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Court Appearance – Woman Injured following Reported Dog Attack, Ballina, Co. Mayo, 20th November 2022

Issue Date: 14 June 2024

Gardaí received report and attended an incident where a woman (50’s) was injured following a dog attack at a public location in Ballina, Co. Mayo, on Sunday 20th November 2022 at approximately 3.10pm.

The woman received medical treatment at the scene, and was conveyed to Mayo University Hospital for treatment for serious injuries.

The animal involved in the incident was later destroyed. 

A male (40’s) was arrested in connection with the incident, on Monday 27th November 2023, and detained at a Garda Station in the Mayo area pursuant to Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984.

He was subsequently released pending a file to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

He has since been charged, and is due to appear before Ballina District Court on Friday 14th June 2024 at approximately 10.30am.

Investigations are ongoing.