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Search Operation targeting Intellectual Property Crime by GNBCI. 19th June, 2024.

Issue Date: 19th June 2024

On Wednesday 19th June 2024, in an operation targeting Intellectual Property (IP) crime, An Garda Síochána Dublin Metropolitan Region (DMR) Intellectual Property Crime Network conducted eight searches across Dublin. They were assisted by the Intellectual Property Crime Investigation Unit in the National Criminal Bureau of Criminal Investigation (NBCI), the Dublin Crime Response Team (DCRT), and local Garda units.

During the course of the searches, 6,131 suspected counterfeit items were seized with an estimated loss of revenue of €183,930.

The items seized were fake Otterbox mobile phone cases (subject to examination).

No arrests have been made at this time.

Investigations are ongoing.

Intellectual Property crime is estimated to cost the EU economy over €85 Billion per year and can pose serious risks to public health, safety and job security.