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Search Operation and Arrests in the DMR North, 27th May 2024

Issue Date: 27th May 2024

Gardaí from the Dublin Metropolitan Region (DMR) North conducted a search operation this morning, Monday 27th May 2024. The operation was conducted as part of ongoing investigations into organised criminality in the Coolock area.

This morning’s operation was conducted by 140 members of An Garda Síochána from various units including the Emergency Response Unit, the Garda National Immigration Bureau, the Garda National Protective Services Bureau, the Garda Dog Unit, the Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau and the Garda National Public Order Unit as well as regional units based in the DMR North.

Locations in Coolock, Balbriggan and Finglas were searched as part of the operation which focussed on suspected money laundering, the sale and supply of drugs, possession of weapons, immigration offences, illegal waste disposal and suspected theft.

The following items were seized:

• €32,750 cash
• €15,000 worth of suspected cannabis herb
• €40,000 worth of designer clothing, jewellery and shoes
• €241,000 worth of assets were frozen in various bank accounts
• Financial documentation

Three persons were arrested for immigration offences by the Garda National Immigration Bureau. All three people remain detained at this time and will be deported from the State in due course.

This search operation also forms part of the investigation into an incident of violent disorder that occurred at a premises in Balgriffin, County Dublin on 13th January 2024.

Investigations are ongoing at this time.