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Update (3) Court Appearance: Death of a Woman in Unexplained Circumstances, Co. Limerick, Tuesday, 19th July 2022

Issue Date: 10th September 2024

Gardaí investigating the fatal assault of a woman at a residence in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick on Tuesday, 19th July 2022 have arrested and charged a man, aged in his 50s.

He is scheduled to appear before Limerick District Court at this morning's sitting, Tuesday 10th September 2024.

Previous Press Release Refers 

Witness Appeal - Death of a Woman in unexplained circumstances, County Limerick, Tuesday, 19th July, 2022  

Gardaí at Henry Street are investigating all the circumstances of the discovery of a woman with serious injuries at a residence in County Limerick on Tuesday, 19th July, 2022.  

The woman, aged in her 50s, was discovered at a residence in Cois Deel, Rathkeale, County Limerick, at approximately 8:30pm on Tuesday, 19th July, 2022.  

The woman was taken to University Hospital Limerick where she passed away on Wednesday, 20th July, 2022.  

The scene at Cois Deel, Rathkeale, was preserved and a technical examination has been conducted.  

A post-mortem examination is being conducted by Dr Margaret Bolster, State Pathologist, today Thursday, 21st July, 2022, the results of which will determine the course of the Garda investigation.  

Gardaí in Limerick had attended an incident that occurred in the Windmill Street area of Limerick earlier on the evening of Tuesday 19th July and enquiries to date suggest that the deceased may have frequented a residence on Windmill Street in the day or days prior to her discovery with serious injuries on the 19th July 2022.  

Gardaí are appealing for any person with any information in relation to these incidents to contact us.  

In particular Gardaí wish to speak to any persons who were in the Windmill Street area of Limerick City or the Cois Deel area of Rathkeale between Sunday, 17th July, 2022, and Tuesday, 19th July, 2022, who observed any activity which drew their attention, to come forward.  

Any persons who may have camera footage (including dash-cam and CCTV) of either area between these dates are asked to make this footage available to Gardaí.  

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Henry Street Garda Station on 061 212400, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.