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Operation Tara: €270,000 Drugs Seized and Arrest, Coolock, Dublin 17, 19th June 2024

Issue Date: 19th June 2024

Gardaí in Coolock have seized €270,000 of suspected illegal drugs during the course of a search operation in Coolock, Dublin 17, today Wednesday 19th June 2024.

Just after 12noon, the Coolock District Drugs Unit carried out a search under warrant, of a property in Coolock, as part of Operation Tara.

During the course of the search, a substantial quantity of suspected MDMA was seized (to the value of approximately €203,400), along with cocaine (€24,010), cannabis herb (€21,800), cannabis jellies (€20,000) and cannabis (€4,200). Weighing scales and drugs paraphernalia were also seized.

The total value of drugs seized is over €270,000. They are currently subject to analysis by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI).

One woman (aged in her 50’s) was arrested at the scene, and was detained under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996, at a Garda station in Dublin.

She has since been charged in relation to the seizure and is due to appear before the Criminal Courts of Justice, Court No. 4, on Sunday 7th July 2024, at 10:30am.

Investigations are ongoing.