along with the report’s recommendations on this vitally important matter to An Garda Síochána and society as a whole.

An Garda Síochána continues to treat all instances of domestic abuse as a priority and once again re-enforces our commitment to ‘keeping people safe’, and in particular the victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

In recent years, An Garda Síochána has invested significantly in the investigation of domestic and sexual abuse.

In particular, this has seen the establishment of a specialist Protective Services Unit in each Garda Division staffed by highly trained, specialist detectives.

There are over 300 specialist Gardaí assigned to Divisional Protective Service Units.

Others measures have also been introduced including:

- Operation Faoiseamh, a proactive initiative designed to ensure victims of domestic abuse are supported and protected

- A pro-arrest policy

- A strong focus on call-backs to victims of domestic abuse

- Increased training for Gardaí in this area

- Specific training in coercive control is being delivered to all operational Garda members. Currently over 90% of Gardaí, who are our first line responders to domestic abuse incidents, have completed this training.

- The Domestic Abuse Risk Evaluation Tool, now operational and in use in every Garda District, Division and Region across the country, is a critical assessment tool available to frontline Gardaí to assess the risk posed to a domestic abuse victim by the perpetrator when responding to domestic abuse incidents.

- Domestic abuse protective programmes, in collaboration with external partners, to provide an immediate response to high risk victims of domestic abuse, are being expanded.

- Additional training and communication has been provided for all operational Gardaí on the application and prosecution of domestic violence orders.

- Detailed analysis by the Garda Analysis Service of recorded Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence incidents. Published in 2022, this analysis has helped identify important trends for investigators, particularly in the area of victim-offender relationships and domestic abuse motives.

Over the last number of years, there has been a year-on-year increase in reporting rates of domestic abuse.

In 2024, An Garda Síochána received in excess of 65,000 domestic abuse related contacts or an average of 1,250 reports every week.

The investigation and prosecution of offenders in the area of domestic and sexual abuse is an absolute priority. For example, following the introduction by Government of additional legislation to assist An Garda Síochána, in 2023 and 2024 we helped secure 41 prosecutions for coercive control.

The Garda National Protective Services Bureau continues to work closely with the Department of Justice and Cuan, the domestic, sexual and gender-based violence agency, as well as non-Government agencies to ensure An Garda Síochána is integral in identifying, preventing and removing domestic, sexual and gender-based violence from our society.

Any victim who believes their case has not been investigated appropriately, in the first instance can contact the local Superintendent, Community Engagement, to highlight their concerns, where their individual case can be examined.

Contact details for all local Superintendents can be found on the Station Directory section of the Garda website www.garda.ie. It is also open to persons with more serious concerns or who believe they have not been treated appropriately to make a formal complaint to either An Garda Síochána or the independent Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission so the matter can be thoroughly examined.

Anyone, regardless of gender or sexuality, who has in the past or may be currently suffering domestic abuse is encouraged to contact any Garda station, or in an emergency, to call 999/112.

Victims can be assured that they will be supported and heard.

An Garda Síochána will treat all reports sensitively and in confidence.

With our support in An Garda Síochána and State agencies and NGOs or any one of the locally based services located in Ireland - there can be a better, safer future for you and your family to be free from the threats, control, physical & emotional abuse and assault, the name calling and the constant feeling of danger that you are subjected to.