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Update: Woman Fatally Injured Following Dog Attack, Ballyneety, Co. Limerick, 4th June 2024

Issue Date: 5th June 2024

At approximately 11.40pm last night, Tuesday 4th June 2024, Gardaí received report and attended an incident where a woman (23) was fatally injured following a dog attack at a domestic residence in Ballyneety, Co. Limerick.

Gardaí from the Regional Armed Support Unit attended and during the course of making the scene safe, encountered a number of aggressive dogs on the property. One dog was destroyed and three dogs were restrained by Gardaí.

The three dogs have been seized by the Dog Warden.

A women, aged in her 20s, was treated by paramedics and succumbed to her injuries at the scene.

Her body has been removed to University Hospital, Limerick where a post mortem examination will take place.

The local coroner has been notified.

The scene is being held for a technical examination

An investigation is underway by Gardaí from Roxboro Road Garda Station.

Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact Roxboro Road Garda Station on (061) 214 340, the Garda Confidential line on 1800 666 111 or any Garda statio.