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Witness Appeal – Fatal Traffic Collision Monvoy, Tramore Co.Waterford Friday, 7th June 2024

Issue Date: 7th June 2024

Gardaí are appealing for witnesses following a fatal road traffic collision at Monvoy in Tramore, Co.Waterford this evening, Friday, 7th June 2024.  

At approximately 6.20pm, Gardaí and emergency services were alerted to a collision involving a minibus and a car. The driver of the minibus, a male in his 60s, was fatally injured. The driver of the car, a male, was assessed at the scene but did not require immediate hospital treatment.

The local coroner has been notified, and arrangements will be made for a post-mortem examination.   The road is currently closed with local diversions in place. An examination by Garda Forensic Collision Investigators is ongoing.

Gardaí are appealing for any witnesses to this collision to come forward.

Any road users who may have camera footage (including dash-cam) and were travelling in the area at the time are asked to make this footage available to investigating Gardaí.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Tramore Garda Station on 051 391 620, the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111, or any Garda Station.