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One Man Arrested in Connection with a Robbery in County Roscommon on Sunday 17th March 2024

Issue Date: 18th March 2024

One man has been arrested as part of an investigation into a robbery of a retail premises in County Roscommon on the evening of Sunday 17th March 2024.

At approximately 8:50pm, a male entered a retail premises in Tulsk and threatened a number of members of staff demanding that the cash register be opened.

A sum of money was then taken from the cash register and the male left the scene on foot.

Following enquiries made by Gardaí after arriving at the scene, a man in his 30s was arrested a short time later after a brief pursuit on foot. The stolen money was recovered.

He is currently being detained at a Garda Station in Roscommon under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984.

Investigations are ongoing.