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Operation Tara: €472,000 Drugs and €29,000 Cash Seized and Arrests, Wicklow, 13th & 14th June 2024.

Issue Date: 14th June 2024

Gardaí have seized €472,000 worth of various controlled drugs and €29,000 in cash during a search operation yesterday evening, Thursday 13th June 2024 and this morning, Friday 14th June 2024.

At approximately 8.30pm on Thursday evening, Gardaí attached to the Bray District Detective and Drugs Unit conducted a stop and search of a vehicle on the N11 in Kilmacanogue. During the course of the search, Gardaí seized approximately €8,000 of suspected cocaine and €4,000 of suspected heroin, as well as €1,000 in cash.

One man, aged in his late 30s was arrested at the scene and is currently detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984 at a Garda station in Wicklow.

During follow-up searches, two premises were searched under warrant in Delgany and Greystones. Quantities of heroin, cocaine and cannabis with an approximate value of €460,000, along with various drug paraphernalia and €28,000 in cash, was seized.

During the course of the follow-up searches, a man (aged in his late 40s) was arrested and is currently detained under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996 at a Garda station in Wicklow.

All drugs are now subject to analysis by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI).

Investigations are ongoing.