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Court Appearances into Criminality and Money Laundering Operation, DMR North. June 2024

Issue Date: 16th June 2024

Gardaí attached to the DMR North targeting those involved in the sale and supply of controlled drugs, associated criminality and money laundering offences have charged 14 people as part of an ongoing investigation.

12 men and 2 women aged between their late teens and 50s are due to appear before Dublin District Courts sitting at Swords and the Courts of Criminal Justice during the coming days.

10 men and 2 women will appear before these Courts tomorrow morning Monday, 17th June 2024 at 10:30am.

Since September, 2023 this operation in DMR North has led to the seizure of over €1.2 million in assets from those suspected of being involved in crime in the Division and a total of 48 people have been charged.

Investigations ongoing.